Chapter 1713

Afterwards, Qin Lang took out his tools and began to mine. This top-quality spirit stone is a large spirit stone about the size of a pebble.

But there are exceptions. For example, when Qin Lang once excavated the top-quality spirit stone in the mine of Wushuang Ruins, he got a piece of sky-blue water-attribute spirit stone. It also contains more energy than non-attribute top-grade spirit stones, and has always been stored in Qin Lang's storage ring.

The shallow vein on the top of the giant peak in front of him is a top-grade spirit stone vein. Qin Lang dug it casually, and all he dug up were non-attribute top-grade spirit stones, which he collected one by one.

Although Qin Lang has a lot of money now, he will definitely not give up on the windfall that is flying in. What's more, the best spirit stone is also the best spirit stone to assist high-level monks in their cultivation. This spirit stone is almost extinct in the cultivation world now. luck.

It took less than half a stick of incense to be mined, but a voice came from the bottom of the giant cliff. Qin Lang's face tightened, and he accelerated the mining speed. He knew that he couldn't enjoy this small vein of top-quality spirit stone all by himself. So we can only mine as much as possible before other monks arrive.

And at this time, a second monk finally appeared on the top of Jufeng Cliff, that is, the blood-robed man who stepped on the red lotus to capture the sky. He looked like a man with evil aura all over his body, and he didn't look like an orthodox monk at first glance.

When the blood-robed man climbed to the top of the Jufeng cliff, there was a hint of joy on his face, but when he saw Qin Lang who arrived first, he showed a hint of displeasure. Then he saw that Qin Lang was digging the top-quality spirit stone on the top of the cliff , He was immediately taken aback: "The best spirit stone vein!"

Immediately, this arrogant blood-robed man could no longer maintain a mysterious image, and like Qin Lang, he took out the digging tools and mined the top-quality spirit stones on the top of the cliff.

The blood-robed man never had the idea of ​​fighting Qin Lang and driving Qin Lang off the top of the cliff. When he climbed to the top of the cliff just now, he swept Qin Lang with his consciousness and knew that Qin Lang was at the same level as himself, so if there was a fight Otherwise, both sides are thankless things, so it is better to hurry up and dig more top-quality spirit stones now.

After all, time is racing against time. Every time someone digs out one piece of the top-quality spirit stone on the top of the cliff, one piece will be lost. There are still a group of monks who will climb the cliff later, not to mention many, I am afraid there will always be dozens of people. If we wait for everyone to climb up If not, the small vein of top-quality spirit stones on the top of the cliff is not enough.

Although the blood-robed man was a step behind Qin Lang, he knew that as the second monk to climb the cliff, he was ahead of the curve, so let's hurry up and mine the spirit stones now!

Next, the third monk who climbed to the top of the cliff was the monk of the summoning department. Like the choice of the blood-robed man, the three monks started the mine without interfering. The cliff top is actually only a few acres of land. When a monk mined top-grade spirit stones, the mining area was only so small, and it was a miracle that they looked so nonchalant when they saw each other.

Afterwards, this calmness was finally slowly broken. Dozens of monks climbed up the cliff one after another. The mining area was as big as a palm, and there was no room for so many people under the crowd, so the conflict broke out accordingly.

At this time, Qin Lang has already mined 500 yuan of top-quality spirit stones. The small vein in front of him has been mined for nearly an hour, and it is estimated that half of it has been mined. He originally wanted to continue, but at this time a fierce murderous intent locked him and made him I have to be vigilant.

Turning his body sideways, Qin Lang avoided a killer move.

Looking up at this moment, he saw Patriarch Shahe, the biggest ghost cultivator old enemy who had come to chase and kill him in Ximo, looking at him with murderous aura at the moment.

Patriarch Shahe's sneak attack failed just now, and at this moment he is still full of regrets. Although the magic house in his hand has been refined, it can only be regarded as a loan from the underground Yin Demon Slash. Therefore, Patriarch Shahe's idea of ​​wishing to drive the nine-story Linglong Pagoda would not work at all. He would not be able to enter the magic treasure house to enter the micro-manipulation, otherwise, he might have succeeded just now.

And after Shahe Patriarch's sneak attack failed, he came to Ming directly at this time. He threw the magic house into the air, and it became bigger and bigger, and smashed towards the area where Qin Lang was.

However, this move of the Patriarch Shahe caused a lot of panic around Qin Lang. After all, there are many people standing on the top of the Jufeng cliff, and Qin Lang is located in a mining area, and the monks are even more dense. Undoubtedly, he was provoking all the monks present, and it was obvious that the monks present were not simple masters, so they all took out their magic weapons to fight back.

While fighting back, these monks kept cursing. They could actually see that Shahe Patriarch just had a feud with Qin Lang, but for the sake of the festival, he ignored other people and affected them, which also made them very upset.

As a result, Patriarch Shahe directly suffered a wave of attacks from more than a dozen late Yuanying and Dzogchen monks in the late Yuanying period. It's so awesome!
"Fellow Daoist, stop... I have something to say..."

Patriarch Shahe provoked a hornet's nest at this time, felt unable to hold on, and immediately begged for mercy.

At this time, Qin Lang who was beside him started to be startled for a moment, and was suddenly overjoyed. Unexpectedly, there would be such a dramatic result in the scene. He seized this rare opportunity and began to summon the Magic Treasure House to fight back.

While you are sick, I will kill you!Now the surrounding monks who are making moves are equivalent to his free helpers. If such a good fighting opportunity is not seized, he may directly hit the wall behind him.

Qin Lang has been running for his life in embarrassment for more than three months from the West Desert to the East China Sea. Now he just feels that he has never been so happy. Unexpectedly, he has the opportunity to reverse the situation and gather a group of people to hang and beat the late Nascent Soul in front of him. Dzogchen ghost cultivation.

That's right!It's hanging!Although the ghost cultivator of the late Nascent Soul Dzogchen in front of me is powerful and has a magic treasure house in his hand, he will also give up when facing more than a dozen monks who are almost the same cultivation level and have different methods.

The Patriarch Shahe didn't even have a chance to catch his breath, but another wave of focused fire led by Qin Lang pierced through the defense and was directly seriously injured.This guy was also alert, he cast a secret technique the moment his own defense was pierced, and disappeared on the peak.

Although he failed to kill Shahe Patriarch in one fell swoop, Qin Lang felt that being able to seriously injure that guy was a breath of anger. After all, Shahe Patriarch, who was also in the late stage of Nascent Soul, was not so easy to kill. He could cultivate to this point The one in front of him is not a human being, and he has many cards to save his life.

However, the Patriarch Shahe is seriously injured now, and it may take a month or two to fully recover. After all, he does not have such top-level healing medicines as Qin Lang, such as Haohua Pill and Xumai Pill. Although healing medicines such as pills are common, although they also have a certain effect on internal injuries, their effects are too poor.

After beating Shahe Patriarch, the great enemy, who was seriously injured and fled, Qin Lang saw that the mining area had nowhere to stay, so he couldn't help but sigh. Now he is not going to compete with these monks for this small territory anymore, although this small The top-grade spirit stone veins have not been dug clean, but it will not be easy to mine every piece of top-grade spirit stone in the future. It is necessary to compete with the monks around, and it is normal to cause disputes and fights at that time.

Besides, let’s take the first step by myself, and now I have obtained 500 yuan of top-quality spirit stones, which is not bad. It is a waste of time to compete with these monks for mining rights later, and mining is not efficient, so it is a wise choice to give up .

Qin Lang has been busy mining since he climbed to the top of Jufeng Mountain, and he hasn't really looked around. At this time, he intends to explore the surroundings to see if he can find the inheritance clue left by the evil sword emperor, although this may be very vague , but since you come here and don't look for it, it doesn't make sense.

Qin Lang's spiritual consciousness swept across the entire peak, and suddenly his eyes lit up. The lightning flying sword in his hand flashed coldly and slashed towards a place below the cliff, making a crisp sound of "哱啦", and some camouflage below suddenly fell off, revealing A small hole.

He didn't say anything, just lightened his body, and the whole person fell from the top of the cliff and entered this small natural grotto. Who would have thought that there was a natural cave hidden in the mountain wall next to the top of the giant peak? What about the grotto?

This natural grotto seems to be connected to the small mineral vein above the head. Although the length and width are no more than a dozen feet, there are actually faint light spots flickering on the slightly uneven stone walls around, which are actually some top-quality spirit stones.

However, some of these top-quality spirit stones are different from the non-attribute top-quality spirit stones above the head. They are all green and full of vitality, and they are actually top-quality spirit stones with wood attributes.

This is the second time that Qin Lang has discovered a top-quality spirit stone with attributes. Except for the sky-blue water-type top-quality spirit stone in his hand, he finally saw a top-quality spirit stone with attributes.

Some of them exposed outside the stone wall are as big as a fist, and some are very small, only a little bit bigger, but they are also green. Qin Lang looked around and found that the top-grade spirit stone with attributes in this grotto is worth 20 yuan.

Don't think too much, these top-quality spirit stones with attributes are definitely better than non-attribute top-quality spirit stones. After all, they are too rare. Now that Qin Lang has seen them, he will naturally not let them go.Someone must have seen him when he jumped from the top of the cliff just now. If these monks chase after him again, I am afraid this secret will not be kept for long.

So Qin Lang wanted to light up the top-quality wood-attribute spirit stones inside before the monks on the top of the cliff noticed the grotto.

(End of this chapter)

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