The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1859 Petrochemical Ray

Chapter 1859 Petrochemical Ray
Seeing this new human cultivator, Naga's mid-stage sea clan "stab" couldn't suppress his anger. He was unexpectedly attacked and injured, and the person who hurt him was actually such a human. The hairy boy in the movie is really unforgivable.

"Despicable human boy... very good, you are looking for death! Then die with this female sword cultivator in front of you!"

In the mid-stage of Naga Transformation, the green hair of the "thorn" of the sea tribe was suddenly blown upside down by a powerful wind in the body. At the same time, the body of "thorn" was getting bigger and bigger, and it became a giant more than three feet tall. .

As for the wound on the forehead, I don't know what kind of secret method it used, and it has been temporarily suppressed, but the small hole is still obvious, and the blue light that seals the wound is constantly flashing on the edge of the hole.


At this time, the Sea Clan in the mid-stage of Naga Transformation blessed themselves with a stone skin technique, and the color of the huge body turned into a rock-like dark blue in an instant.

This should be a spell to strengthen one's own defense, but what is strange is that after this spell is blessed, the speed and agility of the sea people in the mid-stage Naga Transformation are not affected, and the whole body does not become as clumsy as a rock. In this way, the stone skin technique is not a simple technique, it should be a brilliant technique.

After the blessing of the stone skin technique, the "thorn" defense of the sea clan in the middle stage of Naga's transformation became as thick as a rock, while the speed and agility were not affected. At this time, it also took out the weapon of the Naga clan, the sea god fork, Prepare to fight the two in front of you.

However, the Poseidon fork held by "Thorn" is a little different from the ordinary Poseidon fork. The ordinary Poseidon fork is bronze in color, but the one in "Thorn"'s hand is silver-white. It should be a higher-end weapon. .

"Fellow Daoist, let's fight the enemy together!"

Rong Qiu, the master of the Red Sword Sect, looked solemn at this moment. The Sea Clan in the mid-stage of transformation in front of him was injured, but it was definitely not easy to provoke. On his side, she was also seriously injured, so now she can only rely on Qin Lang The strength of this foreign aid is gone.

I hope that the two of them can take down the powerful enemy in front of them with their joint efforts. This time, the battle can only be considered as over if one side completely falls down. Otherwise, the troubles that will continue will continue.

"Okay..." Qin Lang nodded. Facing an enemy who was seriously injured in the mid-stage of Transformation God, although he alone was [-]% sure to win the opponent, but with the cooperation of Rong Qiu, the head of the Red Sword Sect, the probability would be even higher. It should be a little bigger, maybe [-]% to [-]%.

And after hearing Qin Lang's affirmation, Rong Qiu, the leader of the Red Sword Gate, made the first move, and it was a big move: "Wan Jianyu!" Countless sword qi in the air transformed into a high-ranking Naga Sea Clan who transformed into a stone man " Stab" shot in the past.

However, although some of these thousands of sword qi hit the Sea Clan in the mid-stage of Transformation God, the body defense of the "thorn" that has been blessed with the stone skin technique has also been greatly increased. , the body of the stab is undoubtedly no different from wearing a top-grade defensive treasure.

Chi Chi Chi... Although Wan Jianyu has penetrated countless small holes on its body, these holes are not comparable to the one that Qin Lang pierced on the forehead before. There are many, but it can't cause any substantial damage to it at all.

What a strong physical defense!
At the same time when Rong Qiu, the head of the Red Sword Sect, was secretly surprised, Qin Lang directly bullied himself at this time, and one of them teleported to the front of "Thorn". Under the slashing, a half-moon shaped sword light appeared.

The dragon-slaying sword is the sword that used to be the powerful evil emperor sword in ancient times. Because it once killed the ancient real dragon, after Qin Lang's repair and sacrifice, it was named after the dragon-slashing sword.

The power of this top-grade flying sword should not be underestimated. Coupled with Qin Lang's immersion in kendo and opportunities, the level of swordsmanship is probably not much worse than that of the master of the Red Sword Sect, a female swordsman who specializes in kendo. , this sword goes down, even the "stab" of the Naga Sea tribe in the middle stage of the transformation of the gods has to guard against it.

But at the juncture of this crisis, the "thorn" of the Naga Sea tribe in the middle stage of the transformation of the gods shot a gray ray from their eyes, and swept directly at Qin Lang.

As this gray ray reached his body, Qin Lang felt that his qi and blood stagnated, and the skin on the surface of his body was changing color, and suddenly there was a tendency of petrification.

"Petrochemical ray!"

Qin Lang's face turned pale. Unexpectedly, the Sea Clan in front of him inspired the race's innate supernatural powers. He was not a simple Sea Clan in the mid-stage of transformation. You must know that the ancestors of the ancient Naga Clan were actually the same as the legendary Western Medusa on Earth. Race, petrification spells are a kind of racial talent lurking in the blood.

Of course, the entire Naga race still focuses on physical combat, not so much on magical powers. It is estimated that there are very few members of the entire race who can inspire petrification-like spells.

This is not as good as the Black Snake Clan. The Black Snake Snake is also called the Sky Snake Clan. This race focuses on all kinds of poisonous spells, and its physical agility and speed are worse than those of the Naga Clan. When members of the entire race fight, They are all fighting in a way similar to a mage assassin, sometimes it is hard to guard against, and it is more terrifying than the aboveboard fighting style of the Naga tribe.

While being swept by the petrochemical ray, Qin Lang's qi and blood were more or less affected. If it wasn't because of his own strong qi and blood, he might have been petrified at this moment.

At this moment, Qin Lang quickly circulated his true energy, forcibly cleared the stiffness of his body, and didn't care about other things, he directly retreated more than ten feet away.

Fortunately, although he has only just entered the early stage of the transformation of the gods, due to the two meridian systems of light and dark in his body, his cultivation base is far deeper than that of the ordinary mid-stage of the transformation of the gods. It could only make his body stiff for a while, and then he was washed away by the thick real energy.

Seeing that Qin Lang was not frozen by his own petrification ray, the "thorn" of the Naga Sea tribe in the middle stage of the transformation of the gods was also stunned. The counterattack he sent just after the petrification ray failed.

Originally, while Qin Lang and the head of the Red Sword Sect were plotting against him, he was also plotting against the other two. He planned to take the opportunity to take down Qin Lang, a newly joined monk, but he didn't know that the petrochemical rays could not trap him. The other party's counterattack, which was secretly prepared, was naturally ineffective.

After knowing that the high-ranking sea clan in front of him has mastered the petrification magic power of the Naga clan, Qin Lang is no longer close. This kind of petrification magic power has a distance limit, and it is estimated that it can only take effect within a range of five feet.

"Fellow Daoist, be careful!"

Rong Qiu, the head of the Red Sword Sect next to him, sweated for Qin Lang. The situation just now happened in an instant. It is really unexpected that so many series of changes happened at the same time.

The hunter transforms into the prey, and then the prey hides a killer move. It is actually hard to predict who is the hunter... and who is the prey.

The battle between high-level monks is like this, especially the battle above the level of the god transformation is full of changes. If you are not careful, the battlefield situation will change immediately.

It has to be said that the monks in the mid-stage of transformation are really difficult to deal with. If it is not seriously injured, Qin Lang and the head of the Red Sword Sect will have no possibility of joining forces to fight with them. The first consideration should be how to escape.

However, Qin Lang is not in a panic, he still has a trump card in his hand, especially the Magic Treasure House is his trump card, with this treasure in his hand, he has long been invincible.

"Okay, okay, okay...I underestimated you!"

At this time, the Sea Clan in the middle stage of Naga Transformation said a few good words, then took out something from Huaihua, pinched it directly, and waved, a green light like a firework flew into the air.

This is a signal flare similar to a magic spell. The Sea Clan in the mid-stage of Transformation knew that the injured themselves would not be able to deal with the situation at hand, so they were actually notifying the same clan!

This is a situation that Qin Lang and the head of the Red Sword Sect did not expect. It is really a big surprise that this seemingly invincible Sea Clan sent out a rescue signal when the situation was not good.

"You can't stay here for long! Get rid of this Sea Clan first..."

Qin Lang only felt his eyebrows twitching. At the same time when the sea clan sent out a call for help in the mid-stage of transformation, he felt a sense of crisis. He knew that he could not stay here any longer. A large number of Naga sea clan would definitely appear here in a short time. Well, maybe there is still a mid-stage god transformation similar to "thorn".

If such a powerful Sea Clan encounters a few more, even if Qin Lang has the Magic Treasure House in his hand, he may not be able to escape.

"Okay!" The head of the Red Sword Sect also knew that the situation was critical. At this time, he bit the tip of his tongue to stimulate the essence and blood, and released a fierce white sword energy: "Bi Luo Jiu Tian... Qian Suo Jian!"

This Bailian sword energy is stimulated from the flying sword, and it directly turns into a long dragon of nine sword energy, chasing after the "stab" of the Naga Sea tribe, and this sword energy is allowed to "stab"

It's useless to dodge, as if it has the effect of tracking, but it is the second ultimate move of Rong Qiu, the master of the Red Sword Sect. Floors.

After all, Wan Jianyu's sword qi is scattered. Although the sword qi emitted is not as exaggerated as tens of thousands, there are hundreds of thousands of sword qi. Under such circumstances, the power of each sword qi is actually not very great , while the Qiansuo Sword has only nine strokes, and the sword energy is much more condensed than Wan Jianyu.

Faced with such a fierce pursuit of sword energy, even the "thorn" of the Naga Sea tribe in the middle stage of the transformation of the gods has to pay attention to it. After all, the sword cultivator has far more attack power than the same level, even if it is in a complete state, it dare not resist. Not to mention the fact that he is still injured.

So "thorn" dodged with all his strength, and at this time Qin Lang's coordinated attack arrived, and a small sword aura passed through it, but the stab was already alert, and this attack actually avoided it.


Another small sword energy was avoided by him...

Brush!He avoided the second record in succession.

"Boy, your trick is not working..."

"Stab" let out a cold snort, it's not a fool, it suffered a loss once before, will it suffer again now?

(End of this chapter)

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