Chapter 1861

The two Sea Clans at the early stage of Transformation God were all hit. In fact, one was seriously injured, but the young master Naga was farther away and the injury was a little less serious, and the surrounding elite Sea Clans also suffered. Under the penetration of the sword energy, another ten Several were dismembered.

But at this time, although Qin Lang wasted up his real energy and there was a short-term lack of stamina, Rong Qiu made up for it in time. Once again, Wan Jianyu unfolded and sent out to the Hai Clan people who are now in a very bad situation. In fact, pay attention The focus is naturally on the two Sea Clans in the early stage of transformation.


With a scream, the seriously injured sea clan in the early stage of transforming gods fell directly, and the young master Naga saw the opportunity early and withdrew from Wan Jianyu's attack range, so he was not affected by this wave of Wan Jianyu. It's a pity that his subordinates These Sea Clan elites did not have such a good response ability. Under this wave of sword rain, the living Sea Clan died again.


Knowing that something was wrong, the Young Master Naga immediately made a decision and gave up the idea of ​​continuing to fight. He knew that he would be the one to suffer if he continued to fight, so he cast the escape method without hesitation, and disappeared in the sea immediately after using the water escape technique. .

And with the disappearance of his own boss, the remaining living elites of the Sea Clan retreated one after another, but Rong Qiu didn't allow them to leave so easily, and used his ultimate swordsmanship to intercept them. In the end, only thirty or forty Sea Clan elites successfully performed The escape technique escaped, and the rest stayed in this sea area, becoming the nourishment of the sea.

Under the feet, the sea water is now bright red. The blood of this sea tribe is similar to that of humans, and it is all red.

"It's not suitable to stay here for a long time, let's go quickly."

Rong Qiu said at this time that although the immediate crisis was resolved and a large number of Sea Clans were killed, she knew that the Sea God Forbidden Land was the territory of the Sea Clan. Although the Naga Clan lost two or three hundred people, the follow-up Manpower will definitely come over continuously to avenge the dead Sea Clan.

Therefore, if you stay here again, it will only become more and more dangerous. If the Naga Hai clan sends out a few more masters who are above the stage of transformation, with the current situation of Rong Qiu and Qin Lang, the masters of the Sword Transformation Sect, maybe everyone Gotta stay here.

But now the status of Rong Qiu and Qin Lang, the masters of the Red Sword Sect, is that Rong Qiu has not recovered from his heavy responsibility, and his body has performed battlefield killing moves many times, which has aggravated the original injury a lot, while Qin Lang has exhausted his true energy. It is now in the process of gradually recovering.

After cleaning the battlefield a little bit, and picking up some materials from the two Sea Clans in the early stage of transformation, Qin Lang and Rong Qiu left the few remaining monks of the Hongjianmen quickly, and according to the instructions on the sea chart of the monks of the Hongjianmen , this wave of people is approaching the center of the Sea God's Forbidden Land.


At the same time that Qin Lang and the monks of the Red Sword Sect left the sea area, a wounded sea clan surfaced at a distance of several tens of sea miles, with blood dripping from his shoulder.

The one who was injured was of course the Young Master Naga in the early stage of God Transformation. At this time, he was panting, and sent another long-distance message to the Zongmen, telling the story of the failure of the Sea Clan to chase the human monks here, and let the Sea Clan fight again. Send experts to come to support.

"Young master, the clan will send an elite team consisting of six early-stage monks to support, and at the same time the high priest of Jilong will personally lead the team..."

A message came from the headquarters of the Naga Sea Clan.

The young master Naga was also taken aback when he got the news: "The High Priest of Jilong is leading the team? This...he is leading the team, so who will be in charge of the Hai Clan Headquarters?"

It turns out that Priest Jilong is the only priest of the Sea God Forbidden Branch of the Naga Sea Clan. He is a Sea Clan in the late stage of God Transformation and is also the supreme spiritual leader. The status of the patriarch is even higher.

"Everything in the clan is handed over to Patriarch Lumu. Human beings are the biggest enemy of the Naga Clan and the biggest enemy of the Sea Clan... Now that this enemy has broken into the territory of our Sea Clan, we must do everything possible to destroy it." That's why High Priest Jilong decided to go out in person."

The young master Naga also breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this: "Well, with the High Priest of Jilong on the way, this wave of alien human intruders will definitely die without life, and finally we can give an explanation to those dead partners."


Qin Lang and the head of the Red Sword Sect naturally didn't know how deep the hatred between the Naga Clan and humans was. Now that they didn't give up after repeated losses of manpower, even the high priests in the clan were dispatched. The look of letting go.

The High Priest of Jilong is a Sea Clan in the late stage of the transformation of gods. Only the black slave emperor of the Zhanlan Kingdom, the third-level cultivation country of human beings, can fight against such a big man. Can't resist at all.

Therefore, now Qin Lang and the monks of Hongjianmen are in crisis again. If they are caught up by the high priest of the Naga Sea Clan this time, the result will definitely not be good.

However, now Qin Lang and the group of monks from the Red Sword Gate encountered a new danger. This time the danger did not come from the Sea Clan, but from the aura of the monks from the Heavenly Demon Palace.

The team of Heavenly Demon Palace monks once again locked on Qin Lang's breath, and began to chase towards Qin Lang's area, and now Qin Lang also sensed the opponent's breath, and his face changed at this time. If they were blocked by the group of people from Tianmo Palace, the result would be equally bad.

You know, there is a middle-stage and two early-stage monks in the Tianmo Palace, and the powerful mid-stage elder has his own magic weapon house, the Heavenly Demon Wheel, which is a nine-story magic weapon that is not comparable to Qin Lang. The Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda is much inferior to the best treasures, so if Qin Lang matches it, it will be a very troublesome thing.

Of course the urgency is to get rid of these people as soon as possible.

And the people from the Red Sword Sect didn't like the people from the Heavenly Demon Palace who were approaching here. The two sides had met before. The people of the Red Sword Gate were chilled.

And now Qin Lang's abnormal expression when he saw the person chasing from Tianmo Palace was also discovered by Rong Qiu, the head of the Red Sword Sect. She cleverly guessed what kind of enmity there was between the two, so she didn't ask much, just After urging his disciples, they all speeded up and left the place quickly.

Whoosh whoosh... whoosh whoosh...

Qin Lang and the monks of the Red Sword Gate quickly left here, and then, the monks of the Heavenly Demon Palace appeared at the place where Qin Lang and his party stayed before. After staying for a while, Elder Xing glanced coldly at the direction where Qin Lang and others escaped, and then said to his opponent :"Chase!"

Therefore, all the monks of the Heavenly Demon Palace continued to chase in the direction where Qin Lang and the others were escaping, chasing and fleeing, and both sides were very close.


Three hours later, Qin Lang found a canyon-like area in the sea ahead, with whirlpools and eddies on the bottom of the sea, turbulent water flow, and bad wind blowing in the sky. It should be a dangerous place.

Qin Lang said at this time: "Master Rong, fellow Taoists, you can also see that... I have a grudge with those cultivators of the Heavenly Demon Palace behind me, so they have been chasing us closely now, and this will not work."

"Then... what to do..."

The monks like Rong Qiu have fled with Qin Lang for so long and have not been able to recover, so they are not in a good condition now, so they have no confidence in dealing with the monks of the Demon Palace behind them.

"Now let's go to the canyon ahead. I am proficient in formations... I'm going to set up a formation over there, and then I'll have fun with these demon palace bastards."

Qin Lang was very indifferent.

"Okay." The head of the Red Sword Sect nodded.

Afterwards, a team of monks teamed up and came directly to the sky above the canyon, and then Qin Lang began to quickly arrange it.

The master of the Red Sword Sect watched from the side and asked, "Do you need help?"

"Alright, you guys can help to change the position of, according to this angle..."

Qin Lang made a gesture, and then took out some spirit stones for them: "These formation eyes all need to place spirit stones, you should put down the spirit stones at the same time."

"Okay." Rong Qiu, the master of the Red Sword Sect, responded with a few disciples.

And Qin Lang is also relieved, the matter is very urgent now, if he arranges it by himself, I am afraid that before the arrangement is completed, the pursuers of the Heavenly Demon Palace will have arrived.

Now that there are six helpers, the speed of setting up the formation is undoubtedly much faster. Before the pursuers from the Heavenly Demon Palace arrive, it is completely in time.

Qin Lang's arrangement is the Mystic Array, which is a large-scale array that has the effect of reversing the five elements and locking yin and yang. Within this array, the consciousness is completely shielded, and coupled with the dense fog, it can completely isolate a person's body. perception.

Of course, this is also a large-scale trapped formation. As long as the monks of the Heavenly Demon Palace break into the formation, they will be trapped and become a single-soldier battle. It will be easy for Qin Lang to solve these chasing soldiers a lot of.

However, the biggest purpose of Qin Lang's arranging the fan lock formation is not for fighting, but to take some time for everyone to recover their own state. After the formation is successfully arranged and the spiritual energy forms a connection with each other, Qin Lang said to the monks: " Now everyone occupies a formation eye, let’s recover individually! Don’t worry about people coming from the Heavenly Demon Palace, within two or three hours, they won’t be able to find us at all.”

"Okay." After hearing what Qin Lang said, the monks of the Red Sword Sect naturally felt relieved. After all, they also felt that the formation was extraordinary during the arrangement just now. Qin Lang's formation ability is indeed very good.

At this moment, Qin Lang also began to take Tianyuan Dan and Shenyuan Dan after the formation was completed, and began to speed up the recovery of his own consciousness and true energy. Fighting and consumption, the current state of physical strength and true energy is not very good, and in addition, the lack of spiritual consciousness is quite severe.

The Tianyuan Pill and Shenyuan Pill are also worthy of being pills that can only be taken by monks in the stage of transforming gods. After swallowing the two pills, they will directly turn into billowing heat waves and explode in the body. It is recovering rapidly, and the dry Sea of ​​Consciousness has also been nourished, filling up bit by bit like a pond after the rain.

(End of this chapter)

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