Chapter 1845

Trapped by Venerable Asura's domain, Qin Lang's heart skipped a beat, knowing that the situation was not good, and at this time he quickly released all the power of the magic house to collide with this not-quite-stabilized comprehension, trying to break free from the shackles of the domain.

The spire of the Magic Treasure House hit the boundary wall of the domain fiercely, making a loud noise, and the boundary wall of the domain was also fluctuating with layers of black light circles.

However, although the power of this collision is great, but because it is in the domain and affected by the rules of space, the destructiveness is much reduced.

Therefore, despite the great power of the magic house's collision, which is comparable to the result of a full-strength strike by a monk in the mid-stage of transformation, it still failed to break through the realm of Venerable Shura.

As for Venerable Shura himself, seeing that the domain had become a magic treasure house of headless flies, he also burst into laughter: "It's useless... If you enter the cage of this deity, you can die with peace of mind..."

So he stepped up the power to destroy the field, and at the same time, the flame core of the demon lamp turned into a green flame snake again, winding towards Qin Lang's magic house.


Qin Lang's hands tightened, and at this time, he cast all the high-level spells in his treasury and threw them out.Explosion Talisman, Ice Bomb Talisman, Golden Knife Talisman...

All of a sudden, a large wave of flame bombs, ice bombs, and golden knives met the flame snake of the extinguishing lamp like a storm. Although the power of the domain was severely weakened, so many spells were released together, and the flame snake was still blocked. .

And during this panting time, Qin Lang activated another spell, and Qin Lang disappeared in this field instantly.

"Escaped? How is it possible..."

Venerable Shura couldn't believe it, the prey was already trapped in his own domain, even a mid-stage cultivator might perish in such a situation, but the other party disappeared without a sound. Very strange.

Venerable Shura's mind moved, and his spiritual consciousness immediately swept the area covered by the domain, but he did not find Qin Lang's trace. At this time, he was really sure that Qin Lang was not in the domain, and he really got out of trouble.

As for how Qin Lang got out of trouble, Venerable Asura couldn't figure it out. Could it be that this kid has mastered some special secret method of space, so that he can not be affected by the power of his own domain...


In the direction of a hundred miles away from the battle site, suddenly, a figure suddenly appeared above the sea, and this person was naturally Qin Lang who had escaped from the battle.

After falling into the realm of Peng Ping, the Venerable Shura, Qin Lang knew that the situation was not good, and immediately activated a large number of spells, the most important one of which was the Thousand Miles Teleportation Talisman. A large number of contribution points were exchanged with the three talented masters.

The thousand-mile teleportation talisman can penetrate the space barrier, and naturally ignored the influence of comprehension, and sent Qin Lang out.

However, due to the use of this spell in the domain of Venerable Shura, the effect of the power of the spell was still much smaller, and finally Qin Lang was sent out.

However, the distance was only about a hundred miles. This place is actually not very far from the battle location. If Venerable Shura locks on Qin Lang again, he may soon catch up.

And then, Qin Lang frowned, he found that Venerable Asura Peng Ping had once again locked himself with his consciousness, and rushed towards him, and the next big battle seemed inevitable.

Qin Lang thought about it for a while, and suddenly entered the magic treasure house again in a blink of an eye, and then consumed his true energy regardless of the cost, manipulating the magic treasure house to drive in one direction.

The inner disciple of the Heavenly Knife Sect provided him with a detailed map of this sea area. He is now going to a place where there is an island, and he plans to have fun with Venerable Shura on that island.

In fact, as long as he doesn't fall into the domain of Venerable Asura, Qin Lang doesn't have to be afraid of this guy at all, and his combat effectiveness is actually not weak.

He knew that dealing with Venerable Shura, who was close to the mid-stage of transformation of gods, would cause more trouble later if he couldn't completely eliminate him this time, so he wanted to use this island to make some simple arrangements to turn it into a monster. Become the tomb of Venerable Shura.

Under Qin Lang's full efforts, the Magic Treasure House has almost reached the extreme speed state, and it is almost a jumping flight in the air. Even the Venerable Shura, who is already at the peak of the early stage of the transformation of the gods, cannot catch up with such an air-breaking ability, and even the distance is getting wider and wider. further away.

However, Venerable Asura's consciousness has been locked on Qin Lang's breath, so no matter how Qin Lang escapes, it is estimated that he will be caught up by the other party in the end.

After chasing and fleeing for three or four hours, Qin Lang had already pulled Venerable Shura down a distance of seven or eight hundred nautical miles. At this time, an island appeared in front of him. This was a volcanic island, and its area was even larger than Tiandao Island. However, the entire island is very desolate, and there are no spiritual veins underground.

Qin Lang has fallen here, and he has been busy since he came out of the Magic Treasure House. He is now busy setting up formations. Although the island is desolate, there is a wealth of volcanic magma flowing underground. If he can make use of it, he can continuously extract fire elements. The ability to supplement the formation, forming a natural fire spirit formation.

The Huoling Formation is a large-scale formation, and the previous Qin Lang couldn't arrange it at all, but with the growth of his cultivation experience in the past two years, his formation ability has also made great progress, and now he is unconsciously in the formation. Together with the formation and the machine, it has truly reached the level of a master.

So even though this is the first time he is trying to arrange a large formation, he is also full of confidence.

It is worth mentioning that the information about this fire spirit trap was also obtained from the knowledge hall of Tiandaomen some time ago. Qin Lang spent a lot of contribution in the knowledge hall of Tiandaomen, and almost emptied the knowledge of the entire knowledge hall , although the contribution has been maximized, but the harvest is really a lot.

Now, with the advancement of formation knowledge, Qin Lang can set up formations with ease. In addition to using environmental factors, formation formations also require a lot of spirit stones, and large-scale prohibition formations like the Fire Spirit Formation require spirit stones. more upscale.

He has a lot of high-grade spirit stones on hand for setting up formations, so he directly arranges high-grade spirit stones at the key positions of each formation on the island to connect the veins. There are more than 300 changes in the entire fire spirit formation, and there are more than 300 of them. The foundation of the formation, these all need spirit stones to enter it, and Qin Lang even placed a top-quality spirit stone in the key core formation eye area.

In order to deal with Venerable Shura, Qin Lang paid a big price this time. You must know that he doesn't have a lot of top-grade spirit stones. It's like 2000 yuan, which is accumulated from the West Desert to the East Sea. , it's really not easy.

Knowing that the enemy is rushing to this place as soon as possible, Qin Lang's formation speed is also extremely fast, and he has done a good job in the order of formation, first setting up the foundation of the formation, and then perfecting the context of the entire formation, and setting up some islands The unreasonable vegetation and rocks were trimmed and shifted, and then the spiritual power network of the formation was connected, allowing the entire formation to operate directly.

This large formation is currently hidden, Qin Lang is like a spider spreading its web, waiting for Venerable Shura to throw himself into the net.

After the hidden fire spirit array was set up, in order to prevent Venerable Shura from finding out the abnormality, he arranged his own Gu array on it. Although this set of high-level Gu array has been upgraded, it is used to deal with quasi-Hua Shen Early-stage monks may still be useful, but it is still a bit low-level to deal with Venerable Shura who is at the peak of the early stage of transformation.

However, the key to the function of the gu array is to confuse Venerable Shura, thinking that Qin Lang's skills stop here, and the fire spirit trap is the real means to trap the enemy, and as long as Venerable Shura is trapped in the flame trap, Qin Lang will A series of follow-up measures can be launched.

For Qin Lang, Venerable Shura is definitely a difficult enemy to deal with. He is worthy of being a powerful magic cultivator from the Heavenly Demon Palace. I feel that with the combined efforts of the two shrimps who have fought against God before, it is estimated that they cannot beat this Venerable Shura. By.

This is also determined by Venerable Shura's rich combat experience. This demon cultivator has committed many evil deeds for 500 years, and has become the number one general in the Tianmo Palace. Naturally, there are no empty warriors under his reputation. This guy is in the world of human monks in the Eastern Sea Region In the list of the three people, it is also the top ten characters in the land list.

And the three list of heaven, earth and people in the cultivation world of the Eastern Sea Region is also the list that the monks in the entire East Sea Region most yearn for. If they can be on the list, it also proves that the monk's strength has been recognized by the entire East Sea Region.

I heard that the list of the Three Heaven, Earth and People is jointly formulated by the three cultivation countries on the continental shelf, and personnel from all three countries participate. This list is rotated every three years, and the rules are also very strict. The people on the list will not Doped with any moisture.

As for the three rankings of heaven, earth and people, the list of people is all outstanding young people from the East China Sea. Most of them are young monks who have cultivated above the Nascent Soul stage and are not more than [-] years old.There are many monks who are qualified to enter the list in the entire East China Sea, so the top [-] is used as a reference for the entire list, and it is also the target for the younger generation of monks in the East China Sea to catch up with their strength.

The Dibang is composed of monks who are above Dzogchen in the late Yuanying period, and there are only a hundred of them. The top [-] are basically composed of monks in the transformation stage. There are ten sects and forces, and there are quite a lot of monks in the transformation stage. Basically, every slightly larger sect and force has one or two.

In this regard, I am afraid that the other three regions of the Qinghe Continent cannot compare with the East Sea Region, and the reason why the East Sea Region is so prosperous is also caused by the special geographical environment here.

The assets and products here are too rich, which is far inferior to that of the other three domains. If it is not for the passage of the boundary wall, it will affect the cultivation of the monks, and let the monks directly fall to a large realm of cultivation. I am afraid that the monks in other domains There will be a lot of influx here.

(End of this chapter)

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