The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1842 Offering a Reward for the Spiritual Sense Stone

Chapter 1842 Offering a Reward for the Spiritual Sense Stone

However, Venerable Asura Peng Ping has been waiting for half a month, and it is really hard work. After waiting for half a month, he finally waited for an opportunity.

Back to half a month ago, Qin Lang has been retreating after the private banquet, preparing to accumulate strength and enter the stage of transformation.

At the same time, he sorted out some materials and treasures he obtained from the secret realm of the sea. Those magic crystals are good things for cultivating spiritual consciousness. Qin Lang can increase the strength of his consciousness by one thousandth at a time.

But still absorbing magic crystals to cultivate, Qin Lang's spiritual consciousness growth rate is at least a hundred times faster than usual practice. Basically, the increase in spiritual consciousness is very obvious every day for half a month. After half a month, the spiritual consciousness will increase The strength has been three or four times stronger than before.

This kind of spiritual strength may be rare even in the formal cultivator of the transformation stage.

For this reason, Qin Lang also absorbed more than 1000 magic crystals, but the effect was very good, and he also felt that it was worth it. These more than 1000 magic crystals were all low-grade magic crystals. Although a small part of the low-grade magic crystals had been used up, he There are still a lot of middle-grade and high-grade magic crystals on hand. This is the half-year food for the [-] monsters on the magic ship, which is quite a lot.

In addition to the magic crystal, Qin Lang also obtained some other materials from the demon ship, such as demon wood, etc. These are actually good things. Demon wood can be used to make talismans and utensils, which is absolutely top-notch good material.

Of course, there is one more thing that is indispensable, that is the monsters sealed in the magic bottle. Qin Lang currently has hundreds of monsters sealed in the magic bottle, and there are two monsters of the level of the magic commander in it. , Talisman making, and alchemy may be able to use this level of monsters, and the effect must be very good.

Qin Lang didn't like the other top-grade magic weapon, the Heavenly Demon Banner, which was taken from Shura's avatar. Although this top-quality magic weapon was very powerful, Qin Lang only had to sacrifice the first and second layers of restraint. How to use it.

Qin Lang beheaded the clone of Venerable Shura, but he didn't know that the body of Venerable Shura had come to guard him near Tianmen Island at this moment, not only to avenge the clone, but also to come for the top-grade magic weapon that he didn't like. Although Qin Lang doesn't like the powerful top-grade magic weapon, if Venerable Shura can't take it back, he will be severely punished if he returns to the Heavenly Demon Palace.

After Qin Lang retreated for half a month, his cultivation base has greatly improved, especially in the aspect of spiritual consciousness. Now he is no less than any monk in the stage of spiritual transformation in the competition of spiritual consciousness.

As for the sacrifice of the magic treasure house, the ninth floor of the nine-story Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda lacks a very critical material, the spiritual stone. contribution in exchange.

The key reason is that the material of the spiritual stone is too scarce. As the ultimate treasure for cultivating spiritual consciousness, no matter which monk gets it, he will not let it go easily. After all, the growth of cultivation base is the most important thing for a monk. of.

Although magic weapons and external power can help monks, they are not the foundation of monks. The growth and improvement of one's own cultivation base is the real improvement.

However, during the period of Qin Lang's retreat and practice, he also assigned a sect's personal data collection task and handed it over to the Zongmen's mission hall.

In this personal mission, Qin Lang offered a generous reward, as long as the monks of the Heavenly Knife Gate provided any information about the Spiritual Sense Stone, even if they failed to find the materials, they could still get a lot of money for the information.

It seems that Qin Lang also made up his mind and wanted to find the Spiritual Sense Stone at some cost.

Not to mention, after leaving the customs, Qin Lang really got the news about the Spiritual Sense Stone. It was provided by an inner disciple of Tiandaomen who took over the task. At the age of [-], I heard that his promotion to the late stage of Nascent Soul is related to the spiritual stone.

"Elder Qin, in the center of the Eastern Sea Region, there should be a stone like the Spiritual Sense Stone in the Sea God's Forbidden Area...I, Wang Xiaoming, was lucky enough to get one when I was exploring that area three years ago, and my cultivation level was improved...However, that piece The Spiritual Sense Stone has disappeared after I practiced."

The inner disciple Wang Xiaoming who provided the news looked at Qin Lang cautiously and said, Qin Lang's reward for the task is really generous enough, I told him before, as long as the news he provided is not fake news, in addition to the [-] contribution points that he should have In addition to the remuneration, he also gave an extra Creation Pill.

Good Fortune Pill, the God of Healing Pill, is definitely well-known in the cultivation world. Basically, monks below the transformation stage rank this kind of pill as No. 1 in the cultivation world, even if it is used to improve the realm of cultivation. They are not as precious as Good Fortune Pills. After all, one more pill of this kind is equivalent to one more life for a monk.

After Qin Lang got the news, he confirmed again, the reliable procedure for the inner disciple to provide the news, then nodded and said: "Give me a sea map of the area of ​​the sea god ruins you searched, and then this The mission is complete."

"Okay." The inner disciple Wang Xiaoming had been prepared, and at this moment he took out a sea chart from his arms and handed it to Qin Lang.

And Qin Lang took a look, although this chart is a popular chart of the sect, it should have printed many sheets, but Wang Xiaoming made a lot of marks on the chart, basically re-outlined the places he visited, and many places The special products and resource distribution are also explained, which are much more detailed than the original picture.

It can be seen that Wang Xiaoming's trip to the Sea God's Forbidden Land three years ago had a lot of experience. It is estimated that he did not complete this exploration alone, but a team of monks from the sect.

However, Wang Xiaoming didn't mention his own team, and he didn't know where the other members of that sect's team were. He heard that the area was extremely dangerous, so he didn't know if anyone died.

After getting some information about the Spiritual Sense Stone, Qin Lang immediately planned to search the places where Wang Xiaoming had been to see if he could find the Spiritual Sense Stone.

He was going to set off immediately, and tried to return in about two months. At the same time, he also sent a message to Chang Tianqing, the suzerain of Tiandaomen, hoping to reserve a spot for himself to search the battlefield in the sea area, and wait for him to find the Spiritual Sense Stone this time. After returning, it is estimated that the time is almost up, and you can go directly to the battlefield outside the domain.

The Spiritual Sense Stone is of great help to Qin Lang. Now his magic house is refining and unblocking the eight-layer ban. Although under the influence of Xuanhuangyan, its power is similar to that of some magic house that has lifted the ban on the nine-story house, but this is not this treasure. ultimate form.

If the nine-story Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda of the Magic Treasure House inspires the ultimate form, then the power of this top-quality Magic Treasure House will definitely be able to reach a higher level. Qin Lang has such a big killer in the outer battlefield, I am afraid that even in the face of chemical The monks in the middle stage of the gods don't have to be afraid, and they can even fight against it with this treasure.

Of course, this still requires him to have the cultivation base of the stage of transforming the gods. Only when he has truly reached the stage of transforming the gods, can the true energy in his body be able to thrive without fear of a large amount of consumption of true essence.

Similarly, Qin Lang can only truly communicate with the power of heaven and earth only when he has truly reached the stage of transforming gods. Although he can communicate with a small amount now, it cannot last for a long time now.

In short, if Qin Lang is promoted to the stage of transforming gods instead of the current quasi-god transforming state, his strength will definitely take a huge leap. At that time, it is not impossible to use the magic house to fight against the middle stage of transforming gods...even the monks in the later stage.

And it won't be long before he is promoted to the real stage of transformation, at most half a month or so, he will do this.

After all, the accumulation of Qin Lang's cultivation base has reached a critical point now, and the perception of the level of the stage of the transformation of the gods has lasted for such a long time, and now he only needs to lift his foot up, and it is almost the same.

This is actually a matter of course, there is nothing coincidental, after all, he was originally a cultivator in the quasi-transformation stage, and some monks in the late Yuanying stage of Dzogchen even took this step directly, and directly became a deity when they crossed the catastrophe Expect.

The reason why Qin Lang crossed the catastrophe and became the quasi-hua god was also because of some coincidences in the process of crossing the catastrophe. Without the training of the body, he naturally lost some background. However, after this period of accumulation, these The bottom line was slowly made up by him.

This is also something that can't be helped, who made Qin Lang's state catastrophe so different...

The difficulty for him to cross the catastrophe is two or three times more terrifying than that of ordinary monks. This is also the result of the joint practice of the two different meridian systems of light and dark in the body.

The two meridian systems of light and dark, each running a different size cycle, is equivalent to Qin Lang having twice the accumulation of monks of the same rank.

Although he was stronger than monks of the same level in every realm after his cultivation base was promoted, correspondingly, the catastrophe he suffered in the big realm was far more terrifying than that of ordinary monks.

After Qin Lang sent the flying message, he left Tiandaomen immediately. Now, in order to hurry up, he did not contact other monks he knew in Tiandaomen again, and prepared to go alone.

"I don't know if suzerain Chang Tianqing will really leave a quota for himself after the message requesting a quota is sent out. After all, he is out now and cannot compete with other monks... If he doesn't get a quota, then I have to find another way, I heard that there is also a passage connecting to the battlefield outside the domain at the sea god ruins, and I can also consider entering from that side..."

After Qin Lang left Tiandao Island, he was thinking about this while flying in the Magic Treasure House.Then, he murmured to himself: "Brother Dao Changfei in the sect, after getting his Lixing Pill, seemed to have already set off when he went to the secret realm of the sea area. He went to the Sea God's Forbidden Land to find his father's News. When we arrive at the Sea God's Forbidden Area, maybe I have the chance to meet this brother, and it should be much easier to explore the Forbidden Area together..."

"I heard that the sea god's forbidden area is extremely dangerous. There are not only several high-level sea tribe branches that are full of malice towards humans, and a large number of large sea monsters, but also various unknown dangers... When encountering a monk, he can directly separate his limbs. Even a monk in the transformation stage must be careful when he arrives there, and even be prepared to perish at any time. However, I still have a lot of Lixing Pills on hand, and with my own strength, I should Don’t be too afraid of these.”

Qin Lang's main purpose of going to the Sea God's Forbidden Land was for the Spiritual Sense Stone, and Chang Fei, who had already gone to the Sea God's Forbidden Land before, was naturally for his father Chang Huohua, the most outstanding alchemist of the Heavenly Sword Sect, Chang Huohua 200 He disappeared there years ago, so Chang Fei has accumulated this wish for a long time. He didn't have the strength to go there before, but now that he has the strength, he will naturally fulfill it as soon as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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