The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1835 You are not a monster!

Chapter 1835 You are not a monster!
And Qin Lang, under the unconscious negligence of this elite demon, sneaked into some hidden areas, looking for the location of the material warehouse in the central area.

After spending half a stick of incense, he found a location that was very similar to what he thought was a hidden material warehouse, so he analyzed it and decided to check it out.


How could he know that when he approached the material warehouse, he was actually discovered by the monster, which also surprised Qin Lang, because the guard's monster was not low in strength, and it was actually an eighth-order monster.

"I am the personal guard of the elite extraterrestrial demon cultivator. Master Xiu just came to talk to Master Samosha about something, so I am bored here, so I wandered around..."

At this time, Qin Lang's brains turned sharply and he gave an explanation.

Although this explanation is a bit far-fetched, this powerful monster actually believed it: "Xiu? Is that the guy who got shit luck before... He is really lucky. You know, it didn't take long for me to be promoted to the level of Demon Commander." Boy, how long has he only been here! I guess it took less than one-tenth of my time as Zero, it's really pissing me off!"

This monster is actually one of the three direct subordinates of the commander Sa Mosha on the demon ship, and is the only one who is not injured. Unexpectedly, he has been in the material warehouse on this demon ship, which is really overkill.

However, the more overkill, the more it proves the importance of the material warehouse on this demon ship. Thinking of these Qin Lang's hearts are hot, if he can successfully rob the material warehouse of this demon ship, then the next step is to return home directly It is enough to repair the world.

Therefore, when Qin Lang looked at Jie Luo on the opposite side, his eyes were a little malicious, but although this monster with the strength of quasi-transformation god stage was not his opponent, it might not be easy to collect it silently, after all, he It's just the cultivation base of the quasi-transformation stage. Compared with the monster in front of him, it's just that I have a little more cards and means at hand.

And Jie Luo didn't realize Qin Lang's malicious thoughts at all. He didn't realize Qin Lang's disguised identity at all, so he really thought that Qin Lang was an idle devil, but he was lucky to be the fourth devil commander who was newly promoted on the devil ship. I came here to hang out because I was accepted as a personal guard.

At this time, Jie Luo directly waved his hand: "This is the important military base on the demon ship, get out of here, stay away from here... Otherwise, be careful, I will tear you to pieces, you are really stupid!"

"Oh..." Qin Lang pretended to obey, as if he was about to leave as soon as he turned around.

"What an idiot, only that lucky Xiu can take you are all equally stupid!"

Jie Luo seemed to dislike the fourth new commander-in-chief Xiu and Xiu's subordinates. This may be a kind of jealousy. After all, Xiu's status has risen too fast, and Jie Luo has walked step by step in the devil world. It was only a few years ago that I was where I am today. In contrast, I have an unbalanced mind.

And when Jie Luo was cursing, suddenly the whole area seemed to be dark, and he felt that his magic power seemed to be blocked. At this moment, he looked up and found that Qin Lang appeared in front of him without a sound.

"You... ah, you're not a monster..."

Qin Lang raised his hand and activated the energy of several pieces of forbidden magic jade talisman together, sealing off Jie Luo's body, but at this time Jie Luo sensed the spiritual power fluctuation when Qin Lang shot, and immediately reacted... Qin Lang is not a monster.

"I'm not a monster, I'm a human."

Qin Lang said calmly, and directly sealed Jie Luo directly at the price of exhausting the spiritual power of the five forbidden magic jade charms at the same time, so that he could not move.While Qin Lang put this powerful monster into the magic bottle, he thought to himself, it was not bad just now, and he arranged a formation to cover the spiritual power on the ground in advance, so the commotion was not very big, and now finally put This magic commander was subdued.

This scene was very dangerous, but when Qin Lang cast the Forbidden Demon Jade Talisman, he still couldn't conceal a trace of breath, which could not be blocked by the simple magic circle.

And although most of the demon heads on the demon ship could not sense this special breath, the wounded demon master who was recuperating in a nearby demon lair sensed it, and suddenly woke up: "What's going could there be something wrong on the demon ship?" There is an aura of a is an aura of a stranger! The feeling at that moment should be correct. My Baqi's sense of aura is one of the best in the magic ship. Except for the commander-in-chief, no one can match it. No, I Get out and have a look.”

Therefore, this magic commander named Baqi gave up and continued to break through the level, and prepared to go out of the magic nest to see what happened.

At this time, Qin Lang had already approached the material warehouse. There were actually eight guards besides the guards of the demon handsome Jie Luo, but these eight guards were changing guards, so leaving here also made Qin Lang Taking advantage of a loophole, he directly cleaned up the high-ranking Demon Commander Jie Luo.

And after cleaning up Jie Luo, there is not much time left for Qin Lang. After all, it is only half a stick of incense time for the monsters to change their guards. At that time, new guards will appear here. If the situation here is abnormal , Qin Lang will never have another chance, and at that time he can only run away.

At this time, Qin Lang quickly approached the material warehouse of the magic ship, and directly pushed the door of the warehouse with his hands, only to find that the warehouse was actually banned, and the ban pattern of the ban was very complicated. cannot be opened.

Fortunately, Qin Lang has a super system, a big killer, so he quickly connected to the super system, started the operation of unlocking, and analyzed the forbidden magic pattern of this material warehouse.

However, there are thousands of different changes in the forbidden magic pattern of the material warehouse. If only the brain power of the cultivator in the transformation stage is used to calculate, I am afraid that it will not be able to analyze all the data in a few days and nights. The speed of times is rapidly advancing the change of the forbidden pattern. Qin Lang has already mastered many functions of the super system, so now it is easy to crack the forbidden pattern. The restrictions on the gate of this material warehouse are clear.

Therefore, the next step is to directly simulate the unlocking key and directly activate the magic pattern. When the magic pattern restrictions on the material warehouse door are all lit up, the warehouse door finally opens.

After the material warehouse of the magic ship was opened, Qin Lang's eyes were filled with golden light. There are many things in the material warehouse. Of course, soul crystals are the main ones. There are three grades of soul crystals: upper, middle and lower grades, among which there are more than 2 lower grade soul crystals. 2000 yuan for middle-grade soul crystals, and 100 yuan for top-grade soul crystals.

These soul crystals should be the rations of [-] to [-] demon souls for the entire demon ship for nearly half a year. Soul crystals may not be very valuable in the demon world, but if they are out of the demon world, they will definitely be expensive in the cultivation world. It is estimated that they can be obtained in the cultivation world Changed a city in the East China Sea, and at this time, Qin Lang swept all the goods, and cleaned them all into the storage ring, which took up a lot of space.

In addition to the soul crystal, Qin Lang also discovered some unique ores from the demon world, many of which have disappeared in the cultivation world, but the demon world has produced them, adding up to about ten tons, but they are all raw stones. Qin Lang directly Swept into the storage bag.

Although these ores are only raw stones, if they are extracted, they will be of great value. These ores are not for sale to Qin Lang, and they may be used in the refining of weapons in the future.

In addition to ores and soul crystals, there is also a pile of wood from the demon world whose value is unknown. I don’t know if it is used to repair the magic ship or what. Now that Qin Lang has entered the material warehouse, of course he will pay for everything he sees. In the bag, this pile of wood was not spared.

This pile of Demon Realm wood is all logs, each of which needs to be embraced by four or five, adding up to about forty or fifty tons. Fortunately, Qin Lang has enough large storage bags, so he directly packed one Empty storage bag to pack all the logs into.

After collecting the soul crystals, ores and logs, the material warehouse on the demon ship has been cleared. It would be a disaster if the monsters on the demon ship knew about this situation. It is estimated that Qin Lang's identity is not far from being exposed.At this time, Qin Lang also planned to slip out of the big ship. After slipping out of the big ship, he was going to return to the previous island by the same route, and then return to the secret realm.

When Qin Lang was about to leave the warehouse, he found that the door of the warehouse was blocked by a guy. A monster resembling a bull-headed man stared at Qin Lang with red eyes, and said bluntly with soul fluctuations: "Despicable!" A human monk disguised as a monster and entered the magic ship... Should I say you are brave, or should I say you are confident, now you are still obedient and obedient, and I can also consider bringing you back to the magic nest as a pet , otherwise there is only one result... that is death."

This bull-headed guy is the second-ranked demon commander Shakui on the demon ship. Before he was injured, he was stronger than Jie Luo.

However, after being injured, after eight or nine hours of recuperation in the Devil's Nest, Sha Kui can still only reach the status of a monk who has just advanced to the rank of Quasi-Hua Shen.

Shakui has now blocked the door of the material warehouse. It doesn't even know how Qin Lang cleaned up Jieluo just now. If he knew, it wouldn't be so embarrassing, because Qin Lang hid his strength when he transformed into a monster. It's no different from a monster of fifth or sixth rank, which is no threat to Shakui at all.

Therefore, Sha Kui also has the idea of ​​doing meritorious service now, and wants to clean up the human monk pretending to be a devil in front of him alone. In fact, Sha Kui is also very curious about what method Qin Lang used to disguise himself so much like magic sand. Even in front of his eyes, he still couldn't perceive the human aura on Qin Lang, but the aura similar to that of the devil came wave after wave.

(End of this chapter)

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