The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1864 Dragon God Realm

Chapter 1864 Dragon God Realm

The light of the teleportation array flashed, and several figures appeared above the sea area. Those who arrived at the predetermined coordinates were the three people from the Tianmo Palace and the six monks from the Red Sword Gate.

However, just as the figures settled down, Elder Tianmo Gong Xing, a demon cultivator in the mid-stage of transformation, attacked and killed several monks from the Red Sword Sect.

Caught off guard, three of the six monks of the Red Sword Sect fell immediately, and two of the other three escaped in time under the cover of the master of the Red Sword Sect. .

The two Red Sword Sect monks who escaped were Feng Ge, a middle-aged male monk, and Xiu Xiu, a junior junior sister of the Red Sword Sect. Although they escaped, they looked very embarrassed and had some injuries on their bodies.

After all, it is still very scary for a demon cultivator in the mid-stage of transformation to perform a sneak attack. It is already very good for the six members of the Red Sword Sect to be able to escape two of them. This also includes the hard work of Rong Qiu, the head of the Red Sword Sect. Otherwise, Feng Ge and Little Junior Sister Xiuxiu don't even try to escape.

The two Red Sword Sect monks were also a little dazed at the moment. They escaped this time and felt that they had nowhere to go. There were three elders from the Heavenly Demon Palace in front of them blocking them, and a large number of Naga Sea Clans were chasing after them.

However, the two Red Sword Sect monks who felt at a loss met the nobleman later, and this embarrassing situation was relieved.

Needless to say, the nobleman is naturally Qin Lang. When the teleportation spell was launched, he was attacked by the elder Xing in the teleportation circle, and his position was directly shifted, which caused a slight deviation in the aura of heaven and earth, so the coordinates he arrived after the teleportation and the predetermined coordinates Some deviations.

However, fortunately, at the moment of reaching the new coordinates, there were no space cracks and space vortexes nearby, otherwise, Qin Lang would be very dangerous.

Although Qin Lang was angry about the sneak attack of the elder Xing of Tianmo Palace, he could only keep it in his heart for the time being, and he could only avenge this revenge later.

After reuniting with Feng Ge, a middle-aged monk from the Red Sword Gate, and Xiu Xiu, a junior junior sister, Qin Lang gave each of them a Good Fortune Pill to speed up their recovery from their injuries.

But the two were very anxious in their hearts. After all, Rong Qiu, the master of the Red Sword Sect, did not know whether he was alive or dead in order to cut them off. After they reunited with Qin Lang, they had the idea of ​​looking back.

Of course, the current strength of the three of Qin Lang is not enough to fight head-to-head with the Xing Elder in the mid-stage of Transformation God, but Qin Lang has a magic weapon house, if he can't beat it, it is no problem to use this treasure to escape, even if the Xing Elder has a magic weapon at hand house, it is impossible to catch up with him for a while.

After Qin Lang thought for a while, he agreed to the request of the two. After all, after the Tianmo Palace was cleaned up by the Naga Hai clan, only Elder Xing and his two assistants were left. But the strength has lost more than half of what it was before, and we also have the best magic weapon house in our hands, so we don't need to be too afraid of each other.

In a word, run away if you can't fight. With the help of two sword cultivators of the late Yuanying stage Dzogchen, he can also relax in the gap between manipulating the magic house. Do not open the opponent's pursuit.

Afterwards, the three of them all went to the house of magic treasures. Although Qin Lang and the monks of the Red Sword Sect only met for a short time, he never made mistakes in seeing people. Through contact, he found that the monks of the Red Sword Sect all valued friendship. People, so I am very relieved that the two monks in front of me don't have to worry about being shot in the back.

In fact, it was the monks of the Red Sword Sect who valued friendship, and Qin Lang decided to help them at the beginning, otherwise, he would have ignored them.

After all, "Birds of a feather flock together, and people form groups."

In the final analysis, Qin Lang is actually this type of person... This type of person should belong to the righteous way.

And Moxiu is different from this type of people. Moxiu advocates harming others and benefiting oneself. Everything is based on personal interests. This is why many Moxiu only think about themselves when fighting. Sometimes even if the same family is killed, they will die. The real reason for not saving.

This is the principle of not conspiring with each other if the ways are different.

The speed of the magic house is very fast. In about ten minutes, Qin Lang has already arrived at the teleportation destination that was previously reserved for teleportation spells.

However, there is only a little residual fighting breath left here, and there is no one.

The three of Qin Lang were a little dumbfounded, and they didn't know how to deal with the situation in front of them. It was obvious that the battle was over, and the Red Sword Sect Master had probably encountered an accident, while the three monks, Elder Xing of the Heavenly Demon Palace, had already left the place.

After a while, Qin Lang patted the two stupefied monks of the Red Sword Gate, and said in a slow tone: "My condolences to the two fellow Taoists, we will take revenge for this revenge later! Now, I think we should find a way to enter the Dragon Gate as soon as possible." Shenshenyu, and then go to the battlefield outside the domain through the Dragon God domain, as long as we reach the battlefield outside the domain, all our current crises can be resolved directly."

Qin Lang is right. Judging from the situation put forward by the Naga Sea Clan, it is estimated that the entire outer area of ​​the Sea God’s Forbidden Land has been blocked. A Naga high priest in the late stage of God Transformation led the whole family to deal with the humans who broke into the Sea God’s Forbidden Land. The monk started to chase and kill, this situation is still very scary.

Now the back road is already blocked, if the three of Qin Lang know that the Naga tribe has begun to contact the other two sea tribes who hate humans in the forbidden area of ​​the sea tribe, and at the same time pass through the forbidden area. When he was a human monk in the holy place of the clan, he might be more anxious to go to the Dragon God Realm now, and escape from this dangerous place as soon as possible when several sea clans are chasing and intercepting him.

After staying for a while, the two monks of the Red Sword Sect could only put away their sad emotions and began to lead the way to the Dragon God Realm.

And the sea chart to the Dragon God Realm was actually on Feng Ge's body, and the three of them took a shortcut right now.

A day later, the three of Qin Lang entered the Dragon God Realm, and the Dragon God Realm was also wrapped in the vast fog, but when the divine sense swept over, they could feel the thick layer of prohibition on the outer periphery of the God Realm, which was very The ancient restriction is full of boundless atmosphere. This God's Domain should have existed for a very long time, maybe tens of thousands of years, maybe even longer.

The requirements for entering the Dragon God Realm are actually very strange. You must use the blood of the Sea God to open the shell of the God's Domain.

Otherwise, even human monks in the late stage of transforming gods would not be able to enter the realm of the gods.

There is no need to worry about this. The three marked points on the chart of the Red Sword Gate are the weak openings restricted by the shell of the God's Domain. Even monks in the late Yuanying period can open the passage and enter it with their own strength.

The three of Qin Lang chose the nearest mark point, and then entered the God's Domain. When they entered the God's Domain, their eyes suddenly brightened. The entire God's Domain turned out to be a piece of golden yellow, and in front of them were dense passages similar to beehives, or beehives .

"Dragon God Realm is the edge of the extraterritorial battlefield in ancient times. There were several ancient five-element true dragons that fell here, so the power of will together propped up the entire God Realm, and it became what it is today..."

Looking at the sea map, Feng Ge explained while looking for the path, and Qin Lang had actually heard these introductions from the Zongmen classics of Tiandaomen, so he didn't ask too much, after all, he knew these things.

Each beehive in the hive in this God's Domain is about the size of a basketball court. The walls and passages are golden and the atmosphere is brilliant.

And Qin Lang noticed that the materials of the shimmering golden walls and passages are all formed by the realization of a very special energy substance. This should be the domain power formed by the will of the Dragon God. After this power fits with the entire God Domain, it is very stable. , external force is difficult to destroy, I am afraid that even the Dzogchen monks in the late stage of Huashen cannot break it.

After entering the honeycomb-like God Realm, Feng Ge, a middle-aged monk of the Red Sword Gate, became the guide and party, leading the way with a chart, while the junior sister Xiuxiu of the Red Sword Gate had regained her vitality after being sad, and chatted with Qin Lang stand up.

This is a young girl, she is only 19 years old, and she has already cultivated to the level of Dzogchen in the late Yuanying period. It is said that she is the body of the sword of wisdom, which is rare among sword cultivators.

Through the conversation, Qin Lang also gained a lot. Regarding the physical distinction of sword repair, there are psychic sword body, wisdom sword body, five elements sword body and so on.

And the biggest convenience in the process of sword practice is that it is very easy to break through the realm, and there is almost no hindrance of the realm. This is why the little junior sister Xiuxiu can reach the Dzogchen in the late Yuanying stage so quickly at the age of 19. , this qualification is absolutely top-notch.

"Brother Qin Lang, as long as Xiuxiu finds Xingyun ice crystals in the outer battlefield this time, he will be able to suddenly transform into a god stage and become a sword cultivator in the stage of transformation... At that time, perhaps Xiuxiu will be able to avenge his master!"

The little junior sister of the Red Sword Sect clenched her fists and said, this is a girl with a very simple mind. Rong Qiu, the master of the Red Sword Sect, is her master. After hearing Qin Lang and several senior brothers analyze that the master may have suffered misfortune, she now The thing I want most is to avenge my master.

In fact, this is indeed the case. Sword cultivators at the stage of transformation have far more attack power than monks of the same level. Maybe Xiuxiu will really have the ability to fight against monks at the stage of transformation.

However, the elder Moxiu Xing of the middle stage of the transformation of the gods is not an ordinary monk of the transformation of the gods. Not to mention that this guy has a magic weapon house, and his combat power is also the best among the monks of the mid-stage of the transformation of the gods. I am afraid it will not be so easy to deal with.

Otherwise, Qin Lang wouldn't be chased by this guy. You must know that if Qin Lang is counted as a magic weapon house, his combat power has already caught up with the middle stage of the gods. He doesn't have to be afraid of the middle stage of the gods. It doesn't matter even if the following fights.

"Yeah, come on, sleeve sleeve."

Qin Lang nodded and didn't hit her. He likes this innocent little girl very much, so as long as she can cheer up now.

Stopping and stopping along the way, the Dragon God Realm is actually not as quiet as it seems on the surface. It can be said that there are many traps. If you are not careful, even the monks in the transformation stage will be trapped. Simple, relying on the instructions of this chart, several people actually avoided most of the dangers.

(End of this chapter)

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