The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1719 1 Dead 1 Wounds

Chapter 1719: One Death and One Injury

Under Qin Lang's questioning, a few guys appeared in a certain corner of the mountain at this time, and they were five or six monks in the late Yuanying period. These guys must have seen Qin Lang's battle before, and they have been hiding in the Watching from the corner, he didn't overdo it and make trouble, so now Qin Lang just called them out and didn't bother them.

These monks in the late stage of Yuanying are all familiar faces. Qin Lang had seen them before when he was digging on the top of Jufeng. Unexpectedly, they were lucky and came down early before the peak broke.

"We...we're leaving right now..."

These late-stage Nascent Soul cultivators knew that they were no match for a powerful late-stage Nascent Soul Dzogchen Sword Cultivator like Qin Lang, so they left obediently immediately.After they left, Qin Lang stood still for a while, and then began to fly towards the iron chain stone bridge.

After a while, Qin Lang returned to the other side of the mountain stream again. At this time, he began to prepare to return to leave this Qingshan Canyon. After all, he has stayed in this Qingshan Canyon for almost eight hours now, and the entire canyon will be completely closed in four more hours. If you don't leave earlier, then you can only wait until the middle of next month.

Staying in this closed environment for another month, although Qin Lang is not afraid and has the confidence to deal with most crises, he doesn't want to be trapped for such a long time.

At this time, Qin Lang walked by in place and was about to return to the gate of the canyon. Suddenly, he wiped his face with his hand. The monks should no longer recognize themselves.

After all, I got the two treasures in the altar on the top of Jufeng Peak, which were probably left by the ancient mighty evil sword emperor. It's frightening that the cultivators who know themselves will have a prying heart and cause too many unnecessary troubles.

After using the Dao of Transformation method to change his appearance, Qin Lang is now swaggering back with the appearance of a burly man. During this process, he no longer shy away from other people. Anyway, no one knows him with this face.In this way, he is not afraid that people will know that he is carrying a treasure and has the greatest benefits of the Qingshan Canyon in his hands.

When he returned to the edge of the dense forest, he found that there seemed to be many figures shaking in front of him. It was strange that many monks gathered at the edge of the dense forest.

When Qin Lang got closer, he finally saw that there were at least a hundred monks gathered on the edge of the dense forest, and these monks all had a hint of anxiety on their faces at the moment.Qin Lang took a closer look and found that these monks were discussing the blocking of the gate of Qingshan Canyon. For some reason, all the monster bears in the canyon gathered at the entrance of the gate. block up.

Now, these monks are discussing what should be done so that they can fight a bloody road, break through the blockade of the demon bear group, and return to the canyon.

Although the group of monster bears in front of us only has more than 20 heads, most of them are seventh-level monsters, and among the seventh-level monsters, they are all the most powerful ones. Those with thick skin and flesh are not easy to deal with. Although there are many monks, if there is a conflict with the demon bear group, they will definitely be injured.

These monks in front of me are all ghosts and spirits, and none of them are willing to be the top birds. After all, the tops are getting faster and faster, and the monsters are unreasonable. Set fire will definitely hang up directly.

It can be said that no monk in the entire Qingshan Valley has the confidence to be safe and sound under the fire of this group of monster bears. After all, the monster bears at the peak of the seventh step are already very close to the strength of monks at the stage of transforming gods, and it can even be said that they are not at the stage of quasi-transforming gods. Too much.These monsters, which are so close to the monks of the transformation stage, can produce no monks who can resist them.

When these monks were discussing, Qin Lang's heart suddenly moved. His spiritual sense sensed a familiar breath. It was Tian Zhen, one of the three ghost cultivators chasing him from the West Desert. Oh, there are three eyes, this one is also It was the ghost cultivator in the late Yuanying period who was in the other direction. Although these two guys gave up chasing and killing him before, Qin Lang was very vengeful.

Qin Lang quietly approached Tian Zhen, the Yin Demon Hand, who was even more difficult to deal with than the three-eyed guy. The main trouble was that this guy had a bag of Yin Demon Sand. Qin Lang was still very afraid of this vicious poisonous sand. Things that touch the aura will burn directly and violently. Even if you are a late-stage Nascent Soul, you can't resist it.

When Qin Lang started approaching, the ghost cultivator in front of him was not prepared, but when Qin Lang approached his safe distance, Yin Demon Tetian finally became vigilant: "Friend Daoist, what are you trying to do..."

"What are you doing?" Qin Lang snorted expressionlessly, and approached again without hesitation: "Of course...kill you!"

Qin Lang suddenly broke out, and Yin Moshou showed a look of astonishment. He couldn't figure out what enmity he had with the monk in front of him, so although he was a little vigilant just now, he didn't take due precautions, and Qin Lang succeeded.

snort!Qin Lang cut off the head of Yin Moshou with a sword, and a black smoke appeared from the gap in the corpse, which was killed by Qin Lang directly. It was Yin Moshou Tian Zhen Yuanying who wanted to escape from the body, but how could Qin Lang give him a chance?

The Yin Demon Hand is also unlucky. If Qin Lang, the original enemy, wants to kill him directly if he is on guard, it will not be easy. After all, he still has a lot of Yin Demon Sand in his hand to save his life. If he just sprinkled on Qin Lang , I am afraid that Qin Lang will not be able to eat and walk away.

Yin Mo Shou Tian Zhen died extremely useless, and his death was also seen by another ghost cultivator not far away with three eyes. When the three eyes saw Qin Lang's murder method and the thunder sword, he suddenly seemed to think of it. What, pointed at Qin Lang and said in amazement: " have changed your face..."

"That's right! I changed my appearance a bit."

Qin Lang laughed, and directly bullied him, intending to get rid of the three eyes.I didn't expect these three eyes to be alert. Seeing Qin Lang approaching, he turned his head and fled to the depths of the dense forest. While fleeing, he shouted: "Killer! The guy behind me got the inheritance of the evil sword emperor, and now he is going to kill him!"

Qin Lang, who was chasing behind, realized at this time, how could this ghost cultivator know that he had obtained the altar? At this time, seeing countless eyes from left and right sweeping over, he coldly snorted and said around the dense forest while chasing: "Then The boy is my target, and I deliberately yelled to attract attention... If you don't believe me, consider dealing with the wrath of a late Nascent Soul Dzogchen sword cultivator."

In fact, Sanyan really wasn't shouting indiscriminately. He did know that Qin Lang had obtained the treasure in the altar in Jufeng Mountain. Walking out of the phantom array ahead of time, he could only watch Qin Lang take away the rectangular box and a broken sword with its sheath.

At this time, Qin Lang finally caught up with Sanyan, and with a sneer, he began to attack Sanyan.

And the three-eyed man who was running ahead tightened his heart, knowing that the devil was behind him, he was so hard that he crushed a short-distance teleportation talisman in his hand. After a few seconds, the light flashed, and he didn't know he was teleported to Where.

However, when he activated the teleportation talisman, Qin Lang's sword energy pierced through his chest and abdomen, and directly injured the ghost cultivator.

Whoosh!The seriously injured Ghost Cultivator's three eyes were sent out directly, but Qin Lang was still a step too late after all, and was unable to completely slaughter the Ghost Cultivator in the late Nascent Soul.However, being able to severely wound this ghost cultivator and be teleported to other areas of the canyon, the result of this ghost cultivator is also very bad. It is hard to say whether he will survive in the future.

After all, Qingshan Canyon is a place full of dangers. There are not only powerful monsters here, but also a lot of restrictions. It can be said that a seriously injured monk can hardly move an inch here.

And now it's time to leave the canyon again, and the canyon portal will be completely closed in four hours. It is obviously impossible for this seriously injured ghost cultivator to rush back to die, so he will definitely not be able to get out in the future. They will stay in the canyon for a month.

Whether a seriously injured monk can survive after staying in Qingshan Canyon for a month is definitely a difficult problem, so the ghost cultivator with three eyes will have a headache all the time.

After Qin Lang killed one of the two ghost cultivators and seriously injured the other and fled, he returned to the edge of the dense forest again.

And when he saw the prying eyes of some monks around him staring at him, he knew that the words of the previous three eyes must have made these monks think carefully, so he stared at him with an unfriendly aura, and shouted: " What are you looking at! Stare at me again, I will dig out your eyeballs!"

After Qin Lang leaked a powerful aura at this time, the surrounding monks basically knew Qin Lang's true strength. This is a powerful late Nascent Soul Dzogchen monk, and he is also a sword repairer. They are not something they can provoke at all, so Many people put out such thoughts.

However, there are still three or five monks in a group staring at them with unkind eyes. It seems that these monks in a group think that the overall strength of the team is strong, and they can take Qin Lang hard, so they still have thoughts about the treasures inherited by the evil sword emperor that may exist on Qin Lang .

However, there are only two or three groups of monks in groups, which is much smaller than the 100 or so monks present, and Qin Lang is confident that he can handle it.

Perhaps because they knew Qin Lang's strength, these group of monks did not take the initiative to provoke Qin Lang at this time. Now most of the monks on the edge of the dense forest are still thinking about how to break through the blockade of the monster bear group next to the gate. This is also the most urgent thing at present.

After all, if the portal of Qingshan Canyon is blocked, they will be unable to leave here, and they will be in crisis all the time for the next month, and their lives may be in danger at that time.

(End of this chapter)

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