Chapter 1709
Therefore, a conflict between these seven or eight casual cultivators and the burly old man with physical training in the late Yuanying period was inevitable, and at this moment the burly old man snorted coldly: "I will not eat the toast! I will let you hand over the burly old man!" If you don't listen, it seems that you have to ask Grandpa to loosen your bones!"

As he said that, the whole body of the burly old man swelled up as if inflated, at least twice his size, and his arms were thicker than his original calves. The defense power of the body has been greatly improved, and the defense factor is even stronger than some defensive magic weapons.

The physical combat ability of physical training is the most powerful among all types of monks. They don't need to rely too much on magic weapons, but they still rely heavily on pills and things that strengthen their bodies. It is more difficult for a physical cultivator to grow up than other types of monks.

Although the method of physical training is simple, the cost of training is actually not lower than that of cultivating other types of monks. Even if you calculate the cost of pills and medicines for strengthening the body, it is possible that the cost of training a physical training is higher.

Therefore, the proportion of high-level physical cultivation in the late Nascent Soul like the burly old man is still rare among high-level monks. In the battles of monks of the same level, physical training relies on strong physical combat ability, and is almost invincible in melee combat. , that is to say, in the battle between high-level monks, don't let this type of body repair close to you. If you get close to the body in the battle, it is tantamount to defeat.

Therefore, the burly old man is also full of arrogance when facing a group of early stage Nascent Soul monks, full of confidence that he can easily take down these people in front of him. He believes that after he has taught them a lesson, these shitty guys will definitely honestly kill "Spirit Devourer" Hand over the "rat", after all, when life is at stake, these guys will definitely make the right choice.

At this time, the scuffle broke out. During the battle, the group of monks moved away from the area of ​​the golden spirit ears to prevent the battle from destroying these spiritual objects. After all, neither side of the battle expected to lose this large group of golden spirit ears.Although these seven or eight monks are all in the early stage of Nascent Soul, in fact, they are not helpless to fight back against the burly old man in the late stage of Nascent Soul. Under the auspices of Yixingzi, a simple formation was formed.

Originally, seven or eight casual cultivators could never beat the physical cultivation of the late Nascent Soul, but now with Yi Xingzi, who is proficient in formations, presiding over the cooperation between his teammates, he was actually on par with the burly old man in the late Nascent Soul, even There is still a faint advantage, but the body of the late Yuanying has thick skin and thick flesh, and these casual cultivators have had no effect when they hit the burly old man with magic weapons and magic weapons several times.

The situation was a bit stalemate. After fighting for a stick of incense kung fu, this Nascent Soul Late Body Cultivator also began to regret it. Unexpectedly, these seven or eight casual cultivators were not soft persimmons that he could pinch as he wanted. It's not good that I didn't get the benefits before, and instead I got a whole body of embarrassment.

As for the rogue cultivator team, under the auspices of Yi Xingzi, the more cooperative the group of rogue cultivators, the more comfortable they are. Now they all feel a lot more confident when facing the burly old man. "Rat", I'm afraid they would not be willing to take away a piece of Golden Linger. After this period of actual combat, they already have the confidence to keep the fruits of their victory.

After beating for a while, the burly old man suddenly shouted: "Stop! Stop... No more fights, no more fights, you don't want your old spirit devourer, now just take away those golden ears!"

"Do you think we will sense you?"

Yi Xingzi, who presided over the formation, sneered. They didn't really fight before, and they didn't have enough confidence. Now that they have no fear of this Nascent Soul's late stage physical training, how could they give up the golden ear that they had finally discovered.

"Let's do this... let's divide it into [-]-[-], I give you [-]% and you three, or not... [-]%!"

After this battle, the burly old man lost his confidence and began to compromise.

And Yi Xingzi sneered: "Three to seven points, we get seven, you three... Otherwise, let's keep looking!"

"Deal." The burly old man didn't want to fight anymore, so he agreed immediately.

However, when the group of casual cultivators stopped fighting and looked back, they found that all the golden ears on the dead tree stumps had disappeared.

"It was taken away by someone?"

Everyone was shocked, this is the mantis catching cockroaches, and the oriole is behind!Who, who did it...

And just when a group of casual cultivators stared at each other, Qin Lang had already quietly left here. Needless to say, the original Jin Linger of Kushu Village was naturally taken away by Qin Lang quietly. If you encounter a living creature, you can't miss it. Although he doesn't like to steal other people's things, this kind of things that have not yet entered other people's pockets should be regarded as unowned, so it is not against his will.

After Qin Lang left here, he walked through the dense forest, using his spiritual sense to search for nearby spiritual objects along the way. Although he was not as good as the spirit devouring rat, it was not far behind. Most of the monks in the canyon can detect clearly within a radius of five hundred feet if their spiritual sense is fully released.

Not long after, seven or eight different kinds of natural treasures were added to his storage bag, but these were not as valuable as the golden ear, and the quantity was not that great.

But overall the harvest is good. It took less than two hours from entering the Qingshan Gorge to now, and Qin Lang has harvested nearly 2000 million spiritual stones worth of natural materials and earthly treasures.

At this time, Qin Lang, who was narrowing his figure, paused, stopped suddenly, and looked in a direction not far away. He saw that there was a small gray animal corpse at the front of the branch that was as thick as an arm. The small half disappeared, but the remaining half was hanging on the branch, dripping with fresh blood. At this time, the bloody aura began to spread around. This little beast should have died not long ago. .

Although Qin Lang knew that there were other beasts besides the monster bears in the forbidden area of ​​the canyon, his heart skipped a beat when he saw the situation in front of him. This little beast should be an ordinary beast, but depending on the situation, it was not. Human monks killed, could it be that the group of demon bears were nearby?

Facing the group of monster bears of the seventh rank, even Qin Lang, who possesses the Dzogchen cultivation base of the late Nascent Soul, cannot be indifferent. After all, there are at least ten or twenty monsters of the seventh rank in the canyon. The monks in the early stage have to avoid their sharpness. The monster beasts have rough skin and rough flesh, and their physical strength far exceeds the existence of monks of the same level. Moreover, these monster bears have been said to have supernatural powers, which is even more difficult. It is estimated that there are three or five. Added together, you can fight against a cultivator at the transformation stage.

After sweeping his gaze and noticing that there was nothing unusual nearby, Qin Lang floated over with a movement.

When he got closer, he realized that this fluffy little beast was actually the half of a roe deer, and when Qin Lang bent down and pressed his hand on the head of the roe deer, he suddenly felt a hot current pouring into his palm. It's not an ordinary roe deer, but a low-level monster similar to a roe deer. It may be a first-level monster, and the level is too low, so Qin Lang just regarded it as a wild beast.

But at this moment, "whoosh", a dark and slender thing suddenly shot out from a hole in the big tree, and the speed was so fast that it appeared on Qin Lang's neck in just a flash It seems that he wants to penetrate Qin Lang's neck.

At this time, Qin Lang, who was leaning over, directly pulled and pulled the dark black thing with his backhand, and with a low cry, he pulled it out of the tree hole. With a "bang", a large grayish-brown object fell out. This bark-like thing blurred on the way of falling, and suddenly turned into a giant gecko-like sixth-level monster. It opened its teeth and claws and continued to Qin Lang. Come attack.

And the dark and slender thing is the long tongue of this beast. Just now, the giant gecko monster used its long tongue to sneak attack Qin Lang, but Qin Lang sensed it the moment the beast started.

With two sounds of "Zizi", Qin Lang shot out two sword lights. After the sword lights passed, the sixth-order monster with the ability to hide was cut into three pieces by him. After the corpse fell heavily, just look at the blood flow. A puddle.Now Qin Lang's beheading of sixth-order monsters has become as easy as eating and drinking, which is also the result of the substantial improvement in strength over time.

At this time, Qin Lang loosened the tongue of the beast, and then leaned forward to examine it carefully. This giant gecko monster, which was no more than half a foot long, had an unusually flat body, and its gray-brown skin began to change color like a chameleon after death, turning milky white. The four claws are slightly bent and look very sharp.

"It turned out to be a sixth-order tree lizard, no wonder I didn't notice it at such a close distance."

Qin Lang murmured to himself, the sixth-level Shuxi has the ability to change colors like a chameleon, and is also very capable of hiding its own breath. If it was a monk at the beginning and middle stages of the Nascent Soul just now, it might have succeeded just now. .

The sixth-order tree lizard is stronger than the early monks of the Nascent Soul. A scale armor is the main material for refining camouflage magic weapons, magic weapons, and spirit armor. It is also a rare thing. The sword began to decompose the materials on the sixth-order monster.

Half a moment later, only a few piles of flesh and blood were left on the ground, and the skin and inner alchemy of the sixth-order tree lizard were directly put into the storage bag by Qin Lang, and then Qin Lang didn't stay here any longer. away from here.Of course, when I left, I also put the half of the low-level roe deer monster into the storage bag. The delicious meat of this kind of monster is the best food. The low-level roe deer monster died not long ago, of course It cannot be wasted.

(End of this chapter)

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