Chapter 1868
Qin Lang knows so much about the legendary human immortals, not to mention that he is also very clear that he is still far away from the late stage of transforming gods, so naturally he will not think about the realm of human immortals .

What he cares about is the treasures on the battlefield outside the territory that can give the monks who transform the gods a chance to become immortals.

Although he may not be able to get it by himself, he has long decided to try and go to the battlefield outside the territory, so for a long time in the future, he will definitely stay in the battlefield outside the territory, looking for opportunities for his cultivation.

Just when Qin Lang, Xiu Xiu and others were planning to go to the battlefield outside the territory, there were movements related to Qin Lang in other places.

East Sea Region, Shahe Town.

In a hidden mountain forest, there was a terrifying roar, followed by the sound of huge rocks exploding, and a cliff in the middle of the forest exploded.

"Hahaha...hahaha...I finally got out of the test..."

A three-foot-tall giant ape jumped out from the blasted mountain, emitting golden light all over. It turned out to be a ninth-level monster.

"Because the breakthrough was imminent at that time, I, Housheng, have been retreating here after parting with the master. Now that several months have passed, I don't know where the master is..."

The three-foot-tall giant ape senses the location of its master through its imprinted breath, but those imprinted connections are intermittent, as if the master is not in this world.

"It's really strange, where is the master?"

After muttering to himself for a while, the giant ape suddenly shouted: "Little! Little! Little..."

In an instant, the giant ape's figure began to shrink and then shrink, from more than three feet tall, to the height of a normal human.

Then, another circle of brilliant light exploded, and when I looked at it again, the giant ape had turned into a very handsome and normal human being. The giant ape squeezed and touched itself, and found that it had everything that a human should have, and there was nothing in a human. I didn't even have it myself, and I was also elated.

"Hahaha, the transformation was successful, my monkey's transformation was successful..."

Hou Sheng was very excited and proud of being able to transform into a human form without any abnormality.

The success of the transformation represents that its cultivation has reached a new level.

No wonder he is so happy. As a monster that broke out from the Qingshan Canyon, I am afraid that none of the whole Qingshan Canyon, including the group of demon bears, has succeeded in transforming, not even the Demon Bear King, although the Demon Bear King The strength may still be stronger than yourself now, but you can't change your body either.

"I, Housheng, was able to transform into a successful form, thanks to the Dao of Transformation technique provided by the master. God knows how this technique fits me so well. It's almost as tailor-made."

Hou Sheng didn't forget whose help it was that brought about the astonishing changes it has now.

Touching his scalp, Hou Sheng was also a little puzzled. Generally speaking, even if a monster broke through to the ninth level, it would not be able to transform, but because Hou Sheng had practiced the Dao-changing technique, he was able to transform in advance.

This is of course a great joy, to be able to transform into a human body, communicate normally like a human being, and even mix into human society. I am afraid that there is no ninth-level monster in today's society that can do it.

Needless to say, this Housheng is naturally the powerful demon pet that Qin Lang once received.

"Now, I have to enter human society to find my master..."

Hou Sheng looked into the distance. With the faint breath of the imprint, he seemed to sense the traces of his master's past. He was going to enter human society and then searched carefully. He should be able to find his master.


Afterwards, a cloud of black mist appeared under him, and Hou Sheng drove a cloud of monster wind and flew towards the direction of the human city. The clan is no exception. In addition to the previous Vajra Hercules, now they have the ability to ride the clouds and ride the fog.

And Qin Lang's Changing Dao Kung Fu is really suitable for this monster ape king. After Housheng practiced for a few months, when he broke through his own level, he directly cultivated the sixth level to the stage of Dacheng, which is better than Qin Lang's. Now the progress is even faster.

The reason why this skill can be practiced so quickly is that there is a certain reason for Housheng's extraordinary talent. Another possibility is that it should not be a human being who created the Tao of Transformation skill, but a great monster in ancient times.

Only the kung fu created by the big monster of the Yaozu is so suitable for the Yaozu. It is very normal that the progress of the human race's cultivation is not as good as that of the Yaozu.

From this, it can be seen that the great monster in ancient times who created this exercise was really not simple. He was able to make a top-level exercise not only suitable for monster races, but also for human races. Not far off.


Since he was looking for the aura left behind by Qin Lang, Hou Sheng was not blind when looking for someone, and soon found the Heavenly Knife Gate, and found out that Qin Lang went to the Sea God's Forbidden Land in the deep sea of ​​the East Sea .

Afterwards, Hou Sheng went to the Sea God's Forbidden Land without any hesitation, wanting to join his master. In the Sea God's Forbidden Land, he met a large number of Naga and Sky Snake clansmen. There was hatred between the clans, and a war broke out between them.

However, Hou Sheng's strength is indeed remarkable. After directly beheading more than 500 sea clansmen, he escaped calmly, avoiding the pursuit of a late-stage and mid-stage Huashen masters dispatched by the two.

This strength is definitely leveraged. The monster apes are indeed a natural fighting race, not to mention the ninth-level monster ape king who has mastered the transformation method.

Housheng is now advanced to the ninth level of monsters, coupled with the sixth level of Dao of Transformation, the current individual combat power is properly at the peak of the middle stage of the transformation of the gods, the body training skills plus his own talent, and even the physical strength can be compared with the late stage of the transformation of the gods. Dzogchen monks are comparable.

Of course, his physical strength is relatively heaven-defying. Although he is strong in other aspects, he is only a little stronger than ordinary ninth-level monsters, and his spellcasting ability is not as good as that of ordinary mid-stage cultivators.

Of course, the ability to cast spells is not important to Housheng, who focuses on physical training as a fighting style. Its fighting style is to open and close with opponents, and casting spells is indeed its weakness.

After being chased by the masters of the sea clan several times, Housheng also became smarter, and finally changed into the appearance of the sea clan, avoiding the pursuit of these flies.

In fact, it is also the reason why its sixth sense sensed the crisis. After all, this open and close fighting style is too eye-catching. Several sea races such as Naga and Sky Snake are now masters after being frustrated in pursuit. Let's work together to encircle and suppress this monster ape, and if it continues, the situation will not be good.

Afterwards, Housheng entered the Dragon God Realm. It has to be said that the imprint induction between it and Qin Lang is really mysterious, which is also the relationship that allows it to follow the imprint to find its master.

After all, Qin Lang signed a blood contract with it at the beginning, and the imprint of this blood contract is engraved in the soul, so Hou Sheng's soul is very sensitive to the breath.

"Outside the battlefield..."

Monkey Sheng has learned a lot after taking shape. Others are a monster ape king who has lived for more than 7000 years. He still knew some things, that is, his master probably entered the extraterritorial battlefield through the traces of the Sea God.

It also has some understanding of the extraterritorial battlefield. It is the main place where the ancient gods and demons war took place. It is the place where everyone in the starry sky fights. must-haves.

After entering the Dragon God Realm, the powerful monkey got lost because there was no route guide, but because of the imprint connection with Qin Lang, it was still able to slowly explore the way to the battlefield outside the domain.

In the Dragon God Realm, Housheng encountered a team of guardians of the Holy Land of the Sea Clan. There are ten people in this team of Holy Land Guardians, and each of them has the strength of the early stage of transformation. It is strange to see Housheng, a foreign Sea Clan. , so he stepped forward cautiously and asked: "Front, ex, senior, you...from the Heavenly Snake Clan? Why haven't I seen you..."

It turned out that Housheng had changed into a member of the Heavenly Snake clan who had fought with him before, but the aura leaked by Housheng was the peak of the mid-stage transformation of the gods, which caused the team of holy land guardians to wonder, the Heavenly Snake When did the clan produce such a mid-stage master of transformation.

You must know that although each branch of the Donghai Clan has a large population, more than ten times the number of human beings, and there are many masters above the stage of transformation of gods, each branch can be hundreds or thousands, but those above the middle stage of transformation of gods are not. Not a lot, you can count on five fingers.

Therefore, among the various branches of the Sea Clan, basically every master above the middle stage of transformation is well-known, and even other branches of the Sea Clan can be heard of occasionally.

What's more, there is a member of the Celestial Snake clan in the team of holy land guardians in front of him. Of course, as a clansman, it is very clear about the masters in the clan, and it can't figure out the situation now. The famous super master came out.

You know, Housheng, who is at the peak of the middle stage of the transformation of the gods, is much taller than the tender bird of the early stage of the transformation of the gods. He is actually a senior of the Heavenly snake clan that has never been heard of before, so he probably jumped out of the stone Bar.

And Housheng was stunned when he encountered this holy land guardian. He was too absorbed in sensing the imprint of the master before, so he didn't notice the approach of this holy land guardian. Now that the two sides met, it directly hit Haha: "Boys... Old Ape, or not, your Grandpa Snake, I have been in seclusion for many years and have not appeared for many years, so it is normal that you juniors have never heard of me."

The ape creature looks very clumsy after the transformation, but after the transformation, it is born with intelligence, so the monkey's brain turns extremely fast.


The guardians of the Holy Land with question marks all over their heads looked at each other, and then the junior of the Heavenly Snake Tribe said cautiously: "Senior, what is your honorable name, and what is the purpose of entering the Holy Land now?"

It seems that this team of holy land guardians believed that Hou Sheng was a senior of the Heavenly Snake Clan who had been in seclusion for many years. However, this senior appeared in the Dragon God Realm, which is also the Sanctuary of the Sea Clan. According to the usual practice, they had to ask.

After all, since the holy land has holy land guardians, it is their responsibility to protect the holy land. There are sleeping dragon souls in this holy land, and there are several treasure places, which are all sacred objects that cannot be violated.

Hou Sheng rolled his eyes and said with a grin: "You can just call me Monkey Lord. Of course I came here to chase down a few human masters. I heard that some human masters trespassed in the Holy Land, so I was summoned out of the gate... ..."

"Great, we were worried that we couldn't deal with the previous human monks, and now we have a senior master like Monkey King assisting us, it's over!"

A guardian of the holy land was overjoyed. They encountered some minor setbacks before, and they actually let several human monks escape, and they were unhappy.

"Oh, where?"

Hou Sheng hurriedly asked, he felt that the human monks encountered by this team of holy land guardians probably had their own masters in them.

(End of this chapter)

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