The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1841 Important News

Chapter 1841 Important News
"Elder Qin, if it weren't for you on this trip to the secret realm, my life in Yilou would be over...I offer you a toast!"

At the private banquet, the cultivator of Tiandaomen who was saved by Qin Lang stood up holding a large wine bowl.

"Hehe, it's easy to do."

Qin Lang smiled slightly, and at the same time lit up the wine bowl.Both of them drank in one gulp.

After drinking this cup, Yilou looked at Qin Lang with grateful eyes, and then sat down. He knew that his life could not be saved with a little effort. In order to recover him from the demonized state, Qin Lang must have He also spent a lot of thought, so he always had an idea of ​​wanting to repay his kindness.

Although Qin Lang's cultivation level is higher than his, and he doesn't seem to need his reward at the moment, but as a decent monk from the Heavenly Knife Sect, the idea of ​​relying on numbers is deeply rooted. When it comes to him, he will repay even if his body is broken to pieces. After all, this life was given by Qin Lang, which is equivalent to a second birth.

And all the monks present all smiled and looked at Yilou to toast Qin Lang, and after the toast at Yilou, they also toasted: "Elder Qin, let's respect you together! This trip to the secret sea area, your respect for us I helped a lot, if it wasn't for you, I'm afraid we would have gone home halfway, and there is no chance of completing this mission..."

This time the toast was led by Qing Meizi, Qin Lang laughed when he saw this: "We helped each other, as long as you don't respect me one by one, you can get me drunk if you want to."

After finishing speaking, he drank the big wine bowl again in one gulp. The comprehension world drinks with such arrogance, everyone applauded and drank up the wine in the same way.

As far as drinking capacity is concerned, Qin Lang is undoubtedly very good. Although Zuixianzui has a lot of stamina, he can drink ten altars and eight altars without any problems.

However, the supply of this kind of wine in the Zongmen is also limited, so this private banquet only needs twenty or thirty altars of green plums. Everyone is a high-level monk with a capacity for alcohol, so we still have to drink it leisurely.

This time, Qing Meizi brought together the monks who participated in the exploration of the secret sea area. In addition to connecting with each other, there was another thing to reveal to everyone. He spoke in the middle of the private banquet.

"Everyone, I heard a piece of news that the ancient battlefield outside the Eastern Sea Region is about to open again after ten thousand years, and it should be in three months... This time, the three major cultivation countries will join forces with the Eastern Sea Region. There are dozens of forces, big and small, and everyone will send people to go, and our sect will probably have nearly a hundred places to participate in the battle."

"Outer Territory Battlefield..." The monks present were all surprised. They were not ignorant people. In fact, the Outer Territory Battlefield was very famous in the Eastern Sea.

When Qin Lang heard the news, he was also startled. From the ancient books of Tiandaomen, he also knew some news about the extraterritorial battlefield. He heard that the extraterritorial battlefield was the main venue for the war of gods and demons in ancient times, and he died there. There are countless gods and demons and ancient immortals, and you must know that the war lasted at least a thousand years.

"Yes, the extraterritorial battlefield in ancient times is about to open...there is a dangerous place, and it is also a huge treasure place. There may be corpses and relics of gods and demons and ancient immortals in the starry sky. If there are monks who can be lucky If you find one or two at a time, you will be prosperous."

"Even if the corpses of gods, demons and ancient immortals were not found, the aura of the entire outer battlefield is astonishingly rich. If it is cultivated inside the outer battlefield, the effect is better than those large spiritual veins in Qinghe Continent. After one or two years, high-level A monk can even directly advance to one or two levels of cultivation."

"Before the opening of the extraterritorial battlefield this time, the three major cultivation countries have joined forces to block the passage from the East China Sea to the extraterritorial battlefield, because there is a quota limit for entering the extraterritorial battlefield... The extraterritorial battlefield means huge benefits for the East China Sea. , It’s a piece of cake! If you want to enter the extraterritorial battlefield, the basic situation of channel transmission is once every six months, and no more than [-] people can be transmitted at a time, so now the three major cultivation countries and major forces have blocked the entrance of the channel, and are allocating places to enter.”

"And this time I will inform everyone in advance, I just want everyone to prepare in advance... If you are interested in entering the battlefield outside the territory, you must fight for the [-] places that the sect will allocate to enter the battlefield outside the territory. Only the quotas are eligible to enter! And the partners who successfully compete for the quotas, we can still form a team to explore in the extraterritorial battlefield and fight against alien creatures at the same time!"

At this time, Qingmeizi expressed her thoughts, and after she finished speaking, she looked around again. The focus was naturally on Qin Lang, a cultivator at the quasi-transformation stage. Qin Lang's current ability at the quasi-transformation stage is naturally the one with the highest strength on the scene , for the competition for the number of Zongmen places, he is also the monk who is most sure of getting a place.

And Qin Lang smiled slightly, he knew Qing Meizi's idea was to release the news through this private banquet, and then regroup this team to participate in the foreign battlefield together.

However, this kind of thinking is correct. After all, the people in the team are all elites in the sect. There is a running-in period, and it is more convenient for each other.

And Qin Lang is really interested in this entry quota of Zongmen. The extraterritorial battlefield, I heard that this is an incomparably vast starry sky battlefield, and there are not only human monks from Qinghe University, but also creatures from outer domains, such as It is said that the orcs that exist in the starry sky, as well as the Mara star clan and so on.

Even this time the Starry Sky Battlefield will be joined by Sea Clan from the Eastern Sea Region, but the entrance for the Sea Clan to join the Starry Sky Battlefield is deep in the sea, inside the Sea God's Ruins.

The above is the information obtained through exchanges. All the monks present were shocked after receiving this small news. After the big battle with the Sea Clan, there has never been such a large-scale incident.

Everyone felt very satisfied at this gathering. Not only did they connect with each other, but more importantly, they got such an explosive news now. Now it is estimated that the monks in the team will be busy and active about this matter after they go back.

After all, cultivating monks requires a lot of information, and now the extraterritorial battlefield is a huge cake for the entire East China Sea. It is estimated that there are countless monks who want to enter the extraterritorial battlefield, and being able to enter it can be said to be a kind of blessing up.

Of course, the extraterritorial battlefield is not only a treasure land, but also has a lot of dangers. There is no doubt about it, but the cultivation base of the monks is against the sky, and how many monks care about this!As long as there are enough interests, I am afraid that someone will break into the dragon's lake and tiger's den.


In the Heavenly Demon Palace, after knowing that his avatar had fallen, Lord Asura himself was also very angry, and then he went out directly to the Heavenly Knife Gate, preparing to avenge his avatar, and at the same time, took back the treasure of the Heavenly Demon Palace, the Heavenly Demon Banner.

After all, this Heavenly Demon Banner is one of the treasures of the entire Heavenly Demon Palace. If it really falls outside, even if Venerable Shura is a cultivator at the transformation stage, he probably cannot withstand the anger of the Palace Master.

So this time, Venerable Shura didn't care about anything, and made up his mind to take Qin Lang down and bring back the magic banner.

However, he had been lurking outside the Tiandaomen sect for a month, and he did not find out Qin Lang's whereabouts. Later, he directly took down a high-ranking monk who went out from Tiandaomen. In retreat.

After successfully killing this Heavenly Sword Sect disciple, Venerable Shura made some calculations, and finally decided to sneak into Heavenly Sword Island and take the risk to assassinate Qin Lang.He changed his appearance into that of that high-ranking disciple, and searched through the remaining spiritual memory of this disciple with the spirit search technique, and then sorted it out before sneaking into Tiandao Island.

However, Tiandao Island is equipped with a large sect protection formation. When approaching this sect protection formation, Venerable Shura suddenly felt a wave of heart palpitations. The huge wind blade shot at him, making him very embarrassed.

After retreating quickly, Venerable Shura almost stomped his feet. The Heavenly Sword Sect's Zongmen's protective array was really extraordinary, and it was able to distinguish people from non-Zongmen naturally.

At the same time that Venerable Shura's devilish energy touched the formation, somewhere on Tiandao Island, the Taishang Great Elder who was in retreat sensed the fluctuation of the formation's aura, and suddenly woke up from the retreat, his eyes lit up, and his consciousness spread across the entire body. The island was swept away, but the Venerable Shura who had already retreated was not found.

And the Supreme Elder is the host of the entire sect's protective formation, so he is also one of the first people who can sense the subtle changes in the entire sect's protective formation.


After retreating for dozens of miles, Venerable Shura looked at the entire Tiandao Island with lingering fear, his teeth itching with hatred. The blade aura emitted by the sect's defensive formation just now almost killed him. Each hit is almost equivalent to a casual blow by a mid-stage cultivator. It should be that the mid-stage cultivator of Tiandao Island has infused secret techniques into the formation, which increases the lethality of the large formation.

But now Venerable Shura's idea of ​​sneaking into Tiandao Island is a bit unrealistic. This sect's defense formation can automatically identify him as a demon cultivator and attack him, so Venerable Shura Peng Ping doesn't even think about it. Approaching Tiandao Island.

In this regard, Peng Ping also felt very helpless, so he could only continue to lurk near Tiandao Island. He only hoped that Qin Lang could go out again as soon as possible, so that he could make a move.

(End of this chapter)

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