The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1866 Fire Origin Fruit

Chapter 1866 Fire Origin Fruit

Speaking of the original fire, it is naturally the fire of Kanli in Qin Lang's body. The fire of Kanli ranks in the top [-] in the three lists of different fire heaven, earth and people. It is naturally the most rare fire in the world.

Even if the Dzogchen monks in the late stage of transformation see this kind of flame, they will regard it as a very precious treasure.

The fire of Kanli was actually upgraded once after Qin Lang offered sacrifices to refine the source fire. When he was in the secret realm of Kunlun Mountains, he absorbed a large amount of foreign Kanli flames during the process of crossing the catastrophe, so he upgraded and grew stronger.

The power of the upgraded flame is naturally much greater. This original flame is said to be able to melt all things. There is basically nothing in the cultivation world that can stop its flame calcination. , provided Qin Lang with convenience.

It can be said that the value of this natal fire is not lower than that of a magic house, and it is also an important trump card for Qin Lang for a period of time.

And, without it, although Qin Lang's alchemy success rate will not decline, the quality of alchemy will definitely decline.

After all, there is the fire of Kanli, Qin Lang saved too much effort and real energy, and can use more thoughts to carry out micro-operations to improve the quality of Chengdan.

Although the fire source fruit in front of him has lost a lot of fire attribute aura, Qin Lang is still ready to take it down. After all, no one has seen the fire source fruit that was born in the original place of fire attribute for thousands of years. Now that it can If you encounter it, and it is what you need, you will naturally take it down. If you don't take it down, Qin Lang will definitely regret it in the future.

When taking the fruit, Qin Lang seemed very careful. Although the fruit has a restriction to seal the spiritual power, it is actually very fragile after such a long time of restriction, so Qin Lang played a few tricks, and after re-strengthening the restriction, he slowed down. Take it off slowly and put it into the storage ring.

It may be that the aura of the spirit fruit has been greatly lost after a long period of time, so the aura fluctuations caused by the treasure extraction are also very small, and this time it did not disturb the sleeping Dragon God.

After that, Feng Ge took two pieces of metal ore, both of which were raw ore for refining the top-quality flying sword. It seemed that Feng Ge was also yearning for a top-quality flying sword in his heart.

And Qin Lang then took a piece of Yanxin ore. This ore is a good material for repairing the nine-story Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda of the Magic Treasure House. He plans to use the materials in this ore to repair the Magic Treasure House if it is damaged in the future.

Of course, this piece of Yanxin Mine only weighs ten catties, and the effective repair materials that can be extracted from it may be less than one hundred grams. It can only be used to repair some minor damages in the Magic Treasure House. Some materials are definitely not enough.

However, Qin Lang is already very satisfied if he can find a good material for repairing the magic treasure house. After all, the repair materials for this top-quality magic treasure house are very difficult to find. If the magic treasure house is damaged, Qin Lang may not be able to find it for a period of time. Now It is also a surprise to be able to get a small piece of repaired raw ore.

But to my surprise, the little junior sister Xiuxiu still chose a strange fruit, the dragon fruit, which is used to improve her cultivation.

This kind of fruit is the fruit of the companion dragon in the dragon's nest, and it is also the only fruit in the dragon's nest that has not lost much spiritual power after thousands of years, because it itself did not grow in the dragon's nest.

"Dragon fruit... not a bad fruit, when you leave the dragon's nest, Brother Qin Lang will refine a furnace of sword dragon pill for you!"

Qin Lang said with a smile at this time, he is a master of alchemy, if he refines the elixir from this other world, he can naturally exert the maximum effect of the strange fruit.

And he has all the auxiliary materials of Stegosaurus Pill, so he said so.

He found this little junior sister very pleasing to the eye, and he didn't mind helping out.

"Ah...then thank you Brother Qin Lang."

I got acquainted with Qin Lang, and this cheerful little junior sister didn't seem to be surprised, and directly thanked her sweetly.

The little junior sister is very happy, because with Qin Lang's promise, she knows that after going out, Qin Lang will definitely refine a batch of sword dragon pills for her!

That is Stegosaurus Pill, very few people can refine it.

After that, the three of them exited the dragon's nest smoothly, but after exiting the dragon's nest, the three of them suddenly sensed a different aura... Demonic energy, it was the three elders of the Heavenly Demon Palace, who were coming quickly in this direction.

Qin Lang's three complexions suddenly changed. Unexpectedly, the Elder of the Heavenly Demon Palace brought someone into the Dragon God Realm, and this guy obviously has some special sensing means. It is obvious that Qin Lang and the others have been discovered.

The battle seems to be imminent. Are the three of Qin Lang ready?

Although he has completely recovered his strength, Qin Lang knows that he is no match for Elder Xing at all, but with the magic house in hand, he can't beat him, but he can still escape, so he said to Feng Ge and Junior Sister Xiuxiu: "Let's go, the current situation is not suitable for fighting, wait for the little junior sister to break through the cultivation first."

"Okay!" Feng Ge and Junior Sister Xiuxiu nodded. Elder Xing and the two subordinates on the opposite side were all above the stage of transformation, but here only Qin Lang was at the stage of transformation, so he was obviously at a disadvantage, so it was normal to run away now.

Underneath, the three of them directly changed into Qin Lang's magic weapon house, and began to shuttle between the beehives. The beehives in the Dragon God Realm are connected to the beehives. It seems endless, but it is actually a big maze structure. If If you can't find the right path, you may be trapped in it for the rest of your life.

Of course, if there is a correct path to guide, it is not difficult to get out of the Dragon God Realm. At most, it will take two or three days to get out of this God Realm.

With the assistance of Feng Ge and Xiu Xiu, Qin Lang quickly got rid of the pursuers. It seemed that the three pursuers, Elder Xing, were not in a hurry, otherwise it would not be easy to get rid of them.

Although it felt a little strange, the three of Qin Lang didn't think too much about it. They spent more than a day in the hive, and it was actually very close to the battlefield outside the territory.

Qin Lang found a relatively hidden beehive and set up a series of formation restrictions, and then directly began to sacrifice several kinds of elixirs, including the sword dragon pill that Xiuxiu needed.

Half an hour later, he refined the pills, among which three Stegosaurus Pills were refined. This kind of pill is the size of a thumb, flat like a small sword, and has a bit of a dragon shape. It is called Stegosaurus Pill Really close.

However, the shape of the elixir is actually made by Qin Lang's bad taste. In fact, whether the shape of the elixir is flat or round is completely determined by the alchemist's mind. I have a deep memory of the Golden Snake Sword, so I created such a weird pill shape afterwards.

However, although the shape of the elixir is weird, it is indeed a top-quality elixir, and its potency is absolutely not compromised. One piece of this elixir can directly promote a monk in the quasi-transformation stage to the stage of transformation, especially for sword cultivators. better.

After Xiuxiu breaks through to the God Transformation, taking these three elixirs, not to mention promoting her to the middle stage of Spirit Transformation, at least it shouldn't be a big problem to reach the peak of the early stage of Spirit Transformation.

Therefore, the treasures produced by the Dragon King's Nest are not ordinary products, and with the refinement of Qin Lang, the alchemy master, it is normal for this kind of elixir to go against the sky.

Qin Lang planned to let Xiuxiu take all three pills. Although he produced an auxiliary material for alchemy during the refining process, he didn't intend to take advantage of this little girl. Anyway, it is very difficult for him to improve his cultivation. Easy, he is a master of alchemy, and he will never be short of pills. In the future, as long as he finds good materials, he can make good pills. What he values ​​is the comprehension of each level of realm.

After refining the elixir, Qin Lang and Feng Ge directly protected the junior sister Xiuxiu, so that the junior sister with the body of the wisdom sword could directly break through in the Dragon King's nest.

Because it is the body of the sword of wisdom, there is no obstruction of the realm when the junior sister suddenly breaks through, but the catastrophe when breaking through the big realm also exists.

After using the Xing Yun ice crystal, the little girl from the Red Sword Gate emitted a faint blue light all over her body, just like a little fairy descending to the earth.

After Xiuxiu used the treasure at this time, he quickly sat up cross-legged and began to accumulate and sprint his true energy before breaking through.

The sword cultivator's true energy is stronger than that of ordinary monks, but with the protection of the star-cloud ice crystals, the meridians will not be damaged. Therefore, after the little junior sister's cultivation has been steadily improved, her face is still pure and smiling. There was no pain.

Since the body of the Huijian does not have a catastrophe of inner demons, the main catastrophes for my junior sister to transform into gods are thunder and various external catastrophes, but the Dragon God Realm is a bit special, which is formed by the combination of multiple ancient dragon souls Domain, so the little junior sister survived the tribulation in it, and the power of the external tribulation was also reduced by more than half, and most of it was estimated to be borne by the domain.

Qin Lang sighed when he saw the first round of thunder tribulation, it seemed to be worse than his own tribulation in Yuanying period, it seems that this time the little junior sister will not have too many troubles in advancing to the rank, but I don't know how to cross the stage. After the catastrophe, there is not much external calamity to polish yourself. After the little junior sister succeeds in crossing the catastrophe, can she only reach the quasi-spiritual transformation stage... or directly promote to the spiritual transformation stage?

If it can be directly promoted to the stage of transforming gods, then the body of this wisdom sword is really against the sky, and even Qin Lang will be envious. The suffering is much greater than that of ordinary monks.

Of course, the suffering is great, and the rewards of successfully crossing the catastrophe are correspondingly much higher. Whether it is the realization of the realm during the period of crossing the catastrophe, or the training of oneself is a kind of precious wealth.

Qin Lang's second crossing of the catastrophe, despite the protection of the monks of the Heavenly Sword Sect, blocked most of the catastrophe. In fact, the external catastrophe he suffered was not much smaller than that of ordinary monks, so when he became a quasi-transformation monk, In fact, the background and potential are greater than the average cultivator in the transformation stage.


Elder Xing, who was in the mid-stage of transformation into a god, brought two subordinates to shuttle in the Dragon God's domain. He entered the domain by accident. He entered after chasing Rong Qiu, the master of the Red Sword Sect. He didn't expect the female sword whose cultivation base was one level lower than his own. Xiudu was about to lose his primordial spirit, and he was able to escape his pursuit.

However, Elder Xing didn't care about the escape of Rong Qiu, the master of the Red Sword Sect. After being severely injured, this female sword cultivator can't even count as half of her life.

After all, both he and the other party went to the Dragon God Realm in their own bodies, and neither of them used the second soul avatar. Although the second soul avatar is the monk's second life, its combat power is far inferior to the main body, so for special missions, This time, whether it was Elder Xing and the few cultivators at the early stage of transforming gods brought by his subordinates, or the head of the Red Sword Sect, they all went directly to the Sea God's forbidden area.

(End of this chapter)

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