The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1721 Kowtow for mercy

Chapter 1721 Kowtow for mercy
Qin Lang, who was carrying the last monk, was desperately urging his true energy to move forward. Suddenly, he heard a muffled "huh" from behind, and quickly turned his body to avoid a silver boulder. The strength of this boulder It was extremely terrifying. After hitting the ground, it immediately raised dust all over the sky, and sank several feet deep into the ground.

Needless to say, this huge silver boulder was naturally thrown by the Monster Ape King. This seventh-order monster stimulated the blood in its body, and possessed the same supernatural powers as the monster bear to exert such great power.

When the boulder hit just now, even Qin Lang felt his scalp tingling. If he hadn't evaded in time, he might have nothing good to eat.After all, this monster ape king possesses the power of a quasi-hua god stage monk, a little bit stronger than himself.

If he was only facing a monster of the Monster Ape King, Qin Lang would not have fled in such embarrassment. He must still have the idea of ​​fighting this powerful monster, but now the Monster Ape King still has one or two hundred younger brothers behind him. No matter what, he would not stay here, even if he was a Dzogchen monk in the late Yuanying period, he would still feel a headache when facing such a large group of monsters.

Now Qin Lang is running ahead, and the Monster Ape King is chasing after him with his younger brother. After a few lightning-like vertical jumps, Qin Lang suddenly increased his speed.

Ho Ho Ho... Under the wrath of the Monster Ape King, a silver halo emanated from his body, and then his body suddenly increased in size. They were gradually thrown away by it.The monster ape king obviously exploded his supernatural talent, his speed increased sharply, and soon he began to get closer to Qin Lang little by little.

Seeing the monster ape king chasing after him so hard, Qin Lang also had a headache. He threw a handful of bursting talismans and continued to escape from the battlefield. One person and one ape gradually distanced themselves from the group of apes behind him. Now the monster ape king is alone. Chase Qin Lang.

After fleeing for more than ten miles, Qin Lang sneered, no longer prepared to escape, turned around and stood still.

He still has some confidence in the monster ape king who is alone. After all, he still has a lot of means that he has not used. Going out is also a bit embarrassing.

Although the monster ape king in front of him is different from the general seventh-order monsters, and the monsters that have inspired the bloodline supernatural powers are even more terrifying, but Qin Lang still intends to fight one.

Throwing the cultivator at hand on the ground, Qin Lang warned: "Recover well, after I beat back the monster ape king, let's go to the hidden crack of the canyon again..."

"Ah... Senior also knows about that place..."

This somewhat confused monk said suddenly, but then he realized that Qin Lang could not have known the hidden crack in the canyon in advance, he must have overheard his conversation with his companions in the dense forest, so he followed the two of them all the way .

And this sober cultivator didn't blame Qin Lang for following, but he was a little lucky. Fortunately, Qin Lang followed the two of them all the way this time, which allowed him to escape among the monster apes. It was his own savior up.But when he looked up at this time, he suddenly found that this senior was so young that he was actually a young man in his 20s, and he couldn't help being a little dumbfounded.

He has eyesight. Some advanced monks have the ability to keep their face and retain their youth, but Qin Lang's face shape does not seem to have been used at all. This is Qin Lang's original appearance. A young man of 20 A monk who has reached the level of Dzogchen in the late Yuanying period at a young age is a bit shocking in the world of comprehension. What a terrifying cultivation talent, to reach such a level at such a young age!
However, these monks in the East China Sea do not know that a great change is taking place in the western desert. The appearance of the magic crystal pill is causing earth-shaking changes in the entire cultivation world. Several times, more than ten times, correspondingly, the number of higher-level monks will also increase slightly.

Qin Lang's figure flickered, and with a little force on his feet, the whole person jumped several feet high, blurred in the high school, turned into an afterimage and swooped down towards the monster ape king, and with the power of the dive, he slashed a powerful and heavy blow Sword Qi.Since he practiced Changing Dao Kung Fu, Qin Lang's physical body is also extremely powerful, and his strength is four or fifty times stronger than his previous self.

The monster ape king on the opposite side is also holding a thick stick, but unlike ordinary sixth-order monsters, the stick in his hand is green.

boom!When Jian Guang collided with the cyan wooden stick in the hands of the demon ape king, there was a loud bang, and both the demon ape king and Qin Lang retreated five or six steps, and the two were evenly matched in the collision of pure physical force.Of course, Qin Lang has some elements of trickery, after all, he used the power of diving in the air, but Qin Lang is also proud enough to think of being able to fight against a seventh-order monster king who has stimulated his blood.

Aww!The monster ape king also became excited under Qin Lang's powerful fighting style. Apes are naturally aggressive, and this monster ape king is no exception. In the entire Qingshan Canyon, except for the group of monster bears, it can be said that it has almost no opponents. Now How could it not be excited when it encountered such an enemy whose strength was comparable to its own.

beat!beat!Fighting, the monster ape king showed all his skills, the more excited he was in the war, and Qin Lang was not in a hurry to fight the monster ape king alone, he also wanted to verify his progress during this period of time on this monster, especially In the test of physical strength, there is no better opponent than the monster ape king in front of him.

After the two sides fought for more than [-] years, the monster ape king began to look a little impatient. The nature of apes is like this. It actually pretended to be meritorious in order to be greedy. It exposed a big flaw and was caught by Qin Lang. Then Qin Lang hit a long series An effective counterattack suppressed it.

"Immortal Binding Cable!" Qin Lang suddenly threw out a special magic weapon, a long rope bound the monster ape king. This Immortal Binding Cable is a middle-grade magic weapon, which has been hiding in the corner of the storage ring and has not been used much. In fact, there are not many opportunities to use this magic weapon at ordinary times.

And when he was bound by the Immortal Binding Cable, the Monster Ape King tried his best to fight for it, but even if he had the talent of strengthening his body, it was impossible to break free from this magic weapon once or twice. Seeing that Qin Lang was holding a sword and wanted a sword Chopping down, the ape king suddenly prostrated on the ground and wailed, kowtowing to Qin Lang.

"You... are you convinced?"

Qin Lang was also a little surprised. This kind of kowtow can only be done when apes face the king of apes. This is surrender to the strong.

Think about it, if you can accidentally subdue this ape king, it would be really good. This is a very good combat power, so Qin Lang didn't continue to kill this monster.

"Woooo, woooo!" The demon ape king nodded repeatedly. This monster ape king had developed his spiritual intelligence early, so he could understand human speech.

"Okay, if that's the case, then I'll accept you... Remember, I spared your life, so you have to listen to me carefully... I'll give you a name, let's call it Housheng!"

Qin Lang said lightly, this is also a routine ceremony. In fact, if monks subdue the subdued monsters, those monsters usually will not betray for the rest of their lives, and they are more loyal than servants.

After all, in the world of human monks, there may still be intrigues and intrigues, but in the world of monsters and beasts, it is very simple, that is, whoever has the biggest fist is the last word.

From now on, the Monster Ape King will submit to Qin Lang, so from now on it will always treat Qin Lang as its master and be loyal for the rest of its life.

However, Qin Lang still imprinted his own spiritual consciousness on this guy.

This is also some necessary means after subduing the monster. After all, after the monster has its own mark of spiritual consciousness, Qin Lang can directly communicate with the monster through the spirit, which is also a great convenience.

Qin Lang also felt very happy after accidentally subduing a monster ape king. This seventh-level monster ape king can be said to be one of the highest-end combat powers in the entire Qingshan Canyon. He has no opponents except the monster bear group, and the monster ape king has a lot of subordinates, so In this Qingshan Canyon, Qin Lang can almost walk sideways now.

On the side, the single monk who was rescued stared dumbfounded at the changes in the entire battle situation. He didn't react until Qin Lang subdued the Monster Ape King. He walked over cautiously. Big power."

He has had enough of the suffering of the monster ape group, and now that Qin Lang is able to subdue a monster ape king, even though the monk sees Qin Lang being so young, he honestly calls out to his predecessors.

"By the way, what's your name?"

Qin Lang turned his head at this time and asked about the monk who was saved by him.

"Little Shen Lang."

The monk quickly replied: "Senior wants to go to the outside world through the hidden crack in the canyon, and this junior can lead the way. However, this junior is actually not sure whether that hidden crack can be successfully passed."

"It's okay, let's go and have a try first." Qin Lang said, and then signaled Shen Lang to turn back and lead the way. Now that the monster ape king has been subdued, those monster apes blocking the way are not much of a threat.

Afterwards, Qin Lang and Shen Lang turned their heads again and passed the area where the monster ape group was staying. At this end, the monster ape king was suppressing them in front, and all the monster apes had to be honest. After a while, he left the group of monster apes again and followed Qin Lang on the road.

Through the exchange of divine thoughts, Qin Lang also learned from the monster ape king Housheng that there are four monster ape kings in the entire Qingshan Canyon, which means that there are four groups of monster apes.

Except for Hou Sheng, the strength of the other three demon ape kings is not weak, and the entire demon ape group obeys the orders of the Qingshan Canyon Demon Bear Valley. come order.

"The order of the demon bear group... I heard that the bear king has left the Qingshan Canyon? Now in the entire demon bear group, which demon bear is so intelligent that he can issue orders instead of the bear king..."

Qin Lang also felt very strange, but he thought that these monsters in the Qingshan Canyon were extraordinary in wisdom, and it was also the inheritance place of the great perfection and powerful evil sword emperor in the late stage of transformation, so he was relieved, let it go.

(End of this chapter)

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