Chapter 1722
Time passed for a while, and at this moment, it was at a magnificent mountain peak.

There are a few groups of shadows around the straight mountain peak, and a large group of dark monster birds are chasing in the sky behind them, and the wings that are about ten feet long chase the shadows in front of them.

And if you look closely at the shadows in front of you, you can tell that it is Qin Lang, the monster ape king Housheng, and the monk from the East China Sea who led the way. For some reason, the three of them actually provoked a group of monsters, and now they are chased very embarrassingly.

The monster birds circled the mountain seven or eight times in a blink of an eye, and before they knew it, several monster birds had landed at the foot of the mountain not far from the peak, and it seemed that Qin Lang had already made dumplings for three.

Suddenly a white light flashed, it was Qin Lang's sword aura, and the two monsters chasing after him screamed at this moment, as if they had suffered something, they hurriedly flapped their wings, and only two by two reluctantly retreated from the sword gas.

At this moment, the monster ape king monkey jumped up into the sky more than 20 feet high, stretched out its sharp claws and grabbed several smaller monster birds next to it. The strength of the second level is not as good as that of the sixth-level adult body. In the sound of "chucking", a large piece of feathers was swept off.

"Chi Chi" the little demon birds were so startled that they wanted to fly high, but then the monster ape king slapped two of them down fiercely, and his sharp claws directly pierced the bodies of the two little monster birds. Death is injury.


Seeing that their descendants were killed by the monster ape king, the two adult monster birds immediately became red-eyed, and swooped directly towards the monster ape king, wanting to do their best.It turns out that the demon bird and the demon ape are two major enemies in the canyon. There are constant conflicts and conflicts between the two groups.

After this group of monster birds saw the monster ape king who was alone, they thought that the opportunity had come, so they kept chasing the monster monkey king and Qin Lang. There were more than 20 monster birds, eight adults and twelve juveniles. , due to occupying the advantage of the sky, all of them appear to be confident.

However, they didn't expect the monster ape king's jumping ability to be so good, and it bounced more than 20 feet in mid-air, which was careless and caused the two juniors to die.

And now after the two little monster birds were killed, the remaining monster birds were also furious. These monster birds came from the same group and were related to each other by blood. It was really uncomfortable to see their companions die.


A monster bird opened its mouth excitedly, and suddenly spewed out several bowl-sized fireballs, turning its surroundings into a fiery red color, and the red heat forced towards the monster ape king and Qin Lang.

This is also one of the innate abilities of adult demon birds, but it is not a magical power. The fireballs that adult monster birds can spit out are very limited, and each time they spit out, they will consume a lot of vitality, so they will not use this unless it is absolutely necessary. surgical.

Now after the two little monster birds were killed, this adult monster bird finally couldn't bear it anymore, so it spewed out these fireballs similar to the natal fireball, even if it hurt its vitality afterwards, it would not hesitate.

At this time, the rolling red heat is pressing towards Qin Lang. The monster ape king Housheng is better. It and the monster bird are also old enemies, so it has been prepared for a long time, and the body immediately launches a defensive force field to block the red heat. outside the force field.

The late Yuanying cultivator next to Qin Lang was in a lot of embarrassment. Although the monster bird in the sky was only at the sixth level, the power of this natal fire ball should not be underestimated. Even he felt that he couldn't resist it.

And Qin Lang couldn't help but smile slightly when he saw the monster bird spray group coming out. When it comes to playing with fire, he can be regarded as the ancestor of these monster birds. The fire can be much higher grade than the natal fire balls sprayed out by monster birds.

After all, Kanli's fire is an earth fire, and it ranks high, but the natal fire sprayed by the monster bird can only be regarded as human fire, which belongs to the kind of fire similar to the three flavors of real fire.

"Ji..." Qin Lang summoned a little spark of fire. When Kanli's fire appeared in front of his fingers, the natal fireballs sprayed out by the surrounding monsters seemed to be attracted by an inexplicable suction, and were directly drawn by this little bean. The big sparks were attracted, and they were all swallowed up by this little flame.

Immediately, the surrounding environment returned to coolness again, and the Fire of Kanli summoned by Qin Lang looked smaller than the natal fireballs spewed out by the monster birds, but its level was much higher, so it could easily swallow the fireballs spewed out by the monster birds. These natal fire groups.

This is also called one thing subduing one thing, after all, they are all fires of the same root, and it is natural for the high-level to suppress the low-level.

And the fire of Kanli summoned by Qin Lang is actually less than [-]% of the sea of ​​consciousness. Now the fire of Kanli has occupied a large space in the sea of ​​consciousness after being continuously accumulated, forming a huge fire Clouds, floating in the sky above the Sea of ​​Consciousness.

After absorbing the natal fire ball of the monster bird, Qin Lang could faintly feel that the star-sized Kanli fire in his finger seemed to have been greatly nourished, and it became much brighter from the original dim yellow. Lai Kanli's fire devoured this low-level flame and got some benefits.

In this case, it can be confirmed that although the natal fire ball spit out by the monster bird is not as good as Kanli's fire, it is also a rare and rare kind of fire. Otherwise, Kanli's fire would not have gained such a great benefit.

But now that Qin Lang used Kanli's fire to clean up the surrounding fireballs, the surrounding environment has returned to coolness, and the monk from the East China Sea, whose eyebrows and beard were almost scorched, also took the opportunity to take a good breath. He almost gave these monsters a moment ago The flames spit out by the bird were scorched. If Qin Lang hadn't made a move, he would have been dehydrated.

But after the adult monster bird spit out the essence of its own fire balls, it didn't get the desired result, and couldn't help but quacked in anger. This guy also became much weaker after spitting out these fire balls , It sounded a bit broken, obviously lacking in breath.

On the side, at this time, several other adult monster birds flew over to support their companions. Seeing that the attack of the fire-breathing companion just now was ineffective, these same adults were not convinced. At this time, they increased their firepower and shot at Qin Lang together. Fire here.

Puff...a huge cloud of fire, which was more powerful than before, came over to Qin Lang, stretching across a stretch, and it was about to surround Qin Lang and the three of them.

But now, a bigger heat wave hit Qin Lang, the monk of Donghai, and the monster ape king Housheng. All three guys looked like they couldn't avoid it.At this time, the monk Donghai was scorched by the heat wave, and his exposed skin instantly became scorched, and many places were burned.

At this time, Qin Lang flicked the sparks on his fingers, allowing Dou Da's Kanli Fire to play its due role again. As expected, the Kanli Fire took effect again, and directly began to devour the surrounding area. The continuous fire clouds and clouds, like a long whale sucking water, have been swallowed up in an instant.

At this scene, the surrounding Donghai monks were stunned. The senior is indeed a senior, and this special ability cannot be compared to himself!Speaking of which, it was his luck and blessing that he was able to meet such a powerful senior this time.

After the strange birds finished spitting out the fire balls, seeing that Qin Lang absorbed all the fire balls they sprayed out, they were stunned at first, and then became even more angry, quack, quack, yelling at each other, but, But Qin Lang, who was on the ground, had nothing to do.

They are really at their wit's end, even the natal fire group can't deal with Qin Lang, and they really have no other means to come up with now.After all, their group of more than 20 monster birds are only fifth or sixth-order monster birds, and there is no such thing as a monster bird king.

However, there is indeed a seventh-rank monster bird king in the Qingshan Canyon, but there is only one monster bird king. This monster bird king usually stays in the resting place of the monster birds and doesn't come out very much.

Several adult demon birds were seriously injured after spitting fireballs. After a burst of chattering, more than 20 monster birds reunited and directly attacked the three people on the ground.

However, after these more than 20 demon birds launched their attacks, they all avoided Qin Lang in the room. They mainly targeted neither Qin Lang nor the demon ape king, but Shen Lang, a casual cultivator in the late stage of Donghai Yuanying.

And Shen Lang, a casual cultivator in the late Yuanying period, is indeed the weakest in the combination of two people and one beast. When facing the densely packed monster birds in the sky, he also seemed to have a heartbeat. After all, these monster birds have good attacks. He has experienced it himself.

If he was allowed to fight these monster birds in the air alone, he could be [-]% sure that he would not be able to beat them. Although these monster birds were only five or six ranks, which were equivalent to monks in the early and middle stages of the Nascent Soul, Shen Lang himself It is only a late Nascent Soul, and it is really difficult to deal with such a group of air forces.

His face was a little pale, and he thought to himself: "I didn't expect this monster to be so terrifying. I definitely can't beat it! Now it depends on how powerful the senior and the newly summoned pet are."

The current main attacker began to change, and gradually became the monster ape king Housheng, and Qin Lang continued to play support at the side to improve Housheng's combat state.

After Housheng received some buff spells from Qin Lang, his combat power immediately increased by one or two grades, and he began to approach this group of monster birds and suppress them.And Qin Lang also took the opportunity to cooperate at this time, and directly used the sword skill ultimate move, swipe!
Qin Lang opened and closed, and unreservedly performed a killer move with the greatest power.Like a flash of lightning piercing the sky, full of arrogance.

This time, Qin Lang directly killed the three sixth-order adult monsters. After all, they were already weak to a certain extent, and now they even reacted slowly, which seemed a bit amateurish, so it was very difficult for Qin Lang to kill them directly. normal.

(End of this chapter)

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