The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1863 The Wrath of the High Priest

Chapter 1863 The Wrath of the High Priest

After all, his cooperation with Tianmo Palace can also be said to be seeking skin from a tiger. If it were not for the major crisis in front of him, there would be no possibility of cooperation between the two parties. Therefore, when cooperating, it is very necessary to prevent the other party from kicking him halfway.

And while Qin Lang was discussing with Tianmo Palace, outside the big formation, the Naga Sea Clan was also analyzing the mystical formation in front of them. Killing nearly [-] human monks in Tianmo Palace just now did not satisfy them. Now The reason why so many people were dispatched was that the Naga Sea Clan's idea was to catch all the human monks found along the way.

However, the mystical formation in front of me is indeed very exquisite. Among the Naga Sea Clan, the only one who is proficient in the formation is the high priest Jilong. Encountered an accident, not only lost sight and hearing, but also lost the ability to speak.

Although half of the five senses have been lost, the High Priest of Jilong's spiritual sense is very keen. His spiritual sense has replaced his eyes and ears, and the sea people next to him usually use sign language to understand its meaning.

Therefore, even though he is disabled, the position of High Priest Jilong in the Naga Sea Clan is unshakable.

Master Jilong released his consciousness at this time, but found that the mystical formation is not so easy to break, it has the ability to isolate the consciousness, the consciousness released by the high priest of Jilong was strongly restrained by the formation rebound.

However, it is a cultivator in the late stage of becoming a god, and its spiritual consciousness is very strong, so it tried its best to suppress the rebound of the prohibition of the formation, and is now forcibly invading the formation.

Around, all the Sea Clans were eagerly waiting for the High Priest of Jilong to break the formation, and the six-person elite team of the Sea Clan in the early stage of transforming the gods had already geared up and rushed into the formation as soon as the formation was broken.

It's just that the High Priest of Jilong is self-aware. Although its formation ability is better than that of the Elder of the Heavenly Demon Palace, but it has lost the two important abilities of vision and hearing, and it is relatively more difficult to decipher the formation in front of it. times.

After all, the large formation in front of me is a mystical formation set up for the spiritual consciousness, and it is multi-layered. If it weren't for the terrifying strength of its spiritual consciousness, which can barely suppress the forbidden rebound of the large formation, I am afraid that there is no way to deal with the large formation in front of it. No.

However, even if it can suppress the rebound of the prohibition of the large formation, the speed of breaking the formation now appears to be very slow, slower than the speed at which Elder Xing cracked it before.

These are actually irrelevant to the Sea Clan. Although the human monks in the formation can survive with the help of the formation, once the formation is broken, there will be nothing to hide from, and they will still die.

So even if there is a large formation, it is just a moment of support, early death and late death... In fact, there is not much difference.

At this moment, all the Nagahai people on the scene are patiently waiting for the high priest to break the formation. If you look closely, you can see that the Nagahai people have surrounded the entire sea canyon. At least 2000 people have been dispatched this time. .

For the Naga Sea Clan with a population of nearly one million, dispatching 2000 people is nothing at all.The sea tribe is different from human monks. It can be said that each of them is a natural monk. This time, because of the high priest of the tribe, it can be said that all of the two thousand sea tribes are elites, at least all of them are cultivators above the late Yuanying stage. for.

With so many elite sea tribes dispatched together, I am afraid that once the formation is broken, the high priest in the late stage of transformation will not be needed, and the other sea tribes can settle all the human monks in the formation.

After trying for a while, Ji Long, the high priest of the Naga tribe, found that if he used conventional means to deal with the big formation in front of him, it might take four or five hours to deal with it, but it may not be able to handle the big formation, but now it has thought of a better way to break the formation method.

Using hand gestures to communicate with the clansmen, the trusted Nagahai people around them quickly understood what was in Jilong's mind, so they spread the idea.

Soon, Jiron began to implement this idea, it opened its mouth and let out an invisible whistling sound.

Although the whistling sound is invisible, there is a special kind of spiritual power fluctuation coming from the mouth, and those Naga sea people around have followed suit, opening their mouths and whistling like Ji Long, the high priest of the Naga.


The same buzzing sound spread throughout the sea area, forming a powerful sonic vibration. The frequency of this sonic vibration was extremely fast. The high priest of Naga directly cast a spell to gather the sound waves in one place, and directly attacked the mythical formation. Like a chainsaw, it began to cut the entire formation's prohibition.

Zizi, Zizizi.

The mystic restriction of the big formation was cut by the powerful sound wave, and it was completely disintegrating. In less than half a minute, the restriction of the first layer had completely disappeared.

After the High Priest Jilong dismantled the first layer of prohibition, he kept shooting, and continued to shoot towards the second layer of restriction.And the surrounding Sea Clan saw that the effect of breaking the formation was astonishing, and the frequency of the whistling sound became more intense.


In the big formation, Qin Lang was shocked by the sound wave after being cut by a layer of restriction. , but in fact it still exists, but the sea clan uses the method of sound wave cutting to break through the formation. Every time a layer is cracked under strong force, that layer of restriction will directly disappear and will never exist again.

In this case, when the five layers of restrictions are cut, Qin Lang's big formation will be abolished directly, which means that everyone will be exposed to the sea clan.

Under the urgency, Qin Lang, who knew that time was running out, quickly woke up the people from the Red Sword Sect, and hastily explained the situation to these monks, so everyone cooperated with the three demon cultivators, the elders of the Tianmo Palace, for a short time.

Elder Xing, the master of the Heavenly Demon Battle Hall, also knew that time was running out, so he didn't play tricks right now, and just told everyone the method of teleportation, and then began to arrange the teleportation spell.

After the teleportation spell is cast, a circle of aura fluctuations are formed.

And the target of the teleportation turned out to be the center of Sea God's Forbidden Land. That coordinate was provided by the head of the Red Sword Sect. It is said that it is a relatively safe coordinate, and there are no space cracks and space vortexes around it.

This is the coordinates marked on the secret sea chart that Red Sword Sect has mastered. The sea map of Red Sword Sect is much better than Qin Lang's. It is said that the first generation head of Red Sword Sect personally explored and drew it. It has been thousands of years ago as long as.

Space cracks and space vortices can be said to exist everywhere in the Sea God's Forbidden Land, but there are some special places where these inexplicable crises are relatively rare, and the entire teleportation cannot be lost, so the head of the Red Sword Sect provided such a special coordinate points.

Afterwards, everyone took their positions according to Elder Xing's request, and worked together to channel their own spiritual power and enter this temporarily formed spell aura network.

Kacha, there was another sound of restriction breaking away from the big formation. This is already the fourth layer of restriction being cut and separated, and the separation time of the four layers of restriction must not exceed half a stick of incense time. Now only the last layer of restriction is left. If If it is separated directly, the large formation will be completely ineffective.

And if the people in the formation do not have time to teleport, I am afraid they will really be unable to leave.

It is estimated that it will not take long for the fifth layer of restriction to be completely disintegrated. At most, if it persists for a minute or two, the latest layer of restriction will be cut by the sonic blade jointly issued by the Sea Clan.

Thinking of this, everyone in the formation felt a sense of urgency, and directly exerted [-]% of their strength to speed up the operation of this large teleportation spell.

Under the full efforts of Qin Lang, the monks of the Red Sword Gate, and the monks of the Heavenly Demon Palace, the teleportation spell finally entered the second stage, and suddenly a bright red light shone, covering everyone in the formation.

Teleport starts!
At the same time that the teleportation was activated, Qin Lang suddenly felt a crisis. The crisis came from around him. The damned guy of Elder Xing actually shot himself at the same time the spell was successfully activated!

However, Qin Lang had been wary of this person for a long time, so he didn't want to transfer immediately, avoiding the opponent's attack, but before he could counterattack, the long-distance teleportation spell that had already been activated had already teleported him away.


The next moment, all the human monks in the canyon disappeared.

At the same time, the entire Great Mystery Formation was also breached by the Sea Clan, but seeing the emptiness inside the Great Formation and the remnants of the teleportation spell, all the Sea Clans were gnashing their teeth. They were still a step too late and could not Leave behind the remaining human monks in the formation.

"High Priest Jilong... what should we do, please tell the high priest..."

A monk of the Sea Clan's transformation into a god approached Ji Long cautiously, and sent out a wave of spiritual consciousness to inquire.

The high priest of Jilong didn't answer either, but approached the place where the magic residual breath was transmitted in the formation, sniffed it with his nose, and then took out a few ancient turtle shells to calculate.

After a while, the High Priest Jilong figured out the purpose of the teleportation spell, and he revealed an angry face and pointed his finger: "It's so bold, this wave of human monks actually broke into the Dragon God's domain, this is our Sea Clan holy place, damn it!"

Knowing that this wave of Sea Clan entered the Dragon God's Domain, High Priest Jilong immediately guessed the purpose of these human monks coming to the Sea God's Forbidden Land. I am afraid that the real goal of these human monks is the Sea God's Forbidden Land. Extraterritorial battlefield!


So after the Naga Sea Clan knew about these things, they also became angry. These human monks in front of them were completely provoking their limits. Not only did they not stay away from the Sea God’s forbidden land after using the teleportation spell, but now they were actually teleported to the Dragon God’s domain. It is not to look at the Naga Sea Clan, nor to look at the entire Sea Clan and all races.

If there are sea tribes who know that human monks trespassed on the holy land, I am afraid that not only the three sea tribes that hate human monks, but even those sea tribes that were originally friendly with the human race will go after and kill these trespassers. You know The Dragon God Realm is a sacred place in ancient times, and even the Sea Clan would not easily break into it, let alone human monks.


At this time, the High Priest Naga decided to inform the other two sea tribes in the forbidden area who hated human monks, and even some races near the forbidden area of ​​the sea god.

(End of this chapter)

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