The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1849 Spatial Crack Appears

Chapter 1849 Spatial Crack Appears
At this time, the surrounding sea water vibrated even more intensely, and those sea beasts and monster caps had already surrounded the place. Sea beasts and monsters were shocked.

But among these sea beasts and monsters, there are also one or two whose strength is not weaker than Neptune's Eight, and they all look at the giant egg suspended in the center, showing greedy eyes, and they all look like they are about to move.

However, besides Neptune VIII, there is also a human monk with unpredictable strength in the center surrounded by sea beasts. Dare to act rashly.

However, as the vitality of the giant egg became stronger, the instincts of the surrounding monsters became more and more uncontrollable. At this time, a group of monsters rushed towards the center first, trying to snatch the giant egg.


Haiwang Ba let out a roar, and this giant tortoise as big as a hill started to move. Its movements were not slow, and it directly opened its mouth to spit out a wave of air, and spit it out at the oncoming monsters.

clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap...

A series of monsters were hit by this air bomb wave, and they were all knocked away by the air bomb wave. The shock wave of this air bomb wave was extremely powerful, almost comparable to a monk in the stage of transforming gods. Wang Ba's talent is supernatural.

However, Neptune's air bombs knocked these insufficiently powerful monsters into the air. At this time, the obviously stronger sea beasts and monsters began to work together to attack Neptune. They all had certain intelligence. Knowing that if you don't defeat this giant tortoise, you may be able to get food, so you decide to knock down this giant tortoise first.

roar roar...

Neptune Eight kept roaring, as if threatening, but faced with three or four opponents who were as strong as itself, it felt helpless. It was played around, and it seemed that it was hard to protect itself. If the carapace was not hard enough, it might have died directly .

However, this situation can't last too long. The other three or four sea beasts and monsters of the same level also have their own innate supernatural powers.

What's more, if Neptune Eight defends with all its strength, I'm afraid it won't be able to protect the dome anymore, so it must fight to the death this time, even if it dies, it must guard the Xuanwu dome it wants to protect.

At this time, several sea beasts and monsters attacked and recalled that they were a giant tiger shark, a deep sea monster, a thorn monster, and a sea lion tiger, all of which were eighth-level sea beasts and monsters.

Among them, the giant shark's attack is the most direct. This sea monster, which is bigger than Neptune VIII, weighs nearly [-] tons.

At this moment, Neptune Eight has launched the defensive supernatural power of the turtle to defend with all its strength, and the giant tiger shark is already rushing towards...crash!

The two sides collided, and both suffered a lot of damage. The tiger shark was pushed back, and the front of the fangs seemed to be broken for a while, and the sea king flew dozens of feet, and the turtle shell seemed to be damaged.

But at this time, Neptune Eight was knocked into the air, and the other sea beasts and monsters had nothing to stop them, and they were about to scramble for the Xuanwu Dome.

And at this time, Chang Fei, the earth knife, finally made a move. He used the sword drawing technique, and the sword technique flashed. First, the thick front tentacles extended by the deep sea monster chapter were directly chopped off, and then the thorns The monster, the knife light directly cut off the countless thorns and branches that it stretched out, and the sea lion tiger ran at the end. After seeing the amazing knife Chang Fei of the ground knife, it suddenly stopped the forward momentum and was shocked.

The power of Chang Fei's sword... directly restrained three eighth-level monsters. From this, it can be seen how terrifying the combat power of a knife repairer is. Since he was promoted, he has almost never encountered anything A decent opponent, even Wei Haoran, the sect's second-ranked killer king, might not be an opponent.

And Chang Fei's ultimate move is this sword drawing, it can be said that there is only one move, or it can be said that it has no moves, anyway, it is to try to be fast, ruthless, and accurate, one move will tell the difference, this is the true meaning of this secret technique.

And Chang Fei has been studying this style of drawing swords for many years, and has never given up. The secret technique of this style without moves has been repeatedly fused and deduced by him. Now it has reached the point of countless changes and perfection. whatever you want.

Therefore, with one strike and only one move, Chang Fei used secret skills and a fierce momentum to stun the three powerful sea beasts and monsters. Then, Chang Fei took the giant beast suspended in the air away At the same time, he bit his finger and wiped the blood on the giant egg.

A dark red light flashed by, and Chang Fei's blood was absorbed by the egg shell and merged into the inside. At the same time, a strange curse pattern appeared on the surface of the egg shell. This is a contract rune. Because the giant egg is about to hatch, Chang Fei Fei now gave up absorbing the life essence of the dome, and instead signed the new pet of the Xuanwu heir.

The blood penetrated into the eggshell smoothly, and the light of the contract runes lit up, and this eggshell also began to crack, and the breath of life became more intense, a small green turtle head appeared outside the eggshell, The eyes are rolling slowly.

And the sea beasts and monsters around couldn't hold back anymore after they sensed the more intense breath of life from the ruptured little life, they went berserk again and rushed over with red eyes.

This small life with a strong life breath is a great tonic for them. If they can successfully snatch it, it represents a promotion of life level. Under the huge temptation, these monsters simply cannot maintain their composure.

The tide of monsters rushing in front of me, even Chang Fei, the earth sword in the transformation stage, can't stop it no matter how strong his combat power is, at this moment his expression changed, and he rose straight up, and he was about to go far away after using his magic weapon. escape.

"Oh..." When he turned his head, he saw a scene. The eighth-order Neptune VIII, who was knocked into the air before, had been buried in the frenzy of sea beasts and monsters. No matter how hard the carapace was, it probably wouldn't be able to survive this wave. Neptune Eight can be regarded as doing his duty to the last moment, and now he must be directly torn apart by many sea beasts and monsters, and become food in the mouths of all sea beasts and monsters.

Think about it, if you don't tear this Neptune into pieces, I'm afraid these sea beasts and monsters will not be able to calm down their anger. After all, the food that reaches their mouths just flies like this, and this is not ordinary food, it can directly improve their life level The blood of the real dragon!


Qin Lang came to the island. At this time, he began to locate the coordinates of the Sea God's Forbidden Land according to the sea chart. The Sea God's Forbidden Land is too big, and he might get lost if he flies around.

If you get lost, there will be thick fog everywhere, and there are some hidden dangers or restrictions in the restricted area, as well as space cracks and space vortexes. If you accidentally bump into it, you will definitely be very unlucky.

So this sea chart in Qin Lang's hands is particularly important. He is a cautious person, so he has not made any mistakes in the past few years in the cultivation world. Even those seemingly risky actions are all done carefully. Calculated, this is the greatest guarantee that he has been safe and sound through the dangers.

After comparing the charts, Qin Lang gradually formed a regional map of the entire Sea God's Forbidden Land in his brain, and began to mark the routes traveled by the inner disciples of the Tiandaomen on the chart, and accurately positioned his current position. The process is more accurate than satellite positioning instruments.

Of course, Qin Lang is positioning with the help of the super system's ability, otherwise, if he wants to rely on his own ability to complete this work, it will take a lot of energy and time.

With the auxiliary function of the super system, Qin Lang has now accurately positioned his location, and then he began to find in his brain the place where the inner disciples of the Tiandaomen discovered the Spiritual Sense Stone, and flew directly to that place Look for the Spirit Stone and see if you can find it.

Qin Lang didn't need many spiritual stones, he only needed about one hundred grams of spiritual stones, and then he could directly refine the ninth floor of the magic house.

The star mark was generated in the brain, and Qin Lang accurately located how far he was from the destination. He estimated the time, and it would take about a day and a half to fly from this small island to there, and that place is also closer to the center of the Sea God Forbidden Land .

At this time, silently, a small accident appeared on the left side, and Qin Lang's spiritual sense discovered it in time, and quickly teleported away.

Suddenly, the color of the place where Qin Lang stood blankly turned black, and a small space crack quietly appeared in place. This space crack is also under the unknown danger of the Sea God's Forbidden Land. Relying on the monk's spiritual sense to sense is also the sixth sense.

And Qin Lang's sixth sense has always been very good, and his ability in this area has become stronger after reaching the stage of transformation, so he can sense potential dangers this first time.

This small crack in the black space is about half a meter long, just suspended in the air so quietly, it looks like broken glass.

Such tiny spatial cracks are also the most common natural phenomenon in the Seagod's Forbidden Land, this can appear anywhere in the Seagod's Forbidden Land.

If there is a living body breaking into this natural phenomenon directly, it will be regarded as dark clouds and canopy, and it is unlucky.

Qin Lang avoided the small crack in the space, so he felt a little more at ease. Although the crack in the space appeared without any warning signs, Qin Lang was still very happy after escaping the danger. A natural phenomenon, space killing cracks.

And another natural phenomenon is the space vortex. I heard that the space vortex engulfs some objects and sends them directly to another world. If that world does not allow living things to survive, the life forms that are swept away will definitely die directly. Even monks can't last long.

(End of this chapter)

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