Chapter 1839 Let You Go

After a lot of analysis, the result was a dead end, Qin Lang also felt very distressed, but he did not give up, but continued to analyze.On the other hand, the magic commander Samosha encountered a new situation, which brought new changes to the entire battle situation.

During the battle, the magic commander Samosha had originally made up his mind to take Qin Lang down and not let him escape, but at this time a special wave of information came from afar and entered its soul core.

"Samosha, I'm Anaika... Now I order you to lead your fleet back to Sky Demon City immediately, I'll wait for you here..."

It was Samosha's immediate boss, His Excellency Anaika, who delivered the news.

"Master Demon King, but now I..."

When Sa Mosha received this news, he was stunned and wanted to explain quickly, but the Great Demon King in a distant place didn't give it a chance, and directly strengthened his tone again: "No, but, come back quickly! The passage is about to open, and this is the foundation of my family's foothold in thousands of worlds. Whether we can get a share of this great war depends on everyone's efforts..."

"Extraterritorial battlefield?"

After receiving this news, Sa Mosha was really shocked. He had heard some information from the ancient times. The extraterritorial battlefield is the ancient starry sky battlefield that existed during the ancient war of gods and demons, that is, the period of the extraterritorial war. The human world and the demon world were completely divided into two halves, thus breaking the connection.

Over the years, although there have been occasional monsters in the Demon Realm mixed into other worlds in the multiverse, that is only a very rare phenomenon. The Demon Realm is now equivalent to a sealed cage, and there may be some leaks in some places. It is still difficult for most monsters to escape from the Demon Realm. Breaking away, especially those with strong individuals, is bound by the space law of the demon world.

And the outer domain means new resources for the monsters in the demon world, such as the blood essence of those fresh lives, which is a great tonic for the monsters, even more nourishing than the energy provided by the magic crystal. The refreshment of food is something that Magic Crystal cannot provide.

But at this moment, Sa Mosha voluntarily withdrew from the battle circle, glanced at Qin Lang from a distance, and sent a wave of thoughts bitterly: "Human monk, this time is your good luck...don't let me do it again next time." meet……"

After speaking, Samosa turned back into a big black bird and flew away, spread his wings a few times, and disappeared in an instant.

And Sa Mosha's sudden retreat was good news for Qin Lang, but he was still stunned for a moment. He didn't understand why Sa Mosha had given up fighting against him even though he had clearly taken the lead in the battle. In other words, it is a complete hostility. When the two sides meet, it is absolutely impossible to die.

So logically speaking, after Sa Mosha knew his status as a human monk, it was impossible for him to let him go.

In fact, Qin Lang is right to think so, but now a big event is happening in the devil world, and the great devil king Anika is also constantly summoning his subordinates to prepare to participate in this big event, so as a subordinate, Sa Mosha has to be in time In response to His Excellency the Great Demon King's call, Qin Lang could only be temporarily let go.

So now that Qin Lang was able to escape, it had to be regarded as a piece of luck, otherwise, he would really feel uncomfortable in the end of this battle. Even if he could escape from the devil world, he would probably pay a painful price.

After Moshuai Sa Mosha turned around and flew away for a while, Qin Lang came back to his senses, and did not stay in place, but flew directly to the island of the Demon Ocean on the way.

The magic ship has been driving on the ocean for three days and three nights, so now when Qin Lang wants to fly back to the island leading to the secret realm, the distance is not short. Qin Lang used the magic weapon of flying, the five-plum pan, and it took about a day to fly. reach the goal.

After a quick sweep of his consciousness, there is nothing unusual happening on this island, but the magic swamp crabs under the island are showing off their might and are no longer burrowing in and out of the ground.

At this time, Qin Lang did not immediately return to the secret passageway, but when he saw the magic swamp crabs on the island, he became interested in the raw ore of broken magic gold on the entire island, but he did not purify the broken magic stone well. method, so he directly killed dozens of devil crabs and then took the purified broken magic gold from the thumb in his body, all of which were collected in his pocket.

And the devil's swamp crab also suffered. Although this kind of monster is a low-level monster in the devil world, it likes to feed on raw metal ore, and then it will be decomposed by the incomparably powerful digestive system to expel the impurities, and those metals will once again condense into essence in the body If it is other metals, it is the essence of other metals, and what is purified on this island is the real broken magic gold.

On this small island, the magic marsh crab has been developed for many years, and the number is actually not small. It is estimated that there must be a hundred of the whole race. Now Qin Lang directly killed forty or fifty. The whole race can be said Half of it perished. If it continues to be cleaned up, it will probably be a disaster.

However, I don’t know if the other demon marsh touches were shocked by the killing breath of the island. After Qin Lang killed forty or fifty demon marsh crabs, the remaining demon marsh crabs dived into the ground and never came out again. So Qin Lang has not gained anything since then.

However, Qin Lang feels very stagnant now that he has received forty or fifty pieces of broken magic gold. The broken magic gold is a top-grade refining material unique to the devil world. This material is simply not found in the cultivation world today. If you go to an auction, you can fetch sky-high prices casually.

Of course, it is impossible for Qin Lang to do this. He intends to keep these broken magic gold for his own use, and use it to repair the best magic weapon of the magic house. The broken magic gold can also be put to great use. If the house is damaged, he doesn't have to worry about not being able to find replacement repair materials.

After killing forty or fifty devil crabs, Qin Lang tried to collect some raw stones from the island. Only then did he know how hard the rough stones were, even if he used the top-grade weapon at hand to send out sword energy to chop them. Cutting can only leave a shallow mark at a time.

Finally, it took Qin Lang about two hours to collect nearly ten yuan and hundreds of catties of raw ore, and his whole body was tossed by the extremely hard raw ore, and he didn't want to continue.

"The raw ore of this broken magic gold is really hard enough. It is estimated that the diamonds in nature are still several grades behind it..."

Qin Lang muttered to himself after receiving the rough stone, he only felt how good the mouth of the magic marsh crab was at this time.

However, the biggest reason why this magic swamp crab can gnaw broken magic stones is probably not because of the mouth, but because the digestive juice it secretes can soften the rough stones, so that it can chew the rough stones bit by bit.

At this time, Qin Lang remembered the introduction about the magic swamp crab in the ancient book. It seemed that there was such a passage that mentioned the magic swamp crab, and mentioned the digestive juice it secreted, which was simply the nemesis of metal objects.

At this time, Qin Lang threw all the corpses of the demon crabs into the storage bag. This time, he felt that the low-level demon creatures such as demon crabs were not useless. Collect these corpses, and he can try them in the future Then extract some of the digestive juice of the magic swamp crab, maybe it can come in handy on some occasions.

After tidying up, Qin Lang's spiritual sense scanned the entire island again, and found nothing unusual, and then he jumped into the passage of the demon world connecting to the secret realm.

After walking for half an hour in the long passage of the demon world, Qin Lang suddenly lightened up, and Qin Lang once again swept back to the secret sea area.

And this time after returning to the secret sea area, Qin Lang found that the scattered monsters in the entire secret realm had disappeared, and he didn't know if he didn't find it, but they all returned to the demon world.

Now the entire broken secret realm has no use value, so Qin Lang is about to leave this secret realm and return to the East China Sea. He traveled all the way, but he didn't find the other companions in the team, and he didn't know what happened in the past few days. Due to an accident, did the surviving people of this team leave here and return to Tiandaomen?

Two days later, Qin Lang finally left the secret sea area, returned to the sky above the East Sea from the bottom of the sea, and directly drove the flying magic weapon back to the direction of the Heavenly Knife Gate.

This road is all alone, and when passing through the fog area, it is rare that the fog monsters in the fog area did not trouble Qin Lang again this time. It is estimated that they have already forgotten that Qin Lang killed their king.

This is also the reason for the low intelligence of the fog monster. Of course, the fog monster is actually similar in nature to monsters, and its combat ability is far inferior to that of a monster. Qin Lang can easily clean up even monsters now, so naturally he will not be afraid to pass through the fog zone Sometimes it will be besieged by fog monsters.

And Qin Lang, who has collected many demon heads, is naturally not interested in these fog monsters in the fog area, so there is no problem between the two, and Qin Lang finally passed the fog area smoothly.

Afterwards, it took another week before Qin Lang traveled long distances and returned to the Tiandaomen station. After inquiring, all the members of the team had already returned. Although the trip to the secret sea area this time was relatively smooth, but The team still lost two people, both of whom were in the late Yuanying period.

The living people also expressed regret for the loss of the two companions. normal.

And Qin Lang found out at this time that Qing Meizi left the secret realm of the sea area ahead of time because the monsters in the secret realm suddenly disappeared for some reason a few days ago, and they did not dare to go deep into the connection channel of the demon world, so they had to leave this place mystery.

However, even if this is the case, all the living teammates of this team have gained a lot. On average, each person has caught at least more than 20 monsters. If calculated according to the contribution points of 200 sects for a monster, this time the team members Each has received at least [-] million martial art contribution points.

And Qing Meizi and other monks who were at the peak of Dzogchen in the late Nascent Soul stage had more abundant harvests. They even had several demon heads in the magic bottle, each worth 50 sect contribution points, so their harvest was even more important. double.

(End of this chapter)

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