Chapter 1874 Star Army
When Qin Lang finished packing everything, the three of them were about to evacuate from the starry sky. Suddenly, a large group of monks surrounded the starry sky in the distance. intelligent life.

Although the shape of this intelligent life is similar to that of a human being, its skin is green all over, and its size is slightly smaller than that of a normal human monk, and its movements and movements are very flexible.

There are tens of thousands of this big wave of name domain beings, and all of them have the strength of Nascent Soul Middle Stage or above, and there are even very few Spirit Transformation Stages among them.

Seeing this densely packed outland monks surrounded this place, Qin Lang and the three were shocked, and then found that these outlander monks were not coming for the three of them, but discovered the Mithril meteorite star belt of this thing, and they were all attracted They came here, they came for the Mithril Mine.

Hula... Hula...

These foreign monks cursed like sparrows when they spoke. This was an alien language that Qin Lang could not understand, but after a sweep of his divine sense, Qin Lang suddenly understood the meaning of these words from their emotional fluctuations. That is: "Hahaha, we found a big mine belt, we made a fortune..."

Like locusts, these foreign cultivators rushed directly into the meteorite star belt, and they all got busy.The cultivation system of these foreign monks is similar to that of human monks. They all use spiritual power to condense the Samadhi real fire. Now that the meteorite starry sky has entered this army of scavengers, there are busy mining sounds everywhere.

And Qin Lang stared at Feng Ge, a middle-aged monk from Hongxiumen, and Xiuxiu, a junior junior sister, for a while. Unexpectedly, the meteorite starry sky belt was quiet and quiet one moment ago, but it became such a hot scene the next moment. Unexpected.

Moreover, Qin Lang has never seen other alien intelligent creatures except for the human monks and sea people in the Qinghe Continent in his life. Now that he sees so many at once, he is really a little surprised.

The teleportation point of the planet where the group of green-skinned outland monks are located must not be far from the meteorite belt, otherwise, so many would not appear all at once.

At this time, the middle-aged sword cultivator Feng Ge reacted and said: "This should be the Mara Star Clan, one of the three major extraterritorial races that once appeared in the extraterritorial battlefield. I heard that members of this race are naturally more suitable for the starry sky than human monks." The environment, the speed of movement in the starry sky far exceeds that of human monks of the same level."

"Mara Star Clan..."

At this time, Qin Lang also remembered the information checked in the Tiandaomen. There is indeed an introduction to the extraterritorial battlefield. In addition to the monks from the Qinghe Continent, other extraterritorial beings may appear in this extraterritorial battlefield, such as the starry sky orcs, Mara Star Clan, etc., and even the mysterious branch of the Dragon God of Outland. It is said that the blood of the Dragon God of Outland has a higher purity of true dragon blood than any direct line of the Dragon Clan in the East Sea of ​​Qinghe Continent.

The scavenger army in front of them was busy ping-pong-pong, completely ignoring the situation of the three foreign races. Qin Lang and the three were speechless for a while. At this moment, these Mara monks may no longer see other than the mithril mine in the meteorite belt. s things.

In fact, this is also related to the environment of the planet where the Mara Star Clan is located. I heard that the planet where the Mara Star Clan is located, including the star field, is a resource-poor area where various minerals and resources are not rich, and the Mara Star Clan’s Fertility is also very strong, just like piglets, there are at least seven or eight in a litter, and there are as many as thirteen or four.

It is said that the population base of the Mara Star Clan is very large, reaching more than [-] billion tens of thousands of years ago, far exceeding the sum of the Qinghe Continent Human Race and Sea Clan.

Therefore, there is a huge gap in minerals and resources. These Mara Star Clan can be said to be all poor ghosts, and they usually pick up junk in their daily cultivation life. I am afraid that any foundation-building stage cultivator in Qinghe Continent is richer than them.

Fortunately, although the star field where the Mara Star Clan is located is poor in minerals and resources, and the spiritual energy for cultivation is not very sufficient, but the population base is large, and there are many geniuses for cultivation. Tens of thousands of years ago, there was a cultivation genius who created a The door is very suitable for the exercises of the Mara star clan. It can be cultivated with the least amount of aura and resources, and make full use of every resource and aura. Public exercises.

And that one cultivation genius also became the hero of the entire Mara Star Clan. The name of this hero is Mara, and it is the name of this hero that the Mara Star Clan became famous.

However, lack of resources is an unavoidable flaw. Most of the monks of the Mara star clan lack cultivation resources, and their cultivation bases are not very high. Those who have come to the battlefield outside the territory are probably the elites of the entire clan.

Judging from the cultivation bases of these Mara Star Clans, generally between the middle Nascent Soul stage and the late Nascent Soul stage, there are not many people who have completed the Dzogchen in the late Nascent Soul stage, and there are very few people who are above the stage of transforming gods. With ten thousand green-skinned Mara elites added together, it is estimated that there are no more than one hundred monks above the transformation stage.

This situation is very pitiful. You must know that this time the Mara star field has a limited number of places leading to the extraterritorial battlefield, so those who can come to the extraterritorial battlefield can be said to be the elites of the entire breeding flag. It can be said that most of the elites in the entire star field Inside, there are only cultivators at the stage of transforming spirits, so I dare not think too much about it.

You know, these 1000 to 1000 elites were selected from the more than [-] billion Mara star clan. Among the more than [-] billion Mara star clan, there are only a few hundred monks who have transformed themselves into gods. In addition, there are not so many people in all the sea tribes.

The scavenger army from outside the area is coming, Qin Lang and the two monks from the Red Sword Gate have withdrawn from the starry sky at this time, and the Mara army like locusts is here, I am afraid that I will not leave unless the meteorite is evacuated, but, If you want to melt the Mithril in the entire meteorite belt, I am afraid it will never be possible.

When Qin Lang summoned the magic treasure house, the fluctuation of aura attracted the attention of some monks in the stage of Mara's transformation. Immediately, this top-quality magic weapon attracted the eyes of these monks in the stage of transformation, and the saliva was almost washed out.

When did they see this top-grade magic weapon, and now it actually appeared in front of them, and these Mara Star Clans in the transformation stage had golden eyes and rushed over directly.

" must grab it..."

These Mara Star Clans in the Transformation Stage are crazy, and even some Mara Star Clans in the Nascent Soul Stage are also moved. One by one, they no longer work as miners, and directly stare at Qin Lang's magic house. After all, this kind of top-grade treasure It is much more valuable than Mithril.

And Qin Lang's face changed, he was indeed shocked by the sudden situation in front of him, if this big nest of Mara star clan came together, even if he had a magic house, he couldn't resist, not to mention, Mara in the transformation stage There are still a few masters in the above-mentioned star clan, and their combat power is definitely at the mid-stage level of transforming gods.

Without thinking too much, Qin Lang took Feng Ge and Xiu Xiu to the Magic Treasure House as quickly as possible, and then fled all the way, preparing to get rid of these poor people as quickly as possible.

And the speed of the Magic Treasure House was indeed good, and soon a large wave of Mara Star Clan was thrown away, but there were still some monks in the transformation stage who were reluctant to give up, and each used their own methods to chase after them.

After catching up to the present, the strength of the remaining Mara Star Clan can be seen. Those with higher cultivation bases, or those with some good flying treasures, should chase closer, and those with weaker cultivation bases at the transformation stage, or Those with no good flying treasures were pulled farther and farther away.

Qin Lang escaped for about half an hour. At this time, there were less than five Mara Star Clan monks who could catch up. These five Mara Star Clan flying treasures were all good, and even two of them were using Magic Treasure Houses. But the grade seems to be worse than Qin Lang's.

Being chased by such five powerful Mara Star Clans, Qin Lang had no idea of ​​fighting hard at all. At this time, he obviously felt that it would be too exhausting to destroy the magic house with all his strength, so he directly took a forget Worry Pill, although Wangyou Pill is not very helpful to the growth of my current cultivation base, I used to take it when I was in the late stage of Nascent Soul Dzogchen, and the effect was good. One can make me upgrade to the stage of transformation, but now I am close to the early stage of transformation At the peak, taking the pill can only barely bring him close to the middle stage of transformation.

However, it's not bad if this goes on. Wangyou Dan can make himself not think about the consumption of true energy for more than ten minutes. Qin Lang is supplemented by the pill at this time, and then continues to destroy the magic house with all his strength. Gradually, the three Mara Star Clan were left behind, and now there are only two Mara Star Clan chasing him.

However, only one of the two Mara Star Clan had a magic house, and the other had a magic house that was left behind.

One of the two Mara star tribes is chasing Qin Lang in the Magic Treasure House, and the other is manipulating the ultimate flying treasure, and this manipulating the ultimate flying treasure is a Mara star tribe in the middle stage of transformation.

Next, Qin Lang swallowed the Wangyou Pill several times in a row, but he couldn't get rid of the two pieces of cowhide food, and he couldn't help but secretly distressed. He knew that he might not be able to avoid a battle with the two Mara Star Clan.

The two Mara Star Clan behind him might all be monks in the middle stage of transformation, and it is really difficult for Qin Lang to deal with two monks in the middle stage of transformation at the same time.

However, the current situation is much better than before. After all, the large forces of the Mara Star Clan have been far away. After the rest of the Mara Star Clan monks lost their targets, they may have returned by this time. up.

In this case, let's fight!
Qin Lang, who owns the best magic weapon house, is not afraid to contend with the mid-stage cultivator of the god transformation. Even if there are two opponents, but when he can't beat him, he can continue to escape. Anyway, in the magic weapon house, all the opponent's attacks are blocked. Even if the shield of the magic treasure house blocks it, it won't be able to hurt itself.

At this time, Xuanhuangyan had risen outside the magic house, and quickly entered the fighting state. Qin Lang turned around and prepared to face the two alien star races.

"Hmph... why don't you run away, you can't escape..." The two divine senses came over at the same time, and Qin Lang immediately sensed the provocative aura. Although the language was not clear, the message of the divine sense could be directly understood.

(End of this chapter)

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