The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1862 Cooperation between the enemy and us

Chapter 1862 Cooperation between the enemy and us
And the monks of the Heavenly Demon Palace also arrived as scheduled at this time. Elder Xing stood in front of the canyon and swept his consciousness, only to find that his consciousness was isolated by a special restriction. With a monk's breath, he knew that this should be a large formation.

"Broken array..."

Elder Xing sneered, as a mid-stage magic cultivator who has lived for more than three or four thousand years, Elder Xing is naturally proficient in formations. The team is still very confident.

Since the formation in front of him could not be sensed from the outside with his spiritual sense, he decided to break through directly from the inside, and told his subordinates not to act rashly, Elder Xing directly broke into the formation.

And after Elder Xing broke into this big formation, he realized that this big formation is indeed not easy, but since he has the confidence to enter the formation, he is also quite confident in his ability to break the formation, so he is not in a hurry, and slowly calms down to analyze In front of this big array.

After about 10 minutes or so, Elder Xing gradually analyzed some clues. He had already found out the location of several formation eyes. As long as these formation eyes were destroyed, the large formation in front of him should be destroyed.

However, when Elder Xing really did this, he found that his eyes were empty, and the formation changed again. He couldn't help cursing secretly. It turned out that the mystical lock formation was not a simple superposition of one layer of prohibition, but a superimposition of multiple prohibitions. This prohibition, the prohibition suddenly changed again.

This is something he never thought of. After all, it is very troublesome to set up a large formation with multiple restrictions superimposed. It is definitely not something that can be set up in just a few minutes. A lot of formation time.

Moreover, the precision required for arranging such a large formation is very high, and the formation mage must do it himself, and it takes a long time to adjust if there is a slight deviation in each step.

It's just that although the truth is like this, it is not a problem for Qin Lang at all. With the help of the super system, Qin Lang's formation accuracy can be said to be [-]%. In this case, this process can be saved.

And Qin Lang has six helpers. He is equivalent to the commander-in-chief. With the help of the super system, there is no problem with the accuracy of the joint formation. Major array.

Now Elder Xing has a bit of a headache. Although the master of the battle hall of the Heavenly Demon Palace is well-informed and his ability to set up and break formations can be regarded as a quasi-master level, there is still a big gap compared with Qin Lang, a master of formations.

At least, Elder Xing does not have a super system, and this is the biggest difference between the two parties.

Without a super-systematic analysis, Elder Xing could eventually break the formation by relying on his own ability alone, but it would take a lot more time and energy. Just like the multiple restrictions in front of him, it would take at least two or three hours for him to completely break through it. grasp.

In desperation, Elder Xing could only analyze slowly. He is now completely trapped in the formation. Although it is strange that he has been trapped for so long, the person who set up the formation has not launched the forbidden attack in the formation. Elder Xing did not dare to take it lightly.

As an old monster who has lived for more than 5000 years, Elder Xing has always been a very cautious person, but this time he had no idea that the physical condition of Qin Lang and Hong Jianmen was seriously overdrawn, and now they are all in front of the big formation. Nei seized the time to restore his own state, and had no time to target him, the intruder.


Two hours later, Qin Lang had basically adjusted his physical condition, and opened his eyes at this time, and found that the whole group of Hongjianmen were still sitting cross-legged in meditation, especially the master of Hongjianmen and the other two were seriously injured The disciples at a little bit are still hurrying to recuperate their injuries.

For this, Qin Lang admired it quite a lot. The monks of the Red Sword Sect believed in themselves, believed in the ability of the large formation in front of them to block the enemy, this free and can be done by ordinary casual cultivators.

At this time, with a sweep of his divine sense, Qin Lang directly discovered Elder Xing who was trapped in the formation. As he expected, he was also secretly surprised at the level of Elder Xing's formation. He really cracked three layers of the multiple mythical locks that he arranged. You must know that he only arranged five layers of these multiple mythical locks in total.

Don't underestimate this triple mystical lock, if it is replaced by an ordinary formation mage to crack it, I am afraid that it will not be clear for ten days and a half months, let alone cracked.

And Elder Xing was able to crack the triple mystical lock, which indirectly shows that Elder Xing's brain computing ability is definitely the best among the array masters. In fact, this is also related to Elder Xing's mid-stage cultivator.

After all, monks in the middle stage of transformation have a high degree of brain development. Although it is not as good as a super system, it is actually not far from a human computer. That's why Elder Xing, who has a very good level of formation, can crack the restriction so quickly.

If Qin Lang woke up an hour later, I'm afraid that Elder Xing might really be able to crack the five-fold maze he arranged.

However, it's a pity that Qin Lang has already woken up. Even if he can't deal with this mid-stage demon cultivator, he is sure to trap him in the big formation now.

Then, just when Qin Lang was about to deal with Xing Changchang, there was a new movement after the big formation.

"Ah ah..." "Ah ah..."

There was a scream outside the big formation, and the scream came from the Demon Cultivator of the Heavenly Demon Palace.

Qin Lang was very surprised at this time, the Red Sword Sect around him still hadn't woken up at this time, who was attacking those demon cultivators in Tianmo Palace?With a sweep of his divine sense, Qin Lang's eyes suddenly became dignified. The screams of those monks from the Heavenly Demon Palace outside the formation not only did not make him happy, but made him frown.

Because the people who killed a large number of monks in the Tianmo Palace... It was the Naga Sea Clan. A large number of Naga Sea Clans came here. Well, they are all enemies of the Naga Sea Clan.

There are several cultivators in the Naga Sea Clan in front of us, and there is even a more unfathomable aura in the densely populated Naga Sea Clan, which is both mysterious and unfathomable. It is definitely a terrifying existence that cannot be messed with.

"Ah ah ah..."

In an instant, all the cultivators of the Heavenly Demon Palace outside the Great Mystic Formation were basically taken away by a wave. I don’t know how these Naga Sea tribes were suddenly teleported here, and there were only two monks outside the formation. The demon cultivator Qingluan and Mo Ling who were in the early stage of becoming a god broke into the maze formation desperately coughing blood. Now, for the two seriously injured Tianmo palace demon cultivators, inside the maze formation is better than outside the formation. It's safer, if you stay outside, I'm afraid even the two of them will die in two seconds.

"Late stage of god transformation... definitely the sea clan of late stage of god transformation!"

For a while, both Moxiu and Qin Lang exclaimed.

Because, this time, the Naga Sea Clan actually appeared in the late stage of the Naga Sea Clan, and only with such a powerful combat power can they send a large number of people here without anyone noticing, and kill such a group of people at the same time. Many demon repairs.

You must know that these demon cultivators of the Battle Hall of the Heavenly Demon Palace are not weak, basically every one of them has the cultivation base of the late Yuanying Dzogchen, and all of them are elites of the Heavenly Demon Palace.

The nearly [-] elites of the Heavenly Demon Palace were wiped out in an instant, leaving only two seriously injured little bosses who managed to escape into the labyrinth formation, which shows the strength of the Sea Clan this time.

With the strong arrival of the Sea Clan this time, both Qin Lang and the rest of the Tianmo Palace felt that the hatred between the two sides is no longer very important, and now this wave of Sea Clan is the most terrible enemy.

But now how to escape from the battlefield is the biggest problem.

Neither Qin Lang nor the Elder Xing of the Heavenly Demon Palace have the confidence to face the attack of a sea clan in the late stage of transformation. What's more, there are many sea clans in the stage of transformation sent by the sea clan this time. There is no life after death.

The two parties trapped in the formation hesitated for a while, and had the idea of ​​cooperation for the first time. This time, it was Elder Xing who took the initiative to contact Qin Lang, and he said loudly in the formation: "That kid...Qin Lang, you are the one who said it. There is no need to fight between the two, it is better to solve the immediate crisis first, and we will talk about any enmity later."

The spiritual consciousness is isolated within the formation, and of course the sound transmission is also isolated, but Qin Lang, as the person in charge of the formation, can naturally hear the voice of Elder Xing, and then he established a communication channel to connect with Elder Xing: "Okay! Although I Personally, I am not very happy with your Heavenly Demon Palace, but it is indeed as you said, the crisis in front of us is also a common crisis between us, what can you do..."

Qin Lang frowned a little. He always felt that the maze formation he had arranged could protect himself and these people for a while, but it was impossible to persist for too long. If it was delayed for too long, there might be new changes. The sea clan has cracked this great array of mystical locks. I am afraid that these human monks in the formation will not be able to escape the killing of the sea clan in the late stage of transformation. Even if there is a magic treasure house, it is the same, because you have a magic treasure house. At this point, it is impossible not to have powerful treasures on him.

"Okay! Kid, I have to count your luck. Let's put down the hatred between us and cooperate!"

Elder Xing, who was in the mid-stage of transformation, sighed at this time. This time, he suffered heavy losses in chasing Qin Lang, and a large number of people died in the hands of the Naga Hai clan. If he does not cooperate with this little enemy, his life may not be safe.

"I have mastered a special teleportation technique, the longest distance can be teleported thousands of miles in an instant, but it requires the joint efforts of many people... That is to say, the more mana this teleportation technique transports, the longer the teleportation distance will be. The farther we are, the more we can use this method to get out of the current dangerous situation and the siege of the Naga Sea Clan."

After listening to Elder Xing's summons, Qin Lang pondered for a moment, nodded and said: "Okay! Then cooperate..."

He is not afraid of Elder Xing playing tricks now. After all, the enemy is present and everyone is in danger. It is impossible to make small moves. What's more, after Qin Lang has regained his energy and spirit, he is not afraid of Elder Xing. Little tricks, no matter what, you can be on guard.

(End of this chapter)

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