The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1723 Heart Sword Seed

Chapter 1723 Heart Sword Seed
Immediately, within the group of monster birds, three monster birds who were almost out of strength were beheaded by Qin Lang on the spot, and the corpses remained.

The flesh and blood of this monster bird is actually a very good food material, so Qin Lang was not polite next, and directly collected the flesh and materials of the monster bird. It is a very good material for alchemy and equipment refining, and it should not be wasted.

After being beheaded by Qin Lang's three adult bodies, the monster bird hovered in the sky and screamed for a while, obviously very unwilling, but also knew that the three underground were not easy to mess with, and if they swooped down again, they would be looking for death, so even if they were not reconciled In the end, he had no choice but to retreat.

Four hours later, Qin Lang followed Donghai Loose Cultivator Shen Lang and finally came to the hidden crack in the Qingshan Canyon, and saw the chopstick head-sized gap at the hidden crack.

"Senior, this gap is really too small. I think... let's try to see if we can expand the gap and open up a passage for the body to pass through."

At this time, Shen Lang suggested.

And Qin Lang looked at the tiny cracks and gaps where spiritual energy was constantly escaping, nodded, and said, "Then try it first!"

Then, Qin Lang, Shen Lang, and the Monster Ape King took turns to bombard the gap. After half an hour, all three of them lost their strength. The gap was still safe and sound, and there was no change at all.

Sighing, the three of them knew that they had no way to expand the gap. After all, the enchantment of Qingshan Canyon was too stable. Even if Qin Lang broke out with all his strength, it would be useless to use the magic house.

"Senior, this gap cannot be enlarged... It seems that we can only stay in this green mountain valley for another month, and I hope that this month will be safe and sound." Facing the situation in front of him, Shen Lang said, It seemed a bit bitter, and he actually expected this result, but he never expected that things would always go in the worst direction.

"Yeah, I'm afraid that's the only way to go."

Qin Lang showed a thoughtful expression. In fact, with his way of changing his way, he had a way to break out of the Qingshan Canyon alone, but considering the two guys, the Monster Ape King and Shen Lang, he couldn't just leave them alone. , so I decided to stay for another month.

It is worth mentioning that the monster ape king Housheng cannot be included in the pet bag. Qin Lang tried it before, and this is the real reason why Qin Lang did not leave alone. After all, the monster ape king has taken refuge in him now and has become his loyal younger brother. Of course I won't drop it.

The concentration of aura in the Qingshan Canyon is basically the same as the outside, or even higher. If you practice here, it is a good treasure. Next, the three of Qin Lang are going to practice for a while, and then take a turn in this valley.

After all, it will take about a month to stay in this canyon in the next month, and this life will be monotonous enough. Qin Lang's current cultivation strength is the Dzogchen in the late Yuanying period, and he is proficient in formation and mechanism knowledge, so in this canyon There are not many dangers that can be encountered in the valley. This canyon is very dangerous for others, but it is a treasure land for him to obtain resources.

Although most of the resources were taken away by the previous monks, there are still some hidden and dangerous places in the canyon, and there are still a lot of good things.

The place Qin Lang chose to retreat was not far from this hidden crack, and built a small phantom formation and trap formation to cover himself, and Hou Sheng protected himself.And Shen Lang, who led the way and the party, did not leave, and found a place to practice near Qin Lang. From the perspective of this Donghai casual cultivator, he still needs to stay in the canyon for another month. Instead of acting alone, he might as well follow It is safer to be with this powerful senior.

After all, Qin Lang is not only a monk who is a Dzogchen monk in the late stage of Nascent Soul, he can't see through the tricks in his hands. What's more, Qin Lang also has a newly subdued younger brother, the Monster Ape King, who is a powerful helper in combat power. It's another local local snake, with such a little brother escorting everyone's safety factor in the next month will be higher.

Shen Lang's calculations are very subtle, but this is also human nature. After all, no one will make fun of his own life. If he can improve his safety factor a little, of course he should strive for as much as possible.

And Qin Lang is understandable about this, Shen Lang, the Donghai casual cultivator who was rescued by himself, seems to have always behaved well, and as long as this casual cultivator keeps the rules, then of course he will take care of him as much as possible.

After retreating, Qin Lang began to take out the biggest harvest in the Qingshan Canyon, the rectangular stone box and a broken sword obtained from the altar inside the Jufeng mountain.

After opening the rectangular stone box, Qin Lang found that there was nothing inside the stone box, and he couldn't help being surprised: "What's going on... Could it be that the treasures in the box have been taken away long ago? Or the evil sword emperor Da Neng?" Tens of thousands of years ago, you deliberately made a joke for the intruders of the canyon, leaving such an empty box?"

After thinking about it, Qin Lang couldn't figure out the reason, so he could only put the stone box into the storage ring again, so it will take a long time in the future, even if there is a mystery in this empty box, there will be a way to research it later.

After that, Qin Lang took out a half-cut sword. This broken sword should have been used by the evil sword emperor Mo Lai. It contained an extremely fierce sword intent, and Qin Lang, as a half sword repairer, could directly sense it.

So next, Qin Lang plans to spend the next few days trying to figure out the sword intent in this broken sword, to see if he can extract the sword intent and gain some valuable sword practice experience.

After all, although I can be regarded as a half-talented swordsman, but compared to the ancient powerful evil sword emperor, there must still be many shortcomings. Even if this kind of cultivator who is in the late stage of becoming a god, even if he pulls a hair from his body, it is probably better than his own. Thick arms.

After making up his mind, Qin Lang quickly submerged his mind, integrated his consciousness into Broken Sword, and sensed the sword intent inside Broken Sword.

However, as soon as Qin Lang's spiritual consciousness came into contact with Broken Sword and injected a trace of it from the outside into the interior, his mind was shaken. broken.

At the same time, a killing intent came from inside Broken Sword, and fed back to Qin Lang's brain, making him feel like falling into a kiln of ice. The sword intent inside Broken Sword was so terrifying that it almost caused Qin Lang to have hallucinations and demons on the spot.

Fortunately, Qin Lang's consciousness is tough enough, and he also has treasures to stabilize his mind, such as the top-grade magic weapon, the Millennium Cold Jade Bed, and the Yunshen Pill, which are all very effective.

And after completely stabilizing his mind, Qin Lang suddenly felt that there were some inexplicable things in his spiritual consciousness. This thing was inexplicable and vague, and it should be that his perception was not enough.

It doesn't matter, the broken sword in his hand is still there, so Qin Lang intends to continue to spend with this broken sword, even if his spiritual consciousness is exhausted, it doesn't matter, anyway, there are enough pills to replenish the spiritual consciousness, and the spiritual consciousness is about to be exhausted When the light comes, he will be brought back.

After all, Qin Lang had made adequate preparations before coming to the East China Sea from the West Desert. A large number of alchemists are able to make alchemy, so there is no shortage of pills in Dandingfang. Many pills, even Qin Lang at the time, were very excited, and used resources or contributions to exchange a large number of them.

After swallowing a few Yiyuan Pills, Qin Lang replenished his spiritual consciousness and studied the broken sword again.

Although the effect of Yiyuan Pill in restoring consciousness is not as good as Fushen Pill, it is superior in quality and low price. Qin Lang exchanged nearly 3 pills at the Dandingfang at one time. It is estimated that so many Yiyuan Pills will not be used up in three to five years. .

Of course, he also exchanged for the recovery pills with the effect of repairing the spiritual consciousness, and he had at least one or two thousand pills on him. In fact, only Qin Lang had so many resources and contribution points in the entire Dandingfang at that time, which could be exchanged for a large number of pills. medicine.

After all, the three series of magic crystal pills provided by Qin Lang are all of great value. Except for the first ordinary-level pill that has been adjusted and improved from the original recipe of Goatee Jiuding, the other two series of pills are of great value. Fang said it was an improvement, but in fact it was not much different from the self-created Dan Fang. The ratio and properties of the ingredients had changed drastically.

After the middle-level magic crystal elixir and high-level magic crystal elixir are researched, it is of great significance to Dandingfang and the entire cultivation world. At that time, Qin Lang also received a large amount of contribution from the transaction of the alchemy king Yu Decheng. , These contributions are worth hundreds of millions or even billions of spirit stones, which should not be underestimated.

In this case, it also directly turned Qin Lang from an upstart to a big local tyrant. If you count the shares he owns in Dandingfang, I am afraid that even some big families in the West Desert do not have such a rich net worth as Qin Lang.

And after Qin Lang had Lingshi and resources, of course he never treated himself badly again. He was able to provide as much as possible for some standing things on his body. He has always been a person who is used to suffering, so of course he understands how much it is when there is a lack of cultivation resources. Helpless, so he always maintains sufficient cultivation resources on his body.

Just under the consumption of Qin Lang's spiritual consciousness, no matter how fierce the sword intent in the broken sword is, it will be stripped off by Qin Lang bit by bit. I am afraid that the evil sword emperor of the Great Perfection in the late stage of the transformation of the gods could not have been able to do it tens of thousands of years ago. It occurred to me that some monks would use a large amount of pills to supplement the consumption of spiritual consciousness by burning money, and forcibly deciphered the sword intent in his own broken sword bit by bit.

If you can think of it, I am afraid that the evil sword emperor back then would vomit blood. In fact, in ancient times, the evil sword emperor was also a person who acted both righteously and evilly without any scruples. He never thought of leaving any inheritance in this Qingshan valley After all, this Qingshan Canyon was just a retreat place for Emperor Xiejian when he was young, and the Broken Sword was actually left over by accident from a battle.

Thinking about it, a monk in his youth is at the rising stage of his life, with unparalleled vigor, no one can consider too many retreats behind him at this stage, considering the succession of inheritance... that is when a monk has reached the end of his life things to consider.

(End of this chapter)

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