Chapter 1848
Afterwards, the Lord of the Battle Hall took two of his subordinates, Qingluan and Demon Blood, and thirty elite members of the Battle Hall to the Sea God's Forbidden Land. Full of confidence.

Therefore, what Qin Lang who is far away in the sky does not know is that another wave of crisis is quietly approaching, and now Qin Lang is gradually approaching the Forbidden Land of the Sea God, which is said to be the most dangerous place in the depths of the sea in the Middle East.

The Sea God's Forbidden Land is actually a vast sea area. This sea area was finally shrouded in thick fog, and you can't see your fingers. When entering it, the monks judged the changes of the environment completely based on their spiritual sense and five senses.

In the Sea God's Forbidden Land, after entering the dense fog, Qin Lang felt that not only his vision was blocked, but also that there seemed to be an invisible force field around him that interfered with the fluctuation of spiritual power in his body, making his actions much slower.

At this time, Qin Lang completely let go of his spiritual sense, scanning all the environmental changes in the surrounding ten thousand feet, but after letting go of his spiritual sense this time, Qin Lang was pleasantly surprised to find that the coverage of his spiritual sense had reached more than [-] feet.

This standard is not only higher than that of the quasi-spiritual stage cultivators in the past, but also exceeds the standard that ordinary monks of the spiritual transformation stage should have. I am afraid that even the monks at the peak of the early stage of the transformation of the gods are not the same as themselves.

Qin Lang knew very well that this should be due to the extensive use of magic crystals for cultivation these days. The magic crystals obtained from the demon world cannot be confused with the magic crystals in the monsters in the Ximo Wushuang Ruins. The magic crystals of Ximo are at best It can only be regarded as a pseudo-magic crystal, and its properties are not the same as the magic crystal obtained by the demon world.

Ximo's magic crystal is the magic core in the monster's body, while the magic crystal in the demon world is actually a kind of mineral, and the sources of the two are not the same.

Of course, the functions of the last two kinds of magic crystals are also different. The magic crystals in Ximo can only be used to refine magic crystal pills, which can be used as pills to improve cultivation and break through the Nascent Soul realm, or as currency.

And the magic crystals in the demon world are obviously more precious. This is the material that can replenish a large amount of spiritual consciousness cultivation level even the cultivators in the stage of transforming gods are excited. .

And Qin Lang has relied on the magic crystal to cultivate his consciousness these days. The strength of the primordial spirit has already reached the peak state of the early stage of the transformation of the gods. If he goes further, he may break through.

With a sweep of his consciousness, Qin Lang has already grasped the environment within a radius of [-] feet. There is a small island within a radius of [-] feet that can be temporarily rested. Qin Lang plans to go to that small island to stay for a while, and then compare Take a look at the chart in your hand to confirm the exact location of the place where the inner disciple of the Tiandaomen got the Spiritual Sense Stone.

Without thinking about it, Qin Lang flew directly towards the island, and the area with a radius of [-] zhang was inconspicuous to the entire Sea God's Forbidden Land, it could only be regarded as the outer periphery, the core area of ​​the Sea God's Forbidden Land It's still far away from here, and I'm afraid it will take a day or two to reach it even with full-flying magic weapon house, but if you control ordinary flying magic weapon, the journey time may be doubled.


In the other direction of the Sea God's Forbidden Land, a burly figure flew in the air, occasionally passing a reef, and then stopped directly. This cultivator seems to be the No. .

As early as a year ago, Chang Fei, who had advanced to the stage of transforming into a god, was well prepared for this trip to the Sea God's Forbidden Land. The most dangerous places in the Sea God's Forbidden Land were some space cracks and space vortexes that suddenly appeared inexplicably.

If a monk is not careful, he will be touched by these space cracks and space vortexes. Naturally, wherever he touches, a part of his body will be missing, which is very dangerous.

And only the Lixing Pill can partially emptiness the body, can avoid this kind of danger.

After all, if part of the body is blurred and the body turns from real to virtual, even if that part of the body is cut by a space crack or a space vortex, it will not be substantially harmed. As long as the monk has a thought, he can re-create it again. Change part of the body from imaginary to real at one time.

So, Lixing Pill is really a good thing, and this pill was also created by Chang Fei's father... Chang Huohua, a genius alchemist of Tiandaomen, and it belongs to Tiandaomen's secret. , and Qin Lang was able to obtain the elixir, but also paid some price, such as joining the Tiandaomen to become a nominal elder of the outer sect, for example, refining a batch of high-level elixir in the Tiandaomen.

And after doing this, Qin Lang's reward is naturally this precious pill. High-level pills like Lixing Pill are good things whether they are used for combat or for life-saving.

Didao Changfei went to the Sea God's Forbidden Land this time, and brought more than 100 Lixing Pills. He almost took out all the pills that Qin Lang helped the Tiandaomen Sect refine for the first time. More than 100 Lixing Pills Xingdan should be more than enough for this exploration of Seagod's Forbidden Land.

When he stopped on the reef, Chang Fei took out the chart and began to compare the terrain. With a sweep of his divine sense, he scanned the environment with a radius of more than 6000 feet, and then locked his position according to the chart.

This sea chart was also left by his father Chang Huohua back then. There are some marks on it, which are the only way for Chang Huohua to find the ingredients of Zengshou Pill, so Chang Fei, the Didao, has a clear purpose in his exploration this time. , just to find clues about his father.

It seems that so many years have passed, can we find out the truth about his father's disappearance in the Sea God's Forbidden Land, and see if he is still alive.

However, Di Dao Chang Fei also knew that the possibility of being alive was very slim. After all, the Sea God's Forbidden Land could be regarded as the most dangerous place in the entire Eastern Sea Region.

You must know that the center of the Sea God's Forbidden Land is the place where the ancient war was affected tens of thousands of years ago. It can be regarded as a part of the battlefield, and it is connected to the battlefield outside the territory. However, due to special reasons, it has been closed for tens of thousands of years. .


At this moment, the reef under Chang Fei's feet moved, and after a sweep of his divine sense, he realized that the reef under his feet was not a real reef, but a huge Neptune. It is enough for seven or eight people to stand, and it is covered with traces of moss, and it seems that it has been exposed to the water for a long time.

This Neptune VIII should be regarded as an eighth-level monster, but it is different from other eighth-level monsters. It belongs to the kind with a gentle personality. It usually feeds on some small fish and shrimps in the sea, and it can also go without eating for several months. It doesn't take the initiative to provoke a fight, so it didn't care when Chang Fei got a foothold on its back just now.

But now Neptune is moving, his body dives, maybe he wants to go into the water to eat, Chang Fei suddenly has no place to stand, he can only soar into the sky again, his flying magic weapon is a golden ring, it should be It is a high-grade magic weapon level flying treasure, very good.

Chang Fei continued to compare the sea chart for a while in the air, and finally confirmed his position. At this moment, suddenly, a bright light appeared on the bottom of the sea, accompanied by strange spiritual energy fluctuations. Chang Fei was startled, "It seems that a treasure has been born. Since you passed by, of course you can't miss it!"

So he directly used the water-avoiding beads, split the water and broke the waves, and dived, and what he was chasing was the place where the Neptune [-] dived.

The dull rumbling sound came from the bottom of the sea, and the movement was getting louder and louder. Even Chang Fei, who had just entered the sea, could clearly hear it. At this moment, he found that the precious light was a little brighter, so he accelerated his speed. , keep diving down.

And some spiritual creatures in the surrounding sea area also sensed the aura of the birth of treasures, and chased in this direction one after another. Most of them were sea beasts and monsters in the sea. Clean up, there are quite a lot of psychic sea beasts and monsters, at least one or two thousand psychic creatures focusing in this direction have come.

At this time, Chang Fei cleared the seawater and dived directly, and finally reached the bottom of the sea after [-] minutes. He saw a big hole in the bottom of the sea, and a human-sized egg with a blue light appeared in the center of the big hole. , suspended in the sea water, the breath of life on it is becoming more and more intense.

And the eighth-level Neptune seems to be the guardian of this egg. At this moment, he is lying on the edge of the big hole. When he saw Chang Fei, his eyes glowed fiercely, and he stuck out his tongue like a snake letter and made a sizzling sound, as if warning Chang Fei. Don't act rashly, but Chang Fei is also a cultivator in the transformation stage, and his combat power is much stronger than it, so it was only a warning, and it was very sensible and did not attack Chang Fei.

"This Neptune VIII..."

Chang Fei frowned, unexpectedly, this guy was actually the guardian of the cyan giant egg. The aura of life in this cyan giant egg was surging. It was obvious that the giant egg had the blood of the dragon clan, and it might even be the descendant left by Xuanwu, the ancestor of the tortoise clan. , if you can get this giant egg, you can definitely advance to another level if you eat it, and you can directly upgrade to the middle stage of transformation.

And if you don't eat it, you can hatch it and sign a master-servant contract. If this Xuanwu descendant is cultivated, it will be of great help to him after he grows up. It is definitely a spirit beast above the ninth rank Pets, this kind of opportunity is rare.

Immediately, Chang Fei had the idea of ​​collecting this giant egg. Seeing that this giant egg has been born, it is so full of vitality, it is very likely that the life inside will be born soon, so there is such a strong spiritual energy and precious light leaking.

And the guardian Neptune VIII here has some blood relationship with the Xuanwu clan, so he is willing to act as the guardian of the giant egg here, preventing the giant egg from being scratched during the hatching process and affecting the birth of life inside.

And the life in the giant egg is now a great supplement to the creatures around after hearing the news, so there are so many sea beasts and monsters coming here at this time, all wanting to overwhelm this giant beast of.

If they can eat this vibrant giant egg, I am afraid that these sea caps and monsters can directly advance to one or two big ranks, and their strength will definitely be reborn. This kind of temptation is not insignificant. .

(End of this chapter)

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