Chapter 1836
At this time, a cloud of black mist enveloped Shakui, and this guy started to move for real!

When the body's devilish energy dispersed, the devilish energy permeated directly into the warehouse, forming black mist.

In the mist, Sha Kui has already rushed towards Qin Lang with a smirk. This guy now looks like a human after being transformed into an entity, but his eyes are shining red.He also held a black battle ax in his hand, which seemed to be a high-grade magic weapon.

"Die, you hateful human..."

With a grin, Sha Kui swung the ax directly and smashed it down. Judging by the power of the axe, if Qin Lang was hit directly, it would definitely be the result of his brain bursting out.

And Qin Lang smiled coldly, and moved away in an instant. At this time, the big ax hit Qin Lang's afterimage, and the figure in place disappeared suddenly.

But before Sha Ya could react, suddenly, its soul felt a sharp pain, and then the red light in its eyes seemed to be locked, and it was no longer so flexible.When Qin Lang flashed away and left the place, he also shot.

Directly throw out four or five pieces of forbidden magic jade talisman with the Forbidden Magic Art, which is equivalent to four or five shots together to restrain the injured high-level devil in front of him, so it is easy for the opponent to be tricked.

After all, Sha Kui mistakenly believed that Qin Lang was not as strong as him, so he subconsciously became negligent and careless. Otherwise, even if Sha Kui's injuries were not healed, it would not be easy for Qin Lang to throw a spell to trap it.

"The Heavenly Demon Disintegration Dafa..."

Shakui, who was restrained, roared unwillingly, and cast his final secret method, splitting his body suddenly, one into two, two into four, four into eight, creating countless selves, struggling together in the restraint.

It's a pity that no matter how it changes, the restrictive net that traps it and its avatar remains unmoved, and it is also getting bigger, holding on tightly.

The injured Sha Kui suddenly found that his supernatural power had been interrupted, and its current strength was simply not enough to continue performing this move for a long time.

"Damn... how is this possible? How is it possible..."

The restrained Shakui is struggling. It never imagined that Qin Lang's real strength is so strong. If it is not injured, it may still break free from the shackles of the forbidden spell. After all, it also has a hole card, but now After being injured, its strength has been greatly reduced, and many magical powers and powers cannot be displayed, so it has 1 unwillingness.

But what's the use of being willing...

Qin Lang didn't come here to deal with him before entering the Demon Realm this time, so these preparations are also targeted. Originally, Qin Lang would leave the Demon Ship immediately after sweeping the material warehouse of the Demon Ship. Unfortunately, Sha Kui preferred There is no way for the undead to come out to seek death.

So, next, another powerful monster was added to Qin Lang's forbidden magic bottle. This is a monster that reached the eighth level at its peak, and it is a proper stage of transformation!
And after Qin Lang cleaned up Shakui, the magic weapon that Shakui dropped was also put into the storage bag by him. Although this top-grade magic weapon can't be used by himself, it will be the same if it is sold to the cultivation world Can sell for a good price.

The force field fluctuations of this battle in the warehouse inevitably leaked out. The ordinary monsters on the magic ship may not be able to feel anything, but in the magic lair of the commander Samosha, Xiu and Samosha are talking about things. At that time, Sa Mosha suddenly frowned.

"What's wrong? Lord Samosha..."

The elite extraterrestrial demon cultivator felt strange at this time, so he asked, after all, it only has the peak strength of the seventh level, and it has not sensed the leaking breath of the warehouse.

"There seems to be a flea sneaking into the magic ship, Xiu, come with me to meet that flea for a while..."

Samosha's tone was a little bit bad at this time, obviously dissatisfied with outsiders being mixed into his own territory, but it still doesn't know Qin Lang's true identity, only thinks that Qin Lang might be a spy sent by the hostile force Jasmine, who got into the magic ship .

And after Qin Lang searched the material warehouse of the magic ship and banned Sha Kui, he knew that the magic ship could not stay any longer, and now it was urgent to pay the bill, so he rushed out of the material warehouse without thinking too much, and then Sensing that a powerful air mechanism locked him, he felt a very oppressive feeling in his heart.

"Oops! I'm afraid it was discovered by the commander of the demon ship, Samosha. This guy is a ninth-level monster, and he is about to enter the mid-stage of transformation. If you add so many monsters on the demon ship, I am definitely a monster now." Can't beat..."

Qin Lang was startled, he couldn't take care of it at this time, he directly summoned the magic treasure house, even though he jumped into the magic treasure house and shrank into the magic treasure house, he then manipulated the magic treasure house and left the magic ship directly, jumped into the sky, and went to Dash the same way.

While Qin Lang dashed all of a sudden, he also inevitably leaked his own spiritual energy. All of a sudden, his identity became bright like a flame.

"Ah... why is there a human breath on the magic ship, it's a human..."

On the demon ship, all the monsters also sensed it and rioted at the same time. They actually found the breath of human beings, which is definitely a kind of food temptation for monsters.

However, ordinary monsters are already out of reach. Qin Lang is now flying very fast in the magic house, even if monsters fly over to chase them, they still can't catch up.And at this time, the face of Master Sa Mosha on the magic ship became even more gloomy.

"What's going on? How could it be a human being? How did he get into my magic ship? Check, check it out for me..."

And there are ten thousand grass-mud horses churning in the heart of the elite extraterrestrial demon cultivator, oh my god, isn't this guy the devil he promised himself before?Fortunately, I still believed in him so much before, but unexpectedly, I was deceived. The ability of this human monk to pretend to be terrible. I really thought that this was a different and smart monster, but in fact, the devil from the demon world Regardless of whether the devil is an elite devil or an ordinary devil, it seems that there has never been a smarter devil in tens of thousands of years.

This time, I also blamed myself for being careless. I really should have thought of this and found out the identity of the other party.

And this can obviously be regarded as my own fault, if I let Master Samosha know, I am afraid the adults will hack me directly... No, I must not let Master Samosha know the truth of the matter, if I let him know the truth, I ended up miserable!

The elite extraterrestrial demon Xiu secretly glanced at the commander Sa Mosha, but fortunately Sa Mosha was furious now, so he didn't notice Xiu's small movements.

And now, while Xiu agreed to the Commander-in-Chief's request for a thorough investigation, he was also thinking about how to think of a way to evade Qin Lang from getting on the ship, and the series of accidents that occurred were all his own fault.

It began to make up for its current mistakes, modify the truth of the matter, and let itself completely get out of this matter. In this way, it is impossible for Sa Mosha to vent his anger on himself, and his identity as the fourth magic commander of the magic ship Only then can we continue to keep it.

The elite extraterrestrial demon cultivator has been thinking too much at this time. For its own benefit, it has already conceived some stories to evade its own reasons, and then tried to connect these reasons together, so that it can completely change from the "human being" this time. The incident of monks getting into the magic ship" broke away.

And the commander-in-chief Samosha didn't know about the little Jiujiu beside him. If he knew, he might have slapped the elite extraterrestrial demon next to him in a fit of rage.
Time is in the blink of an eye, and at this time, Sa Mosha didn't care about continuing to talk about things in the magic nest, and directly led the elite extraterrestrial demon cultivator out of the private magic nest, and began to flash and jump in the direction of the material warehouse.

In the blink of an eye, the two high-level monsters had already arrived at the material warehouse, leaving only the battle mess waiting for the two to clean up.

"There are traces of battle here... That human monk seems to be very strong!"

The elite extraterrestrial demon looked at the scene of the battle, as if the battle had been transferred from the outside of the material warehouse to the inside, and there were traces of spiritual power fluctuations on the scene and traces of the formation.

At this time, Sa Mosha's breath had already locked on the magic house in the air, and he didn't care about other things, so he flew into the air with his body, turned into a black magic bird and started chasing Qin Lang's magic house.

This black demon bird is completely black, without fur, but with scales on its skin. It is not known whether it is the main form of Samasha or a changed form.

And after Sa Mosha changed the magic bird, the speed of pursuit was also very fast, not much slower than the running speed of Magic Treasure House, so Magic Treasure House fled in front, and the black magic bird chased behind, one after the other directly escaped Two hours.

At this time, the shadow of the demon ship was no longer visible, and both sides continued to run in the sea of ​​the demon world. Qin Lang, who was manipulating the magic house to run with all his strength, noticed that the tail behind him was also a little helpless. The tail behind him was definitely the peak of the early stage of transformation. Strength, it is not easy for Qin Lang to deal with it even if he has a magic weapon house, not to mention that human monks are very unfavorable to travel long distances in this demon world, and it is easy to encounter too many accidents. Qin Lang really does not want to fight with the tail behind him .

But some things are not what I think, and I can get what I want. The tail behind me is reluctant to let go of Qin Langqi, and Qin Lang can't get rid of it.If he doesn't want to find a way to continue like this, I'm afraid that guy will follow him to the entrance of the secret passage.

In that case, when Qin Lang enters the connection channel of the secret realm, he will be delayed for a little time because of the energy fluctuations of the nodes of the two worlds. I am afraid that he will directly encounter the commander of the magic ship. Fighting is inevitable, and he who entered the connection channel enchantment first There is no defense for a moment, and it is easy to be attacked by Samosa behind.

Therefore, it is necessary to completely solve this matter in this sea. There are two ways, one is to directly solve this tail, or think of a magic method that is easier to get out of.

(End of this chapter)

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