The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1712 Climbing the Giant Peak

Chapter 1712 Climbing the Giant Peak

Qin Lang now knows that flying treasures really cannot be used in the mountain stream here, otherwise, I am afraid that it will be pulled into the mountain stream by the invisible strange force field just like the dead branch he threw just now .

Although I don't know what the mountain stream under the thick fog looks like, but thinking about it, I know that in this restricted Qingshan Canyon, it is definitely not a good place. If I am not careful, I am afraid I will suffer a lot.

Qin Lang approached the Iron Cable Stone Bridge, and at this time he also saw a few weathered bones beside the bridge. These bones have been placed there for many years, and they must not have appeared here recently. Not to mention the large number of fine holes on the surface of the bones, And there are signs of brittleness in many places.

Crouching down, Qin Lang took a closer look, revealing a thoughtful look.

Looking ahead at this moment, Qin Lang began to walk on the iron cable stone bridge. He walked slowly but steadily. The iron cable stone bridge is very thin and narrow, and there will be some slight shaking when walking on it, but it does not affect Qin Lang's mind. state of mind.

But in the middle of the journey, a strange pull suddenly appeared under the canyon and mountain stream, as if something deliberately wanted Qin Lang to lose his balance and fall, but Qin Lang was not flustered, as if he had predicted this, his brain was connected His super system runs at high speed, analyzing the direction and angle of action of the weird pulling force at any time, and then constantly balances his body, keeping himself steady from falling.

Over 100 feet of iron chain and stone bridge, Qin Lang walked without any danger, and finally reached the corner of the giant peak opposite.


And the moment Qin Lang set foot on the giant peak, another monk came over from the canyon one after another. A monk of the summoning system manipulated a silver-backed ape to climb over the iron chain stone bridge. Pull over a long rope.

And this monk of the summoning system directly fixed himself with ropes, and began to walk slowly towards the other end along the iron chain stone bridge. Due to the extra layer of security, he passed this way very quickly, and he reached the other end in a short while. What came was the howling of the silverback ape seeing the excitement of its master.

Not long afterward, a cultivator in a gorgeous blood-red robe walked slowly across the sky. Every time he took a step, bloody light flowed continuously on his body surface, and at the same time, blood-colored lotuses appeared on the soles of his feet to support him in the air. Keep your body from falling.

I don't know what kind of secret method this cultivator is practicing. When he walks through the mountain stream, it seems that the chaotic force field between the mountain streams has no effect on it at all.

And these blood-colored lotus flowers were driven by the cultivator's secret method, one after another formed in the air, and one after another collapsed in the air. The blood-robed man walked in the air without panic, and it didn't take long. With his own ability, he walked through this strange mountain stream.

At this moment when he stepped onto the giant peak, the blood-robed man raised his head, and there was a face full of arrogance in his thirties. He looked at the giant peak in front of him with fiery eyes, and immediately began to climb up after confirming a fast path. This giant peak wants to climb to the top of the giant peak.

And as the blood-robed man stepped across the mountain stream, several waves of monks crossed the mountain stream by means of their own means. Those who were not strong enough used ropes to fix their bodies in advance, so that even if they fell into the mountain stream, they could rely on their prior planning to keep them alive. Life starts all over again.

Of course, there are also some daredevils who are not strong enough to break through this life-and-death test, and they are not prepared enough, and they are directly pulled down the mountain stream by the disordered gravity field, and their fate is miserable.

At this time, a ghost cultivator got the news and came to this mountain stream, and wanted to rush to the giant peak to try his luck. This ghost cultivator turned out to be the third eye of one of the three ghost cultivators in the West Desert.This ghost cultivator in the late Yuanying period is proficient in concealment and tracking. After wandering around the iron chain stone bridge for a while, his brows frowned. He sensed the breath of several powerful monks, including Qin Lang's.

After thinking about it, Guixiu Sanyan finally gave up the idea of ​​going to the opposite Jufeng to try his luck. He is a smart person, knowing that there are so many strong people going to Jufeng now, it is definitely not flattering to go by himself, and he must not be able to compete with others.

So it's better to search other places in the canyon directly. It's not bad to get some treasures in it. There's no need to fight for the inheritance of an unknown late-stage monk. After all, whether this inheritance is true or not Woolen cloth.

And just after Sanyan gave up and left, Shahe Patriarch, the most powerful of the three Ximo Ghost Cultivators, also came here at this time. The top group of monks, so there is no fear of other monks. After looking around the iron chain stone bridge in the mountain stream, they resolutely stepped on the iron chain stone bridge to the giant peak.

After Qin Lang came to this giant peak, he realized that this giant peak was also full of gravity fields, and every step of his walking seemed extremely difficult.I don't know how high this huge peak is straight into the sky. If we want to find the inheritance clue of the Xiejian Emperor now, I'm afraid we have to climb this huge peak again.

If he climbed along the path step by step to the peak, Qin Lang didn't know how long it would take to reach the top of the giant peak. The opening time of Qingshan Canyon was only twelve hours, and now more than three hours have passed, so the time is very limited. Qin Lang certainly didn't want to spend a lot of his treasure hunting time on the road.

At this time, he directly manipulated the S-rank mutant avatar to transform into a long metal cable, which was a full ten to twenty feet long. Qin Lang swung it suddenly, and the metal long cable flew to a large rock protruding from the cliff above his head, entwined, The next moment Qin Lang directly pulled the metal long rope in his hand, and his whole body leaped up like a crossbow arrow, and appeared directly in the place that was more than ten feet high in the air.

Qin Lang is now using metal ropes to climb the peak, but he has taken a shortcut, and he does not know how many times faster than following the mountain path honestly, which greatly speeds up the time to climb to the top of the peak.

With half a stick of incense, he was already in a dense fog. The giant peak was covered with dense fog from the halfway up the mountain, and there was also a huge mountain wind. When the mountain wind blew, Qin Lang almost felt his whole body Everyone was stiff, and his true energy felt that he couldn't help it, so he had to stop climbing and continue to speed up the operation of the true energy in his body.

Under the cycle of true energy and strength, streams of heat flowed from the dantian and rolled to the whole body, eliminating the cold that invaded the body little by little, allowing Qin Lang's body to regain its softness.

Then, Qin Lang continued to climb. The closer he got to the peak, the colder Qin Lang felt at the moment. During the climb, fist-sized hailstones kept falling from the peak, hitting the shield on his body with a "bang bang" sound. sound.

Fortunately, Qin Lang's defensive shield is strong enough, so he hasn't encountered any danger for the time being. During the climbing process, he only needs to fight some small battles with the harsh environment. Leave one third to go directly to the summit.

Seeing that he was getting closer and closer to the target, Qin Lang let out a long breath and looked down, feeling a little dizzy.The place where he is now is high enough, the mountain stream next to Shenju Peak has already turned into a thin crack, which can't be seen unless you look closely.

And in the process of climbing the peak, Qin Lang also sensed the breath of other monks at this time, his face changed, it seems that other monks also found this giant peak, and passed the iron chain stone bridge to go to the peak like himself, Find the inheritance news of the evil sword emperor.

With the pressure of competition, Qin Lang also accelerated his actions, and the speed of climbing the peak was three points faster than before.

In the process of climbing the peak, besides Qin Lang, there are two other fastest people. One of them is the blood-robed man who can transform into blossoming red lotuses with the help of secret techniques, and walk in the air with the support of red lotus.

Although this blood-robed man is behind Qin Lang, he is now climbing the peak faster than Qin Lang. He still uses his secret technique to climb up a ladder in the air, and he does not take the conventional mountain path at all.

The other one is the monk of the summoning department. Taking advantage of the silver-backed ape, which is good at climbing, he pulled up a long rope and used a lot of strength to chase after the black-robed monk. behind.

Except for the two fastest ones, the other monks who came to Jufeng walked the regular mountain path, and their speed was much slower.

Among them, after reaching the giant peak, Shahe Patriarch, the ghost repairer of the Dzogchen in the late Yuanying period, directly manipulated the flying magic weapon to fly up the giant peak, but he was forcibly pulled down by a strong gravity after flying less than thirty or forty feet. He fell badly, but luckily he had all the defenses on him, after the fall he didn't suffer much damage except he looked a little bit embarrassed.

After that, Patriarch Shahe also had to climb up the mountain road honestly. In fact, flying at high altitudes is affected by gravity and consumes a lot of real energy. I am afraid that the time spent in the process is not much faster than climbing the peak honestly now.

Finally reached the top, Qin Lang was overjoyed. It took him about half an hour to climb the peak, and now he finally climbed up this towering giant peak. The surrounding area is now shrouded in white mist, and his visibility is only five or six feet.

After climbing up the giant peak, Qin Lang scanned with his spiritual sense, but found nothing abnormal, but his spiritual sense detected that the stones on the ground of the peak were full of aura. It turned out to be an open-air vein of spirit stones, and those exposed spirit stones were not ordinary spirit stones, but top-quality spirit stones.

"Extreme spirit stone!"

Qin Lang was also moved. Even if he didn't find the inheritance of the Evil Sword Emperor this time, it would not be a loss. Top-grade spirit stones are now relatively rare in the cultivation world, and each piece of this thing is worth 100 million ordinary spirit stones.He only had 2000 yuan on hand.

(End of this chapter)

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