Chapter 1857 Escape
Elder Xing began to show his power. He, the veteran cultivator of Tianmo Palace in the mid-stage of transformation, has always been the face of Tianmo Palace. They are all highly admired by countless monks from the Heavenly Demon Palace, but now he is being teased by a small early-stage monk in the Sea God Forbidden Land. He is not willing to suffer this loss.

Elder Xing, who was unwilling to accept the insult, didn't know what secret method he had activated. At this time, the magic wheel of the magic house that he manipulated suddenly increased its speed by 30.00%, surpassing the flying speed of Qin Lang's magic house, and began to gradually catch up.

One hundred feet... ninety feet... eighty... forty...

The distance has been shortened by more than half in the blink of an eye. Seeing that Elder Xing's magic house is getting closer again, it is about to hit Qin Lang's nine-story Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda.

"Go to hell!" Elder Xing's Magical Treasure House's supernatural power was released again. This time, the black lightning swished into an irregular and thick shape and directly caught up with Qin Lang's Magical Treasure House.


The Magic Treasure House was hit by the black lightning, and the shield pierced through again, and because Qin Lang used a lot of real energy several times, the defensive loudness of the Magic Treasure House's shield is not as good as before, so the black lightning pierced through the shield After that, the momentum remained undiminished, and it directly hit the body of the Magic Treasure House.

At the same time, Qin Lang also aroused the Xuanhuang Yan of the nine-story Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda, wanting to form a second defense to resist the attack, but the black lightning penetrated through the Xuanhuangyan, and a small part entered the inside of the magic treasure house, directly hitting Qin Lang's body.


The moment Qin Lang was hit by the black lightning, Qin Lang's body froze, and a black and sweet breath spewed out from his throat. He was injured, and his chest was scorched black. If he was hit in the heart, then he was really finished.

The black lightning seemed to have a binding effect on the body. At this time, Qin Lang felt that the power of the true energy was not working well, and even the magic house began to fall.

Not surprised, Qin Lang quickly called out the Kanli Fire of the Sea of ​​Consciousness to run around his body quickly, completely clearing away the aftermath of the black lightning, and only then did he solve the problem of his body's rigidity.

At this time, Qin Lang's Long Shetian Demon Wheel was already approaching, directly hitting Qin Lang's nine-story Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda. If the two magic weapons collide, Qin Lang's current disadvantage may damage the magic weapon house.

"Boy, if I have to die, I will not end well if I punish someone, so let me die!"

The cold smile of Elder Xing, the master of the battle hall of Tianmo Palace, is getting closer and closer. The guy who stayed in the Shetian Moshuo seems to have settled for Qin Lang now.

At this time, Qin Lang didn't care about his body's injuries, and directly mobilized the remaining true energy in the light and dark meridian systems, allowing the magic house to instantly stimulate the speed, avoiding this impact.

Elder Xing's collision failed, but after Qin Lang overdrawn his body's true energy, he directly broke away from the inside of the magic house, and he no longer had any strength to support the consumption of the magic house again.

Although the true energy of the monks in the stage of transforming gods is endless, Qin Lang's consumption during the battle is too alarming, so it will not be able to replenish so much for a while, and it will not reach the minimum limit of the true energy required to destroy the magic house. So he had no choice but to leave the Magic Treasure House.

And seeing Qin Lang escape from the magic house, the elder Xing on the battlefield didn't know what Qin Lang's situation is now. This kid seems to have reached the end of the road now, and he just happened to be able to kill him.

Overjoyed, Elder Xing didn't care about accumulating the magical power of the magic house again, and directly turned the Shetian Demon Wheel to attack Qin Lang again. This time the impact speed was very fast, and when he was about to hit Qin Lang's body, he stepped down For a moment, Qin Lang suddenly disappeared in place.

Yes, Qin Lang disappeared. Elder Xing's collision didn't hit the target at all, it just hit an afterimage of Qin Lang, and Qin Lang's body is no longer in this sea area, and he has completely left the battlefield.

Where did Qin Lang go?How did he leave the battlefield...

At this time, Elder Xing also came out of the house of magic treasures. With a sweep of his divine sense, he suddenly felt a familiar aura fluctuating hundreds of miles away. It should be that boy's aura, that's right. His face was a little cold. At this moment, he shouted: "That kid was seriously injured, he is already at the end of his battle, everyone chase after me!"

The distance of a hundred miles is not very far. If you chase it with all your strength, it will probably take more than ten minutes. If you use the magic house, the speed will be faster. Elder Xing boarded the magic house again and accelerated the pursuit. It seems that this time he doesn't want to let go at all. Pass Qin Lang.

And hundreds of miles away, a figure flashed out, but it was Qin Lang who was seriously injured.Now his situation is indeed very bad. When dealing with Elder Xing and his subordinates who also owned the best magic weapon house, although he killed more than a dozen of Elder Xing's subordinates, he also suffered a lot of damage in the end.

At this time, I took Good Fortune Pill for myself, as well as two elixir to restore vitality, Tianyuan Pill and Shenyuan Pill, and then the already weak True Yuan Power dissipated the power of the medicine, and a warm current immediately filled the whole body and began to moisturize Some dry meridians are repairing injuries.

At the same time, Qin Lang didn't stay where he was, and continued to cast the Hundred Mile Escape Talisman... That's right, he used the Hundred Mile Escape Talisman before leaving the battlefield. Although this intermediate spell has a delay of four or five seconds, If it is used in advance, the effect is still good, which is also the key to Qin Lang's escape.

Before the body was forced out of the magic house, Qin Lang already knew that the situation was not good, and had activated the Baili escape talisman in advance, so he was able to teleport out of the battlefield in time after the body was separated from the magic house.

However, this place is too close to the battlefield, and the distance of a hundred miles is only an instant in the eyes of high-ranking monks, so it is not safe.

Qin Lang now needs to continue to activate the Baili escape talisman for short-distance teleportation. After all, the speed of space teleportation is much faster than that of flying treasures running at full strength.

And the Baili escape talisman was made by Qin Lang himself. Although this kind of talisman can only randomly jump and teleport a hundred miles at a time, it can't withstand Qin Lang's refining. There are nearly a hundred of this kind of talisman on his body, which is enough for him to get rid of the behind. Chasing soldiers.

After that, Qin Lang continued to use this spell. Although the direction of the transmission was a bit uncontrollable, it gradually moved away from the battlefield area.

After using the spell twenty or thirty times, Qin Lang could no longer sense the breath of the battlefield. At this time, he estimated that he was at least eight or nine hundred miles away from the battlefield. At this time, Qin Lang stopped and began to arrange a hidden formation on the spot, resting on the spot stand up.

No way, Qin Lang was seriously injured in the previous battle. After all, Elder Xing, a monk in the mid-stage of transformation, manipulated the magic weapon house to strike with all his strength. The power should not be underestimated. Still nearly killed him.

Fortunately, it wasn't Qin Lang's heart that was hit by the black lightning at that time. If it hit the heart directly, Qin Lang might really die.

It has to be said that the medicinal power of Good Fortune Pill is still very powerful. Life and death, flesh and bones are not just a joke. After stopping to run the true energy, Qin Lang felt that the internal organs on the part of his chest that were scorched by black lightning were gradually recovering. slowly changing back.

After several weeks of true energy running, Qin Lang's internal injuries were more than half healed, and the external injuries on the skin surface were almost invisible at this time.

After a few weeks of operation, Qin Lang found that the Good Fortune Pill was as effective for the cultivators of the transformation stage, and the effect was even better than that of the Nascent Soul stage. It is possible that the physique of the transformation stage monks was better than that of the Nascent Soul stage monks, so there will be such a recovery Effect.

About an hour later, Qin Lang opened his eyes, and there was a gleam of light in his eyes again. Now, not to mention all his injuries, he has recovered to a good degree.

And Qin Lang's formation ability is definitely at the master level now, so after arranging this hidden formation, he is not worried about being discovered by the powerful pursuer of Elder Xing. Continue to take some elixir to replenish true energy and spiritual consciousness, so as to nourish one's own energy and spirit.

After another round of training, Qin Lang found that the training effect this time was very good, and both his true energy and spiritual consciousness had grown significantly. This should be an unexpected gain from excessive consumption after a fierce battle and replenished again.

In fact, fighting is also an opportunity for monks to quickly improve their abilities. However, this kind of rapid improvement of their abilities is also optional. Fights that are too low in level will not help monks to improve their abilities, while battles that are too high But there are many crises, the battlefield is ruthless, monks are fighting with their heads up, and there is a risk of falling at any time. Survival depends more on their own background and luck.

At this time, Qin Lang began to check his magic weapon. After the shield of the nine-story Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda was broken by the black lightning from the Shetian Demon Wheel, the main body was also attacked by lightning. He wanted to see if the magic weapon house was damaged.

However, the result was somewhat unexpected. The material of this treasure house was not as fragile as the black bone flywheel that I owned back then. Although there was a scratch on it, there was no sign of damage.

This result also made Qin Lang quite satisfied, the trace of scratches was nothing to the magic treasure house, Qin Lang sacrificed a little bit, and restored the magic treasure house to its original state.

Then, Qin Lang scanned the unfamiliar sea area with his spiritual sense, and then began to confirm his position against the sea chart. Soon he confirmed that he was in an area called Gulangyu Island, which was more than two days away from the center of the Sea God's Forbidden Land. distance.

And now Qin Lang's Divine Sense Stone has already been found, and the sacrifice has entered the magic treasure house, so it can be said that his biggest goal of coming to the Sea God's Forbidden Land has been completed, and the remaining goal is not to see if he can find it in the Sea God's Forbidden Land. Dragon God Realm, after all, Dragon God Realm is the place leading to the extraterritorial battlefield. Although the extraterritorial battlefield is full of dangers for the monks in the Eastern Sea Region, there are more opportunities of all kinds. to enter.

However, the teleportation channels on the extraterritorial battlefield of the human race in the East China Sea are controlled by the three major cultivation countries. There are only 1 places for the first teleportation, and the second teleportation will take ten years.

(End of this chapter)

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