The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1850 The Encounter of the Red Sword Gate

Chapter 1850 The Encounter of the Red Sword Gate
This is something that involves the laws of space, and it is inevitable even for monks who are Dzogchen in the late stage of transformation. However, before the appearance of space cracks and space vortices, monks with a keen sixth sense can still avoid it in advance. It has a transition Time, monks can take advantage of this pause to escape.

And Qin Lang is a person with a very keen sixth sense, so he can avoid this kind of space crack in advance. Compared with the space vortex, the space crack is not a great threat to him, and he doesn't even use the Lixing Pill.

As a matter of fact, the materials of high-level elixir such as Lixing Pill are very precious. Qin Lang only helped Tiandaomen refine one furnace, and he kept two for himself, and the others were directly given to the sect.

The combined duration of these two elixirs is not long, so Qin Lang may only use this elixir at critical times.

At this time, Qin Lang found the right path and flew directly in one direction, and at this time he suddenly sensed a slight and obvious aura fluctuation from a distant place. This aura fluctuation was after Qin Lang's route to find the Divine Sense Stone. After a little thought, Qin Lang gave up his curiosity and continued to fly in the direction of his goal.

What he didn't know was that with his decision, he missed an opportunity to meet Di Dao Chang Fei, and Di Dao Chang Fei was in the remote place where the aura wave was activated, and the seabed of that place was where the Xuanwu Egg was born.

Qin Lang flew all the way and flew for more than half a day. At this time, a cluster of islands appeared in front of him. At this time, Qin Lang restrained his breath. He learned from the inner disciple of Tiandaomen that the Sea God's forbidden land is a sea There are even one or two sea races that are very hostile to humans living under the sea.

If these sea tribes found out that a human monk had broken into the Sea God's forbidden area, they might directly attack the human monk.

As for the two sea tribes, Qin Lang got the news that the Naga tribe and the black snake tribe are small races living in seclusion in the deep sea. They usually have little contact with other branches of the sea tribe, and they are self-sufficient in production and life. , lived a very primitive life.

Since the population of the Sea Clan in the Eastern Sea Region far exceeds that of the Human Race, although the Naga Clan and the Black Snake Clan are small races in the Eastern Sea Region, these two races also have a population of more than one million, and only a part of them live in the Sea God's Forbidden Land. It may be less than one-third of the entire Naga and Black Snake races.

Speaking of which, the Sea God's Forbidden Land is a forbidden area for human monks, but it is indeed big enough inside, as boundless as another world. It takes a few days for a monk to use his flying magic weapon to fly from the edge to the center. The oceans on Earth are much wider.

Qin Lang was flying close to the surface of the sea at this time, but when he flew over, he suddenly sensed a few strands of divine thoughts sweeping towards this direction, and quickly performed the transformation technique to transform into a seabird. Concealed his breath.

And under the bottom of the sea, there is a group of Sea Clan of the Naga Clan patrolling their territory. This group of Naga Clans are all green-haired, but their heads are snake-shaped. Although both the Naga Clan and the Black Snake Clan belong to Snakes belong to the genus of snakes, but they are different. The Naga tribe has higher fighting power, and each individual in the race is more aggressive.

The Black Snake Clan is actually the Sky Snake Clan, which belongs to the genus of Yin snakes, and is good at highly poisonous attacks. I heard that a drop of venom from the Black Snake Clan can kill all the people in a city with a population of one million. This kind of toxicity is also rare in the world.

However, the venom of the Black Snake clan is only effective for human monks below the Nascent Soul stage. Human monks above the Nascent Soul stage have mastered various defensive spells, magic weapons, and know how to detoxify. Some human monks even use this This kind of venom is regarded as a treasure of cultivation, so the effect of the venom of the Black Snake Clan is greatly reduced.

Although the fighting power of the Black Snake Clan is not as good as that of the Naga Clan, they are good at all kinds of Yin-attribute spells and are natural spellcasters.

It is worth mentioning that these two races are dominated by masters of the god-forming stage, and the sea race is born to be good at fighting, so the number of masters of the god-forming stage is much larger than that of the human race. , but there are not many sea people above the middle stage of transformation, and they are not as good as humans.

There are ten Naga Patrols of the Sea Clan this time, and there happens to be a Naga Clan of the Transformation God level. It seems to have noticed some changes in the sea surface, so it sent out a few divine thoughts to detect, but Qin Lang changed the sea bird as soon as possible. And it hides its own breath, so it can't detect anything.

"Young master, what did you find..." several Naga subordinates asked at this time.

"It's nothing, just a sea bird."

The young master Naga at the transformation stage looked at the sky above the sea, only to see the seabird gradually flying away. He just scanned with his divine sense just now, but he didn't find any strange ideas, so he didn't think much about it.

In this case, a battle will be avoided. If Qin Lang confronts this obviously old-fashioned Poseidon Transformation God Stage, an extremely fierce battle will be unavoidable, and this place is the base camp of the Naga tribe. Qin Lang really couldn't resist the fight at the door of the house.

Qin Lang avoided direct contact with the patrol team of the Naga tribe, but after that, another group of human monks came to the territory of the Naga tribe. This team of ostentatious monks was inevitably discovered by the patrol team. And so the battle begins.

The team of human monks who fought actually belonged to the Red Sword Sect, a small sect in the East China Sea. There are estimated to be 500 people in the sect, which belongs to the small sect in the East China Sea. Even this time when the three major cultivation countries open the battlefield outside the territory, the Red Sword Sect has only three quotas, which is far from enough.

And the team of monks in front of me is led by a sword cultivator in the stage of transforming gods, all of whom are above the Dzogchen in the late Yuanying period. There are seven people in total. This is also the elite force of the Red Sword Sect. There are not enough quotas, so the head of the Red Sword Sect personally brought these elite sword cultivators who did not get quotas to break into the Sea God's Forbidden Area, and enter the outer battlefield from the center of the Sea God's Forbidden Area.

This is definitely a very crazy choice. However, although the sect of Red Sword Sect is small, because they are all sword cultivators, the monks in the sect are not weak in combat effectiveness, so this team of monks does have the capital to be proud of.

The head of the Red Sword Sect looks like a graceful woman in her 30s, but she used Yi Rong Pill when she was young, so she has always maintained her youthful appearance.This woman's name is Rong Qiu, and she has actually lived for more than 3000 years, and her cultivation has reached the peak of the early stage of transformation, and she has been stuck in this small realm for many years.

But among the six sects led by Rong Qiu, there are four females and two males in the late Nascent Soul Dzogchen elite. The females are all handsome, while the males are personable. It can be said that this is a team of sword cultivators with good looks. .

At the same time, the fighting power of this sword cultivator should not be underestimated. If the few elites of the late Nascent Soul and Dzogchen stage chat with each other and show their power, I am afraid that even the cultivators of the transformation stage will feel a headache. .

When Rong Qiu led this group of monks to fly by, they were discovered by the Naga patrol team at the bottom of the sea. At this time, the Naga patrol team who hated the human race naturally refused to let the family pass by. This team of sword cultivators showed up all of a sudden, blocking the way of Rong Qiu and the sword cultivators.

"Human monks... are very courageous. They even dare to show off at the door of the Naga clan. If you don't take us seriously, then stay!"

After the young master of the Naga clan finished his opening remarks, the green-haired snake shook its head and blew a whistle. The ten members of the patrol team began to surround the monks of the Red Sword Sect.

Vaguely, it can be seen that the ten members of the patrol team are very organized among each other, forming a combination similar to a trapped formation, releasing pressure on the sword cultivators in the formation.

At this time, the young master of the Naga clan, who was in the stage of transforming into a god, took a sea god fork and first greeted the head of the Red Sword Sect. The Naga clan is best at close combat, and most of the sea clan have thick skin and flesh. The Jia clan has a strong recovery ability. Some minor injuries in battle are completely ignored, and they can be healed immediately in the next moment, so they are not afraid of close combat.

As sword cultivators, monks like Red Sword Cultivator are actually not afraid of close combat. When the young master of the Naga clan forced him to come over, Rong Qiu, who had lost his upper hand, had to fight with his sword to fight the young master of the Naga clan. together.

However, nine of the young lord of the Naga clan are besieging the Red Sword Gate, and the remaining six are of the late Nascent Soul Dzogchen cultivation base. The cultivation base and combat effectiveness of the two sides are actually similar, but the Hai Clan has a numerical advantage, so the situation is against the Red Sword. There is a slight disadvantage on the door side.

The battle is temporarily stalemate. Although the situation is not good for the Red Sword Sect, it is impossible for the patrol team to end the battle as soon as possible before the Haizu patrol team summons the tribesmen. He has his hole cards, so at this time, he thinks more about escape strategies, and has no idea of ​​spending time with this Naga Sea Clan patrol team.

Think about it, if it really consumes the support of the Naga Clan Headquarters, I'm afraid this Red Sword Sect monk team will really be in trouble.

And when the two sides were fighting, there was another special aura coming from a distance at this time. This special energy fluctuation should also be unique to human monks, but this special energy fluctuation is not a spiritual energy fluctuation, but a demonic energy. !

Elder Xing, the master of the Battle Hall of the Heavenly Demon Palace, brought three subordinates and thirty elite members of the Battle Hall to this sea area. When he saw the battle between the Naga Sea Clan and the monks of the Red Sword Sect, Elder Xing, the master of the God of War Hall, was surprised, but But he didn't stop, obviously don't meddle in other people's business.

"Fellow daoists, please stay behind..."

On the other hand, Rong Qiu, the master of the Red Sword Sect who was in the battle, got anxious and started to stop this new force. If there were monks from the Heavenly Demon Palace to help out, the Red Sword Sect would not be a problem to escape, and he could even kill the Naga in front of him Members of the ethnic patrol team counter-killed.

(End of this chapter)

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