Chapter 1718

After the formation was broken, the black-faced youth made a move at this time, and a little black light flew into the guy's hand from the Gu formation.

The black-faced young man patted the black light on his body, and it instantly turned into a pair of black bat wings about ten feet long. It turned out that the black-faced young man took the bat wings from his dead junior brother Liang Chao.

Seeing that the black-faced youth can directly use the black bat wings, it is very likely that this treasure does not need to be sacrificed, or the black bat wings are originally the black-faced youth's belongings, and he may have lent them to his junior for use before, but now they are just collected. Just come back.

After getting the black bat wings, the black-faced young man suddenly rose into the air. This guy's combat power is more terrifying than the juniors of the Summoning Department, and he is definitely the strongest among the Dzogchen monks in the late Nascent Soul.

At this moment, he swung a thick silver stick and threw it directly at Qin Lang, while beside him, the evil ghost also cooperated with the attack.

The black-faced young man and the evil spirit, one is extremely light and nimble, and after waving the long silver stick in his hand, it turns into layers of continuous stick shadows, while the other evil ghost is a ghostly ghost, belonging to the peak of the seventh step, and also A thing with exceptional combat power.

When this person and ghost came towards Qin Lang, the surrounding evil spirit was almost condensed into substance, and the ground was directly stepped on by the evil spirit all the way, stepping out pits of different sizes, and the heavy footsteps made people's heart tremble. Tighten with a sound.

And Qin Lang's eyes were slightly concentrated, and his face also showed a trace of solemnity. He summoned the S-level mutants to meet the evil ghost, and at the same time swung the thunder-type flying sword, transforming into layers of sword light.

"Heh..." Qin Lang greeted the black-faced youth. After the black-faced youth took back the bat-wing magic weapon, his fighting power improved again. When the two were fighting, the black-faced youth suddenly slapped something on his chest with one hand, and immediately After the "click" sound, a blood-colored inner armor appeared on his body, and at the same time, more than a dozen blood-colored spikes grew inward from this inner armor, all of which pierced into some hidden orifices on his chest.

The next moment, the aura of this black-faced young man soared, the blood vessels on his skin trembled, and they all arched like blue earthworms, and the joints of his body burst, like fried beans, suddenly rose With more than one person, you can vaguely see countless blood-red auras escaping from his body surface and spreading all over his body.

With a loud laugh, the black-faced young man's combat power suddenly doubled, and the thick silver root in his hand swayed for a while, hitting Qin Lang on the head.In an instant, bursts of loud noises appeared, and the fighting power, the black-faced youth opened and closed, like a god of war possessed.

While Liu Ming was avoiding the opponent's strength, he heard the sound of the black long stick dancing in his ears, as if he heard a strange sound of lightning and thunder. There was a hint of urgency in his expression.

This is the first time that Qin Lang has faced an opponent of the same level since he practiced to the late stage of the Nascent Soul.

It can be seen that the opponent's combat power at the moment is stronger than his own, and the reason why his strength has suddenly become so amazing seems to be the use of some kind of secret technique to stimulate potential, and the effect is as strong as Wangyou Pill's effect of improving combat power. I don't know if there are any hidden dangers after being excited.

And Qin Lang has only one Wangyou Pill on his body now. If he takes Wangyou Pill, he will definitely be able to recover from the disadvantage at this moment, but he is not going to do so.

After all, the ingredients for Wangyou Pill are hard to come by. If this pill is used, he may not be able to obtain the main ingredients for refining it for a long time. Therefore, this pill should be used in the future. critical moment.

"Sick!" Qin Lang finally summoned the magic treasure house, entered the magic treasure house and entered the battle with the black-faced youth.

The Magic Treasure House integrates offense and defense, and after being presided over by Qin Lang, he can fight against the cultivators of the transformation stage. Therefore, after summoning the Magic Treasure House, Qin Lang's combat effectiveness has also been greatly improved.Boom!Boom!The nearby mountains and rocks were constantly affected by the aftermath of the battle and shattered one after another. During the battle, whether it was Qin Lang, who was manipulating the magic house, or the black-faced youth with bat wings, they moved very fast, turning into two afterimages.

However, the confrontation between the seventh-level ghost and the S-level mutant seems to be much slower. The two big guys are tough with every move. But it is a strong point, so although he has been suppressed and beaten by the evil ghost, there has been no hindrance.

And Qin Lang and the black-faced young man's minds are obviously not on the seventh-level evil ghost and the S-level mutant clone, so these two big guys are fighting with their own instincts, and they are not fighting. The fighting consciousness must be slightly lower than that of monks. so close.Qin Lang, who manipulated the magic weapon house to fight against the black-faced youth, frowned. After he played the magic weapon house to its fullest, he had only a slight upper hand. The black-faced youth is indeed quite powerful.

And the consumption of the two people's true energy can't last for a long time. The secret method of the black-faced youth must have a duration. As long as the duration is over, the combat power will definitely regress, or even worse than before.

On Qin Lang's side, the consumption of manipulating the magic house to fight is also huge. Even with the continuous replenishment of pills and spirit stones, he can't last too long.

After Qin Lang used the magic weapon house, although he held down the black-faced youth steadily, he was still unable to form an effective lethal force. However, he was not in a hurry. At this moment, it should be the black-faced youth who should be more anxious. After all, the continuous effect of the secret technique is definitely not The magic house has existed for a long time, and Qin Lang will be able to secure the opponent after the effect of the opponent's secret technique ends.

Seeing the stalemate in the battle, the black-faced young man was really impatient. At this moment, after throwing a big stick, he suddenly retreated, and at the same time shouted: "The ghost is back... fit together!"

After receiving the master's order, the seventh-rank evil ghost who was fighting gave up the fight with the S-rank mutant clone, but turned into a cloud of black smoke and enveloped the black-faced youth, and immediately changed after the contact between the two , The black-faced young man between the fits is taller and taller, almost comparable to the underground demon that Qin Lang encountered in the West Desert Green Willow City.

The underground yin demon is an eighth-level existence, which is also an advanced version of the evil spirit. If Qin Lang faces the underground yin demon, he may not be able to resist even with the magic treasure house.

After all, the underground yin demon is stronger than ordinary monks in the stage of transformation, and Qin Lang's magic house is in a complete state, but the quality is too poor. In fact, it is only a little bit stronger than most top-grade magic weapons, and this treasure is really Too easy to damage!

After the fusion, the black-faced youth's fighting spirit increased greatly. At this time, he directly challenged Qin Lang and the S-level mutants. His strength has steadily entered the quasi-god stage. Not much weaker.After performing the unique secret technique, the black-faced youth whose abilities had increased dramatically became more wild. At this time, the silver stick in his hand suddenly became bigger and longer, and he directly hit the magic weapon house in the air with awe-inspiring momentum.

Qin Lang couldn't dodge this extremely fast blow, so he could only use the protective cover of the Magic Treasure House to resist. After a loud bang, the Magic Treasure House burst into brilliant colors in the air, almost illuminating the surrounding area.In order to maintain the stability of the magic treasure house, Qin Lang, who was the party involved, had to use more real energy to maintain the stability of the magic treasure house. Just now, his real energy directly slipped down by nearly [-]%.

Qin Lang may only be able to withstand such an attack for at most two or three hits before he runs out of strength.

And when Qin Lang was in crisis, the S-level mutant bullied him, but he was directly hit by the black-faced youth, and the S-level mutant was not an enemy at all when the possession broke out.And when Qin Lang manipulated the magic house to avoid the second attack of the black-faced youth, the black-faced youth snorted coldly, and was about to chase after him again with a huge silver stick, but suddenly his legs gave way and he almost staggered and fell.

It seems that the fierce fight just now was not without consumption for him. Even in the state of explosive possession, it is impossible for the black-faced youth to act like this all the time.Moreover, the duration of this explosive state of possession does not seem to be very long, otherwise, this guy would not have reacted like this just now.

At this time, the blood armor and the blood marks on the body surface of the black-faced young man disappeared quickly, and the effect of the previous secret technique had begun to lose effect, and it seemed that the time had lasted for about 10 minutes.

After the blood armor and the blood lines on the body surface disappeared, although the black-faced youth was still in the state of combining with the ghost, his combat power had weakened a bit, and he was no longer in the invincible state before.

"It's a pity... the secret technique blessing attached to my blood tattoo armor is only 10 minutes. If it can be longer, it will be very easy to deal with this kid."

The black-faced young man was a little depressed. It must be easy to deal with this kid in front of him with his quasi-spiritual state just now. It's a pity that he didn't let the evil spirit possess him at the beginning. The effect of the nearby secret technique is about to end, and there is no way to solve it. Only when Qin Lang superimposed the two kinds of secret techniques, it is a pity that Qin Lang could not be killed in such a short time.

After fighting for a while, the black-faced young man suddenly spread his wings and broke away from the battle group. He glanced at Qin Lang from a distance, and said with hatred: "Boy! Let me spare you this time, next time I meet... I will give My junior brother took revenge."

After finishing speaking, this guy suddenly spread his wings and hurried towards the direction of the iron cable stone bridge. Seeing him in such a hurry, Qin Lang showed a thoughtful expression at this moment.

"This guy...if it wasn't for some changes in his physical condition, I'm afraid he wouldn't have left so easily."

However, even if Qin Lang knew that the opponent's physical condition had changed, it was too late to keep the opponent. After all, the opponent was not incapable of fighting.

After the black-faced young man left the battlefield in a hurry, Qin Lang looked to the side and raised his hand.


A breath hit one of the corners, and then his faint voice sounded: "You guys have been hiding there for so long, what on earth are you trying to do? Come out, I actually found you a long time ago..."

(End of this chapter)

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