The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1869 Finding the Lord

Chapter 1869 Finding the Lord
"Senior Monkey King, we lead the way. There are three human monks who broke in. Although we killed one, there are still two who fled in that direction..."

Several guardians of the Sea Clan's Holy Land were worried about this, but since these human monks dared to enter the Sea Clan's Holy Land of the Dragon God Realm, they were naturally capable, otherwise they would not have come here.

Afterwards, this team of guardians of the Holy Land of the Sea Clan took Housheng, a disguised mid-stage master of the Heavenly Snake Sea Clan, to chase down the human monks. Unfortunately, the news of these Sea Clans staying in the Holy Land was relatively unknown, and they hadn't heard about it for months or even years. I haven't been able to contact the outside world once, so I don't know that the sea area near the Dragon God Realm has been very unstable recently. Hou Sheng broke into the Dragon God Realm at this time, and his identity is actually very suspicious.

However, the Dao-changing technique is really amazing. Now the changed identity of Housheng has exactly the same aura as that of a Heavenly Snake clansman, even the Guardian of the Holy Land of the Heavenly Snake clan who is of the same clan can't tell the difference.

In this case, he can naturally follow these holy land guardians out of God's Domain swaggeringly, and it will be much easier to find the master. After all, these holy land guardians are local snakes in God's Domain.

A group of people quickly shuttled in the domain of the gods. After chasing for a long time, Hou Sheng finally saw that the human monks mentioned by the guardians of the holy land of the sea clan were actually the two remaining demon cultivators of the Heavenly Demon Palace... Elder Xing and his subordinate Qingluan .

After discovering that the two human monks had nothing to do with Qin Lang, Hou Sheng was also slightly disappointed.

At this time, after the guardians of the holy land of the sea clan caught up, they screamed with excitement, and cast all kinds of magic and supernatural powers together.

The Celestial Snakes are good at highly poisonous spells. I heard that a drop of venom from the Celestial Serpents can poison a city of mortals, which is very powerful.

However, the effect of severe poison on cultivators is greatly reduced. After all, cultivators have magic defense shields to protect themselves. In this way, it is difficult for the poison to invade the body. Moreover, cultivators also have many miraculous skills and secret methods, and detoxification methods emerge in endlessly.

However, Elder Xing and Qingluan on the opposite side did not dare to take the spell attack and poisonous attack from the Sea Clan lightly. After all, the opponents on the opposite side were all opponents above the stage of transforming gods, and all of them were not weak. , now the two demon cultivators dare not take over easily.

So, without even thinking about it, Elder Xing and Qingluan turned around and fled, and then fled again.

Seeing Elder Xing and Qingluan speeding up their escape, the group of Hai Clan seemed a little angry and helpless. Relying on their familiarity with the terrain, the two sides had chased and fled several times, but Elder Xing and Qingluan were too alert and escaped. He was fast and fast, easily getting rid of them every time.

"I'll come after..."

Monkey Sheng felt that this was an opportunity, so he decided to break away from the sea clan first, and then ask a human monk about the situation. It would be the best thing if he could get some news about the master from those two demonic cultivators. up.

So Hou Sheng accelerated directly and quickly pursued in that direction.

"Come on, come on! Senior Monkey Lord..."

Behind him, the ten guardians of the Holy Land of the Sea Clan really thought that Housheng was a strong support sent by the Heavenly Snake Clan, and they all expected this senior to show his might and take down the two cunning Demon Cultivators.

Hou Sheng pursued, two demon cultivators fled, and the three were all very fast, and the guardians of the sea clan's holy land were quickly thrown away.

Elder Xing and Qingluan, the two demon cultivators, also frowned when they found a new powerful Sea Clan chasing after them, mainly because the aura leaked by Hou Sheng was too strong, so even Elder Xing didn't stop at this time , meaning to single out with this opponent.

This kind of quick escape in the hive consumes a lot of real energy, and even the masters of the transformation stage can't stand it, not to mention that the two demon cultivators haven't rested in the past two days, so Qingluan, who is weaker, can't bear it at first Yes, the escape speed slowed down.

"Hall Master, I'm dying, help me..."

Qingluan, the female demon cultivator, was breathing a little bit. What she meant was that she wanted Elder Xing to take out the magic weapon house, the Tianmo Shuttle, whether it was to face the battle, or use this top-quality treasure to escape, it should be able to get out of trouble temporarily .

Elder Xing had been chased for such a long time, but it wasn’t very pleasant. At this time, thinking about the fact that there was only one Hai Clan chasing after him, he also wanted to fight with him. But when he fought Hou Sheng next, he found that Hou Sheng, the sea clan, The strength of the sea clan is unfathomable. In terms of melee combat ability alone, I am afraid that none of the monks in the mid-stage of transformation of gods is an opponent of this sea clan.

Elder Xing and Qingluan failed to take down each other, but as time dragged on, the Lord of the Battle Hall of the Heavenly Demon Palace had a bad feeling in his heart, fearing that the guardians of the holy land behind him would catch up again, and in that case, it would take a lot of effort. Make great efforts to escape.

"let's go……"

Elder Xing didn't intend to get entangled, and directly summoned the magic wheel of the magic house, and entered the magic shuttle with a swish, and Qingluan also followed. , a long golden rope entangled Qingwan.

The sixth floor of the Dao of Change... Do whatever you want!
On the sixth level of the Dao of Transformation, you can change any part of your body as you like. The hair of Housheng has been transformed into a special magic weapon of restraint. Qi Moxiu was held back.

But Qingluan was actually exhausted at this time, so he couldn't break free, and was pulled over by Housheng.

After Elder Xing entered the house of magic treasures, he turned to attack Housheng directly, but after seeing his subordinate fainted by the slap of Housheng, he felt that this subordinate was of little value, and he was too lazy to continue to entangle with Housheng. Grabbing, so it turned into a black light and disappeared.

Moxiu is notorious for his selfishness. If Elder Xing tried his best, he might not be able to snatch his subordinates back, but now he is being hunted down by a large group of high-ranking sea people, it is worth measuring. The guardians of the Holy Land of the Sea Clan caught up again and had to flee.

In fact, Qingluan and the subordinates who died before are the same in his heart, they are of no value, when it is time to give up, they give up like throwing away a burden.

And after Hou Sheng knocked out a magic cultivator, he also sensed the guardians of the holy land behind him, and he also didn't want to entangle with these sea people, so he directly mentioned them and disappeared.

In the end, the guardians of the holy land of the sea clan who caught up only saw a faint figure of Hou Sheng, as if he had a guy on hand.

This made them feel very strange, and they didn't understand why Senior Housheng went after the remaining demon cultivator with a burden, instead of handing over the demon cultivator subdued by his subordinates to them.

But at this time, Housheng had disappeared, and they couldn't ask any more questions.

When Qing Luan was awakened by the patting, his entire face was already swollen into a pig's head. As a monster ape king, Hou Sheng didn't know how to pity and cherish jade, so his attack was naturally a little heavier.

"This...isn't the Sea Clan?"

At this time, Qing Wan saw that Hou Sheng's face flashed and turned into an ape's head, and he couldn't help being shocked.

"Oh, time's up, mistake... mistake."

Hou Sheng flickered, and turned his head back again, but this time he didn't turn into a sea clan, but changed into what he looked like when he was transformed into a human. "I'm really not from the Sea Clan, so I want to ask you a few questions." Hou Sheng said at this time.

"Okay, fellow daoist, ask!"

It is obvious that Hou Sheng has mastered a powerful technique, no matter whether it is a monster or a human being, Qingluan can't deal with it, let alone, now that he is in the opponent's hands and can't move, he can't move. It has become meat on the chopping board.

"Well, have you seen this human monk?"

At this time, Housheng sent out a divine thought and entered Qingluan's sea of ​​consciousness, and a phantom appeared directly in Qingluan's sea of ​​consciousness, which looked like Qin Lang.

"See... I have seen... I have fought against each other before."

Qingluan was surprised when he saw it, but then he realized that the guy in front of him who was neither human nor demon had any relationship with that boy Qin Lang. up.

However, Housheng was so shrewd after changing his human form, he sensed Qingluan's emotional changes very keenly, and said with a sneer, "Don't play tricks with your Master Hou, where are the human monks now..."

Although Hou Sheng could sense the breath of Qin Lang's imprint, if someone provides convenience now, it will be much easier to find someone in the future.

"That monk... probably went to the outer battlefield with the Red Sword Sect. They have the sea chart leading to the outer battlefield in their hands."

Qingluan had no choice but to answer at this time, and at the same time felt as regretful as Elder Xing, why he didn't snatch the chart from Hongjianmen's hand at the beginning, and now he seems to have lost his way after arriving at the Dragon God's Domain, and can't get out.

"Oh, well, you can sleep in peace!"

After getting the same information he wanted, Hou Sheng directly slapped the female demon cultivator unconscious. He actually felt that these demon cultivators might not be the same as the master, but he really didn't have time to confirm this right now, so he just slapped the female demon cultivator unconscious and left it in the original place. Regardless of the ground, let it fend for itself.

If you're unlucky, Qingluan might be caught by the group of holy land guardians before he wakes up, and that's something that can't be helped.

And the next thing Monkey King Monkey Sheng has to to continue to use his spiritual sense to find the way to the battlefield outside the domain based on the weak connection between himself and his master, and according to the faint imprint breath, which is also the only way he escaped from the battlefield. Dragon God Realm's solution.

After all, it is impossible for him to mix with the guardians of the Holy Land of the Sea Clan anymore. Without a guide, the breath of the imprint left by the master is the guiding light.

Relying on the imprint and breath left by the master along the way, it gradually finds the path the master has walked. Although it is a bit slow, the general direction is correct. It believes that it will eventually leave this troublesome maze by looking slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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