Chapter 1720
At this time, there was a muffled sound from the other end of the door, and a monk fought with a group of monster bears amidst the countless mud turbulence. It seems that there are not brave guys in this canyon, and they will force their way out if they are forced After all, there are only three hours left before the closure of the entrance and exit of Qingshan Canyon.

Many monks rushed to the scene to find a chance to get out of the valley. They saw low roars from the entrance of the canyon, and the battle at the other end was very fierce. According to our understanding, it was a few monks who wanted to avoid the group of demon bears from the side, but Unexpectedly, this demon bear's perception ability is very strong, but it was still discovered.

These demon bears are huge, each one is four or five feet high, like Optimus Prime.

During the battle, the few monks were obviously at a disadvantage, being overwhelmed by a few monster bears, and a hapless guy was directly slapped on the ground by a seventh-rank monster bear, and then the thick soles of the concrete pillars were stomped heavily. The black claws that were sharper than knives and scissors directly pierced into the monk's chest, and countless bright red blood splashed out.

At this moment, the cultivator let out a miserable scream, but at the next moment he could no longer struggle, and his strength became weaker and weaker.

Captured by the seventh-order demon bear, this late-stage Nascent Soul cultivator died immediately. His Nascent Soul wanted to escape, but the demon bear opened, and the huge wide mouth suddenly became like a black hole , directly sucked out the Nascent Soul of this late Nascent Soul cultivator, and swallowed it into the abdomen.

After devouring the Nascent Soul of this late-stage Nascent Soul monk, the seventh-rank demon bear seemed to have tasted the sweetness, screamed excitedly, and then took the initiative to attack another nearby monk. It is also a rare delicacy, this guy actually knows the taste.

A few monks fell into the group of demon bears, and immediately became food in the mouth of the demon bears, and were completely swallowed up to the point that there was not even a scum left!

The monster bears guarding the entrance and exit passages of these monks nearby are so powerful that everyone's heart is cold. I'm afraid they really can't open the entrance and exit passages. .At this time, some dejected monks had to leave the edge of the dense forest, planning to stay in the canyon for another month, and wait until next month.

Although the canyon is full of various dangers, if they are more cautious, they still have a high chance of surviving in the next month, and then try to break through the entrance. I believe this group of demon bears cannot stay here forever.

And Qin Lang shook his head on the big tree, and when he was about to leave here, he heard the conversation of two monks nearby: "Now that the demon bear is guarding the exit of the canyon, it seems that this time we will not be able to break through. Somewhere in the canyon, I saw a small crack that communicates with the outside world, and now I can go there and give it a try."

"Yes, but that crack is too small, only the length of the chopsticks, I'm afraid we still need to find a way to expand the crack!"

"Let's try it now. The useful resources in this canyon have been collected almost by people. Although there are still some left... But the rest are in very dangerous places, and we can't go there. If we continue to Staying in this canyon for a month, I think I'm going crazy!"


From the conversation between the two monks, Qin Lang unexpectedly got the news that there is a secret crack connection between the Qingshan Canyon and the outside world, but this crack connection is too small, and ordinary monks have no way to pass through. The forbidden barrier in the canyon belongs to that kind of very stable barrier. It may not be easy for the two monks to expand the connection of that hidden crack.

After knowing the news, Qin Lang's heart moved, and he planned to quietly follow the two monks and go to the other side to take a look.

After all, he has now mastered the ancient Dao of Transformation Kung Fu, and has cultivated to the fifth level of Xiaocheng. His body shape can change in any size, and he may have a chance to pass through this crack channel.

The two monks are the strength of the late Yuanying period. When they evacuated the dense forest, they did not know that Qin Lang had already set their sights on the two of them. These two monks sneaked all the way and avoided many dangers in the canyon. It seems that they are two rivers and lakes A seasoned old bird.However, no matter how old a bird is, there are times when accidents happen, and this world of comprehension is full of too many variables.

When passing through a certain area, the two monks said in surprise: "Demon ape! Damn could there be a monster ape in this area, there was no danger here before..."

The monster ape that these two monks talk about is actually a hybrid of a monster bear and an ape in the Qingshan Canyon. It has a trace of the blood of a monster bear in its body, so it looks somewhat similar to a monster bear, but it is much smaller. Each of them is only more than one foot high.

Although they are not as big as the demon bears, these demon apes also have the strength of the fifth and sixth ranks. Although most of them are fifth ranks, there are also a lot of sixth ranks. The number is much stronger. The demon apes who began to surround them visually estimated that there were at least one or two hundred, which was only a part of the total number of demon apes in the entire Qingshan Canyon.

Fortunately, although the demon ape has a trace of the blood of the demon bear, the demon ape that stimulates the talent of strengthening the body is very rare. Basically, only the ape king in the demon ape group has such strength and ability. The other demon apes are just ordinary demon apes. Beast only.

The demon apes quickly surrounded them. Due to their much smaller size, these demon apes moved much faster than the demon bears and were very agile.

The two monks were soon surrounded by demon apes, and they couldn't leave even if they wanted to. They could only bite the bullet and fight with these demon apes in front of them. It was no problem for each of them to fight three or four demon apes alone, but the one or two hundred If they rush forward, they know that they will not be able to resist, so the two of them are pale now, knowing that if they don't want to find a way to escape from the battlefield, they may not escape death.

After a few jumps, the two monster apes came directly in front of the two monks. They both held thick black wooden sticks in their hands and smashed them down. Behind them, a wave of monster apes began to throw big stones. Although they were just ordinary stones, this one Falling rocks like wave perishing stone rain are not much weaker than ordinary middle-grade spells.

Rumbling, many huge stones were thrown by them for more than twenty feet, and then fell, hitting the ground with a loud bang, and the ground was directly smashed into big holes.And the black sticks in the hands of the first two demon apes don't know what material they are made of, and their toughness is comparable to magic weapons.

Seeing the black wooden sticks of the monster apes flying, the two monks did not dare to be careless. The two monster apes who greeted them in front of them were the strongest among the apes, and they were also pioneers. The thick black wooden sticks danced loudly. Xiang, although there is no trick, but these monster apes are born with supernatural power, so they should not be underestimated.

Facing two monster apes is nothing, but these apes are obviously not reasonable masters, group fighting is their purpose, there are constantly big stones thrown around, and the throwing force is no worse than ordinary magic weapons.

It's not a big deal to deal with these big rocks, but seeing these frizzy apes see that their companions can't get the result all at once, and when a few of them start to join the battle, the two monks are also complaining in their hearts at this time. It is also difficult to get out, is it really going to perish here?

The two monks who were fighting bravely were at the end of the road at this time, and they were struggling to escape... Fortunately, the defensive magic weapon on their bodies was quite powerful. Although the two of them had been passively beaten and their true energy was consumed a lot, they couldn't get out of it before their true energy was exhausted. These monster apes still couldn't injure the two of them.

However, two monks can only support half a column of kung fu at most, and they will exhaust their true energy.

boom!Boom boom boom!There were constant noises in the battle area, and the movement made by these monster apes was very loud, and the flat ground had now become potholed.And there was a long howl among the apes, and there was actually a monster ape king of the seventh rank inside. At this time, seeing that his subordinates had not been able to take down two unremarkable monks for so long, they also seemed impatient.

However, under the urging of the monster ape king, the group of monster apes in the battle became more violent. One of the two monks yelled "Ah", but when he tried to react, he had already run out, and was directly doubled by a sixth-level monster ape. The arm suddenly tore the two pieces with force, and then opened a big mouth, stuffing a slightly beating heart dug out into his mouth and chewing.

And the other cultivator is also out of his wits at this moment, and the death of his companion also made him feel that he has reached the end of the road. The next one, he will probably die in such a tragic way...

And when he saw a group of monster apes besieging two monks nearby and killed one of them, Qin Lang couldn't stay still anymore. If he didn't save the remaining monk, he would have no way of knowing the details of the hidden crack. location, so it is necessary to make a move at this time.

Just when the last cultivator was desperately urging his mana to prepare for his life, he suddenly heard a soft "hoo" sound in his ears, which should not have been made by the monster ape. He was stunned and besieged in front of him. All the monster apes turned into headless corpses.

Someone saved himself?The monk was startled for a moment, and then overjoyed.

It's like a drowning person who finally grasped a life-saving straw. He hoped for life again. After all, no one wants to die easily.

Qin Lang made a move, and the strength of the Great Perfection in the late stage of Yuanying is still very easy to deal with these fifth and sixth-order demon apes in front of him. In addition, this time he beat the demon ape group by surprise, and the demon ape group did not expect that there was a powerful monk ambushing around , so Qin Lang directly killed seven or eight of them with a blow of sword energy, and cleared an empty area around the monk.

"Let's go!" Qin Lang jumped to that area, and directly froze the monk who had almost lost his strength in the battle. After a few jumps and flashes, he was about to leave the battlefield of the monster ape group.

Among the apes, the seventh-rank monster ape king reacted and roared angrily. At this time, he couldn't help but chased Qin Lang directly.

(End of this chapter)

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