The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1847 Investigate the truth

Chapter 1847 Investigate the truth
Of course, the greatest credit for this battle is due to Xinjian. If it weren't for Xinjian's ability to penetrate the shield and its strong concealment, it would be impossible for Qin Lang to quickly resolve the battle.

In fact, the ability of Xinjian to penetrate the shield is definitely many times stronger than those flying needle magic weapons that break the defense in the cultivation world.

You must know that there are many magic weapons in the cultivation world that can penetrate the shield of the enemy's force field, but in this case, many of them are aimed at middle and low-level monks, and the penetration ability is also limited. The shield is much thicker, and it is difficult to be penetrated by ordinary instruments and magic weapons.

And wanting to rely on these ordinary treasures that penetrate the shield to penetrate the defense of a cultivator at the transformation stage... that is simply a dream.

Otherwise, wouldn't it be too easy for a cultivator in the transformation stage to be killed, and would not be able to become the top cultivator in Qinghe Continent.

But the Heart Sword is different, it is composed of pure sword intent, fierce and fierce, and it is also the pinnacle of the Evil Sword Emperor who is powerful in the way of swords ten thousand years ago. Monk, so this is not a simple exercise.

If Qin Lang can master the heart sword and practice it to the extreme, I am afraid that the power of a heart sword can directly penetrate even the best magic weapon house, which is much more powerful than the sword energy directly issued by the best weapon.

Now that Qin Lang's practice of the Heart Sword has gradually entered the right track, with the deduced method of practicing the Heart Sword, Qin Lang has become more and more proficient in the use of the Heart Sword, and this special secret method will also become more and more proficient in the future. Become one of his unique and powerful killing moves.

After tidying up the battlefield hastily, Qin Lang obtained several magic weapons from Peng Ping, the Venerable Asura of this stage of transformation into gods. The seven-layer restriction was easily refined to the third layer. However, although the material for refining the magic weapon on his body was sufficient, Qin Lang did not intend to stay here for a long time, so he did not continue.

However, Venerable Asura didn’t have much belongings on him. After looking around, there were only some scattered supplies. Maybe this guy went out this time to chase and kill Qin Lang, and he came in a hurry, so the belongings he brought were nothing. many.

After cleaning up the relics of the battlefield, Qin Lang jumped on the flying magic weapon again and began to fly towards the destination. Venerable Shura, who was in the stage of transformation into a god, was completely cut off by him. Now he only feels a burst of joy in his heart. Before I knew it, the last trace of barriers in my mood disappeared, and everything became clear.


During the flight, Qin Lang's momentum suddenly changed, and he finally advanced!Advanced to the early stage of transforming gods.

Of course, this is a matter of course. Without this battle, he might be able to advance to the rank after another ten days, but the gains and insights from this battle allowed him to advance to the rank ahead of time.

This is a good thing. Qin Lang, who has successfully advanced to the stage of transforming gods, has also greatly increased his strength. It is no longer comparable to when he was in the stage of transforming gods. The energy is endless, and now he no longer has to worry about the consumption of the battle. When fighting the enemy, as long as it is not seriously overdrawn, the energy can be replenished at any time.

Moreover, the cultivators in the stage of transforming gods also have one of the greatest abilities, which is to communicate with the power of heaven and earth. Now Qin Lang is manipulating the flying magic weapon while flying, and at the same time, he also borrows a little bit of natural wind power, and then his flying speed is greatly increased, which is faster than before. The flight speed has increased by half.

Of course, the ability to communicate with the power of heaven and earth still needs to be gradually familiarized and mastered. After all, Qin Lang is only entering the God Transformation for the first time now. Many abilities in this realm have not been thoroughly studied and need to be further developed in the future.

With the strength of the God Transformation Stage, Qin Lang's confidence in the next exploration in the Sea God's Forbidden Land has also increased a lot. At least the ability to protect himself now is not the same as before.


Tianmo Palace, the main hall of the Zongfu.

After Venerable Shura's body fell, a long-lit life lamp in the main hall of the Zongfu went out. The deacon in charge of the Zongfu was shocked when he saw it, and quickly reported the matter to the owner of the Tianmo Palace: "Palace Master, something is wrong! Venerable Shura's life lamp has been extinguished..."

"The life lamp is off?"

After hearing the news, the owner of the Heavenly Demon Palace was also startled: "Although Venerable Shura is only at the stage of transformation, he has experienced many battles, and his strength is real. I am afraid that even ordinary mid-stage monks would He couldn't be easily killed, how could he fall directly? Moreover, this time he also took away the Heavenly Demon Palace's inheritance magic product, the Heavenly Demon Banner..."

After thinking about it for a while, the owner of the Tianmo Palace issued an order: "Check! Find out the truth for me... However, recently, the Tianmo Palace is going to participate in the extraterritorial battlefield, and the quota allocation and personnel organization of the extraterritorial battlefield are very important. So I can't be distracted by miscellaneous things, and I will let Elder Xing investigate this matter."

"Yes!" The tropical palace of the Zongfu received an order from the owner of the Tianmo Palace, and was going to contact Elder Xing to pass on the order.

Although the status and status of Elder Xing belongs to the Battle Hall of Heavenly Demon Palace like Venerable Shura, his status and strength are far inferior to that of Venerable Shura. It is the Lord of the Battle Hall.

And the main cultivation level of this battle palace is in the middle stage of transformation, and the strength of the entire Heavenly Demon Palace is also ranked third, only below the palace master and the elders.

Regarding the internal structure and distribution of the Tianmo Palace, this is actually the case. The Tianmo Palace is divided into six main halls inside and outside.

The Finance Hall is responsible for the external business and management of the entire sect, and at the same time, the real estate of the sect is affiliated with it.

The Pill Hall and the Artifact Refining Hall are affiliated with the Hall of Miscellaneous Affairs, and together with the Hall of Miscellaneous Affairs, are responsible for the daily supplies of the sect.

Elder Xing, the master of the Battle Palace, was also taken aback after receiving the news about the Zongfu Palace of the Heavenly Demon Palace. Venerable Shura belongs to the same Battle Palace as him, and he knows how powerful he is, although Venerable Shura is more arrogant. , In the battle hall, he doesn't usually follow his own arrangements, but his personal strength is indeed good. Among the four or five monks at the transformation stage in the battle hall, almost no one can control him except himself.

Now that Venerable Shura has been killed, Elder Xing actually feels quite complicated in his heart. There is not only the joy of getting rid of a stubborn guy who keeps peeping at his position, but also the overall strength of the battle hall. Helpless to be affected.

Of course, he will not show these emotions. Now that Venerable Shura has fallen, as the nominally direct superior, Elder Xing, the master of the Battle Palace, still needs to thoroughly investigate this matter and find out the truth. If Venerable Asura If he died by accident, there is nothing to say. If he was killed by someone, he would still have to avenge Venerable Shura.

After all, Venerable Shura is also a member of the Heavenly Demon Palace and a member of the Battle Hall. As the nominal boss of the Battle Hall, he must of course fulfill his responsibilities and obligations, so that he is worthy of his position.

Afterwards, Elder Xing, the master of the Battle Palace, who received the order from the master of the Heavenly Demon Palace, started to act and called the other three elders under him: "Qingluan, Demon Blood, Shenyin, Venerable Shura is now dead. The Lord ordered me to thoroughly investigate this matter... You three and I will each lead a team out of the palace to investigate this matter separately, and let me know if you find anything..."

"Okay, Hall Master." The other three elders responded. They were two men and one woman, and they were all in the stage of transforming gods.

So next, Elder Xing, the master of the Battle Hall, began to lead the team with three subordinates. Each subordinate brought a staffing of nearly ten people. The cultivation from the late Yuanying period to the Dzogchen period in the late Yuanying period is also the seed of the Tianmo Palace.

The four teams left the Tianmo Palace together, which also represents the determination of the Tianmo Palace to investigate the truth of the matter. After all, the death of an old cultivator at the stage of transformation is not a trivial matter for the Tianmo Palace, and the more important point is that Venerable Asura He also carried one of the Heavenly Demon Palace's inheritance treasures, the Heavenly Demon Banner, on his body. This top-grade magic weapon must be taken back no matter what, and this is the main reason.

Afterwards, the four teams investigated the recent whereabouts of Venerable Shura respectively, and gradually found out that the fall of Venerable Shura was related to the Heavenly Sword Gate. To find trouble with a monk named Qin Lang.

And this monk named Qin Lang is likely to have something to do with the demise of Venerable Shura. However, according to the news from the inquiring, the battle hall analyzed that Qin Lang is just a quasi-spiritual cultivator, and does not have the ability to kill Venerable Shura. ability.

This made the group of people reunited in the Battle Palace feel strange. Could it be that the high-level officials of the Heavenly Sword Sect took action, and this was the real cause of Venerable Shura's death.

If the Heavenly Knife Sect came out, those matters would have to be discussed in the long term. After all, the Heavenly Knife Sect is a sect not weaker than the Heavenly Demon Palace. Unless a sect war is launched, this matter will be difficult to settle.

Then, after thinking about it, Elder Zhandian Xun made a decision: "Shenyin, you take a team of people and continue to squat near the Tiandao Gate. I am going to take Qingluan and Moxue to the Sea God's Forbidden Land together... I heard that The kid has already gone to the Sea God's Forbidden Land, so I want to capture him now, and only in this way will the truth of Venerable Shura's demise be revealed."

"Okay, Hall Master, don't worry, I'm hidden here watching, and I guarantee that there will be no mistakes."

The team led by Shenyin is good at lurking, so although the Tiandaomen is stationed nearby, they are not very worried about being discovered. In fact, as long as the old monsters on Tiandao Island do not leave the island, the general It is impossible for the Nascent Soul stage monks to find them hiding here.

(End of this chapter)

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