The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1823 The Healing of the Demonic Monk

Chapter 1823 The Healing of the Demonic Monk

In the secret realm, after killing the clone of Lord Shura, Qin Lang's biggest gain is the top-grade magic weapon, the Heavenly Demon Banner, and Qin Lang has also used some magic weapons of ghosts, so he does not reject these magic weapons. Once you gather enough resources, you can refine it again and make it your own magic treasure.

However, the Heavenly Demon Banner is made from the sacrifice of souls obtained from a large number of slaughters. The refining method of this magic treasure is harmful to Tianhe, so when using it, you must pay more attention to this point, and it is best to use it sparingly.

After accepting the Heavenly Demon Banner, Qin Lang continued to explore the secrets of the entire sea area. Along the way, he has collected more than a dozen demon heads, and there is even an extraterritorial Heavenly Demon. If converted into contribution points, it should be about 150 million look.

With a contribution of 150 million, it may take several months or even a year for high-ranking monks of the Heavenly Sword Sect to do other sect missions. In this secret sea area, as long as you are willing to spend time looking for it, you can capture more The devil is enough, the speed of collecting contribution points is at least a hundred times faster than doing other tasks of the sect.

Qin Lang traveled all the way, and all the way he met were demons, and he never encountered a second extraterritorial demon. In the next two days, he harvested six or seven demons.

And Qin Lang is now planning to look for other teammates in the secret realm, and at the same time look for the passage entrance of the demon world. After all, if he wants to obtain a large amount of sect contribution or demon head resources, he may have to search in the area close to the entrance of the demon world passage. And in other places in this sea area secret realm, the chance of finding the devil is much smaller, and often you will not meet two or three in a whole day.

When he was flying towards a certain place, Qin Lang suddenly heard a strange sound. This strange sound did not seem to be made by a human monk. Looking curiously, he found that it was actually two acquaintances, and this time it was the Tiandaomen monk team. Teammates traveling, Zhu Rendawei and Yilou.

It's just that these two sword cultivators in the late Yuanying period have lost their ego and original consciousness, and Qin Lang was surprised when he saw this situation: "Demonization..." After these two monks entered the secret realm, they were actually possessed by the demon head The body is demonized, and the result of demonization is naturally that the monk's consciousness is squeezed out, and finally disappears until he perishes.

"Aww..." Seeing the appearance of strangers, the demonized Zhu Rendawei and Yilou had red eyes, excitedly rushing towards Qin Lang with wild instincts.

"Looking for death!" Qin Lang frowned, and waved his hand a few times to sweep away the two demonized monks. The random blows of the quasi-transformation god stage monks were stronger than the full blow of the Yuanying stage monks, so he wanted to sweep away the two demonized monks. Two demonized monks are actually very easy.

The original strength of the two demonized monks was only in the late stage of Yuanying. Even though they lost their minds after being demonized and their cultivation base improved slightly, it was impossible to beat Qin Lang.

You must know that one is in the sky and the other is in the ground. These are two completely different grades, so it is easy for Qin Lang to clean them up.

After subduing the two struggling demonized monks, Qin Lang released his consciousness to check at this time. These two demonized monks have been enchanted for a day or two, and their original consciousness was squeezed into the brain's consciousness. It hasn't dissipated yet, but if you don't think about it, it may really be hopeless.

At this time, Qin Lang decided to treat these two people. Although these two people have been demonized for so long, it is almost impossible to treat them in the eyes of other doctors in the comprehension world.

He was born in the heavenly medical school, mastered a lot of alchemy and medical knowledge, and supplemented by some medical knowledge on earth, so in terms of medical skills, he will definitely exceed 90.00% of the doctors in the cultivation world.

First of all, to save the two Heavenly Knife Sect cultivators who have been deeply infatuated, it is possible to save the two cultivators at the stage of transforming gods. Now Qin Lang's strength is already at the stage of transforming gods, and his cultivation base is already available.

Rescuing a monk who is possessed by demons requires cultivation at the stage of transformation into a god, which is actually a hard condition. If the conditions are not met, there is no way to get rid of the deep-seated demonic thoughts in the monk's body. It will change into a magic thought and become the new owner of this body.

And to cure the demonized monks, some key medicinal materials are needed to neutralize the magic energy in the demonized monks' body. Only when the magic energy in the demonized monks' body is reduced, can the monk's original consciousness be revived.

Although Qin Lang didn't have those key ingredients, he could replace those materials that neutralize the demonic energy with the technique of crossing the acupoints with golden needles.

Speaking of it, the two demonized monks Zhu Rendawei and Yilou were lucky to meet Qin Lang here. If it was a day or two later, the body consciousness might really be squeezed and dissipated. At that time, even Da Luo Jinxian made a move It didn't help either.

In order to save the two demonized monks, Qin Lang has to make some preparations.

First of all, he arranged a small-scale defensive confusion formation in this area to cover up and protect the three of them.

Then, Qin Lang used the restraint method to completely restrain the two demonized monks who were constantly moving, and then took out the set of golden needles that had not been used for several months.

The first time he rescued demonized monks, Qin Lang seemed to be very cautious. He was actually an attempt. After all, although there are a lot of information about demon heads and extraterritorial demons in history, there is no case of treating demonized monks. .

Therefore, although it is known that a cultivator at the transformation stage can cure a monk who has been demonized for the first time with his own strength and some medicinal materials, no one has tried it.

Maybe it's not that no one has tried it, it's just that even if there are cultivators in the transformation stage who have tried it, the method has not been made public, so the comprehension world only knows half of it.

Qin Lang directly tore off the clothes of one of the monks, and saw that the whole body of the monk named Zhu Rendawei turned light gray, not like human skin, but the inside of the seal hall was black and dark.

Because of being demonized, his body was still entangled with smoke-like light black demonic energy, and his rigidity and strangeness made him look particularly embarrassing.

Qin Lang inserted the golden needles into Zhu Rendawei's vital points bit by bit. The three-inch long golden needles were all over the [-] important points of the person's body, and then the formal treatment began.

At this time, Qin Lang injected his own true energy into Zhu Rendawei's meridians, and his spiritual consciousness also entered it. He found that the meridians in Zhu Rendawei's body had been silted up by the devil's energy, and the true energy flowed very smoothly when it passed through. not easy.

Therefore, this requires Qin Lang to continuously output a large amount of true energy to be able to push the true energy to run in the opponent's dead meridians.

If it is a monk in the Nascent Soul stage, his cultivation base is definitely not enough, and the real energy injected into it may not be able to promote his own real energy at all, so it is impossible to clean up the demonic energy in the demonized monk's body.

And the cultivators in the stage of transforming gods can basically keep their true energy alive, so it is much easier to clear the body of the demonized cultivators.

Although Qin Lang is only a quasi-transformation god now, he has not really entered the stage of transformation of the gods, and has not been able to achieve the endless vitality of his true energy, but his current real energy is definitely more than five times that of the late Nascent Soul Dzogchen, and some of his movements are true. The little trick of Yuanli can also make his true Yuanli output last longer.

And at this time, with the promotion of the true energy bit by bit, Qin Lang's consciousness also followed the true energy forward, observing the subtle changes in the body of the demonized monk all the way.

When the magic energy passes through the acupuncture points of the golden needle, Qin Lang will increase the input of true energy, and expel as much of the magic energy as possible through the acupuncture points of the golden needle, reducing the excessive accumulation in Zhu Rendawei's body. magic energy.

The true energy moves forward all the way in the demonized monk Zhu Rendawei's body, and this journey is not easy. Those demonic energy is very stubborn, and it is very difficult to squeeze it out. Qin Lang also spent a lot of effort, going round and round Drive the true energy to run, and slowly squeeze out those demonic energy.

After about an hour, the skin of Zhu Rendawei's body has gradually returned to its normal color, and it is no longer that weird gray-black color, which is a normal phenomenon after the devil energy in the body is diluted.

And now that Qin Lang has achieved this step, he has actually exhausted more than half of the demonic energy in Zhu Rendawei's body. At this time, he still has another important thing to do, which is to remove Zhu Rendawei's knowledge of the sea. The magic in the body is also eliminated at the same time.

However, it is even more difficult to eliminate the evil thoughts. The evil thoughts are hidden in the sea of ​​consciousness and dominate the manipulation of the now demonized monks, which is similar to the nature of the divine consciousness.

Magic thoughts are an extreme negative energy, but consciousness or primordial spirit is different, without going to this extreme,
The divine consciousness entered Zhu Rendawei's mind, just as Qin Lang's divine consciousness entered the opponent's brain, the magic thought hidden in the sea of ​​consciousness also sensed the invasion of foreign spiritual consciousness.

For Mo Nian, when Qin Lang's spiritual consciousness enters it, he senses it. This is a huge threat.

At this time, the evil thoughts in the sea of ​​consciousness directly turned into a black evil Buddha, sitting cross-legged in the center of the sea of ​​consciousness, not responding to changes, paying attention to the abnormal movements in the body at any time.

"Boom!" Qin Lang's consciousness penetrated into the brain of Zhu Ren Dachuan, and he began to prepare for a short-term contact with the magic thoughts.

The two sides have already made it clear that the chariots and horses are a process of hand-to-hand combat. If Qin Lang's spiritual consciousness is not strong enough, he may be injured by the magical thoughts in Zhu Rendawei's sea of ​​consciousness.

However, the firmness of Qin Lang's spiritual consciousness is not comparable to that of a monk in the Nascent Soul Stage, so the confrontation with Mo Nian lasted for a long time, and neither of the two sides could do anything to win the other.

After a stalemate for such a long time, Qin Lang tentatively used his divine sense to provoke the opponent a few times, but he never succeeded.

(End of this chapter)

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