Chapter 1708 Soul Eater

"All right!"

Sanyan and Qingmoshou glanced at each other, and they were about to start using the forbidden move that would greatly damage their cultivation base. At this time, Patriarch Shahe was also in high spirits. , there are two people who have been taken advantage of are willing to bear the price of downgrading their cultivation bases, and he believes that this joint attack will be successful.

However, just as Patriarch Shahe was gaining momentum, Sanyan and Qingmoshou retreated from the battle group, and then slipped away without looking back...!

"You guys..." Patriarch Shahe was extremely angry, he didn't expect his teammates to hold back and not follow his original plan.

"Boss! We are not fools. We wanted to risk the punishment of downgrading our cultivation base to help you, but in the end we didn't get any benefits... This deal is too bad, so we give up this mission."

Sanyan and Qingmoshou disappeared in an instant. These two ghost cultivators and ghost ghost ghost spirits didn't want to continue this mission after seeing the result.

"I'm furious!"

Patriarch Shahe also didn't expect that his teammates would run away. At this time, Qin Lang's attack had arrived, so he had to hold on for a hard blow, and then spit out a mouthful of blood.Just now, he was distracted in a hurry, so he suffered a bit of a loss when confronting Qin Lang this time. Seeing that the result was not good, Patriarch Shahe was also preparing to retreat at this time. The Magic Treasure House was blocked back, and he also started to look at him three times. Withdrew in the direction of escape with the green devil hand, I don't know if he was going to find trouble with the two companions who cheated him.

At this time, Qin Lang's pill effect has almost disappeared, and his whole body feels a little bit out of strength. Fortunately, the three ancestors of Shahe retreated anticlimactically. Otherwise, even if he can win the other three this time, I'm afraid it will be very heavy. the price.

After the three ghost cultivators retreated, Qin Lang began to struggle to take out the elixir to restore himself. At this time, his ears moved, and he slowly moved his body to hide under a large bluestone nearby.

At this time, there was a sudden sound of footsteps in the originally quiet area.

"Listen well, the next actions will be according to what I said. This canyon space is not small and there are restrictions and crises everywhere. If you are not familiar with the terrain and are not proficient in formations, you may be trapped in a certain place. I can't get out of one place! And this is the territory of the monster bears, we have to be careful of those monsters at all times..."

"Hey, with such a strong aura here, it is obvious that there are many natural resources and earth treasures in the canyon... Let's not consider the inheritance of the evil sword emperor. Just search for some natural and earthly treasures in the canyon, and everything depends on one star."


"I also agree..."

There are about seven or eight monks in this team, all of whom are at the early stage of Yuanying, headed by a casual cultivator called "Yi Xingzi". There is no disobedience to other casual cultivators.

"Okay, let's go! My monster spirit devouring mouse sensed a strong aura fluctuation ahead, it should be some kind of natural treasure!" Yi Xingzi nodded, and cautiously led his teammates forward in one direction.And behind him, six or seven casual cultivators followed closely, for fear that they might accidentally touch some serious restriction in the canyon.

If they really touch the restriction, with their current cultivation base and strength, plus they are not very proficient in mechanism and formation knowledge, they will definitely have enough to drink a pot by then, or even die if they are unlucky.

After all, this is the inheritance place of the evil sword emperor in the late stage of transformation, and it is also the territory of the monster bear group. Although the biggest boss, the monster bear king, has left the territory, there are still many dangers in the canyon that even the monks of the Nascent Soul Stage can't resist , can't help them not being careful.

This group of people are running closely together, they are not stupid, they all know that in this unknown and dangerous place, summoning the flying magic weapon is courting death.

The eight casual cultivators approached the gray wooded land on one side of the canyon. They had a monster beast with strong treasure-hunting abilities. Qin Lang had also got one before. The spirit-eating mouse has the ability to sense aura Especially strong, looking for earth materials and earth treasures in this canyon is absolutely top-notch.

At this time, Qin Lang also recovered some of his true energy, and out of curiosity, he began to slowly follow behind this group of monks.

While marching, whether it was this group of casual cultivators or Qin Lang, they all saw a tornado several hundred feet high suddenly appearing on the green horizon in the distance to the west of the canyon at this time. Involved in this outrageously large tornado, and then several monks spun a few times in the tornado, and disappeared.

Qin Lang and this group of casual cultivators didn't know what the big tornado was, but the monks who were blown into the tornado were in danger. Whether these monks could survive in the end, they could only ask for luck.

The dense forest here is full of towering ancient trees, which are continuous. This canyon has existed for more than tens of thousands of years. It is unknown how long no one has been in the forest. There are many unknown trees between the trees. Light gray rattan, and the dead leaves were spread several feet deep on the ground, all the bottom ones had rotted into black mud, and the top ones still kept the shape of leaves.

The entire canyon is an independent space, and there is no sunlight at all, but it is not dim, and the sky is a soft blue.

After Qin Lang entered the dense forest, he was careful not to let his feet rustle when he stepped on the dead leaves. At this time, he pulled away a dry cane nearby, and after using half of his strength, he didn't pull it off immediately. It feels a little strange, these rattans are quite muscular.

You know, Qin Lang's strength is at least several tons, which is not too small.And Qin Lang continued to add a little more force, and then he grasped with five fingers and broke with a pull. With a "bang", the rattan has become two halves.

Shaking his head, Qin Lang stopped paying attention to these immediately. He was already far away from the group of monks in front of him, so he quickened his pace to keep up.

After about a meal, the group of monks in front stopped in front of a withered old tree. The upper half of the tree had disappeared for unknown reasons, but the lower half was still there, affected by the moist breath and aura in the woods. The surrounding annual rings actually grew circle after circle of light red fungus-like things, each piece of these fungus was the size of a palm, with a circle of shiny gold patterns on the edge, and exuded an extremely attractive fragrance.

Seeing this, one of the monks shouted excitedly: "Golden Linger!"

"Golden ear?"

Qin Lang in the distance is also slightly moved. This kind of natural material and earth treasure is an auxiliary material for refining several kinds of high-grade panacea. It is rare in the outside world. Each piece is worth more than [-] spirit stones. The dead wood pile surrounded by these people in front It is estimated that at least nearly a hundred pieces of golden fungus have grown, and these monks in front of them have made a small fortune.

This is the credit of "Spirit Devouring Rat". Looking for treasure in the canyon, not to mention the group of monks in front of me, even Qin Lang, who has a strong spiritual sense and wants to find spiritual things, does not have this kind of monster beast specially used for treasure hunting As for the "Spirit Devouring Rat", this little guy is about the size of an ordinary mouse, but has golden fur all over his body. Although he is only a second-order monster, his agility and speed can be compared with some fourth-order monsters.

However, although the agility and speed of the spirit devouring mouse are good, but the attack power is low, so the monks are also very careful when cultivating it, and never let this baby out of the scope of their own consciousness, otherwise, this baby will accidentally encounter it. If the danger dies, then you won't even be able to cry.

In the realm of comprehension, spirit devouring rats can be regarded as very rare monsters that can be cultivated by monks to become treasure hunting beasts. This beast is born to feed on spiritual things, so it is very sensitive to things with spiritual energy. It is a rare treasure hunting beast.

When this group of monks found the golden ears in the big circle, they were about to collect them. At this time, there was another laughing sound. I don't know when, a casual cultivator of the late Nascent Soul appeared here.

This is a burly old man with gray hair and slightly bald forehead. This old man obviously found the golden ear here, and shouted: "Haha, what luck! There are so many of them!" Jin Linger! Alright, this place is already mine, you can all go..."

This burly old man should be an individual cultivator. After discovering Jin Linger, he was ready to drive away these casual cultivators who came one step ahead. Anyway, this group of casual cultivators were all at the initial stage of Nascent Soul. It is more than enough to drive them away in the later stage of the baby, this is the absolute suppression of strength.

"Pre-senior..." A casual cultivator was unconvinced and prepared to argue, but was stopped by Yi Xingzi, the team leader. "Let's go!" Yi Xingzi said, although the golden ear is precious, everyone's life is important. Although there are many people in their group, they can't kill the arrogant old man in front of them, so it's better to just give up this area Golden ear.

Moreover, I have the treasure hunting monster "Spirit Devouring Rat" in hand, if everyone continues to search slowly, are you afraid that you will not find the treasure?
However, just as this group of casual cultivators at the early stage of Nascent Soul were about to leave here, the burly old man saw Yi Xingzi quietly taking back the "Spirit Devouring Rat", and immediately said: "Wait! What is that? The thing left behind Next..." He saw the spirit devouring mouse, and immediately realized that this thing should also be a treasure, so he became more greedy and wanted to keep this spirit devouring mouse as well.

However, the burly old man has touched the scales of this group of monks this time. Although the cultivation of their group of monks is low, it would be fine to find a large group of golden ears being snatched away, but if they are now "devoured" If the "spirit mouse" is also taken away, it will be extremely difficult for those monks who are not very cultivated to stand out in the canyon and find more natural treasures than others.

That is to say, Jin Linger can be given up, but if Yi Xingzi is asked to hand over the "Spirit Devourer", not only Yi Xingzi will not agree, but also Yi Xingzi's six or seven casual cultivator companions will not agree.

(End of this chapter)

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