Chapter 1846
The Heaven List in the Eastern Sea Region is much simpler. I heard that there are only [-] monks on the list, but the strength and cultivation of these [-] monks have reached at least the middle stage of transforming gods. Among them, the three major cultivation countries themselves have the most, accounting for about More than half, after all, the three major cultivation countries are the biggest forces of the human monks in the East China Sea.

And then there are ten major sects in the Eastern Sea Region, three from the Tianmo sect, two from the Tiandao sect and two from the Lanhai sect, and more or less one or two from the other sects, and some may not.

The list of the Tianbang has not changed much in recent decades, the number of people on the list and the positions have remained the same, but if there are monks who have a deep understanding of the Eastern Sea Region, they will know that this list is not comprehensive.

In fact, there are also mid-stage cultivators who are excluded from the list of the heaven list. This part of the monks is neither included in the ground list nor the sky list due to various reasons. They are usually secluded and secluded, so they are not known to the world. .

Qin Lang also has a little understanding of the three lists of heaven, earth and people in the East China Sea. This time, the Venerable Demon Shura who chased him became a deity 500 years ago. In the past 500 years in the East China Sea, it can be said that his hands are full of blood. For the sake of resources and For profit, and to satisfy his own desire to kill, at least nearly a thousand hostile monks were killed, and some of them even had opponents who had reached the level of transforming gods.

This is a man who has experienced many battles and deserves to be taken seriously by Qin Lang. Therefore, Qin Lang not only arranged a double formation to face the opponent, but also swallowed the Wangyou Pill at this moment, and temporarily raised his strength again to the real level. The grade of the deity stage.

Only at the level of the real transformation stage, when the real energy is constantly growing, can Qin Lang have the ability to fight against the target all the time, and the effect of Wangyou Pill makes Qin Lang have no worries about the real energy, and some special means can also Play it to your heart's content.

After being temporarily promoted to the stage of transforming gods, Qin Lang's affection for the laws of heaven and earth became deeper and deeper. He felt that if he could survive this battle, he might be able to truly upgrade his cultivation to the stage of transforming gods in advance without relying on Wangyou Pill, after all, the pills are all fake cultivation, and once the potency is over, there is nothing left.

Qin Lang swallowed a Tianyuan pill and a Shenyuan pill at this time, and the true energy circulated in his body, and the two special pills that could only be used by monks in the transformation stage melted directly in his body, and the heat flow of the Tianyuan pill directly turned into a billowing thick The incomparably thick true essence spreads all over the body, and the speed of the medicinal power burst is the same as the tide of the Qiantang River.

If it weren't for the extraordinary strength of the meridians of the monks in the transformation stage, I am afraid that even the monks of the late Nascent Soul Dzogchen would explode after swallowing this one.

The effect of Shenyuan Pill is to replenish the spiritual consciousness of monks in the stage of transforming gods. This kind of elixir is much better than Fushen Pill in restoring and supplementing the spiritual consciousness. Come over, even the medicinal power is still surplus, it is still accumulated in the body, waiting for Qin Lang to slowly digest it.

Under such an explosive state, Qin Lang only felt that his body was full of explosive vitality, and even his self-confidence increased by three points. He had already made sufficient preparations, so he directly stared into the distance with piercing eyes, just waiting for the enemy's attack arrival.


After about one stick of incense, Venerable Shura finally rushed over from hundreds of sea miles away. Seeing Qin Lang who was waiting in full force, this guy suddenly laughed ferociously: "Boy, you have self-knowledge and know that you can't escape the pursuit of this deity!" , then obediently lead your neck and be slaughtered, so that this deity can consider giving you a whole corpse..."

"You... fart..."

Qin Lang looked at Venerable Shura opposite him and smiled, and then faintly uttered a few words.

"Bastard! Since you don't know what to do, I won't even leave you with the whole body. I will skin and dismantle your whole body, and even the primordial spirit will be used to light my demon-killing lamp!"

Venerable Shura Peng Ping was furious when he heard Fang, and once again used the domain to surround Qin Lang.

And Qin Lang teleported back at this time, exiting the opponent's domain just right, and entering his own Gu formation at the same time.

But the Asura Demon had no doubt about it. Although the Gu formation in front of him was a high-level Gu formation, it was nothing to him, so he really thought that Qin Lang's skills stopped here, so he directly broke into the Gu formation.


With a violent shout, the demonic energy on Venerable Shura's body was overwhelming, and his aura reached its peak. However, when he wanted to communicate with the power of heaven and earth and exert his own domain ability again, he found that the gap between himself and heaven and earth was directly blocked. cut off.

He is trapped!
"How is this possible? It's just a high-level Gu formation, how could it trap me..."

Although Venerable Shura is not very precise, he is not completely ignorant. He can't figure out what method Qin Lang is using to block his ability.

And Qin Lang sneered in his heart, the method of double array formation cannot be arranged by a non-master-level array mage, so it is understandable that the other party does not know his ability.

But now he has cut off the most direct communication between the magic cultivator of the stage of transformation and the power of heaven and earth, which is equivalent to cutting off the other party's arm, preventing the other party from exerting its greatest advantage.

Venerable Shura was also a little surprised that his own domain power was blocked, but he was not very worried, feeling that he could still force the opponent.

After all, the opponent's strength and cultivation base are far weaker than his own, and he has rich combat experience, and he also has a magic lamp that is close to the best magic weapon, so it is more than enough for him to protect himself.

Later, after being trapped in the fire spirit formation, Venerable Asura Peng Ping activated the defensive force field all over his body at this time. Guys, this should be the defensive effect of another ultimate defensive treasure.

And Venerable Shura, whose whole body was covered by a blood-red halo, floated up. Although he couldn't get out of the fire spirit trap for the time being, and couldn't communicate with the power of heaven and earth outside, a demon cultivator who was at the peak of the early stage of transformation into a god still had a lot of background. Not enough, so he directly attacked Qin Lang who entered the formation at the same time.

But then he discovered that Qin Lang could teleport to any place almost at any time in this fire spirit formation. gas.

After fighting for a while, he felt that it was not worthwhile to go on like this. Although the true energy of the monks in the transformation stage was endless, and the magic cultivation was similar, but the speed of recovery and replenishment is far lower than the speed of consumption, so if a lot of his own power is consumed, It is not something that can be done in an instant if you want to replenish it quickly.

Venerable Shura stopped attacking Qin Lang at this time. This cunning guy knew that he was trapped by a large formation, and if he didn't break the fire spirit formation, he might be overthrown by the opponent, so he put all his energy into Put it under the fire spirit formation.

The Demon Extinguishing Lamp was once again sacrificed by the demon cultivator. With the generation of the spell, large groups of turquoise flames floated out of the lit lamps and diffused to the entire formation, trying to fill the entire space, while Qin Lang At this time, I also felt that my primordial spirit was oppressed by some aura, which should be the special effect of the magic treasure of the magic lamp.

However, Qin Lang then called out the fire of Kanli, forming a protective flame shield film around his body, once again isolating this special breath, and the blue-green flame cloud floating in front of him was caught by Kanli before he got close. The protective film formed by Lizhi's fire was swallowed.

"The Fire of Kanli..."

At this time, Venerable Shura was stunned. This is a special kind of fire that ranks in the top [-] on the earth fire list, and it is much higher-grade than the flame in the extinguishing lamp in its hand.

The flame in the extinguishing lamp in his hand is called Extreme Flame Demon Fire, which is also the flame on the Earth Fire List. Its grade is even a little higher than Xuanhuangyan, but after Xuanhuangyan is integrated into the Magic Treasure House, it has the increase of the nine-story Linglong Tower, The power has also increased a lot.

Therefore, in the last round of contest between Ji Yan Mo Huo and Xuan Huang Yan, no one could do anything to win the other.

However, Ji Yan Mohuo met Kanli's Fire, and the two sides were not on the same level. The final result was naturally that Ji Yan's Demon Fire was completely defeated, and was slowly swallowed and digested by Kanli's Fire.

Therefore, the extreme flame magic fire close to Qin Lang's body was swallowed by Qin Lang's defensive flame shield film at this time. It was also Qin Lang's temporary idea to use Kanli's fire to form a defensive shield film. It was unexpected that the effect would be so good. This magic extinguishing lamp is also invalid for himself.

And taking advantage of the other party's stupefied effort, Qin Lang then released a lot of sword energy, and at the same time quietly activated a heart sword. The heart sword sword intent came out from the body, turning into a light that was almost invisible to the naked eye, and disappeared in a flash. .

And after Venerable Shura came back to his senses, he was dazzled by the large amount of sword energy emitted by Qin Lang. How could he know that Qin Lang was so insidious, hiding his ultimate move in a large amount of sword light, the light of the heart sword was almost insignificant Cha, after a flash, he actually penetrated directly through his body's defense, without getting in.

"You..." Venerable Shura only felt a slight sickness in his body, raised his head and pointed at Qin Lang, wanted to say something, but couldn't say it.

Boom... The heart sword exploded directly in his body. This was direct damage. The body of Venerable Shura immediately had no resistance at all, and was torn into countless broken flesh and blood.This is also why Venerable Shura did not check at all, otherwise, it would be impossible for Xinjian to destroy his body's defense.

And after the body was exploded, the primordial spirit of Venerable Shura turned into a black light and was about to rush out of the fire trap, crackling, many treasures were wrapped in the primordial spirit, and were controlled by Venerable Shura to explode. Blowing out a breakthrough in the fire spirit formation, and he really did it, the fire spirit formation was really blown apart.

However, then Venerable Shura's primordial spirit froze, and the Master pulled him back with a strong suction force, and was directly sucked into a magic banner, which was the most treasured Heavenly Demon Banner inherited from the Heavenly Demon Palace that was left behind by the previous avatar.

But after using the Heavenly Demon Banner to collect the soul and primordial spirit of Venerable Shura Peng Ping, Qin Lang breathed a sigh of relief.

Although this Heavenly Demon Banner is full of evil flames, it is very practical for cleaning up souls and monsters.

If he didn't use the Heavenly Demon Banner, it would take a lot of effort to kill Venerable Shura's primordial spirit.

(End of this chapter)

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