The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1834 The Winning of Elite Extraterrestrial Demons

Chapter 1834 The Winning of Elite Extraterrestrial Demons

After the war, the food for the dinner party was still soul crystals. As the vanguard members participating in the war, Qin Lang and his group could get food for five people, that is, an average of [-] demons would share one soul crystal.

However, at the dining table, Qin Lang still displayed his domineering and unreasonable nature, directly absorbing half of a magic stone, which is 50 people.

This suddenly attracted the dissatisfaction of the other demons at the table, but Qin Lang relied on his current status improvement and had people under him, so he ignored the dissatisfied eyes of the demons around him.

Instead, he smiled provocatively and said: "There can be five soul crystals on the dining table... So those who are capable can naturally eat more, and those who are not capable can eat dirt! Grandma's, the world has the biggest fist, and we They were all fought on the battlefield, and there is still a need to follow the rules..."

Under Qin Lang's instigation, all the devils thought it was the same reason, so another chaotic food scramble began, and the chaos on the scene did not attract much attention from the upper echelons. After all, the chaos of creatures in the devil world is a This instinct, if the monsters at the bow of the ship become quiet one day, the commander Samosha will be surprised.

But the elite extraterrestrial celestial demon has become more appreciative of Qin Lang, a shrewd demon, and he is also thinking, "This demon seems a little unusual, next time you can consider bringing it with you as a personal guard for use as a guard." It’s a pity to be cannon fodder.”

After passing through the battlefield of the Vanguard Battalion this time, this elite extraterritorial demon has been focused on by the commander, and has a faint possibility of raising his status. If it goes further, it should become the No. 4 commander-level of this demon ship A high-level monster.

After becoming the Demon Commander, this elite extraterrestrial demon will have his own name, and this name is not given by the commander Sa Mosha, but by the great demon king Anika who sits in the magic city.

After all, high-level monsters at the Demon Commander level are also the backbone that cannot be underestimated under the command of the Great Demon King.

This is also a recognition of status, and the named elite extraterrestrial demon can also get a lot of rewards, as well as the opportunity to enter the Demon King's Queen's Demon Nest to practice once, which is of great help in improving his strength.

But now, the status of the elite extraterrestrial demon has suddenly increased, but there are few available people around him. Naturally, Qin Lang, who was noticed twice by it, has entered the scope of the investigation object. Now he is more and more satisfied with Qin Lang.

Qin Lang doesn't know what this elite extraterrestrial demon is up to. If he knew him, he would definitely laugh. You must know that he, a human monk, doesn't care much about the benefits given by a mere monster. The reason why he stays in this demon ship now On top of that, there is actually a bigger conspiracy.

First of all, the first plan is the military resources on the demon ship, that is, the soul crystals of different grades hoarded in the material warehouse of the demon ship. This thing is of great benefit to the cultivator's soul cultivation, and it cannot be bought in the cultivation world , is definitely a top-level cultivation treasure, Qin Lang is very jealous of this, and has been thinking about how to get close to the material warehouse of the magic ship, and walk away the materials hoarded inside without anyone noticing.

The second thing is that there are two injured demon commanders. Qin Lang has never seen these two seriously injured demon commanders since he got on the ship. Shuai's injury has healed by a few percent, and the longer the time drags on, the less likely he will succeed in sneak attacking the two seriously injured Demon Shuai.

" primary goal is to focus on the supplies on the magic ship... As for the two seriously injured magic commanders, it has been so long, and it is not easy to do anything on the magic ship. forget it……"

Qin Lang is also a decisive person. Once he made up his mind, he didn't hesitate at all. Now he has the idea of ​​giving up the second mission.

Although this second mission was also the main reason why he chased into the Demon Realm, people always have to wake up to the situation, right?Now that the situation has changed, it is natural to have a different way of thinking, and there will naturally be trade-offs.

At this time, the elite extraterrestrial demon had already sent a message to Qin Lang: "The first group leader of the first team of the Pioneer Battalion, Qin... come here."

"Qin" is Qin Lang's code name in this demon ship. Since the monsters below the level of the commander-in-chief have no names, they can only take one-word code names, so Qin Lang directly used his surname.

The same goes for the elite extraterrestrial demon, its current full name is Xiu, the captain of the first team of the Pioneer Battalion under Sa Mosha's command.

Now Xiu asked Qin Lang to go over, Qin Lang changed his mind, and knew that this elite extraterrestrial demon might want to recruit him. In fact, some high-level monsters in the demon world also know how to recruit cronies, and the degree of vigor is even the same as that of humans.

Of course, this only refers to high-level monsters. Most of the middle and low-level monsters have elm heads, so it is not easy to raise the level, and they are the most easily bullied cannon fodder characters.

At this time, the elite extraterrestrial demon cultivator sent a friendly signal to Qin Lang: "Qin, the team you led did well in the battle of the Pioneer Battalion this time. Come, this is my personal reward for you...take it."

Afterwards, the elite extraterrestrial demon cultivator gave Qin Lang two complete magic crystals.

And it was a surprise for Qin Lang to get these two complete magic crystals, of course he didn't refuse, anyway, he has mixed into the interior of the magic ship now, and he also has the idea of ​​taking advantage of it, such benefits are not for nothing.

Of course, he knew that the extra reward given to him by the extraterrestrial demon cultivator must be to win him over. This intention is very obvious, as long as it is a smarter demon, it is not difficult to guess.

Sure enough, Xiu then said to Qin Lang: "Qin, after this battle, I will be promoted to be the fourth magic commander of the magic ship. There is a shortage of personal guards on hand. I wonder if you are interested in joining."

For Xiu's solicitation, Qin Lang only thought it was funny, when would an extraterritorial celestial demon promise to win over himself as a human being... Of course, this also has something to do with Qin Lang's disguise, after all, the ancient transformation method came from the gods and demons Before the war, it was a fairy-level skill, and a mere elite-level extraterrestrial demon could not see any flaws at all.

And the only person on the magic ship who can see Qin Lang's collapse is probably the commander Sa Mosha. However, as the commander of a magic ship, Sa Mosha has too many things to worry about in his daily life, so he doesn't pay attention to the situation on the ship. A human agent has been mixed in.

However, he can't refuse Xiu's wooing Qin Lang, he can only pretend to be very happy to agree now: "Really... I am honored to be valued by Master Xiu! I am willing!" He burst into joy inexplicably The fluctuations sent an extremely exciting signal to the elite extraterrestrial demons.

The elite extraterrestrial demon cultivator expressed satisfaction with Qin Lang's reaction. In fact, Qin Lang's reaction was not unexpected. Generally speaking, high-level monsters win over mid- and low-level monsters, and middle- and low-level monsters rarely refuse. In fact In this situation, it is hard to find a lantern, and it is too late to be happy!
The elite extraterrestrial demon cultivator thought he had solved Qin Lang, so he sent another friendly message to Qin Lang: "Yes, let's do this first! You have been wronged for a few days, and you are still in the first group of the first team of the Pioneer Battalion." , I will promote you after I am officially promoted!"

"Thank you sir for cultivating!" Qin Lang's soul also sent an excited signal to respond.

Then, the elite extraterrestrial demon left this place and went to the center of the demon ship to find Commander Sa Mosha. It seemed that this upstart in the demon ship couldn't wait to get promoted.

In fact, this is indeed the case. For a ship in the demon world, only when the status is improved, the strength will increase accordingly. The current elite extraterritorial demons are only at the peak level of the seventh level. If you stay in the magic nest once, you must be at the eighth level after you come out, which is the quasi-god level among human monks.

After Qin Lang collected the magic stone, he looked at the chaotic phenomenon again and shook his head. At this time, he also prepared to start his own actions quietly. The sky in the demon world does not distinguish between day and night, and it is always such a dim color. Qin Lang thought If you want to do something, now is the best time.

Leaving the extremely chaotic "dining area", Qin Lang followed here just as the elite extraterrestrial demon cultivator entered the center of the magic ship.This time, his first task is not for the two injured devil commanders, but for the supplies of the entire devil ship, and the supplies of the devil ship should be somewhere in the center of the devil ship, and he needs to take care of them. Look for clues.

The central area of ​​the entire magic ship is very large, probably equivalent to the area of ​​more than a dozen football fields, and there are many simple buildings in the central area. In addition to the magic nests of several high-level monsters of the magic commander level and a few spare magic nests, there are There are food supply warehouse, equipment warehouse, combustion center, magic ship control room and so on.

You must know that although the entire demon ship is poorly built, it is also propelled by a fuel called black oil. This black oil should be the crude oil on the earth. There is also a large amount of production in this demon world, so it is also given by the monsters. Take advantage of it.

When Qin Lang wandered around the center, he also found that the patrol force in the center of the devil ship was indeed much stronger than other parts of the devil ship, and the guards here were basically elite devil-level guards.

Although these guards were not very conscientious in patrolling and defending, they were still trained by Commander Samosha after all, so although these elite demons were patrolling like yawning one by one, they didn't have the idea of ​​being lazy and slippery.

Perhaps in the eyes of these simple-minded guys, wandering around the center of the magic ship meaninglessly all day long is really too boring. If it wasn't for Master Samosha's personal order, they would have given up their jobs long ago, really. boring.

(End of this chapter)

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