The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1851 The Rain of Ten Thousand Swords

Chapter 1851 The Rain of Ten Thousand Swords
However, the elder Xing of the Tianmo Palace had no interest in the battle between the two sides in front of him at all, and he did not agree to the words of the head of the Red Sword Sect at all, and led the team to continue to leave here.

Rong Qiu, the master of the Red Sword Sect, was in a hurry at this time, and Xu Yizhong promised: "Fellow daoists, stay a little longer, as long as you help me with the Red Sword Sect this time, you will be rewarded... In addition, I also have a sea map of the secret realm in my hand. The location is in this Sea God Forbidden Land, and it can also be used as a reward to repay you."

Rong Qiu was also in a hurry, although he could tell that these people in front of him were demon cultivators from the Heavenly Demon Palace. The demon cultivators of the Heavenly Demon Palace were actually not very well-known in the entire East China Sea, and they had grudges with all decent sects, but now they are popular. The Jianmen Elite Cultivator Squad is in danger, so they can only ask this group of Demon Cultivators for support.

But Xing Zhang Lao Niao didn't care about the master of the Red Sword Sect, and led the people to retreat without saying a word.From the looks of it, the cultivators of the Tianmo Palace didn't like the sea chart of the secret realm mentioned by the head of the Red Sword Sect, Rong Qiu, and didn't want to get involved in this trouble.

Elder Xing's biggest mission in coming to Sea God's Forbidden Land was to track down that boy Qin Lang.

"Jie Jie, all of you sword cultivators have been abandoned, you'd better suffer death obediently..."

On the opposite side, the young master of the Naga clan seemed very proud. If the group of monks from the Heavenly Demon Palace stayed to participate in the battle, the Naga Sea clan patrol team would have no choice but to flee.

But now the two groups of human monks don't seem to be united, and the group of more than 30 monks from the Heavenly Demon Palace actually refused to help when they saw their own clansmen, which made the young master of the Naga tribe secretly heave a sigh of relief.

At this time, the young master of the Naga tribe has sent a message to the headquarters hundreds of miles away. I believe that the headquarters will send experts to help him soon, and at the same time, he is not going to let go of the group of demon cultivators who left here. The Naga clan and the human race are mortal enemies. Since they come to the forbidden area of ​​​​the sea, they will all die.

Seeing the monks of the Heavenly Demon Palace walking away, Rong Qiu, the master of the Red Sword Sect, couldn't help biting his silver teeth with hatred. If eyes could kill, she might have wiped out that group of Heavenly Demon Palace monks long ago.And at this time, with no other choice, Rong Qiu, the master of the Red Sword Sect, could only use his ability to suppress the bottom of the box: "Feng Ge, you take the team and leave, and I will finish it off..."

"Then, sect master, you..." A middle-aged male monk named Feng Ge hesitated and said.

"Don't worry about me, I have my own way to get out, let's get rid of these Naga Hai people first." Rong Qiu, the head of the Red Sword Sect, said.

"Then... alright!" Feng Ge complied, and at this time directly called the remaining five people from the Red Sword Sect to evacuate.

In order to break off the pursuit of these Naga Hai clan, Rong Qiu, the head of the Red Sword Sect, also made a big move, "Wan Jianyu!"

With a sweep of the sword light, the sky suddenly changed color, and countless silver sword qi appeared, filling the sky, and directly attacked the Naga Sea Clan.

The ten thousand swords and rain swords in the air are very cold, the ultimate move of this sword cultivator at the transformation stage is not trivial, I am afraid that those who are not strong enough at the stage below the transformation stage can directly kill them instantly.

And the young master Naga, who was at the same stage of transformation to the master, saw the extraordinary power of this Wan Jianyu, and his face sank. Jian Yu went up to meet him.

"You... back off!"

The young master Naga in the transformation stage also knew the power of Wan Jianyu, and after arousing a magical power similar to the effect of a magic spell, he also sent a voice transmission to several of his subordinates.

"Yes..." The subordinates of the patrol team hurriedly retreated. The battles at the level of the gods are not something they can blend in. Although they all have the strength of the Great Perfection in the late Nascent Soul, the monks in this kind of stage of the gods are similar to In the indiscriminate attack of the ultimate move on the battlefield, it is inevitable to be attacked.

Boom boom boom!Boom boom boom!
Thousands of sword qi struck under the huge water wall, making a roaring sound. The water wall just persisted for less than two seconds before collapsing, and when the sword qi penetrated the water wall, the amount was also small Two-thirds of them were killed, and the rest remained undiminished, attacking in the direction of the Naga patrol team.

The young master of the Naga clan stared sharply. Sword cultivators and sword cultivators have the most powerful attacks in the world. Although his giant water wall's defensive ability is comparable to a top-grade magic weapon, it still can't completely offset the strength of the opposite sword cultivator in the stage of transforming gods. trick.

However, with the disappearance of the water wall, the power of the opponent's big move has also been weakened by two-thirds, and the remaining one-third power is no longer enough to threaten it, and the members of its patrol team have long since He had already retreated far away as ordered, so Young Master Naga didn't have any worries, and then repeatedly swung the trident in his hand, sending out a lot of energy, offsetting the sword energy from the opposite side one after another.

Rong Qiu seemed to have expected the effect of a wave of attacks to disappear, so she launched another wave of Ten Thousand Swords Rain without hesitation.

However, although Wan Jianyu's power is great enough, the instant consumption of true energy is also very terrifying. One blow can consume half of her own true energy. It took me a while to fully recover.

After sending out the Ten Thousand Swords twice, Rong Qiu's true energy was almost exhausted. Fortunately, the true energy of the monks in the transformation stage recovered very quickly. In this short moment, after the second sweep, he recovered Gained nearly [-]% of his true energy.

However, the [-]% of the true energy is no longer enough to continue to use the big move, and Rong Qiu's purpose is not to spend time with these sea people here, but her purpose is to delay a little time, so that the Red Sword Sect can fight a little bit. An elite disciple left the battlefield early to avoid being hunted down by these Naga Sea tribes.

Now it has been delayed for more than ten seconds, and several elite disciples of the Red Sword Sect have already driven the flying magic weapon away, and their backs have disappeared. Kong Qiu also heaved a sigh of relief at this time, and was about to use the escape technique to evacuate, when his face suddenly changed: "ah……"

It turned out that the young master Naga on the opposite side had already approached her in a flash, and the Trident of the Sea God stabbed straight, breaking through her shield defense, and slammed into her body.

This can only be blamed on Rong Qiu, the master of the Red Sword Sect, who was a little dazed just now due to exhaustion, and only showed his flaws when he was distracted, and the Sea God Trident of the young master Naga is not an ordinary magic weapon. Hurry up, this stab directly seriously injured Rong Qiu, the leader of the Red Sword Sect!

And the sea god has the effect of absorbing the energy of the divine consciousness. After a few sizzling sounds, an electric aura appeared on the surface of the trident, and Rong Qiu felt his body twitch as if being shocked by an electric shock. God instantly weakened by three points.

The frightened Rong Qiu didn't care about other things at this time, he directly broke the soul, and then activated a rare amulet on his body, and at the same time a ray of light lit up, canceling the soul-absorbing effect of the Trident of the Sea God.

Withdraw...Holding back the pain, Rong Qiu, who was already seriously injured, activated the evasion technique with his incomplete soul, and disappeared immediately. This time Rong Qiu came to the forbidden area of ​​the sea area unexpectedly, but suffered such a heavy injury, which is also unprecedented. Materials.

However, there is no way around this. This sea area is the territory of the Naluo tribe. It was discovered by the Naga tribe who hated human monks extremely. A big battle was inevitable.

And the Red Sword Sect can't compare to those powerful sects in the Eastern Sea Region. Now it is an excellent choice for him to exchange for the departure of the elite disciples in the sect at this price.

After Rongqiu, the sword repairman of the Red Sword Gate Transformation Stage, fled, the young master Naga stopped the members of the patrol team from continuing to chase, "Don't chase! My Sea God Fork has already extracted part of the soul of this cultivator, she No matter where I escape to, I have a way to find her with the aura of the primordial spirit. Now I still feel at ease and wait for the support of the tribe to come over, and then work together to chase these human monks... Whether it is this group of sword cultivators, or just left We Naga clan will not let go of that wave of magic cultivators!"


According to the instructions on the sea chart, Qin Lang finally came to the island where the inner disciples of Tiandaomen had been to. This island is the center of the archipelago nearer to the forbidden area of ​​the Sea God. It is four or five times larger than the island that Qin Lang first arrived at. times, about a radius of five miles.

Since the forbidden area of ​​the sea is shrouded in thick fog all year round, no matter which area it is, Qin Lang can only use his spiritual sense to check and control the island. After finding that there is basically no danger, Qin Lang landed.

And this island is actually a dry island. There are no animals or plants on the island, and the surrounding sea area is also extremely dead.

In the description given by the inner disciple of Tiandaomen, the inner disciple called the island where the Spiritual Sense Stone was found as Shenji Island. For some unknown reason, there are no islands within tens of miles including the sea area. Living things exist, and there are no plants, just like a deserted island abandoned by the gods.

But from the moment Qin Lang set foot on the island, he felt a very strong magnetic field. This should be the geomagnetism. This geomagnetic field is very disordered. The ground interfered with the rhythm of his own life and died.

And under the effect of this disordered geomagnetic field, it is natural that there are no animals or plants in a radius of tens of miles. Even cultivators with poor cultivation ability will be affected by the geomagnetic field. dry scratch.

After landing on such a special island, Qin Lang began to search. The place where the inner disciples of Tiandaomen got the spiritual stone was an underground mine on the island. This is a small natural mine, but there is a magnetic stone inside. The crystal monster existed, and the result was very bad that year. He was the only one who escaped out of more than a dozen inner disciples of the Tiandaomen.

Qin Lang has also heard of the magnetite monster, a life form that does not belong to the natural world. Perhaps because of the geomagnetic disturbance, this magnetite has a violent temper and is very aggressive.

It is worth mentioning that the magnetite monster is a creature of the eighth peak, and its strength has little to do with the cultivator at the transformation stage. Due to the special nature of its life, even if its body is broken up, it can be reassembled, and it can master the power of the magnetic field to form Talented supernatural powers, very difficult to deal with.

However, the magnetite's body is entirely composed of high-purity magnetic spar, which is also a very good material for refining weapons. Adding a little bit of it during refining can increase the ability to conduct spells, so it is also very popular. Welcome to the cultivation world, it is a very precious treasure, and currently the cultivation world is basically out of stock.

(End of this chapter)

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