The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1714 Cliff Top Grotto

Chapter 1714 Cliff Top Grotto
Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang!Dangdangdang...

Quickly, Qin Lang got busy again, for the 20 yuan wood-type top-quality spirit stone on the wall of the grotto.

There are actually quite a few top-grade spirit stones in this grotto, but there are only so many wood-type ones. It may be too late for him to dig all the top-grade spirit stones first, so he can only focus on the key points now.

While walking past a stone wall, he suddenly smelled a strong scent of grass and trees in his nose, so after a glance, he found a green grass that only grew after two rains. , but the whole body is crystal clear and almost transparent, wrapped in wisps of wood-type aura in the grotto.

"Queen Mother Grass..."

Qin Lang was overjoyed, and found another Queen Mother Grass again. This is the third time he found Queen Mother Grass since he entered the realm of comprehension. It is Qin Lang's luck that is really good enough. You must know that most monks in the cultivation world may not see this kind of spiritual grass in their lives.

The queen mother grass in front of me doesn't have bright red fruit yet, but since I saw it, Qin Lang certainly wouldn't let it go, and directly picked it up with the roots and put it in the storage bag middle.

This Queen Mother Grass is more precious than the top-grade spirit stones. Go back and find a place to replant it, maybe it will wait until it blooms and bears fruit and is fully mature.

Qin Lang was already very satisfied with such an unexpected surprise. Just as he was about to use the power of the prehistoric to continue to increase the intensity of mining the best spirit stones, at this time, his eyes found that there was a crack in the mountain wall where he had dug Queen Mother Grass , about several feet long, at this time, as the queen mother grass was mined, the cracks were completely exposed, and a purple mist rolled out from it.

"This is?"

Before Qin Lang could move his mind, he suddenly felt dizzy in his head, and there was a faint smell of saltiness in his nose, "This gas is poisonous..."

Qin Lang almost lost his voice, and held his breath for a moment. The top-level treasures of heaven, material and earth are usually accompanied by poisons or guardian monsters. Unexpectedly, this Queen Mother Grass in this grotto is also guarded by poisons.

However, he had taken Queen Mother Grass leaves and his body has the ability to resist poison, so although the purple smoke is highly toxic, other monks might fall to death without a sound when they come here, but he will not.

The dizziness disappeared quickly, Qin Lang still took a small piece of queen mother grass leaves in his mouth just in case, at this moment, there was a sound of zigzag from the crack, and a large amount of purple mist gushed out again, Directly, the entire grotto was filled with purple smoke.

Amidst the large amount of purple mist, a red-gold centipede that was as long as a shoulder pole jumped out. Its tentacles were several feet long, its whole body was shining, and it continuously spewed out purple poisonous mist from its mouth, which made people know it was not ordinary. poisonous insect.

"A thousand-foot golden centipede?"

Qin Lang was stunned, and then he was overjoyed. This kind of poisonous insect is also one of the top fifty on the list of ancient strange insects. The whole body can be used as medicine. Many kinds of top-quality pills can be used to increase the medicinal properties, and the shell can be used to refine weapons. , It can be said that the whole body is a treasure.

Although the thousand-foot golden centipede is only a sixth-level strength, it is so poisonous that even a seventh-level monster dare not provoke it.

If it is a larva, Qin Lang can even plunder it for cultivation and become a big help for himself. It is a pity that the one in front of him is only a mature body, so Qin Lang can only kill it and get some precious materials.

Now the purple mist in the grotto is getting thicker and thicker, and the poisonous smoke of thousands of gold centipedes growing on the shoulder pole seems endless. Fortunately, Qin Lang swallowed the leaves of Queen Mother Grass beforehand, and then held his breath, otherwise, in this dense Under the mist, even the Body of Hundred Poisons might not be able to hold it.

Qin Lang tentatively shot a few shots of sword energy with the thunder-type flying sword, but the huge centipede reacted extremely quickly, and actually dodged a few shots directly. Only one shot left a white mark on its carapace. This guy's carapace defense That's right, although Qin Lang was just testing it just now, he also used six points of strength, but he couldn't hurt it.

Afterwards, Qin Lang became serious. The vitality of this thousand-foot golden centipede was extremely strong, and it kept rolling and twisting its body area under constant injuries. It became fierce and confronted Qin Lang.

When it rolled, its lower limbs scratched countless claw marks on the stone layer on the ground, which were extremely sharp.

And the purple poisonous mist in the mouthparts spewed indiscriminately, and even some soft soil layers in the grotto were directly melted and fell off by the poisonous mist, which shows the strong toxicity.

After fighting for a while, Qin Lang finally crushed this sixth-order poison with his own powerful strength. With only a flash of thunder, Qin Lang's sword energy cut the thousand-legged golden centipede directly into pieces with great precision. in two halves.

After killing the thousand-foot golden centipede, Qin Lang held his nose, first put the thousand-foot golden centipede corpse on the ground into the storage bag, then took out a few jade bottles, and started to collect the purple poisonous smoke in the air.

The poison of a thousand-foot golden centipede is also a very powerful poison of tigers and wolves in the cultivation world. If it is not for Qin Lang's special physique, other monks may not be able to stay in this grotto, so Qin Lang is going to collect some of this poisonous smoke. It can be regarded as one more means.

After tidying up, Qin Lang continued to mine the remaining top-quality wood-attribute spirit stones. After the series of accidents just now, he didn't have the time to continue to mine spirit stones, so now he can continue when he is done with work.

About half a stick of incense, Qin Lang finally mined all the 20 yuan green wood attribute top-quality spirit stones exposed on the surface of the grotto. At this time, there was movement outside the grotto, and someone should have come in.

Qin Lang, who was still in the grotto with his back to the back and was mining, suddenly had a heart palpitation. He turned his body, and a bloody light flashed across the place where Qin Lang was standing. Qin Lang narrowly avoided the attack.

Turning around, before Qin Lang could stabilize his figure in anger, the sound of "Chichi" was heard in his ears, and then the blue light flashed in front of him again and again, and seven or eight blue wind blades hit him, as if to Instantly cut himself into several pieces.

Swipe, swipe, berserk attack followed closely, forming a wave.

If it was a monk in the late Yuanying period, I am afraid that he would have fallen under this extremely intensive offensive. This wave of attacks is not much weaker than the previous attack on Shahe Patriarch. It is obvious that there are more than one monks who attacked Qin Lang.

But after Qin Lang's complexion changed, his divine sense opened his body's defenses, and at the same time he took several golden armor talismans on his body. At this moment, he seemed to be possessed by a giant spirit, and his whole body was three points tall and mighty.

There were nearly a hundred attacks, most of which were dodged by Qin Lang with incredible movements, but there were still seven or eight hits on Qin Lang's body. After Qin Lang's body burst into brilliant colors, They all disappeared in a flash.

And Qin Lang's body retreated again and again under the force of the shock, and leaned against the innermost part of the grotto. At this time, facing the seven or eight monks opposite, his face was obviously a little ugly. These monks just came down from the top of the cliff. Among the group, there is the blood-robed man, the summoning monk, and several others, all of whom are the most powerful monks in the group that entered the Qingshan Canyon, and they are basically all from the late Yuanying period to the late Yuanying period of Dzogchen Xiuwei.

Facing the attack of this group of powerful monks just now, Qin Lang was really in a hurry and almost couldn't hold on. This group of monks in front of him is much more troublesome than dealing with a group of ghost cultivators by himself before. You must know that there are at least three or four monks in this wave. A late Nascent Soul Dzogchen.

If it wasn't for Qin Lang's strong defense and taking a few more pictures of the Golden Armor Talisman, he might have been directly wiped out by these Donghai monks under the wave of fire just now.

After calming down, Qin Lang's face was extremely ugly, partly because of the surge of blood in his body, and partly because of the sneak attack of these Donghai casual cultivators in front of him, how shameless!The two sides originally had no grudges or enmities, but it is unbearable to act like this for the sake of treasures!

However, this grotto is really not a good place to fight. Qin Lang is trapped in the innermost part. If the monks on the other side gather fire, the entire grotto may collapse, and Qin Lang will be buried here alive even if he does not die.

Feeling the crisis, Qin Lang also secretly summoned the Magic Treasure House at this time, preparing to get out of trouble first, and then turned around to deal with these people. He swore that even if he couldn't kill them, he would make them pay a certain price.

After all, the anger of a Dzogchen monk in the late Yuanying period would cause headaches even for monks of the same rank.He has already memorized the faces of these people. Even if he can't deal with them in Qingshan Canyon this time, if he encounters them outside in the future, he will take revenge.

For those who plot against him, Qin Lang has never been false. After all, if he didn’t react in time just now, he might have been killed. This cultivation world is so nakedly full of interests and murders. Sometimes monks kill people There is no need to talk about reasoning at all. Big fists are the last word. If you have big fists to see who is upset, you can kill whoever you want. The weaker ones deserve to be killed.

Fortunately, the current Qin Lang can barely stand at the top of this world. He belongs to a small group of monks. Except for those old monsters who have not appeared in the world, there is basically not much that can threaten his existence in the comprehension world.

Seeing that Qin Lang could not be destroyed after a wave of attacks, the seven or eight sneak attackers also showed surprised expressions. They did not expect Qin Lang to have such a strong defense ability.

For a while, the scene was a little quiet.When they entered this grotto, they also saw someone inside, thinking that Qin Lang got a lot of benefits in it, maybe the inheritance of the evil sword emperor was taken by someone first, so they took a shot to kill Qin Lang and snatch those benefits. Come on thought.

However, this time they seem to have hit the iron plate, because Qin Lang is also an existence that is not easy to provoke. Although they are not sure whether Qin Lang has found clues to the inheritance of the evil sword emperor, they do not rule out some greedy reverie, so they can't help but go Think about it.

(End of this chapter)

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