The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1865 Dragon King's Nest

Chapter 1865 Dragon King's Nest

"According to the hint from the sea chart, there is a dangerous place ahead, and it is also a place of treasure in the Dragon God is a Dragon King's nest."

At this time, Feng Ge, a middle-aged monk from the Red Sword Sect, looked at Hai Tu and said.

"Dragon King's Nest?"

Qin Lang was taken aback, feeling that this term was very new.

This was the first time he had heard of this name, and his intuition told him that just hearing this name, it must be related to the Dragon Clan, and I am afraid that the origin of this place name is not small.

In fact, even in the entire Qinghe Continent, his cultivation is counted among the highest on the pyramid, but the Qinghe Continent is too big, not to mention that there are many hidden peerless powerhouses, and the dragons can see their heads but not their tails. In fact, there are many secret places with relics and historic sites that are unknown to the world.

The reason is also simple.

How many years has the Qinghe Continent existed? I am afraid that no one can tell. For countless years, countless cultivators have been active in various places on this continent. And so on, there may be countless.

The Dragon King's Nest is probably a relatively famous place.

"Dragon King's Nest is where the treasures of ancient true dragons used to be. There used to be many ancient true dragons in the Dragon God's Domain, so there is more than one Dragon King's Nest."

Feng Ge explained, "The sea map was drawn by our first suzerain senior of the Red Sword Sect. The first suzerain was a middle-stage cultivator of the gods, and he had the most powerful psychic sword body. Passed the Dragon God Realm and entered the extraterritorial battlefield. He also discovered the Dragon Nest when he passed by, but he left in a hurry, and he only took two treasures from the Dragon Nest and left."

"Oh, so that's the case. I don't know what treasure the patriarch of your sect took from the Dragon King's nest?"

Qin Lang suddenly became curious.

The things that come out of the Dragon King's Nest are probably extraordinary.

"Those two treasures are two pieces of ore, namely Taibai fine gold and Jiutian Xuanxing iron, and later they were sacrificed together to refine the Taibai Xuanxing sword from the original gate to the room... This sword is currently in the hands of the elder brother, and he has already shared with two Senior brother entered the extraterritorial battlefield through the only three places in the sect."

After hearing this, Qin Lang nodded, "Taibai fine gold and Jiutian Xuanxing iron are top-level refining materials. The Taibai Xuanxing iron must be very extraordinary. I'd like to see it if I have a chance."

These two materials are indeed the best of the best.

And as a cultivator who is very interested in refining equipment, he naturally pays great attention to top-level refining materials.

So while saying these words, he also looked at the dragon-slaying sword in his hand. This weapon inherited from the ancient evil sword emperor is naturally extraordinary. After being repaired by himself, it is also the best flying sword in the world. It should be compared with The Taibai Xuanxing Sword is only strong but not weak.

After all, the Xiejian Emperor is an ancient mighty man of the Great Perfection in the late stage of God Transformation. He once slayed the existence of an ancient dragon. Compared with the current top figure of human monks, the Black Slave Emperor, they are all three points inferior.

The Dragon King's Nest, the treasure place of the ancient real dragon, although it is a treasure place, it is also a dangerous place.

If you think about it, a place where the ancient real dragon treasure land is hidden, if it is not dangerous, then the treasure would have disappeared long ago, and it would not be waiting for people to discover it now.

As for the dangers of the Dragon King's Nest, the most common ones are various traps and traps. These traps and traps are not ordinary traps and traps, but magic traps and traps arranged by the Dragon Clan at the beginning. May be trapped by these organs and traps.

In addition, the Dragon King's Nest is likely to be guarded by the dragon soul. The dead dragon soul is nostalgic for the wealth of his life, and once he realizes his spiritual sense, he will entangle himself in the treasure for a long time, and he will form the guardian of the dragon soul over time.

Compared with traps and traps, the guardian of the dragon soul is even more terrifying. If the sleeping dragon soul's divine sense is awakened, it will have at least a combat power of rank nine or higher, which is equivalent to a human monk in the middle stage of transforming gods.

The Dragon God Realm is actually equivalent to a gigantic labyrinth, in which each beehive is connected to the beehive, seemingly endless, if there is no sea chart in Feng Singer, Qin Lang wants to go out from the Dragon God Realm Probably not for a few months.

And the dragon's nest in the Dragon God's domain is not easy to find. If there is no sea chart, no one can even try to find the dragon's nest.After walking for about ten hours, the three of them finally arrived at the Dragon's Nest area.

Dragon Nest...

The Dragon Nest is actually a domain in the domain of the Dragon God God's Domain. If someone with knowledge did not pass by, it would be impossible to find the location of the Dragon Nest, because the Dragon Nest is hidden in the Dragon God's Domain. OK.

The Dragon's Nest in front of them has been cracked, and the three of them easily opened the entrance of the Dragon's Nest and entered the interior.

There are many organs and traps inside the dragon's nest, especially the entrance. Although it has been broken into once, after so many years of recovery, these organs and traps have recovered.


First of all, a large wave of spell missiles swept over. Fortunately, the three of Qin Lang had already prepared, not only opening up the defense, but also playing bait to attract the pursuit of these spell missiles.

That's right, all the spell missiles in this dragon's nest have tracking effects. Basically, they will not stop until they hit the target, and they will explode after hitting the target. Each spell missile is equivalent to the full power of a monk in the transformation stage one strike.

Of course, besides these, there are other traps, but the sea chart in Feng Singer has instructions to avoid these traps in advance.

"This dragon nest has a dragon soul. It is said that when a monk enters the dragon nest to take treasures, as long as everyone is not greedy and takes away more than two treasures, the dragon soul will not be awakened...and if you are too greedy, take two If there are more than two treasures, the strong fluctuations in the spiritual power of the treasures will wake up the dragon soul directly, and the result will be bad."

Feng Ge said, the reason why the first sect master of the Red Sword Sect retreated so quickly when he entered the Dragon Nest was because he woke up the dragon soul when he touched the third treasure. , so successfully exited the dragon's nest.

Qin Lang nodded.

The other party's heart is not bad, this reminder must be sincere, and he firmly remembered it.

After all, he didn't want to cause trouble.

Because although his current combat power is not bad, but when facing the Dragon King's Nest, this level of strength is actually so-so, but he is not going to disturb the Dragon Soul in the Dragon Nest. Being able to enter the Dragon Nest and take away one or two treasures He is already very good, so he is not greedy.

The three of them walked into the treasure place of the dragon's nest, only to find that the treasures of the dragon clan are completely different from the preferences of humans. Most of the dragon clan like treasures with spiritual power and shiny things, most of which are metal ores, all kinds of rare treasures, and fruits. Wait, but there are very few finished magic weapons and the like.

The most valuable things here are of course all kinds of rare treasures and raw metal ores. Of course, for sword repairers, a piece of top-level metal raw ore is probably more attractive than other treasures, so the first generation of the Red Sword Sect. A piece of Taibaijin Jing and a piece of Jiutian Xuanxing Iron.

The dragon nest is actually a structure similar to a beehive. The space inside is much larger, and the dragon soul is lurking in a corner and sleeping. This dragon soul is a faint blue luminous body. The attribute dragon soul, entrenched in place like a hill.

Even if it is entrenched there, the three of Qin Lang are like three little people in front of it. It can be seen how big the dragon soul is, and it is really worthy of the soul of the ancient dragon.

"I heard that the dragon soul of the Dragon God's Domain will naturally wake up every 300 years, and then absorb the beliefs of the sea people in the God's Domain to replenish its own consumption... It is precisely because the Dragon God's Domain is the holy land of the sea people in the entire Eastern Sea Region , so most of the Hai Clan are naturally descendants of the Dragon Clan, believe in the Dragon God, and pay tribute to the Holy Land on a regular basis..."

"The belief of the Sea Clan is actually the source of energy to maintain the entire Dragon God Realm, and the dragon soul of the Dragon God Realm can last for years because of this reason."

Feng Ge whispered at this time that he was not afraid of waking up the sleeping dragon soul. This dragon soul was sleeping in the Dragon King's Nest in the treasure place. If it didn't touch the treasure in the treasure place, even thunder might not be able to wake it up.

Afterwards, Qin Lang glanced at the treasure land. In fact, there are not many treasures in this treasure land. It is just a pile of metal mines, a pile of rare treasures, and some strange fruits that have obviously dried up. Although these strange fruits have spiritual power on the surface The restriction of power is to keep fresh, but it can't stand the flow of history, and the spiritual power is gradually losing.

Therefore, the effect of these strange fruits is not great, and other things are not attractive enough to him.

"Xingyun Ice Crystal... Xiuxiu found Xingyun Ice Crystal!"

The little junior sister of the Red Sword Sect was a little excited at this moment. She discovered the rare star-cloud ice crystal that could directly improve her cultivation level.

"Oh..." Xingyun ice crystals are rare treasures that are not produced in the Qinghe Continent, but naturally produced treasures in the outer space. Unexpectedly, there are also in the Dragon King's Nest. It seems that the water attribute dragon in front of him should have lived in Stayed in foreign battlefields.

Afterwards, Junior Sister Xiuxiu naturally took the treasure. The Xingyun Ice Crystal was actually a big lump of sky blue ice, the size of a fist, and it was heavy to hold.

This thing is harder than diamonds, but it can be directly absorbed by divine thoughts, and it is also a very rare treasure, especially for the sleeve of the body of the sword of wisdom. The top-grade treasure of the realm, even if given a top-grade magic weapon, it would not be exchanged.

The Xingyun ice crystal was in hand, the dragon soul there seemed to move slightly, maybe it was disturbed by the aura fluctuation when Xiuxiu took the treasure, but fortunately there was no other movement after Xiuxiu took this treasure, so there was no wake it up.

"A person can only take away two treasures at most, and after taking the treasure, it is best to store the treasure first, so as not to cause too much aura fluctuation, otherwise, I am afraid that even the aura fluctuation of one treasure will wake up the dragon. of the soul."

At this time, Feng Ge reminded from the side, and at the same time looked at Xiu Xiu with doting eyes, as a senior brother, he would naturally feel very fond of the junior sister.

"Hmm!" After Xiuxiu was reminded, he never got carried away. He stuck out his tongue and quickly put away the Star Medicine Ice Crystal. On the contrary, he had already obtained this treasure, and it was a certainty to improve his cultivation to a higher level.

Seeing Xiuxiu's innocent and lively appearance, both Qin Lang and Feng Ge, the senior brother, smiled. He was really a childish child.

At this time, Qin Lang and Feng Ge also paid attention to the treasures of the Dragon King's Nest and made choices. Although the soul of the water-attributed giant dragon did not seem to be the strongest in the Dragon God's Domain, and there were not many treasures in the collection, but The treasures in front of me are basically high-quality goods, and there are one or two hundred pieces to choose from, so we really need to choose carefully.

Qin Lang casually looked at it, and suddenly found a very dry fiery red fruit inside the different fruit. Although the aura of the different fruit had been severely lost after a long time, the value of the fruit was greatly reduced, but this fruit still moved his heart.

"I thought that there would be no good things in this pile of strange fruits, but I didn't expect to miss it."

Qin Lang sighed in his heart.

Because, among this pile of fruits, there is a very extraordinary fruit!
"Fire Fruit!"

This strange fruit is not a simple fruit, it was born in the source of pure fire attribute, it blooms once every 3000 years, and once every 3000 years it forms a barrier, and only bears one fruit at a time, it also takes 3000 years for this fruit to mature.

The inside of the mature fire source fruit is full of pure and incomparable fire-attribute aura, and it is the essence of the essence of the fire-attribute aura. This kind of fruit with pure fire-attribute aura can be used for alchemy or for direct consumption. Whether food is good, it is very helpful to fire attribute monks, and it can even directly improve monks to several realms.

However, it is not these that attract Qin Lang the most, but the fire source fruit can upgrade the original fire in Qin Lang's body again.

(End of this chapter)

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