The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1858 Rescue the female sect master

Chapter 1858 Rescue the female sect master

At present, except for the three major cultivation countries and some sect forces that have allocated some quotas, it is simply wishful thinking for other casual cultivators to enter the battlefield outside the territory.

And even if the sect forces in the Eastern Sea Region want to get enough quotas to enter the battlefield, it is impossible, otherwise, there will not be such as the Red Sword Sect. Forbidden land, I want to leave the East China Sea through the portal of the Sea Clan and go to the battlefield outside the territory.

Qin Lang knew that he had stayed in the Sea God's Forbidden Land for a few days, and he was afraid that after he went back, the one hundred sects of the Heavenly Knife Sect had already been allocated. The Heavenly Knife Sect had tens of thousands of monks. It's just a listed elder of the outer sect of the sect. If he wants to compete with those inner sect disciples, elders, and elders of the outer sect, unless he is in the sect, otherwise, it will be difficult to get this spot.

So, if Qin Lang wants to see the central area of ​​the ancient war of gods and demons, even if he considers entering through the portal from the Sea Clan.

After thinking about it for a while, Qin Lang is still going to take a look at the battlefield outside the territory. After he has cultivated to the stage of transforming gods, he needs more cultivation resources, and it is difficult to exchange many cultivation resources from auctions and sect missions. These high-level resources They are very rare in the resource-rich Eastern Sea Region, and it may be even more difficult to find them in the other three regions of Qinghe Continent.

As the relics of the ancient war of gods and demons, the foreign battlefield has too many good things in it. This is a huge opportunity for Qin Lang. Whether it is treasures or cultivation resources, the chances of obtaining these treasures and resources It is much bigger than simply staying in the East China Sea.

What's more, the foreign battlefield is also a kind of practice training for the monks themselves. It is said that if they stay in the foreign battlefield for a year, the speed of the monk's breakthrough in cultivation base and realm will be a hundred times faster than that in the outside world.

Of course, this is just a rumor. After all, it has been ten thousand years since the last battle outside the territory was opened. The monks who have lived for more than ten thousand years in Qinghe Continent are probably only the black slave emperor on the surface and one or two hermits. There are no more old monsters. Of course, the Hai Clan also has late-stage cultivators, but Qin Lang can't know how many there are.

Afterwards, Qin Lang was about to come out of the formation. At this time, he suddenly sensed some different breaths. His divine sense swept away again, and found that it turned out that a few monks wearing uniforms of unknown sects hurriedly passed over the sea area. , It's not the pursuers of Tianmo Palace, these few monks are two men and three women, handsome men and beautiful women, they all look young, but they all look embarrassed, as if they are being chased by something.

Just in a strange moment, another figure flickered out in this sea area. This is another female cultivator, but her cultivation base is much stronger than the two men and three women before.

When the two men and three women saw this new female monk before, they all stopped, "Sovereign! How are you..."

They are coming to join this female cultivator.

And this female cultivator waved her hand, as if she was seriously injured, and said with great difficulty: "Feng Ge, hurry up and leave me alone, they are about to catch up..."

"But you..."

A man named Nanxiu showed concern, this guy should be Feng Ge.And these people should be the monks of the Red Sword Gate who were spotted by the Naga patrol team when they passed by the Naga tribe's territory in the sea area, and chased them all over the place.

"My soul was split by the monks of the Naluo clan who turned into gods. Maybe they can lock my position with the breath of the soul, so it is very unsafe for you to stay with me. I will lure them away. You can take Haitu to find the dragon on your own. God Realm, as long as you enter the outer battlefield from Dragon God Realm, then this time we will have eight people to enter the outer battlefield, and if you practice hard inside, the revitalization of the Red Sword Sect depends on you!"

After Rong Qiu said these words, a golden light was thrown out, it was a sea chart, and it fell directly into Feng Singer.

"Sovereign, take care of yourself!"

Feng Ge and other elite monks of the Red Sword Sect understood the importance of this matter, and they also endured the pain and left this place. They knew this farewell, and they might never see the suzerain again. After all, they had seen the horror of the Naga tribe before. Just a patrol team of ten people chased them like this. If the follow-up soldiers came, even if the suzerain was a sword cultivator in the transformation stage, it would be enough.

What's more, the suzerain is obviously seriously injured in this way, which is even more unfavorable for the subsequent escape.

Sure enough, a few seconds after the few elite monks who were not at the Red Sword Gate left, there was another flash in the sea area, and the pursuers of the Naga tribe had arrived. There are even two early stages of transformation into gods and one middle stage of transformation into gods.

And when the mid-stage God Transformation appeared in this sea area, he immediately opened the domain and locked Rong Qiu, the master of the Red Sword Sect. When he saw this human monk again, the mid-stage Spirit Transformation sea Even if the family is looking at a dead person.

"Young master, you lead Maha and these men to chase after those human monks who fled just now. The seriously injured human monk in front of you will be dealt with by this old slave."

The Naga Sea Clan said in a deep voice, the tone was full of murderous intent.

"Okay! I'll leave this place to you, Uncle Thorn!"

The highest status here is actually the young master of the Naga Sea Clan who was in the early stage of the transformation of the gods. After hearing the words of the middle stage of the sea clan named "Thorn", he took another early stage of the transformation of the gods without hesitation. The sea tribe "Maha" and more than 300 elite sea tribes started chasing the human monks who escaped before.

And Rong Qiu, the master of the Red Sword Sect, also turned pale when she heard the "stab" words of the Sea Clan in the middle stage of transformation, but now she is trapped in the opponent's domain, and she can't protect herself, and there is no way to stop those Sea Clans. I can resign myself to fate, and hope that my disciples can escape.

After the sea clan thorn in the middle stage of the transformation of the gods used the domain to lock the seriously injured sect master of the Red Sword Gate, he laughed and said: "Should die, you have fallen into the realm of the sea clan in the mid-stage of the transformation of the gods. There is no turning point!"

After finishing speaking, he slapped his palm, and the slap like a crow's claw grew rapidly at the same time as it was slapped, and instantly covered the sky, with a huge momentum, it directly pressed down on the head of the Red Sword Sect like the palm of the Tathagata .

Under this huge stagnant atmosphere, Rong Qiu, the master of the Red Sword Sect, was also full of despair. She had no way to escape this killing move, and she was about to perish on the spot.

Now, even if she blew herself up, she would not be able to cause too much damage to the mid-stage Sea Clan who was using the domain. After all, she is absolutely weak now when she is trapped in the domain.

But Rong Qiu was not willing to die like this, she was about to explode her primordial spirit and cause some troubles for this mid-stage cultivator in front of her, when a turning point suddenly appeared.

The "thorn" of the sea clan in the mid-stage of transformation suddenly stagnated, and more than half of the power of the domain dissipated, but Rong Qiu saw the opportunity to use Wan Jianyu, directly breaking the "thorn"'s domain, and escaped from the face.

Turning his head, he found that the Sea Clan's "thorn" in the middle stage of transformation was somehow injured, and a hole was cut in his forehead. This should not be a small injury, it should be caused by external force, someone attacked it.

"There are other monks on the battlefield... this hidden monk saved me..."

Rong Qiu immediately realized that the lurking monk was probably a human monk, and only a human monk could help him. At his most critical moment, he took action against the mid-stage Sea Clan to save himself.

However, the soul of the middle-stage sea clan who was pierced through the head by a sneak attack did not die on the spot as expected. The monk's seemingly fatal blow only severely injured it, but failed to completely destroy its primordial spirit.

"Who... who is hiding in the dark... Get out!"

In the mid-stage of transformation, the "stab" of the Naga Sea clan was completely angry. This blow severely injured its primordial spirit, and its own strength suddenly dropped by [-] to [-]%. It got worse, and at the same time, the feeling of dizziness in the brain disappeared little by little.

And at this time, Qin Lang Shi Shi ran out of the hidden formation. To be honest, with this hidden formation, it was normal for the two sides to not find him after fighting for so long.

After all, Qin Lang's formation ability is at the master level, and the two sides in the battle just glanced at the surrounding environment and didn't pay much attention. They just focused on fighting the enemy, so how could they find the abnormality of the surrounding environment? Woolen cloth.

This can only be blamed on the negligence of the "thorn" of the Naga Sea Clan in the middle stage of the transformation of the gods. Originally, with its spiritual consciousness cultivation base in the middle stage of the transformation of the gods, at such a short distance, as long as you have the intention to investigate, you can still find some phenomena. It's a pity that there are monks lurking in this empty sea, and it's not a weak human monk.

After severely injuring the "stab" of the Naga Sea Clan in the mid-stage of Transformation, Qin Lang came out to meet the head of the Red Sword Sect. The head of the Red Sword Sect endured the pain and said gratefully: "Thank you, fellow daoist, for your help!"

"No problem!" Qin Lang smiled slightly. The reason why he wanted to help the cultivator of the Red Sword Sect in front of him was because he knew that the Naga Sea Clan hated the human race extremely. , Then I found that I still couldn't avoid a battle, so I might as well just shoot.

Secondly, he knew that the Red Sword Sect had mastered the sea chart for entering the Dragon God Realm, and he was trying to find a way to find the Dragon God Realm in the Sea God Forbidden Land. But the map is incomplete, and I don't know how long it will take to find that place, so it's better to start from the Red Sword Gate.

Helping Rong Qiu was also to make a good relationship, and it would be much more convenient to ask about it later. Anyway, everyone came to the Sea God's Forbidden Land to enter the battlefield outside the territory. Even if the Red Sword Sect brought Qin Lang with him, it would not be a loss.

(End of this chapter)

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