The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1707 Yin Demon Sand

Chapter 1707 Yin Demon Sand

It is estimated that less than [-]% of the total number of monks who passed the first level and entered the canyon, most of the [-]% are monks above the Nascent Soul stage, and those whose cultivation base is not stuck will be swiped out.At this time, all the cultivators who passed the first resistance level fell into a large phantom formation, and in the phantom formation, they turned around like ants in a hot pot.

However, this large phantom array only blocked [-]% of the monks. Recently, nearly [-]% of the monks finally entered the Qingshan Canyon. Most of the nearly [-]% of the monks are in the middle and late stages of the Nascent Soul, and there are also a few parts. It is the initial stage of Yuanying.The total number of this group of monks is about [-], which is almost the sum of the elites of several towns around Canglong Town.

The female cultivator Chang Qing has been following Qin Lang's ass, so it took almost no effort to pass the first two checkpoints. This time it can be regarded as being in Qin Lang's favor, otherwise she may still be stuck in the first two checkpoints at the moment.

After a while, the monks who were expelled by the phantom array landed in the canyon one after another. Looking around, the canyon in front of me was covered with white mist, and I didn't know how wide it was. At this time, the monks dispersed one after another. Start your own treasure hunt.

At this time, Qin Lang also saw the nine-person ghost cultivator team that also appeared in the canyon. The enemy was right in front of him. He pushed Chang Qing beside him and said, "I have some private matters to deal with, so you leave first!"

He still didn't want to affect the hatred between the ghost cultivator team and this female cultivator whom he had only known for a long time. After all, this female cultivator was only a Nascent Soul mid-stage helper and could not help him. Now that he was staying with her, instead will kill her.

At this time, Chang Qing also felt that something was wrong, and the nine ghost cultivators on the opposite side began to gather towards Qin Lang's side, each of them showing unfriendly expressions, and she immediately understood that the two sides must be enemies.The female cultivator Chang Qing was also a clever person, so she didn't say much at this time and left Qin Lang's side.

"Come on!" Qin Lang challenged the other group of ghost cultivators, and took a Wangyou Dan at the same time. Raise to the level of a monk in the transformation stage.Although it is not the real transformation stage, it is definitely much stronger than the original self.

And with Wangyou Pill's powerful supplement of true energy, Qin Lang can use the Black Bone Flywheel of the Magic Treasure House as he likes within half an hour, and no longer has to worry about the consumption of true energy.

However, at the beginning of the battle, Qin Lang was not ready to use this kind of big killer. He first spread out the Gu array and covered it towards the opposite side.

The high-level Gu formation "Illusion Impact" is a large illusion formation, and it is also a defensive formation. Because of Qin Lang's presidency, its power is much stronger than the second-level illusion of Qingshan Canyon. Once this Gu formation is deployed, Qin Lang will Launched the sonic impact of the nuclear array gu heart beating drum spiders, wave after wave of infrasound poured into these ghost cultivators who were shrouded in the array.

And the other core, the psychedelic fog heart, is also activated, and the entire Gu formation is covered with fog, separating the five senses between the ghost cultivator and the ghost cultivator.

At this time, these ghost cultivators also came up with their own means, and a large number of magic weapons attacked the entire Gu formation. However, after taking the Wangyou Pill, Qin Lang's true energy is endless, so he is not afraid of the huge consumption of maintaining the Gu formation. Even though the nine ghost cultivators who were trapped by the Gu array tried their best, they couldn't break free for a while.

"Death..." Qin Lang finally showed his hideous face at this time. After being hunted down for several months, anyone would be bored, so he is particularly ruthless when he strikes now.A large wave of sword energy erupted, and at the same time, there was the sound of explosions in the Gu formation. Qin Lang almost used up the explosion symbols at hand at this moment.

Unexpectedly, the ghost cultivators in the Gu formation were attacked one after another. Except for three of them who opened their defenses in time, the other six ghost cultivators immediately became seriously injured under this wave of intensive attacks.

But in Qin Lang's cold snort, he took advantage of the power and cut off the heads of these seriously injured ghost cultivators one by one by cutting wheat with a sickle, and the Nascent Soul who escaped from the corpse had nowhere to go Fleeing, was wiped out by Qin Lang.

In the Gu formation, the gap between the number of Qin Lang and the nine ghost cultivators no longer exists, and Qin Lang, who is now in the state of taking medicine, has completely beaten the nine ghost cultivators.

And Patriarch Shahe, the leader of the Dzogchen ghost cultivator in the late Yuanying period, was shocked, and quickly summoned the nine-story Linglong Pagoda, and ran the magic house with all his strength to blast the entire Gu formation. One, two, three times finally blasted the Gu formation He opened, and escaped from this devil's hellish Gu formation with the remaining two ghost cultivators.

The remaining two ghost cultivators brought by Patriarch Shahe, one is the deputy Sanyan, and the other is Tian Zhen, the yin demon hand, and they are also the two strongest ghost cultivators in this ghost cultivator team.

After the three ghost cultivators escaped, they turned around and saw the miserable conditions of their companions in the Gu formation, and they were all furious: "The boy is insidious! If you have the guts, let's fight for a round!"

"Nonsense! Before nine of you fought against one, did you call it dignified? Besides, I was able to use some special means to trap you and kill you, and that was my own ability."

Qin Lang said with disdain.

The words of the three ghost cultivators in front of me are too strange. They mean that only the state officials are allowed to set fires, and the common people are not allowed to light lamps.

And after Qin Lang hooked his fingers, the angry three ghost cultivators barely suppressed their inner anger at this time, each summoned a defensive magic weapon to protect their bodies, and carefully narrowed the encirclement towards Qin Lang.After experiencing Qin Lang's second counterattack, they now have a little more fear of Qin Lang, so they are more cautious than before.

At this time, Patriarch Shahe sacrificed the nine-story Linglong Pagoda, the magical house that the underground demons leased to him, and the nine-story Linglong Pagoda rose in the air. Come here, if you are suppressed by the pagoda, it is estimated that Qin Lang will peel off his skin if he is not dead, and there is no possibility of overturning.

"Huh!" Qin Lang also summoned the Magic Treasure House at this time, and directly confronted the nine-story Linglong Pagoda in the air. The Black Bone Flywheel suffered a small loss in this contest and was knocked back.However, after such a shot by Qin Lang, the momentum attached to the nine-story Linglong Pagoda has been deflected, and it did not hit Qin Lang.

"So you also have a treasure house..."

Patriarch Shahe's eyes narrowed. It was the first time he saw Qin Lang take out the treasure house. Patriarch Shahe became cautious at this moment. Since the opponent had the treasure house, this battle would be much more difficult. After all, the battle was very difficult from the beginning to the present. It's not good for him, the companions around him have all died directly, only two of them are left.

However, despite Qin Lang's strong performance, Shahe Patriarch still did not give up the idea of ​​killing Qin Lang.

In fact, with the nine-story Linglong Pagoda in his hand, he is basically invincible, so even if all the companions around him die, he will not die.

And ghost cultivators are very selfish guys. One or two of his companions died, or even all of them died. Shahe Patriarch didn't take it to heart. He needed these companions to kill Qin Lang's fighting power. As long as he could finish the task and kill Qin Lang in the end, Just get Qin Lang's head.

Patriarch Shahe, Sanyan, and Yinmoshou Tian Zhen all displayed their full abilities at this time. Patriarch Shahe used the nine-story Linglong Pagoda as the main attack, while Sanyan and Yinmoshou assisted in the attack. The magic weapon of the three eyes was a stick The slender Tianji stick, while the Yinmo hand was wearing gloves, and constantly took out Yinmo sand from the magic bag to cast "flying sand throwing blows" at Qin Lang.

It is worth mentioning that the Yin Demon Sand is a very vicious phosphorous fire, which is more corrosive than the Nether Ghost Fire, and this thing burns immediately when it touches the body, and it cannot be extinguished no matter how it is extinguished, it can burn even if it falls into the water. What burns behind the magic sand is the flesh and blood of the monk, so it is also a kind of poisonous sand that is very taboo in the cultivation world.

This material is not easy to refine, and even more difficult to preserve. If you are not careful, you will hurt yourself. I don't know what method the Yin Demon Hand used to refine such a large sac of Yin Demon Sand.

What is certain is that the magic bag in which the Yin Demon Hand stores the Yin Demon Sand is definitely not an ordinary item, so that this flammable object will not be triggered at will to ensure its own safety.

And Qin Lang's pupils shrank when he saw the Yin Demon Sand. This thing was stained with spiritual energy, and it would only burn more and more vigorously, and it could not be extinguished. It was indeed vicious enough, and even he had to beware.This Yin Demon Sand can directly penetrate the true essence defense layer, Qin Lang flashed at this time and directly entered the Magic Treasure House, avoiding the Yin Demon Sand flying in the sky.

Whoosh whoosh!Whoosh whoosh, Qin Lang began to manipulate the black bone flywheel to fight with the three ghost cultivators. Feibao House became more flexible with Qin Lang as its internal host, so it became difficult for the three ghost cultivators to attack the Magic Treasure House Do a lot.

The biggest difference between Shahe Patriarch and Qin Lang is that although Shahe Patriarch owns the Magic Treasure House, he cannot physically enter the Magic Treasure House for micromanagement. Yin Mo cut borrowed, so Shahe Patriarch could not fully exert [-]% of the fighting power of Magic Treasure House, which is not as good as Qin Lang.

After fighting for half a stick of incense, Qin Lang once again injured the two ghost cultivators in the late stage of the Nascent Soul. With the help of Li, the real energy is constantly being generated, and the more the battle becomes fiercer, the three ghosts Xiu Yinyin are suppressed at a disadvantage.

"I'm dying... This kid is amazing, what should I do..."

Seeing that the green devil hand Tian Zhen was about to be unable to hold on anymore, he gritted his teeth and shouted with difficulty.

"You two assist me, follow the plan to use that move, I guarantee that I can kill this kid in one fell swoop..."

Patriarch Shahe yelled loudly at this time, as if he had some agreement with these two ghost cultivators.

"The consequences of using that trick are too serious, I'm afraid our cultivation realm will all go backwards..."

Sanyan is also very hesitant at this time, the price of that move is too high, if it is not a last resort, no one is willing to do it.

"It's better to regress your cultivation base than to die. You are dying now, but you still have to cultivate your base...Hurry up!"

In fact, Patriarch Shahe seemed very struggling to help the two resist Qin Lang's offensive at this time. He had long wanted to get rid of the two burdens. If these two guys could contribute a little light and heat at this critical moment, he would have I am [-]% sure that I can take down the kid in front of me.

(End of this chapter)

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