The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1717 Capture and Kill the Monk

Chapter 1717 Capture and Kill the Monk
"Junior Brother, I'm here to help you!"

The black-faced young man said loudly, pinching with one hand is definitely not the way, and he stretched out his hand and pointed, "Go!"

Immediately, the ghost in front of him rolled on the ground, its body became bigger, and it directly grabbed Qin Lang like an eagle grabbing a chicken. In front of the ghost that was several feet tall, Qin Lang was really about the size of a chicken.

This evil ghost feels stronger than the monks of the Dzogchen in the late Yuanying period. If it is caught by it, I am afraid that even Qin Lang will feel uncomfortable.

Therefore, Qin Lang had already dodged when the evil ghost's slap was like a fan, his figure was more flexible than that of the evil ghost, and it was much easier to dodge.

With their backs against the huge cliff peak, the three of them had a great battle. Under the attack of Liang Chao, the black-faced youth and the ghost, Qin Lang also showed a dignified expression.The strength of these two people in front of them is not weak, and that ghost has reached the peak level of the seventh step, so he seems very passive in this battle.

His face was slightly pale, and the long robe covering his body had been torn apart in the aftermath of the battle, revealing the incomparably strong and strong muscles of his whole body, and the tattered cloth strips on his body danced around wildly, turning into a patchwork of intertwined shadows .

At this moment, Qin Lang's defense is fully open, but even under such a tight defense, he still firmly resists the three powerful opponents in front of him, two people and one ghost. Good time.

After all, the three opponents in front of him all surpassed the Dzogchen in the late Nascent Soul, and he was really proud of being able to fight like this.

"You guys can't deal with me!"

During the battle, Qin Lang said coldly, he may not have any cards, so he is full of confidence. He believes that even if he is no match for these two people, it will be no problem to escape calmly.

And the reason why he didn't run away now is because Qin Lang was also looking for an opportunity and wanted to make a defensive counterattack.

"Brother, did I hear this guy's barking? This guy is young, and he dares to threaten us with trash talk! Originally, I wanted to give him a good time, but now it seems that I can't let him die so simply After all, my Po died by his hands, so next I will slowly cut every inch of his skin, every muscle, and remove every bone, so that he can slowly watch him die! "

The monk Liang Chao of the Summoning Department is also a ruthless person. If he utters such vicious words, if it is really verified, Qin Lang's end will be very tragic.

The number one summoner, Liang Chao, and the black-faced young man were actually wearing the same clothes, and they should both belong to a certain sect in the East China Sea.

"Hmph, Liang Chao... We don't have much time, so we should kill this person quickly... By the way, I saw this person rushing out of the mountain before. At that time, there was such a big change in Jufeng. Could it be related to this kid, or does this kid have something inherited from the Evil Sword Emperor?"

The black-faced young man snorted, and when he saw Qin Lang, his eyes showed a trace of doubt.

"Really, brother, don't you need to guess... When we kill this kid, the things on him will not return to us."

Liang Chao said in a dark tone, at this moment, the fluttering of his wings was another dive, and he cooperated with the evil ghost to make a beautiful pincer attack from left to right.

boom!Qin Lang's body was bursting with colorful lights. He hadn't used the Golden Armor Talisman before, so he only felt his blood surge at this time. At this time, he had to calm down his blood with luck, and also patted a Golden Armor Talisman on his body.

Although he brought nearly [-] Golden Armor Talismans with him when he left West Desert, but there were so many battles, large and small, in the process of fleeing, and now he doesn't have many on him, so Qin Lang has to use it sparingly.

Moreover, this golden armor talisman is very valuable, and each piece is equivalent to the contribution of a hundred Dandingfang resource points, that is, 100 million spirit stones.After Qin Lang took a picture of the golden armor talisman, it was equivalent to adding a top-grade defensive magic weapon to his body again.

However, the talisman is a one-time consumable, so the duration of the golden armor talisman is only half an hour. If Qin Lang does not resolve the battle or escape within half an hour, the effect of the talisman will disappear, and then take another picture In terms of spells, this is too much waste.

After the effect of the Golden Armor Talisman reached his body, Qin Lang took a mouthful of his true energy, swiped his sword energy and swiped wildly, overwhelming the three opponents at once. This time Qin Lang shot more than a hundred times per second, and his hands almost melted. For afterimages.

But the black-faced young man turned a blind eye to these sword auras, just let out a sneer, and plunged into the heavy sword aura.

I saw a flash of cold light, and immediately dozens of sword qi streaked across the body of the black-faced youth, but an astonishing scene appeared. There is no trace of scars on the body surface.

The black-faced youth bullied him, Qin Lang was shocked, and hurriedly summoned an S-rank mutant clone to deal with the enemy, otherwise, he felt that he would suffer a big loss this time.

After the S-level mutant avatar was summoned, it directly faced the black-faced youth. After a major transformation by Qin Lang, the S-level mutant avatar's strength has now been upgraded to the late Nascent Soul Dzogchen.

Although at the level of Dzogchen in the late Yuanying period, the attack power of the S-level mutant clone is not the strongest, but its resistance to attack is far superior to that of monks of the same realm in the cultivation world. This kind of non-human genetic warrior is also the only one on earth. The product of the highest technology, after this upgrade, the ability to fight and fight has become stronger.

The black-faced youth bullying Qin Lang this time really had a premeditated plan. When approaching, a long green needle was shot directly. Fortunately, the S-level mutant clone was in front of him, and the flying needle directly shot the S-level mutant clone. Wear it and show it directly.

And because the S-level mutant avatar was such a block, the flying needle shot crookedly. In this case, the flying needle that was supposed to hit Qin Lang failed, and was blocked by the S-level mutant avatar.

You know, this flying needle obviously seems to have the effect of penetrating the defense layer of true energy, and the distance is so close, if Qin Lang doesn't pay attention, I'm afraid it may really be pierced into the body by it, and what side effects will happen then The effect is not known.

There were S-rank mutants holding back the black-faced young man, and Qin Lang's sword aura was flying freely at this time, directly affecting the surrounding void.

In the face of Liang Chao and the evil ghost whose strength was slightly superior to his own, Qin Lang made a decent counterattack for the first time. Similarly, he threw several Explosive Talismans in his hand to increase his own attack effect.

The reason why the S-level mutants are allowed to hold back the black-faced youth, instead of holding down the ghost who is obviously stronger than the three, is also because the ghost's intelligence is not very high, and it usually requires monks to manipulate the battle to be able to exert great combat power. Now Letting the S-rank mutant hold back the evil ghost, I am afraid that the black-faced youth will not have much time to devote too much attention to it. In this case, the control over the evil ghost will be very insufficient.

And in this case, Qin Lang can bully this ghost with insufficient intelligence, and lure the other party to attack, but fall into the trap that he has foreseen and designed. After all, dealing with a ghost with low intelligence is better than dealing with a ghost. It is easier to name a monk of the same rank.

During the battle at this moment, Qin Lang's long hair was flying in the wind, fine ripples of aura appeared on his solid face, and a pair of eyes were shining with sharp light.One of his sword-holding hands kept waving sword energy, while the other hand quietly clenched a fist, Dacheng's Dragon Elephant Yin Yang Po punched out with the greatest force!
Hundreds of tons of force rushed forward and directly hit the ghost in the chest. With a bang, the ghost flew backwards, and it was unknown if it was injured.

And Qin Lang, who had knocked the evil ghost flying tens of feet away, seized the opportunity and sneered at Liang Chao. At this moment, he exploded with an unprecedented attack power.In a face-to-face battle, a sword cultivator attacks a monk of the same level of the summoning system, and the monks of the same level of the summoning system will definitely only be suppressed and beaten.

The situation was reversed all of a sudden, and under Qin Lang's precision-level sword energy, Liang Chao was injured more than a dozen times in an instant, but this guy was also a quick-response person, and immediately took a spell on himself, and saw With a flash of black light, a black light curtain appeared to block Qin Lang's remaining attacks, and the man retreated repeatedly until he reached the black-faced youth.

"Hmph!" Qin Lang snorted coldly, seeing that Liang Chao was avoiding him intentionally, and wanted to join forces with his senior brother to deal with his S-rank mutant clone, how could he let this guy get what he wanted, so he immediately chased after him with a sword.

After a while, Qin Lang once again pulled Liang Chao into the sword net. At the same time, in order to prevent the three people in front of him from uniting again, he also summoned the Gu formation. a battle.

Qin Lang's mind is divided into three functions, and the consumption of true energy is even greater. At this time, he directly swallowed a lot of Shenxue Dan, which is a quick recovery elixir, and after reaching the late stage of the Nascent Soul, the original The effect of the blood essence pill has been reduced again, so now only the Shenxue pill can quickly meet the body's recovery needs.

It is not easy to refine the Shenxue Dan, but Qin Lang, with the help of the little girl of the wood family Xiu Wanxin, gave birth to the elixir and obtained a large amount of raw materials for refining medicine, so there is no shortage of Shenxue Dan, and it is rare to be a luxury.

If it is replaced by other monks, even if they want such a luxury, there is no source of pills. After all, Qin Lang is a master of alchemy, and he can make alchemy for himself. Other monks do not have this blessing. Pill is a limited-edition pill, although it cannot be said to be extinct in the market, it is not easy to buy it.

"Death to me!"

With the help of the Gu formation, Qin Lang directly killed Liang Chao. At this time, Liang Chao was extremely embarrassed. When his injuries aggravated to a certain extent, this guy's body collapsed directly in the storm of sword energy, and he was directly beheaded. Into dozens of pieces of flesh and blood.

Liang Chao didn't have time to scream. At this time, Yuan Ying jumped out of his head and was about to run away, but now Qin Lang is the absolute master in the Gu formation, he snorted coldly and waved again.

Liang Chao's Nascent Soul had no escape, so he chose to self-detonate in desperation, and there was a bang. The power of self-destruction this time was so powerful that it directly blasted through the Gu formation. Break out of the Gu formation.

(End of this chapter)

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