Chapter 1873
In the other direction of the extraterritorial battlefield, a group of monks are competing for a newly discovered treasure in the starry sky. These monks are members of three or four small sects in the Eastern Sea Region, and what they are fighting for is a treasure in the form of a flying shuttle.

The aura of the treasure fluctuates so strongly that it can be sensed from far away.

Although the treasure in the shape of a flying shuttle cannot be seen to be a treasure of what level, it must not be a simple treasure if it can appear in this ancient battlefield outside the domain.

Moreover, during the scramble just now, analyzing the golden light and overflowing aura that occasionally flowed from the shuttle, it is at least a treasure of the highest level of magic weapon. This alone is enough for the monks in front of them to fight to the death. The blood rolled.

After all, top-grade treasures are not so easy to come across. Although the monks in front of us come from several small sects in the Eastern Sea Region, there may not be many treasures of this level among the sects.

Fighting is unavoidable, but the number of members of these three four small sects is relatively average, each sect has only two or three people, and their cultivation bases are only in the late stage of Nascent Soul.

And when these three or four sects were fighting, a Sanskrit sound came from afar, and the Sanskrit sound had a hint of magic. Even the ten or so monks who were fighting for the treasure were all unstable, and their tempers became more and more manic.

If you listen carefully, you can tell that the mantra is repeating a name repeatedly, "Wu Kun... Wu Kun... Wu Kun..."

After a while, a bald man in cassock appeared here.

This bald man in cassock seems to be a member of the Buddhist sect, but there is no Buddhist sect in Qinghe mainland. However, the reputation is not obvious, and it can only be regarded as a small faction of the Qinghe Continent, and is not concerned by other forces.

And this sect of Buddhism is also very strange in recruiting successors. It doesn't pay attention to spiritual root aptitude, but pays special attention to chance and understanding. Therefore, there is no conflict with the recruiting of various sects in the East China Sea, let alone overlap, just like a hermit sect.

"I and Blood Buddha Wukun, the current head of the Evil Buddha Sect..."

After arriving here, the bald-headed man sang a fat yao to all the monks present, and then a ferocious smile appeared on his face full of flesh: "This treasure is destined for my Buddha. Please retreat, fellow Taoists, or you will bear the consequences."

While speaking, the blood Buddha Wu Kun burst out his own aura. He was actually a senior master of the transformation stage, and indeed shocked the dozen or so Nascent Soul Late Dzogchen monks who were fighting.

However, the monks who can enter the battlefield outside the territory are all elites of their respective sects. These dozen or so monks looked at each other, unwilling to let the treasure be suppressed by the oriole coming from behind, so they all joined forces. Meaning, I am going to kill or drive away this nondescript Buddhist cultivator first, and then decide on the ownership of the treasure.

And the blood Buddha Wu Kun also frowned when he saw that the monks in front of him did not buy his account: "I really don't know how to praise, then... I will go to hell for the Buddha!"

With a loud shout, the guy's eyes glowed red, and more than a dozen blood-colored arhat phantoms shot out of his eyes, directly sticking to the bodies of the monks in front of him.

Before leveling these blood-colored arhats, the monks who were approached by the phantom arhat felt cold all over their bodies, and their movements became very sluggish, losing their previous flexibility.

"This arhat phantom is weird..."

At this time, these monks were all shocked, and they didn't know what kind of exercises this evil Buddha Zongzong actively used, and it was so evil.

At this time, several cultivators felt their brains were groggy, knowing that the situation was not good, they immediately bit the tip of their tongues, their spiritual consciousness spread throughout their bodies, trying to forcibly expel the possessed bloody arhat.

However, Wu Kun, the suzerain of the Evil Buddha Sect in this stage of transforming gods, is not so easy to drive away. Half of the monks have tried their best, but they have not been able to drive out the phantom of the Arhat from their bodies. The closer they are, the more they seem to be about to fall asleep the next moment.

And there are still a few who are more energetic, at this time activated the life-saving secret technique, and then with all their strength, they barely drained the blood-colored arhat phantom who had not penetrated deeply.

After being expelled from the body, these monks all backed away one after another, watching the evil Buddha Wu Kun laughing as if they were facing a formidable enemy, approaching a few monks who had been fighting for the treasure but were now controlled by the phantom of the scarlet arhat.

The bald evil Buddha swung the saber directly, and several heads were cut off immediately, and at the same time that the evil Buddha Wu Kun cut off the heads of several arcane monks, a row of light circles appeared behind him, and the light circles shook at the same time. The primordial spirit of the dead monk was brushed into the aperture.

"Amitabha... I wish you all a speedy rebirth in the Pure Land."

After killing four or five monks of the Dzogchen sect in the late Yuanying period in one fell swoop, the evil Buddha Wu Kun actually clasped his hands together and recited the mantra of passing away.

It's a pity that the spirits of these monks were wiped away by his aperture. It is obvious that they cannot be reborn after death, and it is unknown what the final result of these spirits will be.

"This bald head is too evil, everyone pay more attention, now let's stand shoulder to shoulder..."

A sober monk yelled, now the evil Buddha Wu Kun directly killed several sect monks with evil methods, which also aroused the hatred of other monks. Originally, there was a gap in order to fight for the treasure, but now I feel that this monk is too evil. I know that if I don't work hard, I'm afraid everyone will play a fool.

At this time, the remaining six or seven monks each cast their killer moves, forcing them towards the evil Buddha Wukun. The six or seven monks of the late Nascent Soul and Dzogchen battle against a resource transformation god stage. In fact, it is difficult for both sides to see victory within a hundred moves. minus.

And these six or seven late Nascent Soul Dzogchen monks are all elites among the elites of their respective sects, and they have actually mastered quite a few killer moves and methods, and they are not easy to mess with. If they are placed in the East Sea, they can definitely be singled out The existence of more than two monks of the same rank.

However, Wu Kun, the lord of the Evil Buddha Sect of the evil sect, did not confront them head-on. At this time, he took a few steps back, and then performed his magical powers again, and a blood-red phantom of the Evil Buddha appeared from above his head.

As the blood-colored evil Buddha phantom appeared, the halo behind him also became brighter and brighter, and then the phantom began to grow bigger and bigger, and the halo behind him immediately turned blood-colored.

And when the circle of light behind it turned blood-colored, a new circle of light circles was formed, slowly turning into the color of blood-light again, and after the second layer was formed, it was the third circle... one circle within another.

This is the supernatural power of the phantom of the evil Buddha, and it looks more terrifying than the phantom of the Arhat after that...

I don't know what kind of big Buddha it is, the terrifying aura is getting more and more solid, and all the monks can already sense it clearly. If Wu Kun, the blood Buddha, fully displays the phantom of this evil Buddha, I'm afraid there will be a lot of people present. Everyone will be killed in seconds.

Because, even if the phantom of the evil Buddha is not fully displayed, the aura that erupts has surpassed the body of the blood Buddha Wu Kun.

"Come on! We can't let him gain momentum anymore..."

A monk yelled, and simultaneously used three different killing moves to attack the blood Buddha Wu Kun.

And behind him, five or six monks also had the same thoughts, and they all erupted in their strongest state. When these ultimate moves erupted together, I am afraid that even the monks in the transformation stage would have to avoid the sharp edge, but at this time, the evil Buddha Wu Kun's eyeballs There was a coldness: "You want to stop it now? It's too late... My Buddha has come, and all living beings worship... Possession!"

With a loud shout, Evil Buddha Wu Kun's body became bigger and bigger like inflated air, and at the same time, the blood light halo enveloped the whole person so that he couldn't see his figure.

The Evil Buddha Wukun has now turned into an indomitable Evil Buddha. With a sweeping hand, it's as if several monks are pinched in the palm of his hand. Then, when he twists it, he hears a series of screams, and these monks are crushed to death.

And then, all the spirits and spirits released by the monk were sucked by the evil Buddha with his mouth open, and all of them were sucked into the Buddha's belly. Shining in all corners... Jie Jie Jie..."

He easily killed all the monks, and Wu Kun, who was possessed by the evil Buddha, also successfully obtained the golden flying shuttle treasure. It has reached the level of Dzogchen in the late stage of transformation of the gods, and it is really like a side dish to kill a few monks who were Dzogchen in the late stage of Nascent Soul.

After getting the treasure, Wu Kun took advantage of the time of the evil Buddha's possession before it was exhausted, and directly used the power of the evil Buddha to suppress and sacrifice the treasure. With the injection of the power of the evil Buddha, the flying shuttle slowly turned blood red .

However, with the effort of half a stick of incense, the power of the evil Buddha has already broken all the restrictions on the shuttle, and this treasure has truly become Wu Kun's possession, and all the restrictions on the twelve floors have been activated.

At this time, the phantom of the evil Buddha finally consumed all its power and disappeared. Wu Kun, the suzerain of the evil Buddha, turned pale, and staggered to fall from the starry sky.

The display of this second type of secret technique consumes too much of his own Buddha power, and he feels that it is too much for him who has cultivated to the level of six seals in the stage of transformation.

The Evil Buddha Sect has another system for the division of strength, from the first seal to the nine seals, corresponding to the various realms of the cultivation world, and the sixth seal is the opening of the Bodhisattva fruit status, which is equivalent to the early stage of transforming gods.

The next step in fruit status training is to open the Luohan fruit status, which corresponds to the cultivation level in the middle stage of Huashen.

The secret inheritance obtained by the evil Buddha Wu Kun comes from outside the territory. It has been practiced for nearly 200 years so far. It is not easy to cultivate to this level. The inheritance of this sect is extremely powerful, and the fighting method is fierce and bloody. It is definitely the evil sect among the evil sects .

Moreover, this sect seems to be even weirder than the inherited skills of some demon sects such as the Heavenly Demon Sect. I don't know what kind of bloody storm will be caused after it has spread its branches and leaves in the East China Sea for a hundred years.

(End of this chapter)

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