The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1711 Disordered Force Field

Chapter 1711 Disordered Force Field

However, when the two casual cultivators were about to take the blood mist grass, something happened again.

In the slanting stab, at this time, a large piece of green phosphorous fire suddenly sprinkled over the sky.

"No, someone sneak attack!"

The two casual cultivators turned pale with fright. They had been lying in ambush here for so long, yet they didn't know that there was a third party here.

How can this be!But now the two casual cultivators had no time to do anything else.

This large piece of green phosphorous fire covered all the space around the two casual cultivators, and there was no way to avoid it. The two casual cultivators had no choice but to open their defense shields to the maximum, but they were shocked to find that these phosphorous fires were sticking to their bodies. When the defensive shield was put on, it actually started to burn directly, and the fire became more and more intense, and its own spiritual energy had a combustion-supporting effect on these phosphorous fires.

After a while, the phosphorous fire burned all over his body, and the two casual cultivators had completely turned into fire men. At this time, the third person who was lying in wait quietly appeared, and it was actually the ghost cultivator of the West Desert and the East China Sea.

Yin Demon Hand Tianzhen, Nascent Soul Late Ghost Cultivator.

Needless to say, what Yinmo Tetian Zhen just used was his best Yinmo sand. Yinmo sand is a very vicious phosphorous fire. After this thing touches it, it burns the monk's omnidirectional flesh and blood aura, which is extremely poisonous.

There was no need for Yin Demon Shou Tian Zhen to strike again, and with the effort of half a stick of incense, the two Donghai Loose Cultivators were reduced to ashes under this large amount of Yin Demon Sand, leaving nothing on their bodies.

After the Yin Mo Tetian succeeded in the sneak attack, he sneered a few times, then went to the place where the blood mist grass was, and picked this blood mist grass directly.

Blood mist grass is a kind of spiritual grass that can directly increase spiritual power, and it is especially effective for ghost cultivation, so Yin Mo Tetian also lurked near this dense forest after discovering this blood mist grass. In fact, he is more powerful than these Donghai Loose Cultivator came here earlier, if he hadn't been able to deal with the blood-sucking wattle before, he might have already picked the elixir.

After picking the blood mist grass, Yinmo Tetian's eyes flickered, and he said gloomyly: "My cultivation base has been stuck in the late Yuanying stage for a long time... With this blood mist grass, I can try to break through the realm now, If I upgrade to the Dzogchen cultivation in the late Yuanying period, I won't have to be afraid of Patriarch Shahe and that kid Qin Lang anymore..."

Yin Mo Hand Tian Zhen and the three-eyed two Ximo Ghost Cultivators escaped during the battle before. After disobeying the order of the Shahe Patriarch, they are now tantamount to offending both the Shahe Patriarch and Qin Lang's friends and foes. , are definitely not friends.

Therefore, for the sake of himself, Yinmo Tetian wanted to improve his cultivation immediately after obtaining the Blood Mist Grass. The higher his own strength, the more confident he would be in this canyon.

With a "whoosh", the Yin Demon Hand disappeared in place immediately, and it was unknown where it went.


At the same time, in another direction of the canyon, a handsome young man was urging a long crystal knife in his hand to fight with a giant gray python seven to eight feet long.

This handsome and outrageous young man is actually Qin Lang's teammate this time, the self-acquainted Xibei female Xiu Changqing he met in the firewood room of Canglong Town.

This girl Chang Qing possesses the mid-stage cultivation of Nascent Soul, but unexpectedly she is a saber cultivator. At this moment, with a long howl, the long sword in her hand danced and turned into a silver saber screen, directly intersecting with the sixth-order giant python, cutting the giant The beetle's head was beheaded.

After beheading the python's head, the female cultivator Changqing hovered in the air and landed steadily on the top of a large tree nearby. She looked at the huge bouncing body of the giant scythe under the tree and smiled happily: " Hee hee! Well done Chang Qing, he killed another monster... Well, I don’t know what’s going on with brother Qin Lang, that group of black-robed ghost cultivators from other lands doesn’t look easy to mess with, I hope he’s okay Bar……"

Chang Qing is also a smart girl. At that time, seeing that the enemies Qin Lang met were not easy to mess with, she immediately obeyed Qin Lang's arrangement and left the place of right and wrong.

Several hours have passed now, and the little girl went around in this canyon. Although she didn't encounter any outstanding treasures, she didn't encounter any great danger.

After collecting the materials of the giant python's corpse and the inner alchemy, Chang Qing took back his long knife, then turned around and left here.


In the depths of the canyon, more than 100 casual cultivators from the East China Sea are now in the most critical situation. They are surrounded by the largest group of overlord demon bears in Qingshan Canyon. There are 24 demon bears in total in front of them, which seems to be much less than the number of casual cultivators. But most of these monster bears are seventh-level monsters, and all of them have mastered the innate supernatural powers of the strong body. It can be said that the weakest sixth-level monster bear can compete with the middle-stage Nascent Soul monks.

Being targeted by this group of monster bears, it can be said that most of the more than 100 monks in front of them have been sentenced to death, and this time they cannot escape death.

After all, although these monster bears in the monster beast group seem to be huge in size, they are not clumsy. The speed of movement and attack is astonishing. Injuries, even monks above the Nascent Soul stage, cannot endure a few more injuries.

In desperation, these more than 100 casual cultivators in the East China Sea all used their most powerful hole cards, and entered into encounters with the demon bears in the demon bear group. The battle lasted for a stick of incense and then ended. Except for a dozen people, the rest of the monks became the souls of the demon bears. In fact, two monks of the late Nascent Soul were also lost.


In a remote area somewhere in the canyon, there is a long stone cable bridge. A slender iron chain runs through the east and west from the mountain stream. It is about several hundred feet long. The stone cable bridge is tens of thousands of feet away from the bottom of the stream. It looks very dangerous , the black wind howling at the bottom of the ravine is definitely not a good place to go.

At one end of the stone cable bridge, there are several incomplete gray-white bones on the ground. I don't know how many years they have been lying on the side of the bridge. These gray-white bones seem to have been weathered, and there are fine holes in the bones.

After more than three hours, Qin Lang left the dense forest and looked up from a giant tree branch at the edge of the dense forest.Although this Qingshan Canyon is just a canyon, the interior space is still beyond his imagination. He had been running in the dense forest for nearly an hour or two before he came out. After seeing the wonderful scenery in the distance clearly, his whole body I was surprised again.

A barrier-like dividing line several miles away directly divides the canyon into two seasons. One side is warm like spring, with lush vegetation and fragrant birds and flowers;

This should be the effect of the special prohibition in the canyon, resulting in two different scenery.

And Qin Lang looked far away, and found that in the late autumn world full of dead trees and rocks, although there was nothing much to discover, there was a huge mountain towering far away. In this canyon The appearance of such a giant peak is very abrupt, and even Qin Lang is a little curious to guess whether the inheritance of the evil sword emperor will stay on that giant peak.

On the side of the spring world with lush vegetation and the fragrance of birds and flowers, the aura seems to be much more abundant than that of the late autumn world. Needless to say, this spring world can definitely find a lot more natural treasures than the late autumn world. After all, one side represents zero adjustment. One side represents exuberant vitality, while Tiancaidibao needs vitality to grow.

Now Qin Lang has two choices in front of him, whether to continue to search for natural treasures in the spring world in the canyon, or to go to the world in late autumn to find the rumored inheritance of the evil sword emperor in that world peak, this is a dilemma choice.

Qin Lang was thinking in his heart. He glanced left and right and found no one nearby. Immediately, he cast his escapism and started running towards the late autumn world. It is estimated that there is only one copy of the inheritance left by the emperor in the Qingshan Valley. Since I have come to this Qingshan Canyon, I have to choose the most valuable clues.

The opening time of Qingshan Canyon is only twelve hours, and it will be closed again after this time. Now more than three hours have passed, and there is not much time left for Qin Lang, so hurry up now.

It didn't take long for him to enter the desolation of the late autumn world. When he passed by this desolate area, the closer he got to the huge mountain peak, for some reason, he always felt a creepy feeling in his heart. The very special aura and coercion should belong to the ancient Dzogchen cultivator Xie Jiandi who died tens of thousands of years ago.

It didn't take long before he got close to the huge mountain peak, but there was a mountain stream several hundred feet away from where he was standing, surrounded by gray and deep fog, so he couldn't see the mountain stream clearly. How deep is it.

At this time, Qin Lang saw the stone cable bridge connecting the giant peak and the canyon. The long stone cable bridge was looming in the dense fog, and a mottled iron chain ran through both ends. He didn't know if the stone cable bridge was strong enough. , Qin Lang now wants to pass through this extremely simple iron chain bridge.

He doesn't plan to use the magic weapon of flying. After all, this place feels a bit dangerous and weird to him. It seems that the gravity field is very disordered. If he flies over the mountain stream by force, he might be dragged down the mountain stream by the disordered gravity field in the middle of the flight. .

Therefore, the stone cable bridge in front of him is the only notification path, and Qin Lang has no choice at all if he wants to hunt for treasure.

After being quiet, Qin Lang leaned over and picked up a dead branch. After weighing the weight with one hand, he lightly threw the dead branch into the foggy mountain stream. With a sound of "swish", the dead branch flew towards the opposite side like a sharp arrow under the action of force, but it stopped suddenly when it flew only seven or eight feet away, and was pulled by the strange force and directly attached, the speed was faster than Qin Lang's original strength Even stronger.

"It really is a chaotic force field!"

Qin Lang was just guessing before, but now it is certain.

(End of this chapter)

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