The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1716 Giant Peak Break

Chapter 1716 Giant Peak Break
The situation seemed to be at a stalemate. The monks present were very keen on the treasures on the altar, but no one was confident that they could take the treasures on the altar and at the same time withstand the concentrated fire of the [-] or [-] monks living there.

After all, most of the mid- and late-stage Nascent Soul monks who were able to enter the Qingshan Canyon, and those with weaker cultivation bases, have been excluded from the canyon portal restriction, or died in the previous wave of detection.There are basically no monks who can come to the top of this giant peak now, below the late Nascent Soul.

After a confrontation for a while, I don't know which monk touched the prohibition near the altar. There was a low vibration on the ground in this place similar to the square. Then, the environment of the square changed, and all the monks around seemed to fall into it. In a trap, everyone found that no matter how they walked, they couldn't get out of the trap.

"It's strange, I've been walking towards the altar, but the compass in my hand seems to be making a big circle, as if it's asymmetrical to the line of sight."

A late Nascent Soul cultivator looked at the compass in his hand and muttered to himself.

A monk next to him interjected, his voice was a little fluttering: "This is such an important place as the altar, what's so strange about some unusual things happening, but now there is such a trap restricting it, which is also a great thing for everyone After all, there is only one inheritance treasure on the altar. There were so many people watching it before, but now, as long as whoever cracks the formation first can get to the center of the altar to get the treasure first, without worrying about being attacked by others. "

"That's's a pity that I don't know how to form formations. Now I can only depend on luck. I wish you good luck!"

The monk holding the compass sighed. Although he didn't understand the formation, he obviously didn't give up on the inheritance of the Evil Sword Emperor in the center of the altar.

In fact, no matter whether the monks present were proficient in formation or not, they did not give up on the inheritance of the altar. However, the large trapped formation in front of them seemed to be arranged by the great power of Dzogchen in the late stage of transformation. Yes, even if Emperor Xiejian didn't specialize in formations, the knowledge of formations mastered by this old monster who had lived for tens of thousands of years was not comparable to that of most of the monks present.

Therefore, it is not easy to crack the large-scale trapped formation in front of you. This is an ancient formation, and the restrictions and changes are different from most formations in the cultivation world today, so even if there are some monks who are proficient in formations I was also very anxious about this, and I couldn't find an effective solution for a while.

At this time, Qin Lang, who was trapped in the formation, was obviously stronger than other monks. With the addition of super system calculations, his formation ability was stronger than ordinary formation masters, so it was very difficult for him to break the difficult formation in front of him. It's not too much trouble.After turning his consciousness for a week, Qin Lang has already scanned the entire barrier, large and small, and then the super system in the brain starts to calculate at a rate of one billion times per second.

Tens of seconds later, Qin Lang's eyes that were originally out of the way suddenly opened, exuding a confident light. He has found a way to pass through the entire trap.This ancient array is full of a large number of nodes, and these nodes will change with the movement of monks, so it is difficult for ordinary monks to crack this ancient array, but Qin Lang can now change the information of nodes at any time through temporary variable adjustments, and accurately find the correct one. entry point.

With a slight smile, Qin Lang turned his steps, and turned around a few times with his seemingly awkward figure, and he had already escaped from this trapped formation and appeared inside the altar.

After entering the altar, Qin Lang directly picked up two things on the altar, one was a rectangular stone box, and the other was a broken sword with mottled historical sites. middle.

And just when Qin Lang took the things in the altar into his arms, there was a lot of shouting and cursing in the whole square: "Bastard! Keep the things!"

"Boy... I remember you, you can't take away the inheritance of the Evil Sword Emperor!"

"Damn it, wait for this kid to come out and kill this kid!"

Although Qin Lang has the strength of the Dzogchen in the late Yuanying period, but his face is very young, so most of the monks present did not take Qin Lang seriously, thinking that Qin Lang's ability to enter the altar was more due to luck, not himself strength.

After Qin Lang got the things in his hands, he laughed, turned around and started to leave the phantom array. The two things he got just now should be the most valuable things in the entire Qingshan Canyon. Maybe they are the inheritance left by the evil sword emperor. If there is a chance, he must study it carefully.

However, let’s find a way to get out of this mountain now. After all, Qin Lang has taken the greatest benefits. The monks below are bound to riot.

Swiping, swiping, Qin Lang turned out of this trapped formation three times and twice, but most of the monks were still trapped in the square formation at this moment, yelling and yelling.Waving his hand to the back, Qin Lang was about to leave this place calmly, but found the sound of vibration coming from the whole mountain. He looked up, and his face suddenly changed. The top of the whole mountain is slowly cracking. If he doesn't leave this place as soon as possible, it is very likely You really can't get out from behind.

Qin Lang didn't hesitate, and directly accelerated towards the peak. As for the comrades behind him, he didn't care too much. Anyway, dead friends don't die poor people. These monks are not his friends, and he doesn't need to waste time to save them.

When rushing to the top of the peak, a huge boulder of four or five tons fell down on his head. Qin Lang exhaled and made a cross cut with the lightning flying sword in his hand. The light shield popped open.

Qin Lang rushed to the top of the mountain, and the entire mountain shook violently. He laughed and jumped down from the top of the mountain. Every time he fell to more than ten feet, he directly used the metal rope to borrow strength, and added the whole body that fell from the mountain. process.During the landing process, many huge boulders fell from the sky, but he avoided them deftly.

"It seems... this movement, I am afraid that the entire giant mountain will collapse, otherwise the movement would not be so big!"

When Qin Lang landed, he almost couldn't stand still. At this time, even the ground shook very badly. Now it is obviously impossible to cross the mountain stream with the help of the iron-locked stone bridge. Qin Lang can only use his own judgment to find a suitable refuge, in case I was involved when the mountain collapsed.

There is not much room to hide in the mountain stream, and Qin Lang finally found a corner. At this time, there was a loud noise when the ground shook and the mountains shook, and a section of the top of the giant peak fell down.This section of the mountain peak probably weighed thousands of tons, and it fell towards the mountain stream at an astonishing speed.

While shaking, Qin Lang vaguely saw some terrified figures in the depression inside the broken giant peak. After the giant peak fell, they had no time to escape. The chaotic force field at the bottom of the mountain was controlled, and dozens of monks accompanied this section of the mountain to die together.

Boom, when the broken section of the mountain finally fell into the depths of the mountain stream, it made a louder sound, and splashed the black water at the bottom of the stream thousands of meters high, breaking through the layers of fog above, making people feel at ease See clearly what the bottom of the stream hundreds of feet deep below looks like.

When Qin Lang saw the huge broken mountain peak falling to the bottom of the stream, a giant golden dragon shadow jumped out from the bottom of the stream, making a huge dragon chant, and in an instant, the golden dragon-shaped tiger shadow disappeared again.

"What is this……"

While Qin Lang was trying to stabilize his figure, he was terrified in his heart. When the giant golden dragon shadow rushed out from the bottom of the stream, it felt like facing the coercion of an ancient real dragon. At that time, his chest stagnated completely However, this kind of coercion far exceeds the coercion of the monks in the transformation stage.

After staying for a long time, Qin Lang realized that there should be an ancient golden dragon trapped at the bottom of the mountain stream, otherwise, the abnormal state would not have occurred after the mountain peak fell to the bottom of the stream just now.

The soul of the ancient golden dragon belongs to the real dragon of the five elements, and its strength is unparalleled. There are a lot of ancient golden dragons in the ancient cultivation world, but now the entire cultivation world hardly sees such an existence. Even a remnant soul is better than the current The monks in the transformation stage are much stronger.

It's no wonder that when I passed the iron chain stone bridge before, I felt that there would be such a strong suction force at the bottom of the mountain stream. This should be caused by the soul of the golden dragon.

Finally, the entire giant peak regained its calm, and now the broken giant peak has turned into a big chimney with a gap, which looks a little out of harmony.

And Qin Lang was about to leave Jufeng at this time and when he passed the Iron Chain Stone Bridge, he was stopped by two monks who fell from the waist of the peak. One of the two monks had a black face, and the other knew Qin Lang. In the stone kiln, Liang Chao, a monk of the Summoning system who attacked him, both of them had cultivation bases of Dzogchen in the late Yuanying period.

"Damn it, boy, did you kill my Abao? I want to avenge my Abao."

Liang Chao, a summoner cultivator, swears at Qin Lang viciously.

"Hehe, you asked for it! I was depressed when I was attacked by you before, and the silver-backed ape that I killed was actually just a little interest. Since we meet again, let's fight again!"

Qin Lang smiled and said expressionlessly.

"Okay! In this case, you go to die!"

Liang Chao, a summoner cultivator, grinned ferociously, and his body armor made a loud "chuck" sound, and suddenly a pair of bat wings that were about ten feet long appeared.

Liang Chao, a monk of the summoning system, just slammed his bat's wings fiercely, and his whole body had already risen into the air, holding a pair of black weapons like Emei thorns, stabbing Qin Lang in the air, with an extremely violent momentum.

Beside Liang Chao, the dark-faced young man also let out a cold snort at this time, and slapped the dark black bag on his waist with one hand, and suddenly a black air billowed out. High body of evil spirits.

(End of this chapter)

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