The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1853 Essence Fragment

Chapter 1853 Essence Fragment
This magnetic crystal essence fragment is a part of the magneto crystal monster's body, it looks very brittle and easy to break, but it is not like this, let alone the magic crystal monster's body's own defensive force field, in terms of the strength of the body, I'm afraid even if you hit it with a big hammer, you can't break its body.

The reason why the body of the magic crystal monster will be shattered is also because of Qin Lang's attack. A cultivator at the transformation stage holds a top-quality flying sword to attack. When the sword is split, the eighth-order magnetite monster is estimated to have only ten times higher defense strength than the alloy, and it can't resist the sword energy of this intensity.

Seeing that its body was gradually shattered, falling off piece by piece, and its own strength was also greatly affected, the magnetite became anxious immediately, and retreated violently after a crackling sound, and then the whole body appeared blue. shine.

And with the appearance of the blue light, an inexplicable suction force appeared on the magnetite's body, rolling up the fragmented body chips in the surrounding area like a tornado, and began to reabsorb into its own body for reorganization.

This is Magnetite's self-healing ability... a very unusual ability!

After Qin Lang saw it, his face sank immediately, and he played Xiao Zhou Tian Wu Xing Yun Ban with his hand, and began to snatch some magnetic crystal fragments for sealing, and then threw them into his storage ring.

The reason why Qin Lang did this was not simply to get these magnetic crystal fragments. Magnetic crystal fragments are treasures, but the key to Qin Lang's collection of magnetic crystal fragments now is to weaken the strength of the monster in front of him.

After all, as long as the magnetic crystal fragments on the magnetic crystal monster are incomplete, it will not be able to exert its due combat power, and both speed and agility will be affected. In this case, it will be easier for Qin Lang to deal with it.


Zizizi!Qin Lang and the magnetic crystal monster were fighting for these scattered magnetic crystal fragments. Qin Lang grabbed about ten or twenty pieces, each weighing half a catty, and they were all sealed by him and stored in the storage ring, in the storage ring It is self-contained and completely isolated from the outside world, so it seems impossible for the magneto crystal monster to recall a part of its own body.

After Qin Lang snatched the twenty pieces of magnetic crystal fragments, the remaining magnetic crystal fragments were recovered by the magnetic crystal monster again, and the body was repaired again. However, due to the lack of some magnetic crystal fragments, the current magnetic crystal monster It seems that the body has lost a little circle.

Afterwards, Qin Lang fought with it again, and found that the combat power of this magnetic crystal monster had dropped a lot after missing some parts, and it no longer had the combat power of the eighth-order peak. Suppressed and unable to move.

So this time the body was broken up again, Qin Lang directly removed one arm of the magnetite, and the entire white magnetite arm was sealed by Qin Lang and put into storage or fingers.

After the Magnetite lost its arm, its body reorganized again, and a new arm grew again. The ability of this reorganization is still good, but now the body seems to shrink a circle again, not as big as the previous two adults. Tall, now only equivalent to a half-adult tall.

Afterwards, Qin Lang laughed loudly. He was more comfortable dealing with this kind of vitality that could not be weakened. After dismantling the opponent several times in a row, the entire magic crystal monster had become a refiner in his storage ring. Talisman material.

This battle looks very easy, which is why Qin Lang's current strength and cultivation have reached a new high point. In addition, more importantly, the space-type teleportation spell that Qin Lang now masters just restrains this monster, so it is so Easy to resolve fights.

After tidying up the battlefield, Qin Lang counted. After this complete magnetite is dismembered by himself, it can be broken down into more than 1000 pieces of magnetite, each of which weighs half a catty. That is to say, this magnetite It weighs about 500 kilograms.

This kind of weight is inconspicuous among so many life forms in the realm of comprehension. Magnetite is a life form known for its speed and agility. If it is too large, it may not be able to dodge and move. This is also natural. The principle of natural selection.

Kakaka... Before this magnetite monster was completely disassembled by Qin Lang, an angry sound came out. After Qin Lang cleaned the battlefield and counted the harvest, he found that the magnetite monster was not made of anger before it died. This voice was calling for his companions.

So, somewhere in the depths of the mine, the sound of Kakaka appeared again, and this sound didn't seem to be made by one magnetite, but three came from one.After getting this result, Qin Lang's face turned pale all of a sudden, he can easily deal with one magnetite monster, but if three go up together, I'm afraid even he will feel bad enough.

After that, without saying anything, Qin Lang directly summoned the magic treasure house, and entered the magic treasure house in a flash.

In team battles with such monsters at the peak level of transformation, it is best to use a powerful treasure such as the Magic Treasure House, which can attack and defend, and also protect one's life.Qin Lang directly ignited Xuanhuang Yan at this time, and a layer of pale yellow flames enveloped the entire tower.

Then the nine-story Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda directly became the size of a palm, and began to greet the three living bodies. The three magic crystal monsters in the magic treasure house were hard and steel. Qin Lang, who was in the stage of transformation, was naturally not afraid. Repel these three monsters directly.

After a while, the three white shadows in the passage almost turned into afterimages that could not be seen by the naked eye. The magnetite monsters moved so fast that mortals could not see what they looked like with the naked eye.

But Qin Lang turned on Qianlitong, but he was able to capture their movements with great precision, decompose their movements, and then attack and evade.

Under the control of the extremely powerful spiritual consciousness, the Magic Treasure House also fought with these three monsters, and the real energy was continuously injected into the energy core of the control room, and flowed to all parts of the Magic Treasure House, which strengthened the defense power of the Magic Treasure House. At the same time, it also strengthened Xuanhuangyan's flame ability.

And at this time, the Magic Treasure House directly collided with one of the magnetites, and the magnetite was shattered, and it was broken into countless small pieces in the air, and there was no magnetite anymore.

But at the next moment, the fragments on the ground began to gather again, and it seemed that this shattered magnetite monster could return to its original appearance again later.But Qin Lang couldn't make it as he wished, the Xuanhuang fire burned along the chip, and instantly burned the shattered magnetite monster that pushed the defensive shield into a fireman.

Zizizi, this shattered Magnetite is actually afraid of fire. It struggled and swayed in the flames, and then it was completely melted, falling to the ground and turning into an extremely hot pool of liquid.

And Qin Lang took Xuanhuangyan back to the pagoda, and then charged again with the remaining two magnetite monsters. Now that he has mastered a new method to restrain this monster, he naturally wants to use it.

And the magneto crystal monster's intelligence doesn't seem to be very high, and affected by the disordered magnetic field, they are all lunatics who are not afraid of death. At this time, they directly attacked Qin Lang's magic weapon house frantically, and one of his companions was burned and melted. , the remaining two simply ignored the burned companion.

In this way, Qin Lang activated the power of Xuanhuanghuo again, and melted the remaining two magnetic crystal monsters into liquid. At this time, the first magic crystal monster recovered from the liquid state, and it has recovered more than half of it. , as long as you wait another twenty seconds, you should be able to change back to its original appearance.

"This... the recovery ability of the magneto crystal monster is really abnormal, even Xuanhuangyan can't really burn it..."

Qin Lang was also stunned for a moment, and then he came to his senses, and hurried out of the house of magic treasures and put on a ban to seal the three magic crystal monsters, and then completely turned them into materials.

If you collected three magic crystal monster materials at once, plus the fragments of the previous complete magic crystal monster, Qin Lang got four magic crystal monsters at once. In the world of comprehension, crystal is an excellent material for refining weapons and talismans. It can enhance the magic conductivity of artifacts or spells. This kind of material is very rare, and you may not be able to buy it at the auction.

And Qin Lang cleaned up all the materials again, and then continued to walk to the depths of the mine. Although there were magnetite monsters in this mine, after Qin Lang cleaned up these four, he did not encounter any new ones. It is estimated that there may only be these four in the entire mine. Now that Qin Lang has removed them, it is equivalent to avenging the disciples who died in the Tiandaomen.

And as he went deeper, Qin Lang finally saw the bones of the Tiandaomen disciples scattered in a passageway. Qin Lang sighed when he saw it, and dug a big pit nearby to bury all the bones Yes, it can be regarded as a kind of comfort to the undead.

Of course, the belongings on the skeleton cannot be taken away, so Qin Lang also cleaned up by the way, and got a dozen storage bags and three or four storage rings. It can only be opened by cracking the consciousness, but as time goes by, after so many years, the consciousness inside has basically dissipated, and Qin Lang can easily open it.

After looking at it, there is nothing eye-catching. After all, these are the relics of some Nascent Soul stage disciples. To Qin Lang who has now reached the stage of transformation, they can only be regarded as some bits and pieces and rubbish. He intends to bring these things with him. After returning, return them to Tiandaomen intact. If these fallen disciples have family members, they will return them to their families.

After digging the pit and burying the bones, Qin Lang finally came to the Yuanci Wind Tunnel deep in the mine. It's the same wind, if the monk can't resist, even the soul may be assimilated by the entire magnetic field, turning into a meaningless puppet monster similar to the magic crystal monster.

(End of this chapter)

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