The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1852 Magnetic Crystal Monster

Chapter 1852 Magnetic Crystal Monster

At this time, Qin Lang started to walk towards the small mine. Along the way, he felt a strong traction on his feet pulling him, which was the effect of the disordered geomagnetic field.Although this pulling geomagnetic traction is not very strong, it gives him a feeling of stagnation in the water, which is not very comfortable.

However, this unpleasant feeling was nothing to him, so he continued to move forward, and at this time he came directly to the entrance of this natural mine.

This mine produces magnetic ore, which is actually a kind of refining material. It is very valuable in the cultivation world, but it is not as rare as magnetic spar.

The raw magnetite ore is actually covered with a layer of skin like jade. It needs to be polished and peeled to extract the ore. The magnetite is black in color and has a strong adsorption force on metals. It is generally used for the repair and adhesion of weapons. , At the same time, adding the Yuan magic stone when refining the weapon can also strengthen the strength of the weapon.

In the Qinghe Continent, the main production areas of the Yuanci mine are concentrated in the Western Desert, and there are also some scattered veins in the East China Sea. However, these mines are basically controlled by the three major cultivation countries and major sects, and most of the Yuanci mine produced is sold domestically. , there are very few outflows on the market, even if a small part of Yuan Magnetic Ore appears on the market, it will cause a large number of casual repairs to snap up.

In addition, although magnetite and metamagnetism both appear in places with abundant underground magnetism, there is still a difference between the two. Magnetite is much rarer than metamagnetism, and generally it will form a magnetite monster, which is very spiritual. sufficient living organisms.

Magneto spar is an excellent spell conduction material. It can be used to refine weapons and make talismans. The artifacts produced by adding magneto spar have a very good effect on spell amplification, which is better than the artifacts without magneto spar in terms of spell conduction. Mostly.

Although magnetite is rare, its output is much higher than that of magnetite. This material is used to repair weapons and strengthen weapons.

Qin Lang chose to enter this natural mine, not for these two kinds of ores, but for the spirit stone. Although he doesn't know why this natural mine is accompanied by the spirit stone, the news is that the god The inner disciple of the Sword Sect told him, and he also gave him the chart of exploring the Sea God's Forbidden Land back then, so there should be nothing wrong.

Before entering the mine, Qin Lang took a look at the sea chart again. In fact, this sea chart ended when he arrived at Shenji Island. No other places in the Sea God’s Forbidden Land were marked again. It should be that this disciple has only been in the Sea God’s Forbidden Land. This Shenji island.

After glancing at the sea chart, Qin Lang recalled the description of the mine by the inner disciple of Tiandaomen: "My team and I kept walking in the mine, turning left, turning right, going around, around, around It looked like three or four miles, and then found a rich ore area of ​​metamagnetism... So our team mined metamagnetism on the spot, and I heard a strange sound nearby, so I was curious, and went to the nearby direction In the past. Then I found that there was a Yuanci wind tunnel nearby, the sound came from the wind tunnel, and on the edge of the wind tunnel wall, I dug this spiritual stone in my hand..."

According to the inner disciple's description, Qin Lang guessed that the cave wall at the entrance of the wind tunnel should be a mine wall that produces the spiritual stone. If he wants to find the spiritual stone, he has to go to the entrance of the wind tunnel.

However, there are magnetite monsters in this mine. The fighting power of this kind of life body is almost the same as that of Huashen, and its self-healing ability is super strong, so it is not easy to deal with it.It was luck that the inner disciples of the Tiandaomen in the late Yuanying period were able to escape, but his teammates were not so lucky, and they all fell into this mine.

Now Qin Lang's strength has been promoted to the stage of transforming gods, and he has powerful killing moves and means in his hands, and he also has a magic house with him, so he is not afraid of the magnetic crystal monster. If he really fights, he will definitely win an overwhelming victory. The life form that was born and raised by nature is absolutely inferior to me in terms of wisdom, and I can play it to death if I play casually at that time.

However, I heard that there is not only one magnetite monster in this mine. At that time, the companion of the inner disciple of Tiandaomen was blocked by two magnetite monsters one after the other, and died under the attack of two magnetite monsters. Otherwise, it will not be so tragic that the whole army will be wiped out.

After entering the passage, Qin Lang also became more cautious, and completely let go of his consciousness. Although the magnetic crystal monster can't threaten him very much, there is nothing wrong with being careful.Now that Qin Lang's spiritual consciousness has been nourished by the magic crystal of the demon world, his spiritual consciousness cultivation base and strength have risen rapidly during this period, and now it is almost comparable to a monk in the middle stage of transformation.

After Qin Lang's spiritual consciousness is unfolded, it can directly radiate ten thousand feet, but the magnetic field of this underground natural mine is very disordered, which interferes strongly with the detection of spiritual thoughts, so even with Qin Lang's current spiritual consciousness strength, the spiritual consciousness can be expanded After that, he could only use himself as the center in this mine to detect a distance of about a hundred feet.

This effect is already very good. I am afraid that the monks in the Nascent Soul stage will not be able to leave their spiritual consciousness here, because even if their spiritual consciousness is separated from their bodies, they will be disturbed by the severely disordered ground and cannot be extended at all.

Soon Qin Lang came to the place where the inner disciples of Tiandaomen once mined the Yuanci Mine. There are obvious excavation traces here, and there are also dark black rough stones faintly visible on the cave wall.Yuanci Mine is indeed a good thing, but Qin Lang is not going to open the mine right now. His main purpose now is to go deep into the mine to find the Spirit Stone, which is what he wants most.

Besides, the value of the spirit stone is [-] times more valuable than the Yuan magnet. The gap between the two is too big, and Qin Lang can still distinguish between the primary and secondary.

So Qin Lang continued to walk deep into the mine. There are three forked roads in this mine that lead to different directions, and one of them is the inner disciple of Tiandaomen. The wind tunnel is also deep in this passage. .

Qin Lang walked very carefully along the way, and has never encountered any magnetite monsters in the mine. He has heard from the inner disciples of Tiandaomen that there are less than one or two magnetite monsters, and they randomly appear in the mine. Wandering, if you accidentally meet, a big battle is inevitable.

Zizi, zizz...

Just as he was thinking, Qin Lang really met the magneto crystal monster at this time, and a special life body appeared in front of him in the perception of his consciousness, and began to approach him, and after feeling the breath of a stranger, the speed of this life body suddenly accelerated , like a shadow, it comes over with just one swipe, this magneto crystal monster is actually a kind of life form that is good at speed.

According to Qin Lang's spiritual perception, this is a large white life form, a bit similar to a human body, about as tall as two adults combined, which is about three or four meters, and the whole body is snow-white without the slightest variegation. There is no head, of course, and no neck, but only a semicircular bump resembling a head on top.

There are no eyes and noses on this semi-circular lump, and there are flashes of blue light from time to time. This is the magnetic energy wave that magnetite uses to sense the surrounding environment. Somewhat similar, it is a living body without vision, but because of its keen perception, its judgment is stronger than those creatures with eyes.

This is a genuine eighth-order peak creature. If it is replaced by Qin Lang who has been in the God Transformation Stage, he will definitely back away, but now Qin Lang has been promoted to the God Transformation Stage. There is no fear of confronting the magnetite monster in front of him.

Shua Shua Shua, the Magneto Crystal Monster has already floated over, yes, it has floated over, this guy has no feet, his body is directly suspended three feet above the ground because of the magnetic energy field, like a solid ghost body Same.

Seeing that the magneto crystal monster had already rushed over, Qin Lang also teleported away, brushing away the magneto crystal monster's pounce. Teleportation is a spell similar to supernatural powers that he comprehended in the middle stage of Yuanying. It can directly carry out space transfer within a range of five feet around itself. This small spell is very practical and can be used even in the stage of transformation, especially in battle.

Kakaka... Kakaka...

Seeing that the magnetic crystal monster has been unable to hit Qin Lang, it is also a little angry. The roar of anger it makes is not the sound of a normal organism at all, but a sound similar to the sound made by rubbing stones. Think about it, this kind of life The body is not raised from viviparous eggs, but is formed by the gathering of the essence of the underground magnetism. It is the essence of spiritual energy between heaven and earth, which is of course unusual.

At this time, the magneto crystal monster also accelerated its pounce frequency. This kind of monster didn't seem to know much about supernatural powers and spells. It only knew very primitive pounces, pounces, pounces, and no other skills.

However, due to the speed of the pounce is so fast that the naked eye can hardly see its movements clearly, so it is not an easy character to deal with. Maybe the monks in the Nascent Soul stage have no backhand strength when they encounter it. One or two pounces Just hung up.

And if Qin Lang didn't use teleportation skills, I'm afraid he couldn't keep up with the fighting rhythm of this monster. This guy's speed is too fast and his agility is too high. Qin Lang can only rely on his teleportation ability to fight him, otherwise If so, he could only use the Magic Treasure House, but he didn't plan to use this kind of big killer right now. Instead, he used the Three Lives Sword Art, hoping to directly repel the magnetite monster with his swordsmanship.

In the recent period of time, Qin Lang's understanding of swordsmanship and sword intent has once again reached a new level after Qin Lang's great success in Xinjian. .

And under the action of Qianli Tong, Qin Lang can slow down the movement of the magneto crystal monster and decompose it, so as to see the tricks and attack them, and launch an extremely sharp counterattack.

Swiping, Qin Lang's sword energy spread across the entire mine, and the magneto crystal monster was scarred and dropped continuously from the body.

(End of this chapter)

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