The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1824 Demon Sea Anemone

Chapter 1824 Demon Sea Anemone

Speaking of which, after the demonic thoughts took over the monk's body, they gradually formed a fit with the body, so the whole body became the home field of the demonic thoughts.

In the home field of Mo Nian, if Qin Lang wants to defeat Mo Nian, his spiritual consciousness must be stronger than Mo Nian, so that he can have a chance to eliminate the opponent.

Fortunately, Qin Lang is now a quasi-spiritual cultivator, and the strength of his spiritual consciousness has barely reached this standard. The process of clearing the magic thoughts is a bit difficult, but it will definitely succeed after a few more attempts.

Sure enough, after the effort of half a stick of incense, Qin Lang's spiritual consciousness directly wrapped up the mass of evil thoughts, successfully cutting off the connection between the evil thoughts and the body.

Afterwards, Qin Lang directly restrained this mass of demonic thoughts without stopping, and then pushed hard with his spiritual consciousness to expel this mass of demonic thoughts that had been cut off from his body.

In this case, the biggest root cause of this demonized monk's demonization will be cleaned up, and then Qin Lang will continue to use the golden needle to cross the acupoints in turn to clean up the remaining demonic energy on Zhu Rendawei.

As soon as the demonic energy on his body was almost cleaned up, Qin Lang fed this guy a few Fushen Pills, and then used his true energy to help him dissipate the medicine, nourishing the dying soul in his sea of ​​consciousness.

Although a few pills were lost, there was no way to do it. It would be against his conscience to let Qin Lang see death without saving him. After all, they were all from a small team.

Seeing that Zhu Ren's spiritual consciousness has gradually recovered, under the nourishment of the elixir, there is no serious problem, and his body is gradually recovering, Qin Lang put this guy down at this time, and began to treat the second Heavenly Sword Sect cultivator Yilou started treatment.

The whole treatment process is exactly the same as the treatment of the first demonized monk. Qin Lang is now familiar with the process. The treatment of the two demonized monks took him three hours in total.

And when Zhu Rendawei and Yilou woke up and understood the previous situation, both of them were very grateful to Qin Lang: "Thank you, Elder Qin, for saving us..."

Qin Lang waved his hand, and said generously: "It's nothing...just a little effort."

"This is a piece of cake for Elder Qin, but we don't think so."

Zhu Rendawei has recovered more than half of his body now, but his face looks pale, as if he lost a lot of vitality after being demonized, and it will not be easy to replenish it in a while.

He said with difficulty: "We also know that it is almost impossible for a monk who has been demonized to recover. Now this life is given to us by Elder Qin, and we don't know how to say gratitude. We will die forever."

"Hehe, it's too serious." Qin Lang smiled, although he didn't ask for anything in return for saving the two, he was still very happy when they said so.

After all, no matter who saves someone, they still like to hear a few words of gratitude, don't they?

At this time, Yilou also clasped his fists and said, "Elder Qin, first of all thank you for saving us, now which direction should we go next..."

After the two late Yuanying monks experienced the incident of being demonized, they dared not act alone again, so they decided to follow Qin Lang, no matter where Qin Lang went, they would follow.

After all, the existence of the devil is still a huge threat to some monks who are not firm in their spiritual consciousness and will. The two monks in the late Nascent Soul stage lost their sanity after being hit by the whistling magic sound from the devil, and they were arrested. Demon possessed the upper body.

"Going forward... the place I want to go may be dangerous, you can leave halfway."

Qin Lang said at this time that he wanted to find a connection channel to the demon world, to see if he could get more information about the demon head there, and it would indeed be troublesome to carry two drag oil bottles that are not strong enough, but if in the secret realm When you meet other members of the team, you can dump these two who are not strong enough to others.

After making up his mind, Qin Lang took the two late Yuanying monks of Tiandaomen and flew forward, but he didn't meet other members of the Tiandaomen monk team in the next day, but the current area The number of demon heads encountered in the city is increasing. Qin Lang has captured ten of them in just three hours, and also encountered an extraterritorial demon, but the extraterritorial demon was too cunning to escape.

Although he escaped an extraterritorial celestial demon, Qin Lang didn't care. Now that there are so many demons in this area, he must have a chance to meet another extraterritorial celestial demon. When the time comes, he will have a chance to catch a few more. head.

And the two monks Zhu Rendawei and Yilou, who were in the late Yuanying period, were by Qin Lang's side, and they also indirectly gained some benefits. The two of them also captured four demon heads respectively, and put them into the forbidden magic bottle.

At the same time, these two people are also happy in their hearts. It is wise to follow Qin Lang. No, I didn’t gain anything today, but now I have gained so much in a few hours. If I act alone, not only may I capture If you don't get to the devil, your own safety can't be guaranteed.

The current Qin Lang is equivalent to the backing and backing of the two, so the two of them have no scruples about making moves, and they don't have to worry about being attacked by the devil again, so their own combat power has also greatly increased, and the ability to capture the devil has also increased accordingly Not a lot.

This is a virtuous circle, and the two monks have also enjoyed the sweetness. The four devils they harvested at once are equivalent to 40 contribution points. If they were to complete the ordinary tasks of the sect, they might earn money for several months. Not so much contribution.

However, at this time, Qin Lang, who was catching the devil in this densely populated area, suddenly stopped his actions, and at the same time silenced the two monks around him. He found something wrong in front of him. It seemed that there was a very powerful existence. He felt a little familiar with the breath of existence, but it was also a little strange.

"Judging from the leaked breath, it should be a strong man whose strength is far beyond the stage of transforming gods. It's strange that I don't have any impression in my mind... Who is that guy..."

Qin Lang's forehead was full of question marks, he stopped the two monks in place, and then headed in that direction by himself.

Qin Lang was more than 8000 feet away from that place. After sneaking in quietly, he found that the energy fluctuations in this direction were very violent, as if a war had taken place.At this moment, he, who had concealed his aura, approached the battlefield, only to find a weird figure covered in green, who was performing a devouring technique similar to the innate supernatural power, and was devouring a large number of demons on the scene.

And this scene seems to be a small-scale gathering place of demons, at least [-] or [-] demons have been gathered, and there are even two extraterrestrial demons. They rolled back in the same direction, and while their bodies were flying into the air, the figures of the monsters also shrank smaller and smaller, and finally shrunk back into pills and were swallowed by the green figure.

After casting a spell similar to innate supernatural powers, the green figure patted his slightly bulging stomach, and finally showed a satisfied smile. "Jie Jie, the devil's head is really delicious... In comparison, only the human soul can compare with it, but the human soul has too many distracting thoughts and is not as pure as the devil's soul, so I still like to eat the devil's head. And The Demon Realm is a good place, if I, Mokui, can go back, I can enjoy endless delicious food."

This green figure is actually the demon sea anemone that successfully morphed before. Its body is actually a taboo plant in the demon world, and it is also the nemesis of demon heads and extraterrestrial demons. Somehow, it has drifted to the entrance of the sea secret realm of the human world.

Now after the magic sea anemone has absorbed the consciousness of the human magic cultivator Xi Zhijie in red robe, it has become human, so it has gradually learned to speak, think, etc., which is actually equivalent to a kind of evolution. The sea anemone is much stronger than the huge sea anemone that was half plant and half animal before. Although the combat power is not as strong as the main body, its intelligence has risen linearly.

The number of magic sea anemones in the devil world is also very rare, and they are creatures at the upper level of the biological chain. The devil sea anemone in front of me entered the secret realm from the bottom of the human world and was about to return to the devil world. After absorbing the soul of a human monk, it has undergone a mutation. With intelligence, so stronger.

If you return to the Demon Realm through the connection channel this time, the Demon Realm will definitely be disturbed by this devil sea anemone. After all, the devil sea anemone is a ninth-level creature, which already has the strength equivalent to the mid-stage cultivator in the human world. Even in the Demon Realm, he is not considered weak. He is in the middle and upper reaches of the food chain. Now he is stronger after the mutation, and his comprehensive combat ability has improved to a higher level. He has reached the upper reaches of the food chain.

After the green figure of the demon sea anemone sucked a lot of demon heads, he patted his belly in satisfaction and murmured: "It feels so good to eat, now I want to find the connection entrance of the passage to the demon world... Makes me want to Think, I can’t remember! I seem to have left this secret realm for tens of thousands of years, and have been sleeping in the deep sea of ​​the human world, and only woke up in the last few years.”

The green figure murmured in distress; "However, since the local demons are so densely populated, the entrance to the connecting passage must not be far away, so I'll look for it next..."

After the magic sea anemone said this, its figure flashed and disappeared in an instant!From the looks of it, this guy should be looking for the entrance to the passage that connects to the Demon Realm.

And Qin Lang nearby has been holding his breath all the time, not daring to reveal the slightest breath of himself. Just now he faced a huge monster similar to a ninth-level monster. If this kind of monster finds himself, I am afraid that he will be slapped You can pat yourself into meat sauce.

Of course, now Qin Lang has a magic treasure house and a demon banner, and he has some fighting methods when facing an attack, but he still has no desire to fight this demon sea anemone. Fighting against such a powerful creature, it's okay if you win, but if you lose, you may lose your life, and the other party will not let you go.

(End of this chapter)

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