The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1710 Blood-sucking Vitex

Chapter 1710 Blood-sucking Vitex
An hour later, Qin Lang stood on a tall tree, and several ligers on the tree with a body length of nearly ten feet surrounded him. These pairs of ligers had fiery red patterns on their fur. The eyes are as big as copper bells, and they are all sixth-order monsters. Under the low shout of the leader of them, all the lion meals suddenly opened their mouths, and a bunch of huge fireballs blurted out.

At the same time, these ligers moved and turned into phantoms to pounce on Qin Lang. After a few chirping sounds, Qin Lang's hand trembled slightly, and several sword qi flashed out like lightning. With just a slight wave, the sword The light had already wiped out those fireballs, and then the sword energy, after a few flashes, pierced through the heads of these monsters like lightning.

Immediately these days, the monster beast fell directly from mid-air without making a sound, and there was no more sound.

After Qin Lang killed these monsters, he tidied up the inner alchemy of the monsters, and then quietly floated over the corpses as soon as he moved.To him, only the inner alchemy of these sixth-level ligers has some value, and the others are not as good as the tree lizard he met before. Naturally, he will not stay for them.

After that, Qin Lang found another star needle grass half a person's height in a hidden place deep in the woods. This star needle grass has bloomed and is fully mature.When they got the star needle grass, they angered a group of silver spirit bees. These spirit bees buzzed loudly and turned into silver clouds to chase after Qin Lang.

And then Qin Lang raised one hand back, and a huge fireball whizzed away, bursting open in the silver cloud.

Immediately when the roiling heat wave swept past, layers upon layers of silver spots were seen falling from the cloud. These were all similar in appearance to giant-eyed wasps, each of which had finger-sized silver bees, and the silver bees were covered with markings. , and the inch-long black poisonous needle at the tail gleamed faintly with blue light.

Although the whole bee colony was stopped for a moment by the fire ball that Qin Lang found casually, the falling silver bees did not die after falling, and immediately buzzed and fluttered their wings and continued to fly. Although Qin Lang's fireball was powerful just now, It didn't do much harm to them.

This made Qin Lang slightly moved, and immediately became curious about this group of silver bees, and wanted to collect some bees to do some research. After all, he had also studied the art of insect control, and these silver bees are indeed very talented. good material.

At any time, Qin Lang played a strange restraining hand, and began to clean up these silver bees chasing in the air one by one. After restraining about a hundred or two hundred, the remaining small groups of silver bees saw something wrong and acted intelligently. slipped away.

Laughing, Qin Lang directly stuffed the forbidden silver bee ball into the pet bag to separate it from the blood-eating worms, and stored it in two areas.

This group of silver bees not only flies extremely fast, but also has strong resistance to fire spells. If they can be used, they can also add some fighting methods to themselves.After all, although the individual strength of the silver bee is not strong, it is only around the middle stage of alchemy, but if one or two hundred are added together, the combat effectiveness should not be underestimated, and it can be cultivated on a large scale in the future, so that it can truly live forever.

After tidying up the group of silver bees, Qin Lang took a rest and added some elixirs to restore his true energy.It was not easy to clean up this group of silver bees. It took him nearly [-]% of his real energy to complete it. There were many dangers in this green mountain valley, and even a Dzogchen monk like him in the late Nascent Soul could not be careless.

Thinking in my heart, I looked at the star needle grass in my hand at this time. This flowering star needle grass is more valuable than ordinary star needle grass. I am afraid that it will not grow like this in 10 years, and this star needle grass There is a sunflower-like disc at the top of the needle grass, and there are dozens of light-colored melon seeds in the center of the flower, each of which is already full and abnormal, and an extremely pure spiritual power is emitted from it.

"The 10-year-old Star Needle Grass...a mature body that has grown spiritual seeds, which is worth much more than the golden ear that I encountered before. I never thought that I could meet such a natural spiritual creature in this Qingshan Canyon. This one spiritual object alone is enough to exchange for 1000 million spirit stones. It seems that Qingshan Canyon is really not a secret...the number of spiritual objects is far beyond imagination. I heard that this place is also the home of the powerful evil sword emperor in the late stage of transformation The place of inheritance, I don’t know where this inheritance is hidden in the secret realm, this is the big head, if I can find it, it will be even better..."

Qin Lang has a lot of ideas about the inheritance of the evil sword emperor in the secret land of the Qingshan Canyon. He is now the most powerful in the entire Qingshan Canyon, and there are not many who can match him. If you can meet it, you can't let it go.


In another place in the dense forest, a place full of bushes and thorns, a Nascent Soul from the East China Sea carefully approached the center of the bush, and there was a dark red plant in the bush full of thorns. The spiritual grass is growing green.

This Donghai casual cultivator held a gray broadsword and chopped the surrounding thorns non-stop, removing obstacles along the way bit by bit, and every time he got closer to the spirit grass, the fiery color on his face became more intense.Terrible, this is the blood mist grass, a treasure that can temporarily improve most cultivation bases.

Seeing that he only needed to take a few steps closer to get the blood mist grass, at this time, a sudden change occurred, and the seemingly dead thorns around him seemed to come alive, and they rolled towards this Donghai loose cultivator. This Donghai casual cultivator was able to cultivate to the middle stage of the Nascent Soul, and naturally he has gone through many difficulties and has rich combat experience. Although he was shocked by this situation, he immediately realized that it was not right, and a cyan light mask appeared on his body, and at the same time The gray sword in his hand glowed with silver light, and with a sudden swing, countless sword shadows were created and slashed wildly towards the surrounding thorns.

However, after these knife shadows came into contact with these thick thorns, they made a fluttering sound, and the seemingly powerful slashing actually only cut three or four thorns. magic weapon.

Then Jing Tiao took advantage of the daze of the casual cultivator in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul, and directly wrapped around this Donghai casual cultivator abruptly in the middle, but all the sharp spots of Jing Tiao were covered by the casual cultivator's body mask. Blocking it won't hurt this casual cultivator at all.

In the mid-Yuanying period, Donghai Sanxiu's heart sank when he mentioned his throat. Vitex seems to be fast, but its attack power is not very strong, so that's good.Immediately, he launched a fireball with one hand, attacking these obvious woody plants.

As soon as these sparks appeared, the thick thorns all around suddenly shrank. Sure enough, these thorns were afraid of fire.But when retracting, these thorns suddenly responded explosively and shot densely packed spikes, and these spikes made piercing screams, and the strength was comparable to a strong bow and crossbow.

Seeing this scene, this middle-stage Nascent Soul Donghai Loose Cultivator couldn't react in time, and it was too late to use other methods. These spikes actually had the effect of penetrating the defensive layer of true essence. The cyan defensive light on his body The cover only resisted for a moment, and the light flashed and collapsed.

"Ah..." After a scream, the middle-stage Nascent Soul cultivator was shot into a sieve. At this time, the surrounding thorns rolled out again, tearing the mid-stage Nascent Soul cultivator who had been seriously injured and lost his defense. Open, countless minced meat exploded in the air, and the tragedy was terrifying.

And as soon as these flesh and blood fell, they were rushed out of the soil by the countless root-like roots of the wattle bushes, all of which pierced into the blood stains and desperately absorbed the energy in the flesh. These thorn bushes turned out to be attacking It is a highly sexual blood-sucking plant with good combat power, and unexpectedly killed a monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul in one fell swoop.

After a while, the flesh and blood on the ground disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye, and at this time the thorns that absorbed the nutrition of the flesh and blood shrank back again, and everything returned to normal, leaving only a gray long knife on the ground .

And at this time, two more monks appeared here. These two monks, one in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul and the other in the early stage of the Nascent Soul, saw the long knife on the ground and the bushes of thorns retracted to their original positions. One said: "A middle-stage Nascent Soul just died. This blood-sucking bush should be half full. It should be much easier to deal with. Now let's do it..." While speaking, he also cleaned up the gray long knife on the ground After thinking about it, this ownerless long knife is a middle-grade magic weapon, and it can be regarded as a good trophy.

It turned out that these two casual cultivators came here earlier than the dead Nascent Soul middle-stage casual cultivator just now, and they also discovered the natural treasure of blood mist grass, but one of these two discovered the abnormality of Vitex bushes first, so Unsure, he stood still and lurked aside for the time being.

And the Nascent Soul mid-stage casual cultivator who died later undoubtedly became the prey of the natural trap in the dense forest. After enough blood food, he also became a little lazy, and it was much easier to deal with.

Afterwards, the two rogue cultivators also carefully distanced themselves, and began to use fireball to deal with the bramble bushes from a distance, cleaning up these blood-sucking brambles bit by bit. The distance is limited, not comparable to the casting distance of the fireball technique, so it seems helpless to the two casual cultivators who have opened the distance.

In the end, the two casual cultivators had wiped out most of the blood-sucking wattles on the ground, and the rest of the small parts had shrunk into the depths of the soil and would never come out again. The two casual cultivators had nothing to do with this small part of the wattles However, now that most of the blood-sucking wattles have been wiped out, the two of them no longer have to worry about the sudden attack of the blood-sucking wattles, so they are going to take the blood-mist grass directly.

(End of this chapter)

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