The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1843 Quota in the extraterritorial battlefield

Chapter 1843 Quota in the extraterritorial battlefield

"As long as the Magic Treasure House reaches the ninth floor, in addition to the bonus of its own power, there should be an increase."

"Actually, in the world of cultivation, no matter it is any treasure, a treasure that has been fully refined is different from a treasure that has not been fully refined. A treasure that has been fully refined will have a bonus of extreme rhyme. Arrived..."

During the flight, Qin Lang thought about it again. In fact, there is another saying in the world of comprehension about the consummation of the magic weapon, which is called consummation.

In addition to the bonus of the refining restriction itself, the refined and perfect treasure also has the increase of the extreme rhyme dao mark, which also means that the quality of this magic weapon has reached the extreme.

Now Qin Lang's Magic Treasure House has been fused with Xuanyanhuang, and its quality has undergone a huge change. After refining the eighth level of restriction, it is already the grade of a top-grade Magic Treasure House.

If it reaches the level of full training, it is estimated to be similar to a real top-grade magic treasure house, even close to the level of spirit treasures and fairy weapons.

And spirit treasures and celestial artifacts are more high-end treasures than top-grade magic weapons. Lingbao is also called psychic treasure, which is almost invisible in the cultivation world, because its production is not artificial, but after the accumulation of heaven and earth dao marks to a certain extent Generated.

Therefore, Lingbao can also be called an innate magic weapon, and no matter how powerful a magic weapon refined by a craftsman in the cultivation world is, it is also called an acquired magic weapon.

The biggest difference between the congenital magic weapon and the later magic weapon is not how powerful it is, but its tolerance to the heaven, earth, and dao marks. Among the powerful acquired magic weapons, there are actually stronger fighting powers than Lingbao.

But the acquired magic weapon can't reach the level of the innate magic weapon. The spirit treasure can recover by itself after being damaged. Although the recovery process is very slow, the acquired magic weapon definitely does not have this ability.

As for the fairy artifact, it was a treasure refined by the ancient immortals in the ancient gods and demons, and the grade was naturally higher than the magic treasure and spirit treasure.

But even fairy treasures can't compare to Lingbao's special ability to restore itself. If the fairy artifact is damaged, the cost of repairing it will be unimaginable. I am afraid that the entire cultivation world cannot find repair materials.


When Qin Lang left Tiandao Island, Venerable Shura, who was lurking near Tiandao Island, immediately sensed Qin Lang's departure. He squatted near Tiandao Island for so long, not for today.

He was suddenly excited. However, the area of ​​Tiandao Island is the core of the Tiandaomen's sphere of influence. It is really not suitable for fighting. If he dares to fight Qin Lang here, I am afraid that Qin Lang will be killed by then. I can't escape myself.

After all, although the overall strength of Tiandaomen is not as good as that of Tianmo Palace, it is still the number one power of the orthodox sect in the East China Sea. There are more than two mid-stage monks in the sect. If I am in trouble, I am afraid it will be difficult for me to walk away.

And the sword repair's fighting power is also very terrifying. Like the sword repair, they all have the fiercest attack. If they are not careful, they may fall here.

At the moment, Venerable Shura suppressed his mood, and quietly drove a cloud of black clouds to follow behind Qin Lang. He planned to wait until he was a little farther away from Tiandao Island before attacking, killing Qin Lang, and killing the demon banner that had lost his avatar. And all the magic house on Qin Lang's body were taken.


And when Venerable Asura himself drove the black cloud to follow Qin Lang to leave, another old man with long sleeves fluttering suddenly appeared in this sea area. Looking at the place where the black cloud disappeared, the old man shook his head and pinched his fingers. Let's say:

"This kid is in danger again... However, the old man's calculations are mixed for good and bad, and the demon cultivator should not be able to cause him too much trouble... but the destination this kid is going to is quite dangerous. ah……"

This old man seems to be the guy who sold Qin Lang's ancient scrolls in the sea market, and he should be a monk in the stage of transforming gods.

However, the most outstanding thing about this old man is not his combat power, but his ability to budget and deploy formations. These two abilities should be at the master level. He had saved Qin Lang's life near Haishi before, and it's really amazing to appear here again. mystery.

Looking into the distance, the old man opened his mouth and smiled slightly: "Boy, you have a deep relationship with Taoist Canyue, and this is the chance for him to become enlightened... So, as a fellow of the Tianji Sect, I have to help you."

After saying this, the old man disappeared into this sea area in a flash, and he didn't know where he went.


And just half a day after Qin Lang left Tiandao Island, all the disciples of Tiandao Sect finally got the news that the extraterritorial battlefield of the human race in the East China Sea was about to open. There were [-] places in the sect to be released, so the registration competition was very enthusiastic.

After all, the ancient battlefield outside the territory is a big event, it is a place full of treasures and hopes, of course, there are also dangers, but for monks, cultivation is like sailing against the current, and they cannot improve themselves without going through training, so Some hardships and dangers must also be experienced, so that growth can be accelerated.

At this moment, Chang Tianqing, the suzerain of Tiandaomen, was standing in the main hall of the suzerain, scanning the registration board displayed in the middle of the hall with his spiritual sense, a hazy blue light flickered on the registration board, and some numbers were beating again.

"Ten... twenty... fifty... eighty... one hundred and eight... three hundred and two... one thousand three... three thousand six... five thousand!"

Nearly 5000 people signed up for the extraterritorial battlefield. Most of these nearly [-] people are monks who have been cultivated in the middle and late stages of Nascent Soul, and there are even a small number of monks in the early stage of Nascent Soul.

Shaking his head, Chang Tianqing first cultivated those monks who did not reach the late stage of Nascent Soul, and eliminated more than half of them, leaving only 1000 people, and then carefully selected those monks who did less missions. Yes, monks with insufficient experience and insufficient combat experience were eliminated, directly reducing another 700 people.

In the end, there were only 300 people left, and their strength and cultivation bases were between the late Nascent Soul and the Great Perfection in the late Nascent Soul. These people are basically qualified to join the battlefield outside the territory. However, Chang Tianqing only has one hundred places on hand. So the first batch of candidates has to be selected from these 300 people.

At this time, Qin Lang's Feixun also arrived at the Suzerain Hall, and Chang Tianqing only knew that Qin Lang left Tiandao Island and went to the Sea God's Forbidden Land... Can't help but feel strange: "Why does this kid know that the extraterritorial battlefield is open, and he is still in such a hurry Leaving the Zongmen, what private matter does he have that are more important than the extraterritorial battlefield? In this case, this quota needs to be considered... Although Qin Lang is qualified to compete for a spot, but he is not in the Zongmen, and he will not be able to catch up when the extraterritorial battlefield opens. If you come, you will waste a spot."

After shaking his head, Chang Tianqing was busy with quota allocation at this time. In the main hall of the suzerain, he controlled the jade tokens with divine sense, looked at each monk's qualifications and attributes, and analyzed each monk's survival probability on the battlefield, and then Conduct another selection of the best among the best, and select the one hundred best applicants.

In the end, after repeated selection, Chang Tianqing finally determined the [-] places. Of the [-] places, [-]% are monks above the late Nascent Soul stage. He is the leader of Zongmen.

And all the members of Qingmeizi's team were selected except for Qin Lang who left Tiandaomen, and none of them were missed. It is estimated that the members of Qin Lang's team are all the top batch of sects.

Of course, for Qing Meizi and the others, this is definitely something to be happy about. After entering the foreign battlefield, the team can still gather together to roam and explore.

After Chang Tianqing selected the number of personnel for the entire sect to participate in the war, at the end of the mission hall of the palace gate, there was also a display board showing the names of the selected personnel. It seems that this display board is also a special magic baby , both the mission hall and the suzerain hall are synchronized, just as convenient as the TV on the earth.

At the moment, a large number of applicants from the Zongmen gathered near the mission hall, looking at the display boards. The display boards in this mission hall are much larger than those in the suzerain hall.

Although the material of white jade is not the top refining material, it is not easy for Tiandaomen to obtain such a large piece of jade and refine it into treasures.

And now the registered monks who are focusing on the mission hall of the Zongmen are all paying attention to the changes in the display boards. Those who see their quota applications are naturally elated. If they see that their quota applications have not been passed, they will be disappointed. After all, being able to enter the foreign battlefield is also a great opportunity for these sect monks.

And those monks who were selected were elated at the moment, and they had already started to recruit and find their own teams. After all, the battlefield outside the territory was also a very dangerous place. Although there were many opportunities, it would be inappropriate to do it alone.

Qing Meizi also breathed a sigh of relief after seeing that the members of the team had obtained the places in the extraterritorial battlefield, but he felt a little strange when he saw that Qin Lang was not on the list. He didn't know that Qin Lang had left Tiandaomen news.

There are still more than two months before the opening of the extraterritorial battlefield, and the Tiandaomen cultivators who have already set their quota early are also preparing to join the extraterritorial battlefield. I heard that the one hundred selected personnel will rush to three The connection channel for the extra-territorial battlefield of Zhanlan Country in the super-level comprehension world will join the extra-territorial battlefield with selected personnel from dozens of large and small forces in the East China Sea continent.

Of course, this is only the first batch of people joining the extraterritorial battlefield, a total of [-] elite monks in the Eastern Sea Region. After three years, when the transmission channel of the extraterritorial battlefield is opened again, the second batch of [-] elite monks will reinforce again The entire extraterritorial battlefield.

However, although there are many opportunities in the foreign battlefield, the casualty rate is also very high. It was opened once 1 years ago, and the casualty rate reached more than [-]% at that time. This figure is terrifying.

Of course, many of the surviving monks have received a lot of benefits. In the process of exploring the ancient battlefields and fighting against races in foreign domains, some even entered the stage of transforming gods directly from the late Nascent Soul, and since then have a wider world.

(End of this chapter)

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