The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1840 Dragon Slaying Sword

Chapter 1840 Dragon Slaying Sword

And the staff at the sect's exchange office were also shocked. They never expected that after the sect sent out this bounty mission that they knew was impossible, some monks actually found the place where the creatures of the demon world gathered and collected so many demon heads back.

And after these monsters were collected into the sect, the Zongmen exchange office naturally gave a lot of contribution rewards. After all, these monsters are also very useful to the entire sect, and they can be regarded as scarce resources for the entire sect's combat preparation.

As a result, the more than ten people in the entire team were happy. Although the journey in the secret realm was hard work and full of dangers, now that they can complete the mission alive and come back, the contribution they earn will naturally be enough for them to spend for the next few years.

And Qin Lang also exchanged about 500 million contribution points, which is actually less than a quarter of the monsters he collected. After all, he still has several extraterritorial demons and monsters at the level of magic commanders. High-value materials for refining tools, alchemy, and enchantment are more effective than ordinary demon heads.

It can be said that Qin Lang's trip to the devil world is a big profit. Although it is also full of dangers, wealth and wealth are in danger. In addition to the large number of monsters collected in the forbidden magic bottle and the contribution of the sect, he also got four 50 Yuan broken magic gold, as well as a dozen or so rough stones and the corpse of the magic swamp crab.

Of course, these are not the main things. The main thing is that he robbed the material warehouse of the magic ship and got a lot of magic crystals and wood from the magic world. This is the greatest value.

And if these materials in Qin Lang's hand are revealed, I am afraid that there will be an uproar among the monks in the transformation stage. Basically, no monk in the transformation stage can have such a rich net worth. Now Qin Lang's net worth can almost be compared with that of Tiandaomen. Compared with the whole sect.

Of course, this is just an analogy. The background of Tiandaomen must be deeper than that of Qin Lang, an upstart, and the accumulation of the entire school for tens of thousands of years is also huge.

After harvesting so much, Qin Lang naturally used his contribution to exchange a large amount of materials for refining the best flying sword in the sect, and even exchanged most of the materials for refining the last floor of the magic house, plus some of the original materials on his body. The materials are basically gathered together, but the sect does not have the remaining one of the sacrifice materials, which is a material called the spirit stone.

Spiritual Sense Stone is a scarce material. It has not appeared many times in all domains of Qinghe Continent in the past ten thousand years. The ultimate treasure of spiritual consciousness, basically no matter which monk gets it, he will carefully collect it on his body, without revealing the slightest trace of this treasure.

The growth of cultivation is the most important thing for a monk. The cultivation of spiritual consciousness is also a part of personal strength. The strength is also the greatest guarantee for the pursuit of longevity.

After Qin Lang exchanged a large amount of sacrifice refining materials, he directly sacrificed the best flying sword in his hand to the twelfth level of perfection. This flying sword can now directly play the biggest three-way, unlike before. It looks like one or two layers of refining.

And this top-grade weapon from the Evil Sword Emperor now has a new name. Qin Lang named it "Dragon Slaying Sword" because he had heard that this top-grade weapon had beheaded a head before it broke. The five elements are real dragons, so the name "Dragon Slaying Sword" is also worthy of the name.

After the Dragon Slaying Sword was successfully refined, Qin Lang used the Dragon Slaying Sword again, and tried the power of the Dragon Slaying Sword that had been successfully sacrificed.

He found that this top-grade weapon was very smooth to use. Although it consumed a lot of real energy, it was at least ten times more powerful than the top-grade flying sword. Even if the entire Qin Lang was still in the quasi-transformation stage, he could The sword easily brings the power of heaven and earth, increasing the power of sword skills.

The ancient Xiejian Emperor can be said to be a figure of great skill in the way of swordsmanship. He has two major weapons in his hands, one of which is naturally the Dragon Slaying Sword. Changing color, the world loses its power, it is a sword of violence.

And the other great killer weapon of the Evil Sword Emperor is naturally the Heart Sword and Sword Intent Dharma Gate he cultivated. The Dragon Slaying Sword is even more terrifying. Back then, there was not a single enemy who did not feel a headache for it in front of the Evil Sword Emperor.

The Evil Sword Emperor let the two major killers run across the world. Tens of thousands of years ago, it can be said that he had never encountered an opponent. Although he lost his whereabouts in the end, he did not know whether he had ascended or died, but he left behind the inheritance. It was lucky to be obtained by Qin Lang, so now Qin Lang also inherited the sword of the evil sword emperor.

Facing the sea, Qin Lang swung the dragon-slaying sword at this time, and a white sword energy with the size of a door panel was emitted directly, rising in the wind, turning into a hundred-foot-long dragon, and piercing directly into the depths of the sea.

There was a loud bang, and the entire sea exploded like firecrackers for the New Year, bringing up countless waves that sounded like firecrackers.

Then, Qin Lang saw the entire sea being divided in front of him at a speed visible to the naked eye, and a division with a depth of several tens of feet appeared, stretching for dozens of miles. After reuniting, after the water waves returned to calm, the sea in front of Qin Lang was the same as before, as if nothing had happened.

However, after half a stick of incense, the surface of the sea has changed again, and seas in the deep sea emerged from the bottom of the sea with their white belly turned over. Most of these deep-sea fish weighing hundreds of catties were not killed by Qin Lang's sword energy No, but was shocked to death by the power of heaven and earth brought up by the sword energy.

After Qin Lang tried the trick, he was very satisfied with this dragon-slaying sword that was able to exert its true power. This is the ultimate weapon that real sword repairers yearn for. Now that he is half a sword repairman, he is naturally very fond of such a weapon. like.

However, perhaps because the cultivation base is only the quasi-transformation stage and has not completely broken through, Qin Lang is not yet proficient in manipulating the power of heaven and earth, nor can he fully grasp it, so he cannot control the strength. Otherwise, the sword energy before splitting the sea After that, he was even able to avoid hurting every fish in the deep sea.

This requires a very strong ability to master, especially the ability to cultivate spiritual consciousness. With Qin Lang's current cultivation base of quasi-transformation god stage, he has not been able to fully achieve it for the time being. However, he will be able to completely enter the transformation god in about a month. Period, it will be able to be done then.

After trying the move, Qin Lang suddenly received a communication talisman, and after opening the communication talisman, the voice of Qing Meizi, the elder of the outer sect, appeared: "Daoist Qin Lang, everyone in the sea area secret realm has harvested well, I want to gather everyone in the team Let's get together, if there is a gossip that will be shared during the gathering, I think Fellow Daoist Qin Lang will also be interested."

"Oh, okay."

Qin Lang replied to the message. This time, he is familiar with this Tiandaomen team. Although his cultivation is far superior to anyone in this team, the cultivation world cannot always fight alone. Sometimes there is one more friend and one more way, and it is not wrong to get to know more.

This is actually one of the real reasons why he agreed to become the elder of the outer sect of the Heavenly Sword Sect. After all, he is new to the Eastern Sea Region, and he is not familiar with the place. If he deepens his relationship with the Heavenly Sword Sect, he can also take root and have the strength of the sect. With your help, it will be more convenient for me to collect relevant information about the relics of the medical saint in the future.

After all, he came to the East China Sea more to improve his alchemy. If he can get the real inheritance of the relics of the medical saint and improve his alchemy to the level of a master, then it will be of great help to his cultivation in the future. Yes, a breakthrough in alchemy ability can speed up the process of pursuing longevity.

And Qin Lang's ultimate goal is naturally to pursue longevity. His aptitude is not very good, but his alchemy ability makes up for this shortcoming. Friends in the cultivation world, after all, an alchemy master is still very popular in the cultivation world, and he is the target of many forces.

There are still two or three days left for the party. It is estimated that in these few days, all the members of Qingmeizi's team are hurrying to digest the contribution of the sect exchange and exchange for the items they need, and they are all in retreat.

And Qin Lang also retreated for two or three days to study the dragon sword more thoroughly and integrate it with himself.Then, he used the demon head in the magic bottle to add some magic lines to the sword body of the Dragon Slaying Sword, adding some killing power to the Dragon Slaying Sword.

For tens of thousands of years, the demon world and the human world have been one. When the evil sword emperor roamed all over the world, the dragon-slaying sword must have killed a large number of monsters. Maybe there were magic lines in the first place, but the power of the magic lines was completely lost after a long time. When it disappears, there will be no traces, so Qin Lang's obsession is easy.

After getting the Dragon Slaying Sword, Qin Lang began to practice forbidden customs. This time, he fought against the commander of the demon world, Sa Mosha. Qin Lang's magic house actually had some tiny scratches, although it is not considered damaged. But Qin Lang still repaired it with broken magic gold.

And the broken magic gold is a good material for repairing the magic house. This thing can no longer be seen in the current cultivation world, and only the devil world has some places.

After three days of restoration, Qin Lang returned to a state of refreshment, and his cultivation base has long been at the peak of the quasi-transformation god stage. As long as he adds a little more accumulation of cultivation base, he may be promoted to the state of transformation at any time. God stage, and the perception of realm has become more transparent.

On the third day, the gathering of members of Qingmeizi Sea Area Secret Realm team was held in Qingmeizi's private cave on Tiandao Island. A cave was given as a personal property, which was slightly better than the treatment in Qin Lang's courtyard.

Of course, the effects of cultivation in the two places are actually similar. This is Tiandao Island. The entire island is located on a large spiritual vein, and it is full of spiritual energy everywhere. No matter where you practice, the effect is the same.

The function of Dongfu is nothing more than a symbol of identity and status, and has no more meaning.

Qingmeizi gained a lot from this trip to the secret realm, and exchanged nearly 300 million contribution points, so this time the party was also bleeding a lot. The food and various drinks brought out to entertain friends are hard to find in the cultivation world , The wine is the sect's drunken fairy brew, and the spiritual fruits and spiritual objects are all purchased from special channels, or you can find the Zongmen Exchange Office to directly exchange with the incomparably precious contribution.

(End of this chapter)

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