Chapter 1838
Under the continuous collision of Qin Lang's magic weapon house, Samosa waved the chain of the top magic weapon level and began to counterattack continuously, waving like the wind.

High-level soul-body monsters all have the advantage of speed and agility, which is comparable to human monks.

Therefore, it is much more difficult for Qin Lang to deal with it. When the chain hits the Magic Treasure House, it will make a bang every time, and then sparks will splash all over the sky. However, the defensive force field of the nine-story Linglong Tower of the Magic Treasure House is indeed amazing. Magic Sand has attacked several times in a row, but has not suffered any major damage.

Although he didn't suffer any major damage, Qin Lang lost a lot of his true energy when he collided with the opponent's weapon. If he didn't rely on the power of medicine to achieve the level of endless vitality, I'm afraid he really couldn't hold on .

If it is changed to the state of not taking medicine before, and manipulating the magic house with the strength of quasi-transformation stage, maybe he can support a dozen breaths at most under the attack of Sa Mosha's top-grade magic weapon, and the true energy will not work well In such a situation, it will definitely be me who will suffer at that time.

The medicinal power of Wangyou Pill can last for half an hour, and it can be taken continuously, and Qin Lang has refined hundreds of pills of this kind of pill, so there is no need to worry about battery life for the time being.

But Qin Lang has another worry. After all, this is the Demon Realm, the Demon Realm... If the battle lasts for too long, there might be a lot of support coming from behind Sa Mosha, and the situation will become more and more unfavorable to him.

After all, a magic commander Samosha is already so difficult to deal with. If some more monsters come to support him, such as the magic ship of Samosha, Qin Lang will have to flee. He has not dealt with a group of tens of thousands of monsters The guts, that is purely courting death.

But now it is not easy for Qin Lang to get out of the stalemate battle. The chains of the opponent's top-grade magic weapon collided with the magic house several times, but nothing happened. In order to supplement the energy shield of the Magic Treasure House, the true energy in the body is also up and down. If the new true energy in the body is not continuously generated from the dantian, I am afraid that Qin Lang will be unsustainable in a few moments.

At this time, Sa Mosha in the battle was also surprised at the power of the magic house controlled by Qin Lang. Although the magic house is rare in the devil world, it also appeared in the ancient battlefield of gods and demons. This aspect is also heard, so it is not surprising.

The Magic Treasure House is generally held by monks in the transformation stage, divided into upper, middle, and lower ranks, and the one held by the human monk in front of him should be included in the upper rank, otherwise, it will be in his hands. The power of the magic cloud chain is estimated to be unstoppable even by ordinary middle and low-grade magic treasure houses. It is constantly damaged during the battle, and then it collapses directly.

In just ten minutes, Qin Lang has fought against it for at least [-] rounds. Although the shield of the opponent's magic house is constantly shattered, the body has not suffered much damage, but there are some scratches. Such traces cannot even be said to be damaged.


At this time, Sa Mosha directly entangled the magic cloud chain towards the magic treasure house. It changed its attack strategy and planned to entangle the nine-story Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda, which is huge in size but extremely flexible in the air, but Qin Lang manipulated the magic weapon again. House dodged the mark.

Qin Lang's operation awareness is too strong, coupled with the super system's auxiliary ability, it is estimated that no one in the entire cultivation world can compete with him in this aspect. In terms of operating the magic weapon house, Qin Lang said second, no The monk dares to say that he is the first.

Therefore, although the body looks huge, it moves very flexibly in the air. The nine-story Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda of the magic house, in the eyes of the magic commander Sa Mosha, this is an extremely huge trouble. After many battles, it is obvious that as long as it continues One or two more times, the defense of the Magic Treasure House will be completely broken, and the opponent will be killed directly, but under the subtle manipulation of the opponent, it will not be able to do its job.

This is also a kind of helplessness. Samosa also became angry when he hit it, but it is worthy of being a high-level monster with intelligence comparable to human beings. Even if it has anger, it still maintains reason and does not go mad, although madness can double the monster Attack power, but the monsters that have lost their minds are easier to deal with for a human monk who is not weak, and Sa Mosha knows this very well.

"Asura Yin Sha Art!"

"Magic cloud chain..."

Sa Mosha's magic chains entangled towards Qin Lang's magic house, the nine-story Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda, and at this time it also made up its mind, even if it was a hard resistance, it would entangle Qin Lang's magic house, and then directly launched a fatal attack. Sexual attack, this time it is ready for the soul body to collapse again.

And Qin Lang's helplessness is that the soul body is not easy to deal with, it can be continuously condensed into shape, unlike a monk who directly kills it with a fatal blow, in fact, the Xuanhuang Yan of the Linglong Tower of the Nine-story Xuanhuang Pagoda is not against Sa Mosha's demon body It didn't work, but the opponent's Shura Yin Sha Kung happened to be able to rebound the damage and restrained Xuanhuangyan.

Therefore, this high-level monster is not afraid of the nine-story Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda, which is the most troublesome thing for Qin Lang. This reduces the power of his magic house by half, and fails to fully exert the true effect of Xuanhuangyan.

In this case, Qin Lang can only rely on the magic weapon house to fight the opponent with brute force, and the monster in front of him is a semi-brute force monster, so when the two sides fight, Qin Lang who has the magic weapon house feels a little bit tied.

Of course, the more reason for this is due to Qin Lang's cultivation. After all, his strength in the stage of transforming gods was only temporarily improved by pills, and he was only in the stage of transforming gods. The huge magical spell of the power of heaven and earth, otherwise, Qin Lang's fighting methods will be more diverse, and there may be room for a comeback.

But now, after fighting for nearly 10 minutes, Qin Lang already knew that even if he tried his best, he would not be able to deal with the monster in front of him, so he began to think about the second escape plan, how could he be chased by the magic commander Sa Mosha? , successfully escaped from the demon world and successfully returned to the human world.

And Sa Mosha looked at the situation in front of him, but he had the idea of ​​fighting to the end with Qin Lang and killing Qin Lang, otherwise he would not have fought so fiercely. If there was an oversight, Qin Lang could actually get out of the battle directly circle, and then continued to flee.


For some reason, this time the magic cloud chains actually entangled the body of the pagoda, and Sa Mosha's body was also hit hard by Qin Lang's magic house, with a bang, Shura's Yin Sha Kung was activated, but it bounced back Most of the damage, but a small part of the damage still made its soul body collapsed by the collision.

However, although part of Sa Mosha's soul body has collapsed, it still firmly controls the initiative of the top-grade magic weapon, the magic cloud chain, preventing the entangled magic treasure house from getting out of trouble. At the same time, it laughed fiercely: "cough ...Finally entangled this damned human being, it's hard to deal with being as slippery as a demon loach..."

With a shake of the huge black arm, the chains wrapped tightly around the nine-story Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda, and began to shrink, and shrink again.

Creaking... The energy shield of the Magic Treasure House made an overwhelmed sound, as if it would collapse at any time. If it collapsed, it might be directly strangled by this top-grade magic weapon. Then Qin Lang in the Magic Treasure House is really suffered.

At this time, while increasing the strength of restraining the magic house, Samasha began to restore his own collapsed soul body and demon body. Although his soul body collapsed, it was easy to recover, but in the process it would lose It's just a part of the original power, which is nothing to it. After all, as long as it kills this hateful human kid in front of it, it will earn everything back.

The human kid in front of me has mixed into the demon world. As long as he captures this little creature, whether he is dead or alive, he will definitely get a lot of rewards as long as he is handed over to the Great Demon King Anaika. Human beings are like mortal enemies, and there is no possibility of reconciliation between the two sides. Meeting is a battle of life and death.

Creak, creak... The chain of the magic cloud shrank and tightened again under the brute force of Sa Mosha. At this time, the shield of the magic house was overwhelmed, and suddenly burst with a snap, and Qin Lang in the magic house also Breaking out in a cold sweat, he hurriedly shrunk the treasure house and at the same time increased the strength to supplement the shield's ability, repairing the broken shield.

If the shield defense of the Magic Treasure House really collapses completely, then Qin Lang is definitely a fish on the chopping board. Whether he lives or dies depends entirely on the mood of the other party. With the hostile relationship between humans and demon creatures, this result is definitely hard to say.

Under the condition that Qin Lang almost exhausted all his strength, the shield could be repaired, and he continued to hold on. Seeing the fierce expression of the monster on the other side, Qin Lang also smiled wryly. An opportunity that is not an opportunity, to bind the magic house with magic cloud chains.

If Sa Mosha's strength is lower, he still has a way to struggle out of trouble directly, but the opponent is indeed very strong, and there is Shura Yinsha Gong, a secret technique to restrain the magic weapon, so Qin Lang is too passive now.

The trapped Qin Lang was thinking, should he abandon this magic house to get out now? If he did, he could indeed get out of trouble, but without the magic house, it might be even more difficult for him to escape the pursuit of Capsule Demon Sand.

Besides, this magic house is also the most powerful one Qin Lang has ever obtained, and he is reluctant to give it up.

How to do?How to do……

Qin Lang began to connect to the super system, analyzing the feasibility of the next escape method. However, most of the super systems analyzed and sentenced Qin Lang to death. Now the magic house is entangled by the magic cloud chains, and the stalemate continues If it comes down, Qin Lang will have no good results.

(End of this chapter)

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