The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1833 The Benefits of Fishing in Troubled Waters

Chapter 1833 The Benefits of Fishing in Troubled Waters

Qin Lang also joined in this chaotic battle, and the opponent's enemy flew out two demon heads to launch a surrounding attack on him.

Qin Lang directed the demons on the left and right sides to meet him, while retreating, thinking in his heart: how should he deal with this scuffle.

It would definitely not work to shine in a melee, and it would be very bad if it attracted the attention of Samasha, the commander of all his troops.

You must know that Sa Mosha is a ninth-level high-level monster. If this guy notices it, Qin Lang's body is likely to be exposed.

Although the Dao of Transformation technique is amazing, and Qin Lang's ability to disguise his body is also in place, there are still many clues that can prove that Qin Lang is extraordinary, and then Sa Mosha only needs to carefully scan Qin Lang's body with his spiritual sense for a while, and he will be able to More inadequacies can be found.

And in that case, Qin Lang's true identity will be invisible, so Qin Lang must keep a low profile to be the real king.During the battle, the group of [-] demons led by Qin Lang looked like a lot of people, but they were not the opponents of the enemy group on the opposite side.

Although the number of the enemy's team is also one hundred, the two leaders are elite demons. When ordinary demons encounter these two elite demons, they will basically collapse at the touch of a touch, and then they will be defeated by the demons behind. to harvest.

Immediately, Qin Lang directly lost more than a dozen of his subordinates. Although these subordinates are useless to him, they are now the best barrier to hide himself. If this battle ends in the end, all members of his team will die , As long as he is still alive, that will attract the attention of the high-level. When the time comes to investigate carefully, he will naturally know Qin Lang's true identity.

Facing the two elite demons on the opposite side, although Qin Lang's subordinates did not have the available combat power, they were beyond the reach of the two elite demons in all aspects.He didn't make a direct move at this time, but directly manipulated the rest of his subordinates to form a trap according to his own wishes, and then used his troops to consume the opponent's combat power.

After the formation was set up, the fighting power of Qin Lang's team increased greatly, and the situation suddenly reversed. Now Qin Lang's team is pressing harder and harder, while the enemy on the opposite side is retreating step by step.

After the chaos, Qin Lang took the opportunity to use the Forbidden Magic Art to secretly clean up a few demons, stuffed them into his arms, and hid them in the Forbidden Bottle. There were four or five demons he cleaned up in this scuffle, of which Including those two elite-level monsters.

And as the enemy team fought with Qin Lang's team, the two elite demons and a large number of demons were cleaned up by Qin Lang's team, so the situation became one-sided. , and as the extraterrestrial demon retreated, the remaining demons also ran away.

Therefore, Qin Lang's team won a big victory at the cost of losing a dozen of his men. It is estimated that more than sixty enemies were killed in this battle. Five or six devils.

While the team led by Qin Lang won a big victory, the other nine teams next to it seemed very stalemate, and even the thousand-man vanguard team of Samosa was slightly inferior, so Qin Lang directly led the team members to support other teams at this time. Allies of the group.

And the reason why Qin Lang did this was that he wanted to take advantage of the chaos to clean up a few more monsters. After all, when thousands of people fought on the battlefield, no one noticed that he secretly moved a little bit.

And Qin Lang didn't care about the life and death of these temporary subordinates in his team at all. He even didn't distinguish between the enemy and the enemy when collecting the demon souls. Without the slightest scruples.

After a scuffle, Qin Lang estimated that more than 50 demon souls had been restrained. Among the 50 demon souls, there were five or six elite demon heads, and the rest were mostly demon heads and extraterritorial demons.

And the whole battlefield with Qin Lang, a shit-stirring stick, added to the chaos. The demon companions of the vanguard team were fighting bravely. They never thought that there was such a rebellious boy in their team, and they often fought When I was inexplicably, I caught Qin Lang's way.

When the enemy monsters noticed Qin Lang's abnormal behavior, they were inexplicably stunned. They didn't know what the trouble was. As a result, after Qin Lang cleaned up his own people, he started to clean up this dumbfounded monster again. Do it all.

This scuffle didn't last long, only about ten minutes. In the end, the vanguard of Jasmine's army retreated first and ended.

"Kaka... Kaka Kaka..."

After the vanguard of the hostile Jasmine army retreated, Qin Lang's vanguard couldn't help but burst into joyful cheers. Of course, this was just pure soul wave cheering. In fact, every monster didn't make a sound .

And in this battle, the vanguard of Jasmine's army is estimated to directly reduce [-]% of their staff, and the loss is not bad.

And Zamosha's vanguard team is also not feeling well. It directly reduces its staff by about [-]%, and loses nearly [-] monsters.

For such casualties, the two demon armies didn't seem to care much. The demon world was originally a place full of wars, and the battlefield was also the place that consumed the most troops.

The confrontation of the vanguard just now is actually quite normal in the eyes of the demonic battlefield. Even in some demonic battlefields, after the two armies encounter each other, it is possible for both sides to be wiped out. After all, if the demon chooses to explode If that is the case, the lethality of self-explosion will be multiplied. If this is the case, the end of the battle will be the result of the end of the battle.

This wave of battles has ended, so it's time to close the team. Qin Lang doesn't have many people left at this time, about forty or fifty, which is an average number among the various groups of the vanguard team. At first glance, it's not the last few.

As for the vanguard team of Samosa, the remaining members of the bottom-to-bottom team are estimated to be less than [-] percent, which can be regarded as a very heavy loss.

However, all monsters don't pay much attention to casualties. The most important thing in the Demon Realm is the supplement of soldiers. After all, it is very easy to create a cannon fodder-level monster. It is the place where the life of newborn monsters in the devil world begins.

However, although it is easy to create monsters, the grade of the blood pool can determine the initial growth value of the monster. If the initial growth value of a monster is high, the faster it will absorb experience and grow faster, and the easier it will be to grow into a powerful monster in the end. monster.

The initial growth value of a monster is similar to that of a monk's root bone aptitude, so based on the initial growth value of a monster, one can see the end point from the starting point of a monster to see whether the monster has the potential to develop.

Of course, the above information was obtained by Qin Lang through the Hall of Knowledge of Tiandaomen. It is considered to be more precious information from the period of ancient gods and demons. The information introduced by monsters may not be very useful in the cultivation world, but it is very valuable to see it in Qin Lang now, after all, he is now in the demon world.

From Qin Lang's point of view, the vanguard team was a tragic victory, but from the perspective of the Samosa monster army, it was a big victory. Originally, the strength of Samosha's direct boss, the Great Demon King Anika, was weaker than that of Momo In all the confrontations in the past few years, Anika's army has lost more than it won, and even its territory has been reduced by one-fifth.

This also made Anika very annoyed. Over the years, she has been sending troops around to collect resources, just to put a lot of data into the blood pool construction of the territory, increase the population and explosion rate, and increase the number of monsters under her. Go up to a higher level. In this way, in future battles with Jasmine's army, you will be able to recover a little bit of disadvantage.

However, there has always been a curse, no matter how the big devil Anika develops the population of the territory and expands the army, as long as Anika's army encounters Jasmine's army, it will be like a soft-legged shrimp, and it will be impossible to fight. Nine out of ten rounds were the result of defeat, which also made Anika very depressed.

And today's big victory of the vanguard team is definitely great news for the big devil Anika. This time, the fleet of Samusha finally felt proud, gave him a face, and defeated the enemy. crushed.

"Kakaka... Kaka Kaka..." The cheers continued, and now many monsters in the vanguard were happily eating the scraps brought from the battlefield, most of which were the bodies torn off by the enemy The components are all the purest magic energy, and they are also the best nourishing things for monsters.

The happiest thing about these monsters who survived the vanguard camp is that they can finally have a good meal. They can not fear the battlefield and death, but they can't bear the feeling of always being hungry, and they can eat enough...even if It doesn't matter if you are a full-fledged ghost.

The minds of the monsters who survived the scene were very simple, and the commander of the high-level monsters, Sa Mosha, was also very happy to receive the news of this big victory. The news of this big victory must soon be passed on to the big devil. Naika, then the reward for Sasha will come down soon.

So, happy, Sa Mosha announced: "Bastards, congratulations on your victory... Next, in order to celebrate this hard-won victory, everyone's food will be doubled today! And those who survived The hero is five servings each!"

"Wow! Five servings, that's great, I'm so happy that I can eat too much today..."

An idiot-like subordinate beside Qin Lang cheered and danced, but most of the monsters at the scene were extremely dumb, so no one noticed this guy's stupidity.

(End of this chapter)

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